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手机在现代人生活中的位置越来越重要.早已不是少数有钱人有权者手中的高档奢侈品,已经成为普通人生活、工作和学习的伴侣。手机的消费群体和阶层大不相同.数亿中国消费者,地位、身份、性别.年龄、民族、地域.各不相同.必然对手机外观色彩表现出不同的喜好。一款手机.跃入眼帘的,首先是色彩。成功的手机色彩设计往往先声夺人.令人伫足.心醉.激起消费者强烈的购买欲。  相似文献   

丰富的意象要通过具体造型要素传达。本文通过分析手机造型设计中不同形态、材料、色彩的意象表征,为在手机设计中更好地协调各造型要素,创造更丰富的意象提供了方法和依据。  相似文献   

魔汁 《电脑爱好者》2014,(12):76-76
智能产品在现代人生活中的位置越来越重要,早已不是少数有钱人手中的高档奢侈品,已经成为普通人生活、工作和学习的伴侣。智能手机的消费群体和阶层大不相同,数亿中国消费者的性别、年龄、地域各不相同,必然对手机外观色彩表现出不同的喜好。一款手机,跃入眼帘的,首先是其展现出的色彩。成功的手机色彩设计往往先声夺人,令人伫足、心醉,激起消费者强烈的购买欲。其实,好色乃人之天性,有时消费者会对某种色彩表现出共同的感知,这就是——流行色。  相似文献   

手机已成为人们日常生活中一件必备的生活用品,同时,手机也成为表现一个人的品味的产品。本文结合实例从手机的形态、色彩、材料三个方面来阐述现代手机的外观设计以及设计中所蕴含的文化涵义。  相似文献   

主打时尚设计的SonyEricsson neo MT15i手机是一个不折不扣的娱乐机型,无论你是拿着手机玩游戏还是看视频,在MT15i上装备有搭载索尼Mobile BRAVIA Engine(手机图像处理引擎)的Reality DispIay显示屏,色彩真实鲜艳。  相似文献   

郑琦琪 《程序员》2005,(4):49-50
在手机游戏的研发中.我们常常会遇到手机色彩失真的问题。“手机色彩失真”是指原本美工在电脑显示器上能正确显示的色彩在某些牌子和型号的手机屏幕上却出现了变化。例如在电脑显示器上显示出的紫色,在手机上看来却与黑色更为接近.如图1。  相似文献   

明基和CECT合作在大陆推出的这款手机S660C,是款三频全镜面折叠手机。S660C采用流线造型.OLED荧彩冷光镜面外屏幕.高对比、高亮度的主屏幕.色彩格外鲜明亮丽。外盖采用全镜面设计.可随周围光线变换色彩.是一款在夜晚更加艳丽的手机。S660C首创的“屏幕保护密码”功能.可以完整防护个人隐私.让私密档案无外泄之虞。  相似文献   

东信公司的手机有着韩系的风格.它推出的EG880同样带着浓郁的韩系色彩。这款手机设计精数.功能丰富.是近期颇有看点的一部手机。  相似文献   

近日,诺基亚发表了凤舞霓裳珍藏版诺基亚6700c和诺基亚5530 XpressMusic手机。这两款产品大胆运用中国古典设计元素,将中国最具神奇色彩的形象——“凤凰”融入到了手机外观中。  相似文献   

时尚造型粉雅致 联想手机S9的外壳采用了先进的真空电镀工艺看上去光亮如镜.夺目诱人.手感则细腻滑润。这款手机的造型吸纳并升华了我们的传统元素,尤其使它出彩的是丰富的色彩设计.琉璃蓝的幽静、胭脂红的妩媚长城灰的沉稳,青花蓝的古典、中国红的热情。这些独特的色彩展现了不同的个性.在透亮面板的衬托下描绘出独特的风景。  相似文献   

BREW平台的UIONE技术是一套端到端完整的关于手机动态界面设计开发、展示、服务和管理的开放的解决方案。通过使用UIONE,运营商可以掌控手机动态界面设计,改变目前由手机厂商主导手机界面的状况。UIONE带来的界面的变化都是和手机底层芯片核心功能相关联的.这些画面都是动态的,一旦点击进去,就能触发一些功能的调用,大大简化手机的研发工作量,加快手机上市的时间。  相似文献   

As a mobile phone has various advanced functionalities or features, usability issues are increasingly challenging. Due to the particular characteristics of a mobile phone, typical usability evaluation methods and heuristics, most of which are relevant to a software system, might not effectively be applied to a mobile phone. Another point to consider is that usability evaluation activities should help designers find usability problems easily and produce better design solutions. To support usability practitioners of the mobile phone industry, we propose a framework for evaluating the usability of a mobile phone, based on a multi-level, hierarchical model of usability factors, in an analytic way. The model was developed on the basis of a set of collected usability problems and our previous study on a conceptual framework for identifying usability impact factors. It has multi-abstraction levels, each of which considers the usability of a mobile phone from a particular perspective. As there are goal-means relationships between adjacent levels, a range of usability issues can be interpreted in a holistic as well as diagnostic way. Another advantage is that it supports two different types of evaluation approaches: task-based and interface-based. To support both evaluation approaches, we developed four sets of checklists, each of which is concerned, respectively, with task-based evaluation and three different interface types: Logical User Interface (LUI), Physical User Interface (PUI) and Graphical User Interface (GUI). The proposed framework specifies an approach to quantifying usability so that several usability aspects are collectively measured to give a single score with the use of the checklists. A small case study was conducted in order to examine the applicability of the framework and to identify the aspects of the framework to be improved. It showed that it could be a useful tool for evaluating the usability of a mobile phone. Based on the case study, we improved the framework in order that usability practitioners can use it more easily and consistently.  相似文献   

基于J2ME的手机游戏开发   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着J2ME(Java2 Micro Edition)技术在移动电话上的实现,在移动电话上开发游戏程序的速度大大地提高了,开发难度也有所降低.然而,移动电话的资源是十分有限的,这就导致在移动电话上开发游戏程序必须依据一些特殊的规定,否则游戏程序就难以在移动电话上运行.在介绍J2ME主要技术基础上,提出了自己的设计方案,设计了一个手机游戏,并对系统中的一些关键技术进行讨论,最后对手机游戏编程技术的发展方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

随着各种手机的推广,手机应用程序的极大丰富,在实际取证工作中,我们经常会遇到对各种手机的应用程序取证,而现有对手机应用程序的分析技术刚刚起步,要实现对大部分应用程序使用痕迹的取证需要一段较长的时间。如何快速对手机应用程序进行取证成为取证工作的一个重要。因此本文提出了一个手机仿真取证系统的解决方案,并以Android系统为例进行介绍。  相似文献   

Nowadays movement patterns and people’s behavioral models are needed for traffic engineers and city planners. These observations could be used to reason about mobility and its sustainability and to support decision makers with reliable information. The very same knowledge about human diaspora and behavior extracted from these data is also valuable to the urban planner, so as to localize new services, organize logistics systems and to detect changes as they occur in the movement behavior. Moreover, it is interesting to investigate movement in places like a shopping area or a working district either for commercial purposes or for improving the service quality. These kinds of tracking data are made available by wireless and mobile communication technologies. It is now possible to record and collect a large amount of mobile phone calls in a city. Technologies for object tracking have recently become affordable and reliable and hence we were able to collect mobile phone data from a city in China from January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2008. The large amount of phone call records from mobile operators can be considered as life mates and sensors of persons to inform howmany people are present in any given area and how many are entering or leaving. Each phone call record usually contains the caller and callee IDs, date and time, and the base station where the phone calls are made. As mobile phones are widely used in our daily life, many human behaviors can be revealed by analyzing mobile phone data. Through mobile phones, we can learn the information about locations, communications between mobile phone users during their daily lives. In this work, we propose a comprehensive visual analysis system named as MViewer, Mobile phone spatiotemporal data Viewer, which is the first system to visualize and analyze the population’smobility patterns from millions of phone call records. Our system consists of three major components: 1) visual analysis of user groups in a base station; 2) visual analysis of the mobility patterns on different user groups making phone calls in certain base stations; 3) visual analysis of handoff phone call records. Some well-established visualization techniques such as parallel coordinates and pixelbased representations have been integrated into our system. We also develop a novel visualization schemes, Voronoidiagram-based visual encoding to reveal the unique features of mobile phone data. We have applied our system to real mobile phone datasets that are kindly provided by our project partners and obtained some interesting findings regarding people’s mobility patterns.  相似文献   

在科技引领时代的大潮流下,人们对各种电子产品的依赖性越来越高,对各类软件的实用性越来越看重,此次设计主要是将短信猫与普通手机中的短信功能进行对比,让使用者充分了解到我们产品的独特优势。短信猫的资费与我们平常所使用的手机是一样的,但短信猫更加专注于短信的收发应用,相对于手机而言,短信猫具有收发短信速度更快、可靠性更高、实时发送等优点。标准短信猫是短信猫硬件和软件的有机结合,其鲜明的优势在众多同类型软件中独领风骚,目前在企业短信中已经得到了广泛应用。  相似文献   

智能手机安全问题及防护技术分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着3G通信网络的普及,智能手机持有率不断提高,各个智能手机操作系统平台也不断推陈出新,各种新应用新模式层出不穷,相应的,手机的安全问题隐患也逐步暴露出来.文章分析了当前智能手机所面对的主要安全问题,着重分析了恶意代码和手机病毒的特点、传播途径和危害,针对不同的智能手机操作平台提出了有针对性的安全防护策略和防护措施,提出了一些关于智能手机安全防护的新观点.  相似文献   

The field of mobile and wireless networking is reemerging amid unprecedented growth in the scale and diversity of computer networking. However, further increases in network security are necessary before the promise of mobile communication can be fulfilled. In this paper, we describe how neural networks and tools can be applied against frauds in analog mobile telecommunication networks. To the best of our knowledge there has been a lot of work done to secure the usage of mobile phones at the hardware level, but very little at the software level. In this paper, we present an on-line security system for fraud detection of impostors and improper use of mobile phone operations based on a neural network (NN) classifier. It acts solely on the recent information and past history of the mobile phone owner activities, and classifies the telephone users into classes according to their usage logs. Such logs contain the relevant characteristics for every call made by the user. As soon as the system identifies a fraud, it notifies both the carrier telecom and the victim about it immediately and not at the end of the monthly bill cycle. In our implementation, we make use of the radial basis function (RBF) model because of its simplicity and its flexibility to adapt to pattern changes, i.e., it encompasses the important characteristic of learning. By learning, a RBF NN can discover some regular patterns and the relation across them, and organize itself for making these associations. As a consequence it is widely used for solving classification and pattern recognition problems. Our results indicate that our system reduces significantly the telecom carriers's profit losses as well as the damage that might be passed to the clients. This might help the carriers to reduce the cost of phone calls and will, in turn, benefit the users.  相似文献   

基于NFC的手机支付作为一种新型的移动支付方式迅速发展并已投入商业应用。本文详细介绍了NFC技术以及基于NFC的手机支付平台,并在对NFC手机支付系统网络结构进行分析的基础上,提出基于NFC手机支付平台的设计方案,之后给出了基于NFC技术的手机支付平台运营模式,最后对我国NFC手机支付平台的前景进行了展望,以期能够为业内的研究和应用者提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

随着智能手机的普及,手机功能将越来越为丰富,手机平台越来越为开放,手机安全问题越来越突出。本文介绍了手机安全的特性,论述了手机终端的安全问题,结合实际,提出了手机安全防范策略。  相似文献   

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