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A new class of algorithms for transient finite element analysis which is amenable to an efficient implementation in parallel computers is proposed. The suitability of the method for parallel computation stems from the fact that, given an arbitrary partition of the finite element mesh, each subdomain in the partition can be processed over a time step independently and simultaneously with the rest. Both element-by-element and coarse partitions of the mesh are discussed. For the former, the proposed algorithms are shown to have the structure of an explicit scheme. In particular, no global equation solving effort is involved in the update procedure. However, in contrast to explicit schemes the proposed algorithms are shown to be unconditionally stable over a certain range of the algorithmic parameters. In structural dynamics problems, good accuracy is obtained with a constant time step integration. For heat conduction problems accuracy limitations suggest the use of a step-changing technique. When this is done, numerical tests indicate the good behavior of the method. The case in which the mesh is partitioned into a small number of subdomains, typically as many as processors in the computer, is also explored in detail. Good accuracy is obtained over a wide range of time steps. Finally, extensions to second- and higher-order accuracy methods are discussed.  相似文献   

针对传统降维非线性有限元计算速度与精确度难以兼顾的问题,提出了一种无条件稳定的显式迭代算法。基于泰勒展开式得到速度、加速度的三阶精度差分表达式从而获得新的有限元显式迭代方程,并分析其单自由度系统下的传递矩阵谱半径。改进迭代方程使谱半径始终小于1从而满足无条件稳定的要求。实验表明,改进后的显式迭代算法在等效阻尼比的精度上优于中心差分法和隐式迭代法;在降维非线性有限元模型计算中的计算耗时优于隐式迭代方法,提高了降维非线性有限元的迭代计算速度。模型在降维后维度数值较高时,仍能维持良好的计算耗时和帧率,保证了模型的精确度。  相似文献   

It is shown that many commonly used one-step algorithms which are unconditionally stable for linear transient heat conduction problems become conditionally stable in the nonlinear regime. Alternative algorithms are proposed which for linear problems are identical to those commonly used, whereas for nonlinear problems the unconditional stability behavior of the linear case is retained.  相似文献   

A collection of results is presented regarding the consistency, stability and accuracy of operator split methods and product formula algorithms for general nonlinear equations of evolution. These results are then applied to the structural dynamics problem. The basic idea is to exploit an element-by-element additive decomposition of a particular form of the discrete dynamic equations resulting from a finite element discretization. It is shown that such a particular form of the discrete dynamic equations is obtained when velocity and stress are taken as unknowns. By applying the general product formula technique to the element-by-element decomposition, unconditionally stable algorithms are obtained that involve only element coefficient matrices. The storage requirements and operation counts are comparable to those of explicit methods. The method places no restriction on the topology of the finite element mesh.  相似文献   

《Computers & Structures》1983,17(3):371-374
A new family of unconditionally stable implicit-explicit algorithms for transient coupled thermal stress waves is introduced. Its computer implementation aspects are presented. The mechanical displacement and temperature are used as independent variables and the resulting matrix equations are shown to be symmetric.  相似文献   

Systematic split-step finite difference time domain (SS-FDTD) formulations, based on the general Lie–Trotter–Suzuki product formula, are presented for solving the time-dependent Maxwell equations in double-dispersive electromagnetic materials. The proposed formulations provide a unified tool for constructing a family of unconditionally stable algorithms such as the first order split-step FDTD (SS1-FDTD), the second order split-step FDTD (SS2-FDTD), and the second order alternating direction implicit FDTD (ADI-FDTD) schemes. The theoretical stability of the formulations is included and it has been demonstrated that the formulations are unconditionally stable by construction. Furthermore, the dispersion relation of the formulations is derived and it has been found that the proposed formulations are best suited for those applications where a high space resolution is needed. Two-dimensional (2-D) and 3-D numerical examples are included and it has been observed that the SS1-FDTD scheme is computationally more efficient than the ADI-FDTD counterpart, while maintaining approximately the same numerical accuracy. Moreover, the SS2-FDTD scheme allows using larger time step than the SS1-FDTD or ADI-FDTD and therefore necessitates less CPU time, while giving approximately the same numerical accuracy.  相似文献   

Poor performances can be obtained from classical domain decomposition algorithms to solve advection-diffusion equations in the case of convection dominated flows. Therefore, adaptive domain decomposition have been developed for such flows. We investigate the properties of some algorithms of this kind in the framework of a finite volume/finite element discretization.This research was carried out while the author was visiting the Group of Applied Mathematics and Simulation of CRS4, and was supported by an HCM fellowship.  相似文献   

The treatment of elastic-plastic problems with finite elements depends essentially on the methods used for state determination and the solution of the nonlinear equations. A systematic formulation of the state determination leads to higher order algorithms, which can better satisfy demands on accuracy and computational costs. The state determination influences highly the solution method for the system of nonlinear equations. In a comparison between Newton and a quasi-Newton method it is shown, that quasi-Newton methods are more suited for an efficient computation in combination with accurate path independent state determination algorithms.  相似文献   

A stable finite element for the stokes equations   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
D. N. Arnold  F. Brezzi  M. Fortin 《Calcolo》1984,21(4):337-344
We present in this paper a new velocity-pressure finite element for the computation of Stokes flow. We discretize the velocity field with continuous piecewise linear functions enriched by bubble functions, and the pressure by piecewise linear functions. We show that this element satisfies the usual inf-sup condition and converges with first order for both velocities and pressure. Finally we relate this element to families of higer order elements and to the popular Taylor-Hood element.  相似文献   

Optimization of mechanical components is an important aspect of the engineering process; a well designed system will lead to money saving during the production phase and better machine life. On the other hand, optimization actions will increase the engineering investment. Consequently, and since computer time is inexpensive, an efficient design strategy will tend to transfer the effort from the staff to the computers. This paper presents an efficient design tool made to carry out this task: a new optimization model based on genetic algorithms is developed to work with commercial finite element software. The objective is to automate optimization of static criteria (stresses, weight, strength, etc.) with finite element models. In the proposed model, the process acts on two geometric aspects of the shape to be optimized: it controls the position of the vertices defining the edges of the volume and, in order to minimize stresses concentrations, it can add and define fillet between surfaces. The model is validated from some benchmark tests. An industrial application is presented: the genetic algorithms–finite element model is employed to design the fillets at the crown-blade junctions of a hydroelectric turbine. The results show that the model converges to a very efficient solution without any engineer intervention.  相似文献   

Three finite element methods are applied to the describing static, spherically symmetric fluid bodies in general relativity. The usual Ritz method with linear splines is unconditionally unstable, although the instability is mild. As most Ritz and Galerkin methods will produce similar unstable methods a weighted residual method with cubic Lagrange splines is tried. This again proves unstable, and it seems that this approximation is inherently inappropriate for hyperbolic equations. However, the cubic Hermite spline approximation, with some modification, proves to be both A-stable and S-Stable, and is accurate to order h3.  相似文献   

This paper describes work aimed at developing an intelligent support system for finite element modeling and a methodology for managing input data model. Analyzing various statement structures of input data, three structural interface models — the hierarchical browser, the spread sheet and the model generator — are proposed for advanced representation and editing. Two knowledge models composed of macro visual data representation (user oriented model) and micro regularized data representation (processor oriented model) are revealed in conformity with the approach of object-orientation. Moreover, an extended relational schema composed of a composite object (assembly of functional elements) and several abstracted scalar indexes has been implemented for case retrieval.  相似文献   

Knowledge-based control for finite element analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper shows that control logic may be separated from analysis software and that a knowledge-based expert system can use this logic to perform interactive computation. Heuristics that control a simple interactive finite element analysis program are represented using a rule-based format and are used by a goal-driven logic processor to invoke analysis activity.Traditional algorithm-oriented control and the proposed knowledge-based control are compared in a simple displacement computation scenario to identify the advantages/disadvantages of the two approaches. General activities and constraints, practical methods of reasoning and representation, and knowledge-based expert systems are discussed with emphasis on applications to interactive finite element analysis.An analysis control expert system has been developed for use in the numerical analysis of two-dimensional linear problems in solid and structural mechanics. An example problem is used to clarify the methods used to direct activity and to identify the problems associated with conditional task processing for interactive analysis.The main difference between the analysis program described in this paper and conventional analysis programs is related to the control architecture. The general conclusion of this paper is that knowledge-based control is more effective and flexible than algorithm-oriented control.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the use of a genetic algorithm (GA) to perform the large-scale triangular mesh optimization process. This optimization process consists of a combination of mesh reduction and mesh smoothing that will not only improve the speed for the computation of a 3D graphical or finite element model, but also improve the quality of its mesh. The GA is developed and implemented to replace the original mesh with a re-triangulation process. The GA features optimized initial population, constrained crossover operator, constrained mutation operator and multi-objective fitness evaluation function. While retaining features is important to both visualization models and finite element models, this algorithm also optimizes the shape of the triangular elements, improves the smoothness of the mesh and performs mesh reduction based on the needs of the user.  相似文献   

Network-distributed finite element analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The widespread availability of local-area networks has made the combined processing power of workstations a viable approach for compute-intensive analyses. In this paper, we describe several distributed algorithms for structural analysis using finite element methods, and we assess their performance on a conventional Ethernet-connected workstation network. Direct, iterative and hybrid equation solvers are evaluated for their performance on plane-elasticity problems, and are contrasted with respect to overall solution time and efficiency in distributing computations over a network. Equations modeling the costs of network communication and structural analysis computations are derived, and are subsequently used to predict the performance of several variations on the implemented algorithms. Our results show that each of the methods performs well on network architectures, and in particular that, while direct methods usually minimize network communication, certain iterative and hybrid methods can often be used to minimize overall solution time.  相似文献   

《Computers & Structures》2001,79(31):2727-2740
In this paper, the rolling processes were simulated by a 3-D rigid plastic/visco-plastic FEM. The shifted incomplete Cholesky decomposition of the stiffness matrix is combined with the solution of the equations for velocity increment by the conjugate gradient method, termed the shifted ICCG method, is employed to solve these rolling problems. The performance of the algorithm in terms of the number of iterations and friction variation has been analysed. Numerical tests and application in industry verify the validity and stability of the shifted ICCG method.  相似文献   

An unconditionally stable alternating direction implicit (ADI) method of higher-order in space is proposed for solving two- and three-dimensional linear hyperbolic equations. The method is fourth-order in space and second-order in time. The solution procedure consists of a multiple use of one-dimensional matrix solver which produces a computational cost effective solver. Numerical experiments are conducted to compare the new scheme with the existing scheme based on second-order spatial discretization. The effectiveness of the new scheme is exhibited from the numerical results.  相似文献   

T. D. Bui  V. N. Hanh 《Computing》1990,44(4):305-329
The finite element analysis in engineering applications comprises three phases: domain discretization, equation solving and error analysis. The domain discretization or mesh generation is the pre-processing phase which plays an important role in the achievement of accurate solutions. In this paper, the improvement of one particularly promising technique for generating two-dimensional meshes is presented. Our technique shows advantages and efficiency over some currently available mesh generators.  相似文献   

针对Euler方程,设计了适合间断Galerkin有限元方法的LU-SGS、GMRES以及修正LU-SGS隐式算法。采用Roe通量以及Van Albada限制器技术实现了经典LU-SGS、GMRES算法,引入高阶项误差补偿,发展了修正LU-SGS算法。以NACA0012、RAE2822翼型为例验证分析了算法的可靠性和高效性。结果表明修正LU-SGS算法存储量较少,程序实现方便,而且计算效率是LU-SGS算法的2.5倍以上,接近于循环GMRES算法。  相似文献   

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