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断陷—拗陷型盆地中油气物质的生烃史,势必受断陷—拗陷原型迭加的埋藏史约束和控制,从油气源岩到圈闭建立油气成藏的观念,必须纳入到盆地系统中,明确盆地地质作用与油气响应之间的关系,确立原型控制油气P(压力)、V(体积)、T(温度)动态变化的边界条件,同时利用TSM盆地模拟系统动态地进行生烃量计算和生烃史的分析,从而为油气资源评价和勘查服务。   相似文献   

东海陆架盆地西湖凹陷不整合面剥蚀厚度恢复   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
东海陆架盆地西湖凹陷晚中生代末期以来,经历了裂陷阶段、坳陷阶段和区域沉降阶段,形成了多个广泛分布的区域性不整合面(地震反射界面):T20,T24,T30等,地层遭受了强烈剥蚀。以东海西湖凹陷为例,对声波时差法和镜质体反射率法求取地层剥蚀厚度的基本原理和计算方法进行了简要介绍,分析了地层剥蚀对油气成藏的影响,对该方法的适用性进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The Mannar Basin is a Late Jurassic – Neogene rift basin located in the Gulf of Mannar between India and Sri Lanka which developed during the break‐up of Gondwana. Water depths in the Gulf of Mannar are up to about 3000 m. The stratigraphy is about 4 km thick in the north of the Mannar Basin and more than 6 km thick in the south. The occurrence of an active petroleum system in the basin was confirmed in 2011 by two natural gas discoveries following the drilling of the Dorado and Barracuda wells, located in the Sri Lankan part of the Gulf. However potential hydrocarbon source rocks have not been recorded by any of the wells so far drilled, and the petroleum system is poorly known. In this study, basin modelling techniques and measured vitrinite reflectance data were used to reconstruct the thermal and burial history of the northern part of the Mannar Basin along a 2D profile. Bottom‐hole temperature measurements indicate that the present‐day geothermal gradient in the northern Mannar Basin is around 24.4 oC/km. Optimised present‐day heat flows in the northern part of the Mannar Basin are 30–40 mW/m2. The heat flow histories at the Pearl‐1 and Dorado‐North well locations were modelled using SIGMA‐2D software, assuming similar patterns of heat flow history. Maximum heat flows at the end of rifting (Maastrichtian) were estimated to be about 68–71 mW/m2. Maturity modelling places the Jurassic and/or Lower Cretaceous interval in the oil and gas generation windows, and source rocks of this age therefore probably generated the thermogenic gas found at the Dorado and Barracuda wells. If the source rocks are organic‐rich and oil‐ and gas‐prone, they may have generated economic volumes of hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地地热场特征与油气   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
本文根据准噶尔盆地760个测温点资料,结合盆地构造演化过程对盆地地热场特征及其与油气的关系进行了探讨。认为准噶尔盆地是一个较冷的盆地,地热场偏低,而且烃源岩偏老,以致生油气门限深度偏大,给勘探工作造成一定困难。  相似文献   

苏北-南黄海盆地构造演化   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
杨琦  陈红宇 《石油实验地质》2003,25(Z1):562-565
苏北及南黄海盆地是由多期、多类盆地叠加的复合残留盆地,地质概况基本相似,成因演化近同,自元古界下扬子板块形成后,主要经历了古-中生代地台、中生代前陆盆地、走滑拉分盆地时期以及新生代断陷、坳陷盆地时期.在古生代-中生代发展过程中是一个整体,晚白垩世盆地演化出现分化,发育伸展盆地群,形成一系列叠置在中、古生代盆地之上的箕状断陷,箕状断陷的发育及分布明显受中-古生界内部先存逆冲断裂的控制.  相似文献   

珠江口盆地白云凹陷烃源岩热史及成熟史模拟   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
珠江口盆地白云凹陷文昌组和恩平组陆相烃源岩热史及成熟史研究对白云凹陷深水油气勘探具有指导意义。在恢复白云凹陷地史和热史的基础上,利用EASY%Ro模型计算了白云凹陷西凹、主凹和东凹文昌组和恩平组两套烃源岩的成熟度史,并分别对比文昌组和恩平组烃源岩在白云凹陷西凹、主凹和东凹成熟度演化特征。研究结果表明:1)自始新世早期起白云凹陷热流值持续上升,在距今约44Ma时达到最大值大约为77mW/m2,现今热流值为60mW/m2左右。2)白云凹陷西凹、主凹和东凹文昌组烃源岩开始生烃(Ro=0.5%)时间分别为距今43,44,35Ma,达到生烃高峰(Ro=1.0%)时间分别为距今30,35,17Ma,达到高成熟(Ro=1.3%)时间分别为距今25,33,13Ma;而恩平组烃源岩开始生烃时间分别为距今20,30,22Ma,达到生烃高峰时间分别为距今10,22,8Ma,达到高成熟时间分别为距今8,17,0Ma。3)白云凹陷主凹烃源岩生烃时间最早,主生油期时间短,热演化程度最高;东凹烃源岩生烃时间最晚,主生油期时间长,热演化程度最低。  相似文献   

川西坳陷位于四川盆地西部龙门山推覆带东侧前陆坳陷—斜坡部位。在坳陷中已发现的天然气田主要分布在上三叠统至下白垩统陆相碎屑岩地层之中。在气田的勘探开发中,地震反射波属性分析和联井反演储层标定、地震波属性提取分析、储层三维可视化雕刻及约束稀疏脉冲反演、储层参数建模反演、地质随机建模反演等方法的应用对气田的发现和气藏的描述起到了至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

This study evaluates the geothermal history of Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks from the easternmost part of the Variscan external zone in the NE Czech Republic. The objective was to investigate the geothermal history of pre‐Variscan Palaeozoic carbonates in the study area, and to assess its relationship with that of the overlying Variscan flysch. In the study area, the Palaeozoic succession occurs at the surface or is overlain by Miocene sediments of the Carpathian Foredeep. Palaeozoic nappes and the main Variscan overthrust have been documented in the subsurface at the deep Pot?tát‐1borehole. Vitrinite reflectance measurements on 38 samples from the Pot?tát‐1 well and 19 samples from nearby surface outcrops and shallow boreholes were available. A 2D thermal model was created using PetroMod and the thermal maturity evolution was modelled by EASY%Ro. The thermal model was constructed based on interpretations of two NW‐SE seismic profiles (lines 5/83 and 5/84) oriented perpendicular to the main Variscan thrusts. The results were calibrated using measured vitrinite reflectance and were adjusted with 1D models from three shallow boreholes. At the Pot?tát‐1 borehole, modelled maximum palaeo‐temperatures of the Variscan flysch (Moravice Formation) ranged from 310°C at a depth of 7.3 km (the top of the preserved succession) to 395°C at the base of the succession, resulting in thermal maturities of >4%Rr. Peak maturation occurred prior to the end of Variscan thrusting. Modelling suggests that the basal heat flow for these thrust units reached a maximum value of 63 mW/m2 at 325 Ma. In addition, the modelling suggests that the maturity of the Palaeozoic carbonates was controlled by the thickness of the overlying Variscan flysch nappes. Maximum palaeo‐temperatures for the Palaeozoic carbonates ranged from 265°C at the top of the interval (at a depth of 7.1 km) to 290°C at the base, resulting in a maturity of 3.8 to >4%Rr which is within the dry gas window. The study suggests that basal heat flows in the original (pre‐thrust) Early Carboniferous sedimentary basin were slightly higher than those in the post‐thrust location for the Variscan flysch nappes. This should be taken into account when evaluating the petroleum system in the South Moravian oil province (SW Czech Republic) where a complete sedimentary sequence has not been preserved.  相似文献   

四川盆地上三叠统深盆气藏研究   总被引:26,自引:5,他引:26  
川西前陆盆地的盆地演化、盆地结构和相对稳定的斜坡构造有利于深盆气的形成和聚集.上三叠统为海陆过渡相和陆相湖盆沉积,以三角洲沉积为主的砂体十分发育,晚侏罗世中期至早白垩世末期储层开始致密化,早白垩世以后储层进入超致密阶段,但对于深盆气仍是十分有效的储层.砂体的上覆和下伏层均为暗色泥岩夹薄煤层的气源岩,因此对深盆气的聚集和富集成藏十分有利.煤系气源岩分布广、厚度大、生气潜力高、热演化程度高,从而为川西坳陷深盆气的形成提供了充足的气源.在早白垩世-晚白垩世中期,源岩进入生气高峰,为深盆气形成的重要时期,造成孔隙中流体体积急剧膨胀,引起川西区处于超压环境.喜山运动后盆地大范围仍处于水动力交替停滞带,上三叠统深盆气藏大面积具有整体封存条件.因此,上三叠统形成了一个几乎覆盖全盆地的特大型深盆气藏.通过对深盆气藏的主控地质因素的分析,可将川西坳陷划分为深盆气分布区、气水过渡带和上倾含水区(常规气藏分布区)等三个区带.从全盆地看,气水分布具有明显的倒置关系,深盆区内气水分布不受构造控制.  相似文献   

文中利用泥岩声波时差和镜质体反射率法计算了三塘湖盆地下白垩统的剥蚀量,两种方法得出的结果吻合较好.计算结果表明,下白垩统剥蚀量介于300~700m之间,自西向东剥蚀量呈递增的趋势.新生界沉积厚度小于下白垩统剥蚀量,未能弥补剥蚀造成的热损失.因此,晚燕山运动对油气的生成起着破坏作用.  相似文献   

运用盆地模拟方法,对苏北盆地高邮凹陷泰州组烃源岩的埋藏史、温度史、成熟度史及生油史进行研究发现,三垛早期,泰二段烃源岩进入成熟阶段,Ro达0.6%,且随着埋深增大,地层温度、烃源岩成熟度和生烃能力也逐渐增加;三垛末期,地层埋藏深度、温度及烃源岩成熟度都达到最大,分别为3000m,110℃和0.8%,同时烃源岩生油量也达顶峰,东部的焦1井高达350mg/g。由此看出,三垛时期是高邮凹陷泰二段烃源岩生、排烃的主要时期。另外,由于三垛时期构造、断层活动强烈,圈闭大多定型,因而综合分析认为,三垛时期也是油气运移、成藏的有利和主要时期。  相似文献   

Basin and petroleum systems modelling is a powerful tool in petroleum exploration, but uncertainties remain in terms of the evaluation of a petroleum accumulation's size and quality, even when the petroleum system is well known and the latest modelling technology is applied. In order to interpret the results of a modelling exercise, it is necessary to understand the advantages and disadvantages of the various possible approaches used to assess petroleum migration and accumulation. This paper attempts to compare the influence of different migration modelling techniques – the flowpath, Darcy “hybrid” and invasion percolation approaches – on basin‐wide mass balance calculations for a temperature‐ and pressure‐calibrated, numerical four‐dimensional basin model. The study was performed using PetroMod® software. The study area is the well‐known Jeanne d'Arc Basin located offshore Newfoundland, eastern Canada. Model predictions were verified against pre‐existing data including the quantity and quality of discovered hydrocarbons in the basin. Modelling results showed that the Darcy method produced substantially different results compared to the other migration techniques and this was due to the high accumulation efficiency. The flowpath method, and a combination of flowpath and Darcy methods (referred to as the “hybrid” method) yielded similar results; furthermore, the hybrid method predicted the petroleum composition quite accurately. The invasion percolation method gave similar results to the hybrid approach, but little or no variation in API and GOR across the basin was predicted. The adsorption model initially applied did not adequately reproduce the natural behaviour of source rocks with respect to petroleum expulsion efficiency. Therefore a revised model was implemented in which the adsorption capacity was reduced with increasing maturity. This revised adsorption model led to more realistic volumes of hydrocarbons being retained within the source rock. The application of this approach had only a minor impact on the volume and quality of the petroleum present in the reservoir units.  相似文献   

南华北盆地中部凹陷结构分析及油气意义   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
结合区域地质与地球物理两方面的资料,运用盆地分析方法,研究表明南华北盆地中部凹陷自晚侏罗世以来,演化历经了走滑—拗陷—断陷—坳陷原型的序列叠加过程,与区域大地构造环境演变一致;并指出南华北盆地的演化主要受秦岭—大别造山带与郯庐断裂的双重控制。其自身结构特征及后期构造变化对油气成藏具有重要的勘探指导意义。  相似文献   

由于缺少应力标志,沉积盆地覆盖区的古构造应力场定量恢复一直是个难题。为了探讨岩石磁化率各向异性在恢复沉积盆地古构造应力场的最大主应力方向方面的可行性,首先对岩石缓慢加压变形前后的磁化率各向异性的变化进行了实验研究,受力以后岩石的磁化率各向异性参数H,P,q值都相应增大,最大和最小磁化率主轴产状也有明显的变化,反映了浅层次的构造变形过程可对岩石磁组构产生明显的影响。然后,在塔里木盆地北部,将用最小磁化率主轴所求得的最大主压应力方位与用构造变形分析所求得的最大主压应力方向进行了对比分析,二者结果基本一致。说明在构造变形较强的沉积覆盖区(σ1),用岩石的最小磁化率主轴方向来确定沉积盆地古构造应力场的最大主压应力方位是可行的。最后,还对该方法的适应范围和构造应力场的分期等相关问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

坎波斯盆地、尼日尔三角洲和澳大利亚西北大陆架这3个典型的被动大陆边缘盆地既有相似性,也有不同点,其不同之处表现在:①坎波斯盆地和尼日尔三角洲均只有一期裂谷,西北大陆架各盆地均有多期裂谷,这种多期裂谷使得西北大陆架的油气主要富集在裂谷层系中,而前两者主要分布在漂移层序;②由于烃源岩生烃性质不同,导致不同盆地油气分布特征有差异,前两者油多气少,而西北大陆架富气贫油;③三者油气分布主控因素不同,坎波斯盆地油气藏分布主要与浊积岩和盐岩运动有关,尼日尔三角洲油气藏分布与同生断层有关,西北大陆架油气分布则主要受构造所控制。  相似文献   

松辽盆地北部中央坳陷区,致密油资源丰富。这种致密储层一般孔吼比大、吼道窄、启动压力高,储层孔隙度小于12%,渗透率小于0.1×10~(-3)μm~2,储层基质向裂缝供油能力较差,常规技术难以有效开发。为致密油储层的有效动用,研究应用了体积压裂技术。通过对大庆油田外围致密储层形成体积缝的延伸机理及特征研究,研发了有效的工艺控制及设计方法,并建立了致密油体积压裂压后产能分析图版。现场试验16口井,增产效果显著,有效指导了设计优化,降低了致密油工业动用孔隙度下限,为大庆油田致密油储层有效开发奠定了基础。  相似文献   

柴达木北缘西段侏罗纪盆地构造特征及其演化   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
柴达木北缘西段侏罗系的展布受北西向和近东西向两组构造的控制,近东西向构造对侏罗系具有南北分带作用,北西向构造对侏罗系具有东西分块的作用,两组构造使得侏罗系存在多个厚度中心。早、中侏罗世,该区为伸展断陷盆地,沉积了重要的烃源岩系;晚侏罗世—白垩纪为挤压盆地。从早侏罗世到白垩纪,盆地沉积具有由南向北、由西向东迁移的特征。叠合其上的新生代盆地沉积对侏罗系具有重要的保存作用,促进了烃源岩有机质向油气的转化。新生代的构造变形及其组合特征为该区油气成藏提供了条件。   相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地延长矿区油气运移成藏研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
鄂尔多斯盆地三叠系延长组属低孔特低渗砂岩储集层,其长7油层组烃源岩生成的油气如何运移到致密储集层及其动力来源和运移通道问题一直为人们所关注。根据泥岩压实研究和古水动力数值模拟结果,恢复了长1-长6油层组泥岩最大埋深时期的过剩压力,分析了长2油层组和长6油层组的油势分布和演化历史,进而,结合前人的研究成果,认为过剩压力是油气初次运移的动力,并从油气运移的角度提出了延长矿区就近聚集型、顺层运移型和穿层运移型3种成藏模式。  相似文献   

二连盆地三种典型构造带岩性油藏形成模式分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
二连盆地各凹陷内部划分出3种典型构造带:陡坡带、缓坡带和洼槽带;不同的构造带岩性油藏成藏条件组合特征不同。通过解剖近几年隐蔽油藏勘探获得重大突破的凹陷中的典型岩性油藏,总结出适合二连盆地各凹陷中3个构造带的岩性油藏成藏条件组合模式。其模式分别为:陡坡带、缓坡带和洼槽带岩性油藏成藏条件组合模式。成藏条件组合模式不同,自然导致各构造带岩性圈闭成藏模式也不同,据此提出3种岩性油藏成藏模式:1)陡坡带自生自储型岩性油藏成藏模式,2)缓坡带旁生侧储型岩性油藏成藏模式,3)洼槽带下生上储型岩性油藏成藏模式。这3种成藏模式是目前二连盆地岩性油藏勘探突破的典型成藏模式。  相似文献   

BAES盆地模拟评价系统是大型石油地质应用系统——PRES油气资源评价专家系统中的一个子系统。该系统拥有一个6类20多种模型的模型库,通过菜单式模型组装完成评价区埋藏史、热史、成熟史、生烃史和排烃史的历史模拟,从而进行评价区生油条件的定量评价,指出评价区的有利生油气区,确定主要生排烃期和生排烃量。通过BAES盆地模拟评价系统在珠江口盆地各坳陷区的实际应用,可以看出该盆地的油气资源分布特点,同时也可以看出这一盆地模拟系统的主要特点。  相似文献   

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