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Calcium sensor proteins translate transient increases in intracellular calcium levels into metabolic or mechanical responses, by undergoing dramatic conformational changes upon Ca2+ binding. A detailed analysis of the calcium binding-induced conformational changes in the representative calcium sensors calmodulin (CaM) and troponin C was performed to obtain insights into the underlying molecular basis for their response to the binding of calcium. Distance difference matrices, analysis of interresidue contacts, comparisons of interhelical angles, and inspection of structures using molecular graphics were used to make unbiased comparisons of the various structures. The calcium-induced conformational changes in these proteins are dominated by reorganization of the packing of the four helices within each domain. Comparison of the closed and open conformations confirms that calcium binding causes opening within each of the EF-hands. A secondary analysis of the conformation of the C-terminal domain of CaM (CaM-C) clearly shows that CaM-C occupies a closed conformation in the absence of calcium that is distinct from the semi-open conformation observed in the C-terminal EF-hand domains of myosin light chains. These studies provide insight into the structural basis for these changes and into the differential response to calcium binding of various members of the EF-hand calcium-binding protein family. Factors contributing to the stability of the Ca2+-loaded open conformation are discussed, including a new hypothesis that critical hydrophobic interactions stabilize the open conformation in Ca2+ sensors, but are absent in "non-sensor" proteins that remain closed upon Ca2+ binding. A role for methionine residues in stabilizing the open conformation is also proposed.  相似文献   

The functional groups responsible for branch site identity in the two steps of pre-mRNA splicing as well as for spliceosome assembly were tested by incorporation of site-specific modifications at the branch site of a pre-mRNA. These results show that recognition of the adenosine occurs early in complex formation and that the branch site adenosine is recognized differently before the first step and for the second step. Further, direct UV cross-linking with these modified RNAs was used to identify a factor whose interaction was dependent upon the identity of the branch site nucleotide.  相似文献   

In Drosophila, Sxl functions as a binary switch in sex determination. Under the control of the primary sex-determining signal, it produces functional protein only in XX animals to implement female development. Here we report that, in contrast to Drosophila, the Sxl homologue in the Medfly, Ceratitis capitata, expresses the same mRNAs and protein isoforms in both XX and XY animals irrespective of the primary sex-determining signal. Also, experiments with two inducible transgenes demonstrate that the corresponding Ceratitis SXL product has no significant sex-transforming effects when expressed in Drosophila. Similar results have been obtained for the Sxl homologue of Musca domestica (Meise, M., Hilfiker-Kleiner, D., Brunner, C., D?bendorfer, A., N?thiger, R. and Bopp, D. (1998) Development 125, 1487-1494). Our findings suggest that Sxl acquired its master regulatory role in sex determination during evolution of the Acalyptratae group, most probably after phylogenetic divergence of the genus Drosophila from other genera of this group.  相似文献   

The pre-mRNA splicing factor Prp31p was identified in a screen of temperature-sensitive yeast strains for those exhibiting a splicing defect upon shift to the non- permissive temperature. The wild-type PRP31 gene was cloned and shown to be essential for cell viability. The PRP31 gene is predicted to encode a 60 kDa polypeptide. No similarities with other known splicing factors or motifs indicative of protein-protein or RNA-protein interaction domains are discernible in the predicted amino acid sequence. A PRP31 allele bearing a triple repeat of the hemagglutinin epitope has been generated. The tagged protein is functional in vivo and a single polypeptide species of the predicted size was detected by Western analysis with proteins from yeast cell extracts. Functional Prp31p is required for the processing of pre-mRNA species both in vivo and in vitro, indicating that the protein is directly involved in the splicing pathway.  相似文献   

A phosphorothioate oligonucleotide (PS-ODN) with sequence identical to the repeat sequence of the mammalian telomere, 5'-d(TTAGGG)-3', was incubated with a Burkitt's lymphoma-derived (OMA-BL1) cell line. This hexanucleotide inhibits telomerase activity in cell lysates, lengthens cell doubling time, and induces apoptosis. Concatenated repeats (12-, 18-, and 24-mers) of the 5'-d(TTAGGG)-3' motif induce similar cellular responses. Scrambled sequences do not efficiently inhibit telomerase activity or significantly alter cell growth and viability. The in vivo efficacy of this PS-ODN was evaluated in a xenograft human-nude mouse model. Once tumors were established these animals were administered the telomere mimic, 5'-d(TTAGGG)-3', a control scrambled sequence 5'-d(TGTGAG)-3', or saline for 14 days via a subcutaneous osmotic pumps in a blinded study monitoring tumor size with dose and time. A significant decrease in tumor size was observed in animals given 50 micrograms/mouse/day 5'-d(TTAGGG)-3', but not following 5'-d(TGTGAG)-3', relative to the saline-treated animals. The antitumor activity of the 6-mer telomere mimic demonstrated a dose dependency including a reduction in metastatic nodules in the spleen. No activity was observed with the scrambled controls. In addition to antitumor activity we observed an increase in the mouse hematopoietic progenitor cell populations, BFU-e and CFU-GM. These results demonstrated the effects of a short hexameric oligonucleotide telomere mimic in vitro and in vivo and the potential utility of short oligonucleotides as telomerase inhibitors.  相似文献   

Mutations in the suppressor of Hairy-wing [su(Hw)] locus reverse the phenotype of a number of tissue-specific mutations caused by insertion of a gypsy retrotransposon. The su(Hw) gene encodes a zinc finger protein which binds to a 430 bp region of gypsy shown to be both necessary and sufficient for its mutagenic effects. su(Hw) protein causes mutations by inactivation of enhancer elements only when a su(Hw) binding region is located between these regulatory sequences and a promoter. To understand the molecular basis of enhancer inactivation, we tested the effects of su(Hw) protein on expression of the mini-white gene. We find that su(Hw) protein stabilizes mini-white gene expression from chromosomal position-effects in euchromatic locations by inactivating negative and positive regulatory elements present in flanking DNA. Furthermore, the su(Hw) protein partially protects transposon insertions from the negative effects of heterochromatin. To explain our current results, we propose that su(Hw) protein alters the organization of chromatin by creating a new boundary in a pre-existing domain of higher order chromatin structure. This separates enhancers and silencers distal to the su(Hw) binding region into an independent unit of gene activity, thereby causing their inactivation.  相似文献   

We show that the cell division gene ftsQ of Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) is dispensable for growth and viability but is needed during development for the efficient conversion of aerial filaments into spores. Combined with our previous demonstration that ftsZ of S. coelicolor is not needed for viability, these findings suggest that cell division has been largely co-opted for development in this filamentous bacterium. This makes S. coelicolor an advantageous system for the study of cell division genes.  相似文献   

In the male germline of Drosophila the transformer-2 protein is required for differential splicing of pre-mRNAs from the exuperantia and att genes and autoregulates alternative splicing of its own pre-mRNA. Autoregulation of TRA-2 splicing results in production of two mRNAs that differ by the splicing/retention of the M1 intron and encode functionally distinct protein isoforms. Splicing of the intron produces an mRNA encoding TRA-2(226), which is necessary and sufficient for both male fertility and regulation of downstream target RNAs. When the intron is retained, an mRNA is produced encoding TRA-2(179), a protein with no known function. We have previously shown that repression of M1 splicing is dependent on TRA-2(226), suggesting that this protein quantitatively limits its own expression through a negative feedback mechanism at the level of splicing. Here we examine this idea, by testing the effect that variations in the level of tra-2 expression have on the splicing of M1 and on male fertility. Consistent with our hypothesis, we observe that as tra-2 gene dosage is increased, smaller proportions of TRA-2(226) mRNA are produced, limiting expression of this isoform. Feedback regulation is critical for male fertility, since it is significantly decreased by a transgene in which repression of M1 splicing cannot occur and TRA-2(226) mRNA is constitutively produced. The effect of this transgene becomes more severe as its dosage is increased, indicating that fertility is sensitive to an excess of TRA-2(226). Our results suggest that autoregulation of TRA-2(226) expression in male germ cells is necessary for normal spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We quantified the presence of diurnal rhythms in various computerized fetal heart rate parameters in normal pregnancies to assess their clinical relevance. STUDY DESIGN: Modified cosine analysis was applied to the outcomes of computerized analysis of continuous 24-hour fetal heart rate recordings in 26 normal pregnancies. Diurnal rhythms in maternal heart rate and plasma hormones were assessed in 15 and 17 pregnancies, respectively. Correlations between maternal and fetal rhythms were calculated. RESULTS: A significant diurnal rhythm in basal heart rate was present in 73% of the fetuses and was closely related to the maternal heart rate rhythm. Diurnal rhythms in heart rate variability, accelerations, and activity were present in only 30% to 50% of the fetuses. CONCLUSIONS: The mother entrains fetal diurnal rhythms. The normal variability in neural development may account for the absence of diurnal rhythms in some fetuses.  相似文献   

The functional identity of an olfactory receptor neuron is determined in part by its repertoire of responses to odorants. As an approach toward understanding the contributions of particular conductances to olfactory neuron excitability and odor discrimination, we have investigated the role of the putative cyclic nucleotide-modulated K+ channel subunit encoded by the ether a go-go (eag) gene in odorant responsiveness in Drosophila melanogaster. Four independent mutant eag alleles exhibited reduced antennal sensitivity to a subset of nine odorants, all having short aliphatic side chains: ethyl butyrate (EB), propionic acid, 2-butanone, and ethyl acetate. Significantly fewer eag antennal neurons responded to EB compared with control neurons; the proportion sensitive to 2-heptanone was similar to controls. Two aspects of the character of EB-induced excitability were affected by mutations in eag. First, fewer EB-induced inhibitory responses were observed in eag mutants, and second, fewer excitatory odorant responses dependent on extracellular Ca2+ were observed. Furthermore, modulation of neuronal excitability by membrane-permeant cyclic nucleotide analogs was largely eag dependent. Focal application of high K+ saline to sensillae altered the excitability of the majority of neurons from wild-type but not eag antennae, suggesting that Eag may have a dendritic localization.  相似文献   

The Drosophila GAGA factor binds specifically to the sequence GAGAG, and synergises with nucleosome remodelling factor to remodel chromatin in vitro. It consists of an N-terminal domain (POZ/BTB) which mediates protein-protein interactions, a central region which contains the DNA-binding domain, and a C-terminal glutamine-rich region. It is shown that the glutamine-rich region is responsible for the formation of fibres in vitro which, on the basis of their tinctorial properties and CD spectra, may be classified as amyloid fibres. A large structural change, probably resulting in beta-sheet structure, is observed upon fibre formation. Mutants containing the central region, either alone or together with the glutamine-rich region, are largely lacking in secondary structure but they bind specifically to the cognate DNA and are able to remodel chromatin in vitro. Consequently, neither the N-terminal domain nor the C-terminal glutamine-rich regions of the GAGA factor are necessary for chromatin remodelling in vitro.  相似文献   

DNA sequence variation in a 1.1-kb region including the coding portion of the Tpi locus was examined in 25 homozygous third-chromosome lines of Drosophila melanogaster, nine lines of Drosophila simulans, and one line of Drosophila yakuba. Our data show that the widespread allozyme polymorphism observed in cosmopolitan D. melanogaster is due to a glutamic acid substitution occurring in a phylogenetically conserved lysine that has been identified as part of the "hinged-lid" active site of the enzyme. This observation suggests that the replacement polymorphism may have important functional consequences. One replacement polymorphism was also observed in D. simulans, although its functional relevance is more difficult to assess, since it affects a site that is not strongly conserved. This amino acid change in D. simulans is associated with a single lineage possessing seven unique silent substitutions, which may be indicative of balancing selection or population subdivision. The absence of fixed amino acid differences between D. melanogaster and D. simulans and only a single difference with D. yakuba suggests that triose phosphate isomerase is under strong functional constraint. Silent variation is slightly higher for D. melanogaster than for D. simulans. Finally, we outline the general lack of evidence for old balanced polymorphisms at allozyme loci in D. melanogaster.  相似文献   

Using heterozygosity for bw mutations, the frequency of somatic mosaicism has been studied in Drosophila melanogaster flies, homozygous for radiosensitive mutation, rad(2)201G1, and in those not carrying the mutation. Data obtained for control and after irradiation of larvae with 150, 450 and 750 R showed that homozygotes for the rad(2)201G1 were characterized by elevated levels of both spontaneous and induced mosaicism.  相似文献   

In this study we assessed the regulation of cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 in models of apoptotic cell death in vivo and in vitro. By 6 h after hippocampal colchicine injection in rat, COX-2 (but not COX-1) mRNA expression was elevated. The induction of COX-2 mRNA expression preceded temporally and overlapped anatomically the cellular morphological features of apoptosis in the granule cell layer of the dentate gyrus. Similarly, in an established in vitro model of apoptosis in P19 cells, COX-2 induction preceded apoptosis in response to serum deprivation by 12 h. These studies suggest that COX-2 may be involved in the early mechanisms leading to apoptosis.  相似文献   

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