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The application of Hg isotope signatures as tracers for environmental Hg cycling requires the determination of isotope fractionation factors and mechanisms for individual processes. Here, we investigated Hg isotope fractionation of Hg(II) sorption to goethite in batch systems under different experimental conditions. We observed a mass-dependent enrichment of light Hg isotopes on the goethite surface relative to dissolved Hg (ε(202)Hg of -0.30‰ to -0.44‰) which was independent of the pH, chloride and sulfate concentration, type of surface complex, and equilibration time. Based on previous theoretical equilibrium fractionation factors, we propose that Hg isotope fractionation of Hg(II) sorption to goethite is controlled by an equilibrium isotope effect between Hg(II) solution species, expressed on the mineral surface by the adsorption of the cationic solution species. In contrast, the formation of outer-sphere complexes and subsequent conformation changes to different inner-sphere complexes appeared to have insignificant effects on the observed isotope fractionation. Our findings emphasize the importance of solution speciation in metal isotope sorption studies and suggest that the dissolved Hg(II) pool in soils and sediments, which is the most mobile and bioavailable, should be isotopically heavy, as light Hg isotopes are preferentially sequestered during binding to both mineral phases and natural organic matter.  相似文献   

Perchlorate contamination of surface water and groundwater is an emerging public health problem that has adversely affected the drinking water supplies of millions of people in the western United States. Microbial reduction has shown promise as a cost-effective means for in situ bioremediation of perchlorate-contaminated water. Measurements of stable isotope ratios of light elements (H, C, N, O, S, Cl) can often be used to distinguish biodegradation of organic and inorganic molecules from abiotic loss mechanisms such as adsorption, dispersion, or volatilization because of the relatively large kinetic isotope effects accompanying biodegradation. We quantified chlorine isotope fractionation during perchlorate biodegradation by a common perchlorate-reducing bacterium, Dechlorosoma suillum, initially isolated from a perchlorate-contaminated groundwater source in southern California. The values of the chlorine isotopic fractionation factor alpha derived from two microcosm experiments were alpha = 0.9834 +/- 0.0001 (R2 = 0.9999) and alpha = 0.9871 +/- 0.0008 (R2 = 0.9832). These alpha values indicate that the rate of the 35ClO4 reduction is approximately 1.3-1.7% faster than that of the 37ClO4 reduction. This relatively large kinetic isotope effect indicates that chlorine isotope analysis provides a sensitive technique by which to document in situ bioremediation of perchlorate in groundwater.  相似文献   

Chromium isotopes are potentially useful indicators of Cr(VI) reduction reactions in groundwater flow systems; however, the influence of transport on Cr isotope fractionation has not been fully examined. Laboratory batch and column experiments were conducted to evaluate isotopic fractionation of Cr during Cr(VI) reduction under both static and controlled flow conditions. Organic carbon was used to reduce Cr(VI) in simulated groundwater containing 20 mg L(-1) Cr(VI) in both batch and column experiments. Isotope measurements were performed on dissolved Cr on samples from the batch experiments, and on effluent and profile samples from the column experiment. Analysis of the residual solid-phase materials by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and by X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy confirmed association of Cr(III) with organic carbon in the column solids. Decreases in dissolved Cr(VI) concentrations were coupled with increases in δ(53)Cr, indicating that Cr isotope enrichment occurred during reduction of Cr(VI). The δ(53)Cr data from the column experiment was fit by linear regression yielding a fractionation factor (α) of 0.9979, whereas the batch experiments exhibited Rayleigh-type isotope fractionation (α = 0.9965). The linear characteristic of the column δ(53)Cr data may reflect the contribution of transport on Cr isotope fractionation.  相似文献   

Microbial dissimilatory iron reduction (DIR) is an important pathway for carbon oxidation in anoxic sediments, and iron isotopes may distinguish between iron produced by DIR and other sources of aqueous Fe(II). Previous studies have shown that aqueous Fe(II) produced during the earliest stages of DIR has delta56Fe values that are 0.5-2.0%o lowerthan the initial Fe(III) substrate. The new experiments reported here suggest that this fractionation is controlled by coupled electron and Fe atom exchange between Fe(II) and Fe(III) at iron oxide surfaces. In hematite and goethite reduction experiments with Geobacter sulfurreducens, the 56Fe/54Fe isotopic fractionation between aqueous Fe(II) and the outermost layers of Fe(III) on the oxide surface is approximately -3%o and can be explained by equilibrium Fe isotope partitioning between reactive Fe(II) and Fe(III) pools that coexist during DIR. The results indicate that sorption of Fe(II) to Fe(III) substrates cannot account for production of low-delta56Fe values for aqueous Fe(II) during DIR.  相似文献   

The dissimilatory metal reducing bacterium (DMRB) Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 reduces ionic mercury (Hg[II]) to elemental mercury (Hg[0]) by an activity not related to the MerA mercuric reductase. In S. oneidensis, this activity is constitutive and effective at Hg(II) concentrations too low to induce mer operon functions. Reduction of Hg(II) by MR-1 required the presence of electron donors and electron acceptors. Reduction occurred with oxygen or fumarate, but had the highest rate when ferric oxyhydroxide was used as a terminal electron acceptor. Geobacter sulfurreducens PCA and Geobacter metallireducens GS-15 reduced Hg(II) to Hg(0) with activity comparable to MR-1; however, neither the DMRB Anaeromyxobacter dehalogenans 2CP-C nor the nitrate reducer Pseudomonas stutzeri OX-1 reduced Hg(II) during growth. This discovery of constitutive mercury reduction among anaerobes has implications to the mobilization of mercury and production of methylmercury in anoxic environments.  相似文献   

Exposure of humans and wildlife to various inorganic and organometallic forms of mercury (Hg) may induce adverse health effects. While human populations in developed countries are mainly exposed to marine fish monomethylmercury (MMHg), this is not necessarily the case for developing countries and diverse indigenous people. Identification of Hg exposure sources from biomonitor media such as urine or hair would be useful in combating exposure. Here we report on the Hg stable isotope signatures and Hg speciation in human hair across different gold miner, indigenous and urban populations in Bolivia and France. We found evidence for both mass-dependent isotope fractionation (MDF) and mass-independent isotope fractionation (MIF) in all hair samples. Three limiting cases of dominant exposure to inorganic Hg (IHg), freshwater fish MMHg, and marine fish MMHg sources are used to define approximate Hg isotope source signatures. Knowing the source signatures, we then estimated Hg exposure sources for the Bolivian gold miner populations. Modeled IHg levels in hair correspond well to measured IHg concentrations (R = 0.9), demonstrating that IHg exposure sources to gold miners can be monitored in hair samples following either its chemical speciation or isotopic composition. Different MMHg and inorganic exposure levels among gold miners appear to correspond to living and working conditions, including proximity to small towns, and artisanal vs large scale mining activity.  相似文献   

Compound-specific analysis of nitrogen isotope fractionation is an important tool for assessing transformation pathways of N-containing organic contaminants. We investigated 15N-fractionation during the abiotic reduction of a series of nitroaromatic compounds (NACs) with intrinsic reactivities covering almost 6 orders of magnitude to evaluate substituent effects on 15N kinetic isotope effects, KIEN. Insights into reaction mechanisms and isotopic elementary reactions of NAC reduction were obtained from comparison of experimental results to density-functional theory (DFT) calculations of intrinsic KIEN. Apparent KIEN values for reduction of NACs by structural Fe(II) in octahedral layers of an iron-rich clay mineral were substantial (average +la of 1.038 +/- 0.003), independent of the NACs' reactivity and ring substituent, and larger than reported previously for reduction by Fe(II) species bound to Fe(III)(oxy)hydroxides and mercaptojuglone species (1.031 +/- 0.002). DFT-calculations accounting for semiclassical contributions and quantum-mechanical tunneling yielded a KIEN for N-O bond cleavage between 1.031 and 1.041, showed no substituent effect, and thus agreed well with experimental observations. Calculated transition-state structures of NAC reduction intermediates were consistent with H2O elimination from substituted N,N-dihydroxyanilines as the predominant 15N-fractionating elementary reaction. The absence of substituent effects on the apparent KIEN of NAC reduction may simplify the practical application of 15N-fractionation data for the quantification of contaminant transformation in the environment.  相似文献   

In batch experiments, we studied the isotope fractionation in N and O of dissolved nitrate during dentrification. Denitrifying strains Thauera aromatica and "Aromatoleum aromaticum strain EbN1" were grown under strictly anaerobic conditions with acetate, benzoate, and toluene as carbon sources. (18)O-labeled water and (18)O-labeled nitrite were added to the microcosm experiments to study the effect of putative backward reactions of nitrite to nitrate on the stable isotope fractionation. We found no evidence for a reverse reaction. Significant variations of the stable isotope enrichment factor ε were observed depending on the type of carbon source used. For toluene (ε(15)N, -18.1 ± 0.6‰ to -7.3 ± 1.4‰; ε(18)O, -16.5 ± 0.6‰ to -16.1 ± 1.5‰) and benzoate (ε(15)N, -18.9 ± 1.3‰; ε(18)O, -15.9 ± 1.1‰) less negative isotope enrichment factors were calculated compared to those derived from acetate (ε(15)N, -23.5 ± 1.9‰ to -22.1 ± 0.8‰; ε(18)O, -23.7 ± 1.8‰ to -19.9 ± 0.8‰). The observed isotope effects did not depend on the growth kinetics which were similar for the three types of electron donors. We suggest that different carbon sources change the observed isotope enrichment factors by changing the relative kinetics of nitrate transport across the cell wall compared to the kinetics of the intracellular nitrate reduction step of microbial denitrification.  相似文献   

Methyl group oxidation, SN2-type hydrolysis, and SN1-type hydrolysis are suggested as natural transformation mechanisms of MTBE. This study reports for the first time MTBE isotopic fractionation during acid hydrolysis and for oxidation by permanganate. In acid hydrolysis, MTBE isotopic enrichment factors were epsilon(C) = -4.9 per thousand +/- 0.6 per thousand for carbon and epsilon(H) = -55 per thousand +/- 7 per thousand for hydrogen. Position-specific values were epsilon(C), reactive position = -24.3 per thousand +/- 2.3 oer thousand and epsilon(H,reactive position) = -73 per thousand +/- 9 per thousand, giving kinetic isotope effects KIE(C) = 1.025 +/- 0.003 and KIE(H) = 1.08 +/- 0.01 consistent with an SN1-type hydrolysis involving the tert-butyl group. The characteristic slope of deltadelta2H(bulk)/deltadelta13C(bulk) approximately epsilon(bulk,H)/ epsilon(bulk,C) = 11.1 +/- 1.3 suggests it may identify SN1-type hydrolysis also in settings where the pathway is not well constrained. Oxidation by permanganate was found to involve specifically the methyl group of MTBE, similar to aerobic biodegradation. Large hydrogen enrichment factors of epsilon(H) = -109 per thousand +/- 9 per thousand and epsilon(H,reactive position) = -342 per thousand +/- 16 per thousand indicate both large primary and large secondary hydrogen isotope effects. Significantly smaller values reported previously for aerobic biodegradation suggest that intrinsic fractionation is often masked by additional non-fractionating steps. For conservative estimates of biodegradation at field sites, the largest epsilon values reported should, therefore, be used.  相似文献   

Variations in stable isotope ratios of redox sensitive elements are often used to understand redox processes occurring near the Earth's surface. Presented here are measurements of mass-dependent U isotope fractionation induced by U(VI) reduction by zerovalent iron (Fe0) and bacteria under controlled pH and HCO3- conditions. In abiotic experiments, Fe0 reduced U(VI), but the reaction failed to induce an analytically significant isotopic fractionation. Bacterial reduction experiments using Geobacter sulfurreducens and Anaeromyxobacter dehalogenans reduced dissolved U(VI) and caused enrichment of 238U relative to 235U in the remaining U(VI). Enrichmentfactors (epsilon) calculated using a Rayleigh distillation model are -0.31% per hundred and -0.34% per hundred for G. sulfurreducens and A. dehalogenans, respectively, under identical experimental conditions. Further studies are required to determine the range of possible values for 238U/235U fractionation factors under a variety of experimental conditions before broad application of these results is possible. However, the measurable variations in delta(5238)U show promise as indicators of reduction for future studies of groundwater contamination, geochronology, U ore deposit formation, and U biogeochemical cycling.  相似文献   

Compound-specific isotope analysis (CSIA) is an increasingly important tool for the qualitative and quantitative assessment of transformations of organic compounds in contaminated environments. To date, the use of CSIA has been mainly restricted to the elements C and H, although Nconstitutes a very important reactive centerfor many priority contaminants. To evaluate the potential use of N isotope effects in the fate assessment of organic contaminants, we investigated the N isotope enrichment during the abiotic reduction of 4 substituted nitroaromatic compounds (NACs), using two abiotic model reductants, namely Fe(ll) sorbed to goethite (alpha-FeOOH) and juglone (8-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone) in the presence of H2S. Substantial and virtually identical isotope enrichment factors, EpsilonN, of about -30%, indicative of the breaking of one N-O bond, were found for all NACs, regardless of the reductant involved and the substitution of the NAC. These results indicate that the EpsilonN-values determined in our study could be representative for the reduction of aromatic NO2-groups and thus be used to assess the abiotic transformation of NACs qualitatively and quantitatively in complex anoxic environments.  相似文献   

Chromium stable isotope values can be effectively used to monitor reduction of Cr(VI) in natural waters. We investigate effects of sorption during transport of Cr(VI) which may also shift Cr isotopes values, complicating efforts to quantify reduction. This study shows that Cr stable isotope fractionation caused by sorption is negligible. Equilibrium fractionation of Cr stable isotopes between dissolved Cr(VI) and Cr(VI) adsorbed onto gamma-Al2O3 and goethite is less than 0.04 per thousand (53Cr/52Cr) under environmentally relevant pH conditions. Batch experiments at pH 4.0 and pH 6.0 were conducted in series to sequentially magnify small isotope fractionations. A simple transport model suggests that adsorption may cause amplification of a small isotope fractionation along extreme fringes of a plume, leading to shifts in 53Cr/52Cr values. We therefore suggest that isotope values at extreme fringes of Cr plumes be critically evaluated for sorption effects. A kinetic effect was observed in experiments with goethite at pH 4 where apparently lighter isotopes diffuse into goethite clumps at a faster rate before eventually reaching equilibrium. This observed kinetic effect may be important in a natural system that has not attained equilibrium and is in need of further study. Cr isotope fractionation caused by speciation of Cr(VI) between HCrO4- and CrO4(2-) was also examined, and we conclude that it is not measurable. In the absence of isotope fractionation caused by equilibrium speciation and sorption, most of the variation in delta53Cr values may be attributed to reduction, and reliable estimates of Cr reduction can be made.  相似文献   

Despite the ubiquity of poorly crystalline ferric hydrous oxides (HFO, or ferrihydrite) in natural environments, stable Fe isotopic fractionation between HFO and other Fe phases remains unclear. In particular, it has been difficult to determine equilibrium Fe isotope fractionation between aqueous Fe(II) and HFO due to fast transformation of the latter to more stable minerals. Here we used HFO stabilized by the presence of dissolved silica (2.14 mM), or a Si-HFO coprecipitate, to determine an equilibrium Fe(II)-HFO fractionation factor using a three-isotope method. Iron isotope exchange between Fe(II) and HFO was rapid and near complete with the Si-HFO coprecipitate, and rapid but incomplete for HFO in the presence of dissolved silica, the latter case likely reflecting blockage of oxide surface sites by sorbed silica. Equilibrium Fe(II)-HFO (56)Fe/(54)Fe fractionation factors of -3.17 ± 0.08 (2σ)‰ and -2.58 ± 0.14 (2σ)‰ were obtained for HFO plus silica and the Si-HFO coprecipitate, respectively. Structural similarity between ferrihydrite and hematite, as suggested by spectroscopic studies, combined with the minor isotopic effect of dissolved silica, imply that the true equilibrium Fe(II)-HFO (56)Fe/(54)Fe fractionation factor in the absence of silica may be ~-3.2‰. These results provide a critical interpretive context for inferring the stable isotope effects of Fe redox cycling in nature.  相似文献   

The effects of iron concentration on carbon and hydrogen isotopic fractionation during aerobic biodegradation of toluene by Pseudomonas putida mt-2 were investigated using a low iron medium and two different high iron media. Mean carbon enrichment factors (epsilonc) determined using a Rayleigh isotopic model were smaller in culture grown under high iron conditions (epsilonc = -1.7+/-0.1%) compared to low iron conditions (epsilonc = -2.5+/-0.3%). Mean hydrogen enrichment factors (epsilonH) were also significantly smaller for culture grown under high iron conditions (epsilonH = -77 +/-4%) versus low iron conditions (EpsilonH = -159+/-11%). A mechanistic model for enzyme kinetics was used to relate differences in the magnitude of isotopic fractionation for low iron versus high iron cultures to the efficiency of the enzymatic transformation. The increase of carbon and hydrogen enrichment factors at low iron concentrations suggests a slower enzyme-catalyzed substrate conversion step (k2) relative to the enzyme-substrate binding step (k-l) at low iron concentration. While the observed differences were subtle and, hence, do not significantly impact the ability to use stable isotope analysis in the field, these results demonstrated that resolvable differences in carbon and hydrogen isotopic fractionation were related to low and high iron conditions. This novel result highlights the need to further investigate the effects of other trace elements known to be key components of biodegradative enzymes.  相似文献   

Significant carbon isotope fractionation was observed during FeS-mediated reductive dechlorination of tetrachloroethylene (PCE) and trichloroethylene (TCE). Bulk enrichment factors (E(bulk)) for PCE were -30.2 +/- 4.3 per thousand (pH 7), -29.54 +/- 0.83 per thousand (pH 8), and -24.6 +/- 1.1 per thousand (pH 9). For TCE, E(bulk) values were -33.4 +/- 1.5 per thousand (pH 8) and -27.9 +/- 1.3 per thousand (pH 9). A smaller magnitude of carbon isotope fractionation resulted from microbial reductive dechlorination by two isolated pure cultures (Desulfuromonas michiganensis strain BB1 (BB1) and Sulfurospirillum multivorans (Sm)) and a bacterial consortium (BioDechlor INOCULUM (BDI)). The E(bulk) values for biological PCE microbial dechlorination were -1.39 +/- 0.21 per thousand (BB1), -1.33 +/- 0.13 per thousand (Sm), and -7.12 +/- 0.72 per thousand (BDI), while those for TCE were -4.07 +/- 0.48 per thousand (BB1), -12.8 +/- 1.6 per thousand (Sm), and -15.27 +/- 0.79 per thousand (BDI). Reactions were investigated by calculation of the apparent kinetic isotope effect for carbon (AKIEc), and the results suggest that differences in isotope fractionation for abiotic and microbial dechlorination resulted from the differences in rate-limiting steps during the dechlorination reaction. Measurement of more negative E(bulk) values at sites contaminated with PCE and TCE may suggest the occurrence of abiotic reductive dechlorination by FeS.  相似文献   

Permanganate oxidation of chlorinated ethylenes is an attractive technique to effect remediation of these important groundwater contaminants. Stable carbon isotope fractionation associated with permanganate oxidation of trichloroethylene (TCE), tetrachloroethylene (PCE), and cis-1,2-dichloroethylene (cDCE) has been measured, to study the possibility of applying stable carbon isotope analysis as a technique to assess the efficacy of remediation implemented by permanganate oxidation. Average carbon isotope fractionation factors of alphaTCE = 0.9786, alphaPCE = 0.9830, and alphacDCE = 0.9789 were obtained, although the fractionation factor for PCE may be interpreted to change from a value of 0.9779-0.9871 during the course of the reaction. The fractionation factors for all three compounds are quite similar, in contrast to the variation of fractionation factors vs degree of chlorination observed for other degradative processes, such as microbial dechlorination. This may be due to a common rate-determining step for permanganate oxidation of all three compounds studied. The large fractionation factors and the relative lack of dependence of the fractionation factors upon other environmental factors (e.g. oxidation rate, presence of multiple contaminants, incomplete oxidation, presence of chloride in solution) indicate that monitoring delta13C values of chlorinated ethylenes during oxidation with permanganate may be a sensitive, and potentially quantitative, technique to investigate the extent of degradation.  相似文献   

Uptake and molecular speciation of dissolved Hg during formation of Al- or Fe-ettringite-type and high-pH phases were investigated in coprecipitation and sorption experiments of sulfate-cement treatments used for soil and sediment remediation. Ettringite and minor gypsum were identified by XRD as primary phases in Al systems, whereas gypsum and ferrihydrite were the main products in Hg-Fe precipitates. Characterization of Hg-Al solids by bulk Hg EXAFS, electron microprobe, and microfocused-XRF mapping indicated coordination of Hg by Cl ligands, multiple Hg and Cl backscattering atoms, and concentration of Hg as small particles. Thermodynamic predictions agreed with experimental observations for bulk phases, but Hg speciation indicated lack of equilibration with the final solution. Results suggest physical encapsulation of Hg as a polynuclear chloromercury(II) salt in ettringite as the primary immobilization mechanism. In Hg-Fe solids, structural characterization indicated Hg coordination by O atoms only and Fe backscattering atoms that is consistent with inner-sphere complexation of Hg(OH)(2)(0) coprecipitated with ferrihydrite. Precipitation of ferrihydrite removed Hg from solution, but the resulting solid was sufficiently hydrated to allow equilibration of sorbed Hg species with the aqueous solution. Electron microprobe XRF characterization of sorption samples with low Hg concentration reacted with cement and FeSO(4) amendment indicated correlation of Hg and Fe, supporting the interpretation of Hg removal by precipitation of an Fe(III) oxide phase.  相似文献   

Chlorine isotope fractionation during reductive dechlorination of trichloroethene (TCE) and tetrachloroethene (PCE) to cis-1,2-dichloroethene (cDCE) by anaerobic bacteria was investigated. The changes in the 37Cl/35Cl ratio observed during the one-step reaction (TCE to cDCE) can be explained by the regioselective elimination of chlorine accompanied by the Rayleigh fractionation. The fractionation factors (alpha) of the TCE dechlorination by three kinds of anaerobic cultures were approximately 0.994-0.995 at 30 degrees C. The enrichment of 37Cl in the organic chlorine during the two-step reaction (PCE to cDCE) can be explained by the random elimination of one chlorine atom in the PCE molecule followed by the regioselective elimination of one chlorine atom in the TCE molecule. The fractionation factors for the first step of the PCE dechlorination with three kinds of anaerobic cultures were estimated to be 0.987-0.991 at 30 degrees C using a mathematical model. Isotope fractionation during the first step would be the primary factor for the chlorine isotope fractionation during the PCE dechorination to cDCE. The developed models can be utilized to evaluate the fractionation factors of regioselective and multistep reactions.  相似文献   

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