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It is most likely that the modern citizen responds to disasters in the same fashion as his ancestor. Contrary to widespread belief, citizens do not panic in disaster situations. In fact, research into different aspects of citizen response shows that most citizens act in a rather rational way. Indeed, citizens often prove to be the most effective kind of emergency personnel. Disaster evaluations invariably show that most lives are actually saved by the ‘average’ citizen. On the other hand, it seems little can be done to improve citizen preparedness. A modern western citizen is not likely to invest time or money in preparing for ‘acceptable’ risks. The above results stem for the greater part from research already conducted as long ago as the nineteen‐eighties. Limitations and implications however seem as yet unclear. One important limitation is the cultural bias in most studies. One important implication is that in western countries government should step in to improve citizen response by preparing to facilitate it in times of disaster.  相似文献   

We respond to Morris and Richardson's (1995) claim that Pickering and Chater's (1995) arguments about the lack of a relation between cognitive science and folk psychology are flawed. We note that possible controversies about the appropriate uses for the two terms do not affect our arguments. We then address their claim that computational explanation of knowledge-rich processes has proved possible in the domains of problem solving, scientific discovery, and reasoning. We argue that, in all cases, computational explanation is only possible for aspects of those processes that do not make reference to general knowledge. We conclude that consideration of the issues raised by Morris and Richardson reinforces our original claim that there are two fundamentally distinct projects for understanding the mind, one based on justification, and the other on computational explanation, and that these apply to non-overlapping aspects of mental life.  相似文献   

This article looks at the role that television plays in terrorist incidents and similar crisis situations. It highlights the specific features of television and television news that underlie its particular impact on crisis situations and points towards specific policy implications that derive from these features. The unique problems which television poses for the management of terrorist and other political crises will be addressed.  相似文献   

Multicore architectures are becoming the main design paradigm for current and future processors. The main reason is that multicore designs provide an effective way of overcoming instruction-level parallelism (ILP) limitations by exploiting thread-level parallelism (TLP). In addition, it is a power and complexity-effective way of taking advantage of the huge number of transistors that can be integrated on a chip. On the other hand, today's higher than ever power densities have made temperature one of the main limitations of microprocessor evolution. Thermal management in multicore architectures is a fairly new area. Some works have addressed dynamic thermal management in bi/quad-core architectures. This work provides insight and explores different alternatives for thermal management in multicore architectures with 16 cores. Schemes employing both energy reduction and activity migration are explored and improvements for thread migration schemes are proposed.  相似文献   

利用语义网中本体和OWL(Ontology Web Language,即网络本体语言)等相关技术,通过一阶谓词逻辑及产生式知识表示方法具体描述地震灾害应急响应,为实现自然灾害领域应急响应的知识表示和共享提供一种参考。  相似文献   


Ratcliffe, M., & Grace, M. (2003). Science Education for Citizenship. Maidenhead: Open University Press. ISBN 0–335–21085–6  相似文献   

21世纪前十年全球巨大灾害频繁发生,进入灾害群发期。通过应用不同于现有主流思路和方法,重大自然灾害是有可能预测的。根据对20世纪特大巨震的研究成果,提出:这一灾害群发期将延续多年,发生地区可能将从以东亚为主变为以美洲为主。  相似文献   

一、21世纪初全球巨大灾害的频繁发生,极端气候似乎成了"农常便饭" 1、地震、火山  相似文献   

国际互联网上充斥了许多不良信息。我国现行法律对于利用国际互联网传播有害信息及从事犯罪行为均有明确的规范,但是对于许多“临界”行为和信息却无法可循。本文希望通过对公民言论自由的理论探讨,在保证公民言论自由的前提下,对互联网上信息,特别是对一些“临界内容”的信息如何有效管理进行探讨。  相似文献   

There is nothing like doing something right the first time. After all, when do you have time to do it again? So it is with running a business. Do it right the first time and every time. Unfortunately, crackers, phreakers, hacktivists, the competition, and others want to rain on your parade. New and improved products are released. New advertising campaigns attempt to take market share away from you. Those out for a lark, or with malicious intent, break into your computer networks or damage critical infrastructure. To be in crisis mode is not an unusual occurrence.  相似文献   

刘伏虎  马晓平 《计算机仿真》2012,29(11):122-125
研究突风响应气动弹性问题,由于飞行器高速飞行,动力系统响应直接影响系统的性能,而系统结构上的非线性增加了突风响应问题的复杂程度。为分析性能,提出以经典的二元机翼为对象,通过建立三自由度二元机翼在突风下的增广状态空间运动方程,针对立方非线性刚度弹簧系统,研究各自由度采用立方结构非线性系统响应。仿真结果表明系统采用线性刚度突风只影响系统响应振幅,沉浮弹簧采用立方非线性刚度系统后系统颤振速度变小,俯仰方向和操纵面扭转弹簧采用非线性刚度后系统颤振速度增大,结果可为研究三维机翼非线性颤振提供一定的研究基础。  相似文献   

It is noted that surveys are increasingly being used to: (1) complement census data in the allocation of federal and state monies to local governments for long- and short-term program commitments; (2) assist in articulating need assessments for Request for Proposals (RFPs) in these program areas; (3) as tools in the evaluation of such programs; and (4) in the planning and evaluation of municipal services. It is also noted that surveys are generally more inaccurate for ethnic minorities than they are for the majority. As a consequence, minorities are less likely to receive the benefits, or voice, to which they are entitled by law. Guidelines for improving the accuracy of surveys which include minorities are provided.  相似文献   

To help government and disaster relief organizations prepare for and manage severe disasters, the authors propose the artificial emergency-logistics-planning system (Aelps). Aelps, which is based on artificial-society theory, concurrently considers different subsystems dealing with weather, geology, epidemics, and so on. Aelps can form the basis of a complex computational platform that generates logistics phenomena during disaster relief and gives intuitive results that can be used in emergency-logistics planning.  相似文献   

Much has been made of the capabilities to commit a crime that has a digital component, whether it is hacking, fraud, embezzlement, identity theft, organized crime, child pornography, or other criminal act. While the capabilities of the perpetrators and IT professionals' response are often discussed, what is often overlooked is the ability of law enforcement to investigate and prosecute digital crime. An information security plan that is not developed with prosecution as a possible outcome is short sighted. This article is a research report on Michigan's law enforcement capabilities, including training, staffing levels, and trends, and it provides information that will help IT professionals understand the challenges they may encounter when soliciting help from law enforcement agencies.  相似文献   

弹幕评论是网络直播平台与用户交互的主要方式之一,借助弹幕行为的分析可以更有效地实现对网络直播平台的用户理解.通过采集和利用3大热门直播平台(斗鱼、熊猫与战旗)的弹幕相关数据,本文以假设验证的方式从用户属性与用户行为两个角度对在线直播平台用户进行分析与理解,并建立基于用户行为特征时间序列的用户活跃模型对用户互动活跃度进行量化评估.研究表明,平台在线人数具有周期性变化的时间规律,观众地域具有沿海发达城市集中分布的空间取向,所提出的用户活跃模型能够对网络直播平台用户的行为活跃趋势做出合理的预测分析.  相似文献   

It has long been argued in the research literature that conducting disaster exercises produces a variety of benefits that promote effective emergency management. In spite of nearly universal acceptance of the claim, there are few empirical studies that have explored the effects of exercises on participants. This paper reviews the role of exercises in the creation of community disaster preparedness, while making explicit the links among planning, training and exercising. Using a quasi‐experimental design, the effects of disaster exercise participation on perceptions of response knowledge and teamwork are studied for police officers, fire‐fighters and civilian volunteers. The exercise studied involved an annual airport disaster drill required for continuing certification. It was found that participation enhanced the perceptions of response knowledge and teamwork for all three types of participants.  相似文献   

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