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A complex of the polyomavirus internal protein VP2/VP3 with the pentameric major capsid protein VP1 has been prepared by co-expression in Escherichia coli. A C-terminal segment of VP2/VP3 is required for tight association, and a crystal structure of this segment, complexed with a VP1 pentamer, has been determined at 2.2 A resolution. The structure shows specific contacts between a single copy of the internal protein and a pentamer of VP1. These interactions were not detected in the previously described structure of the virion, but the location of VP2 in the recombinant complex is consistent with features in the virion electron-density map. The C-terminus of VP2/VP3 inserts in an unusual, hairpin-like manner into the axial cavity of the VP1 pentamer, where it is anchored strongly by hydrophobic interactions. The remainder of the internal protein appears to have significant flexibility. This structure restricts possible models for exposure of the internal proteins during viral entry.  相似文献   

The gene encoding the B type variable surface protein from Paramecium tetraurelia stock 51 has been cloned and sequenced. The 7,182 nucleotide open reading frame contains no introns and encodes a cysteine-rich protein that has a periodic structure including three nearly perfect tandem repeats in the central region. Interestingly, the B gene is located near a macronuclear telomere as was shown previously for two other paramecium surface protein genes. In this paper, we characterize four independent mutants with complete macronuclear deletions of the B gene. Previous analysis of different macronuclear deletion mutants of the A surface protein gene demonstrated two types of inheritance: typical Mendelian segregation (as illustrated by d12) and cytoplasmic inheritance (shown by d48). F1 analysis of four B- mutants crossed with wild-type cells reveals heterozygous F1 cell lines derived from both parental cytoplasms contain approximately the same copy number of the B gene, as expected for a recessive Mendelian mutation. Analysis of F2 progeny from three of these four B- mutant crosses indicates that one of the three exhibits a Mendelian 1:1 segregation ratio of B+ and B- cell lines. The other two show a preponderance of B+ cells, but this is not correlated with the parental cytoplasmic type. In addition to having a large number of B+ individuals, the d12.144, A-, B- mutant produced some F2 progeny that stably maintain less than normal macronuclear amounts of the A gene and/or the B gene.  相似文献   

The role of the herpes simplex virus type 1 tegument protein VP22 during infection is as yet undefined. We have previously shown that VP22 has the unusual property of efficient intercellular transport, such that the protein spreads from single expressing cells into large numbers of surrounding cells. We also noted that in cells expressing VP22 by transient transfection, the protein localizes in a distinctive cytoplasmic filamentous pattern. Here we show that this pattern represents a colocalization between VP22 and cellular microtubules. Moreover, we show that VP22 reorganizes microtubules into thick bundles which are easily distinguishable from nonbundled microtubules. These bundles are highly resistant to microtubule-depolymerizing agents such as nocodazole and incubation at 4 degreesC, suggesting that VP22 has the capacity to stabilize the microtubule network. In addition, we show that the microtubules contained in these bundles are modified by acetylation, a marker for microtubule stability. Analysis of infected cells by both immunofluorescence and measurement of microtubule acetylation further showed that colocalization between VP22 and microtubules, and induction of microtubule acetylation, also occurs during infection. Taken together, these results suggest that VP22 exhibits the properties of a classical microtubule-associated protein (MAP) during both transfection and infection. This is the first demonstration of a MAP encoded by an animal virus.  相似文献   

Vaccinia virus vectors were used to express the major (L1) and minor (L2) capsid proteins of human papillomavirus type 1 (HPV-1) with the vaccinia virus early (p7.5K) or late (pSynth, p11K) promoters. All constructs expressed the appropriate-sized HPV proteins, and both L1 and L2, singly or in combination, localized to the nucleus. Capsids were purified by cesium chloride density gradient centrifugation from nuclei of cells infected with a vaccinia virus-L1 (vac-L1) recombinant or a vac-L1-L2 recombinant but not from vac-L2-infected cells. Electron microscopy showed that the particles were 55 nm in diameter and had icosahedral symmetry. Immunogold-labeled antibodies confirmed the presence of the L1 and L2 proteins in the HPV-1 capsids. Capsids containing L1 alone were fewer and more variable in size and shape than capsids containing the L1 and L2 proteins. The L1-plus-L2 capsids were indistinguishable in appearance from HPV-1 virions obtained from plantar warts. The ability to produce HPV capsids in vitro will be useful in many studies of HPV pathogenicity.  相似文献   

Hepatitis B virus capsid protein comprises a 149 residue "assembly" domain that polymerizes into icosahedral particles, and a 34 residue RNA-binding "protamine" domain. Recently, the capsid structure has been studied to resolutions below 10 A by cryo-electron microscopy, revealing much of its alpha-helical substructure and that it appears to have a novel fold for a capsid protein; however, the resolution is still too low for chain-tracing by conventional criteria. Aiming to establish a fiducial marker to aid in the process of chain-tracing, we have used cryo-microscopy to pinpoint the binding site of a monoclonal antibody that recognizes the peptide from residues 78 to 83. This epitope resides on the outer rim of the 30 A long spikes that protrude from the capsid shell. These spikes are four-helix bundles formed by the pairing of helix-turn-helix motifs from two subunits; by means of a tilting experiment, we have determined that this bundle is right-handed. Variants of the same protein present two clinically important and non-crossreactive antigens: core antigen (HBcAg), which appears early in infection as assembled capsids; and the sentinel e-antigen (HBeAg), a non-particulate form. Knowledge of the binding site of our anti-HBcAg antibody bears on the molecular basis of the distinction between the two antigens, which appears to reflect conformational differences between the assembled and unassembled states of the capsid protein dimer, in addition to epitope masking in capsids.  相似文献   

Periodontitis and atherosclerosis have complex etiologies, genetic and gender predispositions, and potentially share many risk factors-the most significant of which may be smoking status. These diseases also have many pathogenic mechanisms in common. It is becoming increasingly clear that infections and chronic inflammatory conditions such as periodontitis may influence the atherosclerotic process. The severity and chronicity of periodontal disease provides a rich source of subgingival microbial and host response products and effects over a long time period. The objective of this review is to consider the mechanisms whereby diseases such as periodontitis, which is chronic and Inflammatory In nature and initiated by microbial plaque, can predispose to atherosclerosis. In common with periodontal disease. the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis is not completely understood and both diseases are currently under Intensive investigation. Two main processes in particular are worthy of consideration and may provide the link between these 2 diseases, namely the lipopolysaccharide-related responses and the hyperresponsive monocyte phenomenon. Insufficient experimental evidence exists, however, to further support these hypotheses at present and clearly more research is needed on both of these processes and the interrelationships between both diseases.  相似文献   

A novel serine/threonine specific protein kinase was found to be associated with the type I IL-1 receptor in the murine T cell lines D10N and EL-4. This kinase was identified in immunoprecipitates from IL-1 stimulated T-cells by its ability to phosphorylate exogenous substrates in the presence of radiolabeled ATP. An endogenous protein, most likely a member of the IL-1 R1 complex, was also phosphorylated. The activation of the kinase is specific for IL-1, neither TNF nor phorbol esters were able to activate the IL-1 RI associated kinase activity. The IL-1 receptor antagonist had no intrinsic activity and inhibited the activation of the kinase. The activation of the kinase was rapid and detectable after 30 seconds of IL-1 stimulation. A minimal model of the IL-RI signal transduction complex is discussed, presenting this novel serine/threonine kinase as a constituent of the complex.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Polioviruses are human pathogens and the causative agents of poliomyelitis. Polioviruses are icosahedral single-stranded RNA viruses, which belong to the picornavirus family, and occur as three distinct serotypes. All three serotypes of poliovirus can infect primates, but only type 2 can infect mice. The crystal structures of a type 1 and a type 3 poliovirus are already known. Structural studies of poliovirus type 2 Lansing (PV2L) were initiated to try to enhance our understanding of the differences in host range specificity, antigenicity and receptor binding among the three serotypes of poliovirus. RESULTS: The crystal structure of the mouse neurovirulent PV2L complexed with a potent antiviral agent, SCH48973, was determined at 2.9 A resolution. Structural differences among the three poliovirus serotypes occur primarily in the loop regions of the viral coat proteins (VPs), most notably in the loops of VP1 that cluster near the fivefold axes of the capsid, where the BC loop of PV2L is disordered. Unlike other known structures of enteroviruses, the entire polypeptide chain of PV2L VP4 is visible in the electron density and RNA bases are observed stacking with conserved aromatic residues (Tyr4020 and Phe4046) of VP4. The broad-spectrum antiviral agent SCH48973 is observed binding in a pocket within the beta-barrel of VP1, in approximately the same location that natural 'pocket factors' bind to polioviruses. SCH48973 forms predominantly hydrophobic interactions with the pocket residues. CONCLUSIONS: Some of the conformational changes required for infectivity and involved in the control of capsid stability and neurovirulence in mice may occur in the vicinity of the fivefold axis of the poliovirus, where there are significant structural differences among the three poliovirus serotypes in the surface exposed loops of VP1 (BC, DE, and HI). A surface depression is located at the fivefold axis of PV2L that is not present in the other two poliovirus serotypes. The observed interaction of RNA with VP4 supports the observation that loss of VP4 ultimately leads to the loss of viral RNA. A model is proposed that suggests dual involvement of the virion fivefold and pseudo-threefold axes in receptor-mediated initiation of infection by picornaviruses.  相似文献   

We have stabilized a panel of 33 hybridomas producing human monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against HIV-1 gp160 and p24. Five of these antibodies were able to neutralize different HIV-1 isolates, and two of them (2F5 and 2G12) revealed remarkable potential to neutralize primary virus isolates of different clades in several in vitro tests. To determine whether a structural basis for neutralization could be identified, we analyzed the antibodies at the molecular level. This study reports the primary nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of the rearranged heavy and light chain V segments (VH, Vkappa) of the neutralizing MAbs (1B1, 1F7, 2F5, 2G12, and 3D5) and the nonneutralizing anti-gp41 MAb 3D6. Aligning the V segments with the nearest related germline genes illustrated the occurrence of somatic mutations. The neutralizing MAbs show mutational rates comparable to those of antibodies that appear in patients in whom the immune system is under constant antigenic pressure over a long period of time. In contrast, 3D6, which recognizes the immunodominant region on gp41, displays homologies as high as 97 and 98% compared with its VH and Vkappa germline genes. The diversity segments [D(H)] of 1B1, 1F7, 3D5, and 3D6 were assigned to single D(H) segments on the chromosomal D(H) locus. 2F5 presents a D(H) segment 52 nucleotides in length, which could be explained by fusion of two segments on the immunoglobulin heavy chain locus that have not yet been described as rearranged regions. 2G12 D(H) shows best homologies to a D(H) segment between D3-22 and D4-23. This D(H) segment could be the reason for the rare occurrence of antibodies competing with 2G12. Since this nearest related chromosomal region on the D(H) locus does not display recombination signals at the flanking regions, this segment is normally not taken into consideration as a site for immunoglobulin heavy chain rearrangement.  相似文献   

We studied human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Nef protein biochemically and histologically. HIV-1 Nef, derived from baculosystem and from cells infected with HIV-1, formed homomeric monomers, dimers, trimers, and further polymers. These oligomers were non-covalently associated. In cells infected with HIV-1, Nef molecules were clustered at the cell surface as well as cytoplasm. Our previous results have indicated that the Nef on the surface of cells infected with HIV-1 is cytotoxic against uninfected CD4+ T cells. Thus, it is very likely that the HIV-1-mediated cytotoxic reaction is due, at least in part, to the clustered localization of oligomeric Nef on the cell surface.  相似文献   

The molecular background of 5 alpha-reductase type 2 deficiency was investigated in a Swedish family with no known consanguinity and in which the affected males were fertile. The three male siblings were born with ambiguous external genitalia, and the diagnosis of 5 alpha-reductase deficiency was established at the ages of 16, 14, and 10 yr, respectively. All three siblings underwent surgery for hypospadias repair. At least two of the brothers are demonstrably fertile. Molecular analysis showed the three brothers to be compound heterozygotes, carrying two different mutations in exon 4 of the 5 alpha-reductase type 2 gene. The two mutations (G196S and H231R) have been described previously and reported to give rise to partially functioning enzymes, which may explain the milder phenotype and perhaps the fertility in the preset three patients.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae genes ELM1, ELM2, and ELM3 were identified on the basis of the phenotype of constitutive cell elongation. Mutations in any of these genes cause a dimorphic transition to a pseudohyphal growth state characterized by formation of expanded, branched chains of elongated cells. Furthermore, elm1, elm2, and elm3 mutations cause cells to grow invasively under the surface of agar medium. S. cerevisiae is known to be a dimorphic organism that grows either as a unicellular yeast or as filamentous cells termed pseudohyphae; although the yeast-like form usually prevails, pseudohyphal growth may occur during conditions of nitrogen starvation. The morphologic and physiological properties caused by elm1, elm2, and elm3 mutations closely mimic pseudohyphal growth occurring in conditions of nitrogen starvation. Therefore, we propose that absence of ELM1, ELM2, or ELM3 function causes constitutive execution of the pseudohyphal differentiation pathway that occurs normally in conditions of nitrogen starvation. Supporting this hypothesis, heterozygosity at the ELM2 or ELM3 locus significantly stimulated the ability to form pseudohyphae in response to nitrogen starvation. ELM1 was isolated and shown to code for a novel protein kinase homolog. Gene dosage experiments also showed that pseudohyphal differentiation in response to nitrogen starvation is dependent on the product of CDC55, a putative B regulatory subunit of protein phosphatase 2A, and a synthetic phenotype was observed in elm1 cdc55 double mutants. Thus, protein phosphorylation is likely to regulate differentiation into the pseudohyphal state.  相似文献   

Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is an uncommon cause of anesthetic-induced death; it is an inherited disorder that is triggered by the administration of anesthetic drugs. MH is triggered by the administration of volatile anesthetic agents and succinylcholine, a depolarizing muscle relaxant. It is imperative that the perianesthesia staff be familiar with the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic properties of dantrolene, which is the only known agent effective in the treatment and prophylaxis of MH.  相似文献   

The ordered copolymerization of viral proteins to form the herpes simplex virus (HSV) capsid occurs within the nucleus of the infected cell and is a complex process involving the products of at least six viral genes. In common with capsid assembly in double-stranded DNA bacteriophages, HSV capsid assembly proceeds via the assembly of an outer capsid shell around an interior scaffold. This capsid intermediate matures through loss of the scaffold and packaging of the viral genomic DNA. The interior of the HSV capsid intermediate contains the viral protease and assembly protein which compose the scaffold. Proteolytic processing of these proteins is essential for and accompanies capsid maturation. The assembly protein (ICP35) is the primary component of the scaffold, and previous studies have demonstrated it to be capable of intermolecular association with itself and with the major capsid protein, VP5. We have defined structural elements within ICP35 which are responsible for intermolecular self-association and for interaction with VP5. Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) two-hybrid assays and far-Western studies with purified recombinant ICP35 mapped a core self-association domain between Ser165 and His219. Site-directed mutations in this domain implicate a putative coiled coil in ICP35 self-association. This coiled-coil motif is highly conserved within the assembly proteins of other alpha herpesviruses. In the two-hybrid assay the core self-association domain was sufficient to mediate stable self-association only in the presence of additional structural elements in either N- or C-terminal flanking regions. These regions also contain conserved sequences which exhibit a high propensity for alpha helicity and may contribute to self-association by forming additional short coiled coils. Our data supports a model in which ICP35 molecules have an extended conformation and associate in parallel orientation through homomeric coiled-coil interactions. In additional two-hybrid experiments we evaluated ICP35 mutants for association with VP5. We discovered that in addition to the C-terminal 25 amino acids of ICP35, previously shown to be required for VP5 binding, an additional upstream region was required. This region is between Ser165 and His234 and contains the core self-association domain. Site-directed mutations and construction of chimeric molecules in which the self-association domain of ICP35 was replaced by the GCN4 leucine zipper indicated that this region contributes to VP5 binding through mediating self-association of ICP35 and not through direct binding interactions. Our results suggest that self-association of ICP35 strongly promotes stable association with VP5 in vivo and are consistent with capsid formation proceeding via formation of stable subassemblies of ICP35 and VP5 which subsequently assemble into capsid intermediates in the nucleus.  相似文献   

Replication of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is inhibited by interferons (IFNs), and the IFN-inducible protein kinase PKR is thought to mediate this effect by regulating protein synthesis. Here we report that ectopic expression of dominant negative PKR mutants in Jurkat cells induces HIV-1 replication. Specifically, expression of CD4 is upregulated by the PKR mutants, and this correlates with an induction of HIV-1 binding and proviral DNA synthesis upon HIV-1 infection. Moreover, activation of NF-kappaB was induced by an RNA binding-defective mutant of PKR. Thus, it appears that PKR, in addition to translational control, is involved in HIV-1 replication by modulating virus binding through the regulation of CD4 expression and virus gene expression through the activation of NF-kappaB.  相似文献   

The interaction site(s) of dihydropyridine (DHP) antagonists and agonists have been identified by site-directed mutagenesis and localized on motifs IIIS5, IIIS6, and IVS6 of L-type voltage-gated calcium channels. In this study, we investigated the voltage-dependent action of DHPs with mutants of the IIIS6 and IVS6 segments of a cardiac calcium channel. Tyrosine residues in both motifs (Tyr1178 and Tyr1489) strongly contributed to the action of DHP agonists and antagonists. When these two sites were mutated, the communication between the voltage sensor and the DHP interaction site(s) was substantially impaired. In contrast, mutants of a nearby Ile (Ile1182) had much less influence on DHP agonist and antagonist interaction, and the voltage dependence of DHP antagonists was very similar to that of the wild type. The effect of a mutating of Ile1182, on agonist or antagonist action, however, depended strongly on the type of amino acid change. When Ile1182 was substituted with alanine, small changes were noted for DHP agonist and antagonist action. Changing this site into phenylalanine, however, significantly decreased the action of the DHP antagonist. These data show that Ile1182 can preferentially interact with DHP antagonists, but has a lesser contribution in agonist interaction. Thus, even though the agonist and antagonist interaction sites for DHPs with L-type calcium channels may overlap, some amino acids in this site may exhibit a preference for either DHP enantiomers.  相似文献   

We analyzed the variability and established the phylogeny of the L1 capsid protein gene of 33 isolates of human papillomavirus type 5 (HPV5) obtained from epidermodysplasia verruciformis patients from different continents. By comparing the sequences of a 419-bp fragment with those published for two Japanese isolates, we found 12.9% variable nucleotide positions, defining 25 variants with mutation rates ranging from 0.2 to 8.8%. Such a high intratypic diversity is unusual among HPVs. Nine of the 139 encoded amino acids were variable and 12 protein variants were identified. Fifteen of the 16 substitutions observed were clustered in two short regions. A 9-amino-acid insert, already reported for the Japanese HPV5b isolate, was found within one of the regions in five isolates. Our data support that the insert arose from the duplication of a 30-nucleotide sequence. Phylogenetic trees distributed the DNA variants into three subtypes (a to c) with a divergence higher than 4.5% and allowed the recognition of European and African lineages. By contrast with the trees based on the HPV5 E6 gene, HPV5a DNA variants and the HPV5b variants lacking the insert constituted a single group in the L1 amino acid tree, probably reflecting different levels of structural constraints for the HPV5 L1 and E6 proteins. In that respect, the short variable L1 sequences should represent less constrained regions.  相似文献   

The animal pathogen Brucella abortus contains a gene, cgs, that complemented a Rhizobium meliloti nodule development (ndvB) mutant and an Agrobacterium tumefaciens chromosomal virulence (chvB) mutant. The complemented strains recovered the synthesis of cyclic beta(1-2) glucan, motility, virulence in A. tumefaciens, and nitrogen fixation in R. meliloti; all traits were strictly associated with the presence of an active cyclic beta(1-2) glucan synthetase protein in the membranes. Nucleotide sequencing revealed the presence in B. abortus of an 8.49-kb open reading frame coding for a predicted membrane protein of 2,831 amino acids (316.2 kDa) and with 51% identity to R. meliloti NdvB. Four regions of the B. abortus protein spanning amino acids 520 to 800, 1025 to 1124, 1284 to 1526, and 2400 to 2660 displayed similarities of higher than 80% with R. meliloti NdvB. Tn3-HoHo1 mutagenesis showed that the C-terminal 825 amino acids of the Brucella protein, although highly conserved in Rhizobium, are not necessary for cyclic beta(1-2) glucan synthesis. Confirmation of the identity of this protein as B. abortus cyclic beta(1-2) glucan synthetase was done by the construction of a B. abortus Tn3-HoHo1 insertion mutant that does not form cyclic beta(1-2) glucan and lacks the 316.2-kDa membrane protein. The recovery of this mutant from the spleens of inoculated mice was decreased by 3 orders of magnitude compared with that of the parental strain; this result suggests that cyclic beta(1-2) glucan may be a virulence factor in Brucella infection.  相似文献   

Myristoyl-CoA:protein N-myristoyltransferase (NMT) is an essential eukaryotic enzyme that catalyzes the cotranslational transfer of myristate to the NH2-terminal glycine residue of a number of important proteins of diverse function. We have isolated full-length cDNA encoding bovine spleen NMT (sNMT). The single long open reading frame of 1248 bp of sNMT specifies a protein of 416 amino acids with a predicted mass of 46,686 Da. The protein coding sequence was expressed in Escherichia coli resulting in the production of functionally active 50-kDa NMT. Deletion mutagenesis showed that the C-terminus is essential for activity whereas up to 52 amino acids can be deleted from the N-terminus without affecting the function. One of the N-terminal deletions resulted in threefold higher NMT activity. Genomic Southern analysis indicated the presence of two strong hybridizing bands with three different restriction enzyme digests suggesting the possibility of two copies of the NMT gene in the bovine genome. RNA blot hybridization analysis of total cellular RNA prepared from bovine brain, heart, spleen, lung, liver, kidney, and skeletal muscle probed with bovine sNMT cDNA revealed a single 1.7-kb mRNA. Western blot analysis of various bovine tissues with human NMT peptide antibody indicated a common prominent immunoreactive band with an apparent molecular mass of 48.5-50 kDa in all tissues. Additional immunoreactive bands were observed in brain (84 and 50 kDa), lung (58 kDa), and skeletal muscle (58 kDa). Activity measurements demonstrated that brain contained the highest NMT activity followed by spleen, lung, kidney, heart, skeletal muscle, pancreas, and liver. It appears therefore that mRNA and protein expression do not correlate with NMT activity, suggesting the presence of regulators of the enzyme activity.  相似文献   

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