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In this experiment, we tested for opioid and nonopioid mechanisms of pain control through cognitive means and the relation of opioid involvement to perceived coping efficacy. Subjects were taught cognitive methods of pain control, were administered a placebo, or received no intervention. Their pain tolerance was then measured at periodic intervals after they were administered either a saline solution or naloxone, an opiate antagonist that blocks the effects of endogenous opiates. Training in cognitive control strengthened perceived self-efficacy both to withstand and to reduce pain; placebo medication enhanced perceived efficacy to withstand pain but not reductive efficacy; and neither form of perceived self-efficacy changed without any intervention. Regardless of condition, the stronger the perceived self-efficacy to withstand pain, the longer subjects endured mounting pain stimulation. The findings provide evidence that attenuation of the impact of pain stimulation through cognitive control is mediated by both opioid and nonopioid mechanisms. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A series of hydroxynaphthazarins has been synthesized. Some of them were found in in vivo experiments to be protectors of myocardium under ischemia-reperfusion and to reduce the infarction zone by 50% without any adverse effect. All compounds exhibit a moderate or small toxicity and are active in low doses.  相似文献   

Ovarian cancer is a common malignancy for which no widely effective prevention or early detection strategies are known. It is one of the most responsive of adult solid tumors, however, and patients can be cured by appropriately applied regimens of surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Expertise is required to select and coordinate the appropriate combinations. Therapeutic trials are underway at various centers, including the Medicine Branch of the NCI, to develop new treatment strategies and refine existing modalities.  相似文献   

This article outlines critical issues in the psychiatric assessment of patients presenting with medically unexplained physical symptoms that form the core of the somatoform disorders in current nosologies. The prevalence of these disorders in communities and clinical settings emphasizes that a majority of these patients are primary care service users rather than mental health clients. A brief review of previous studies on the pharmacological management of these syndromes with antidepressants highlights unique features of these disorders that are relevant to the design of double-blind studies. The promising results emerging from some of these studies bring new excitement to the field that may help counter the prevailing therapeutic nihilism, thus attracting new investigators to this area. Finally, several caveats are provided on issues of research design and interpretation for the benefit of those entering this field of research.  相似文献   

Human sacral appendages have rarely been reported. We present a neonate with a thoracolumbar appendage resembling a penis, and discuss the nature of the anomaly and its diagnosis and management.  相似文献   

Neonates, especially preterms, are known to have low glomerular filtration rates (GFR). This may result in elevated trough concentrations during multiple administration of aminoglycosides (AGs), potentially leading to nephro- and ototoxic reactions. The once-daily administration (q.d.) of AGs has been shown to be equally or better tolerated in adults and children than the conventional schedules (twice daily, b.i.d.; thrice daily, t.i.d.), while offering potential pharmacodynamic and nursing advantages. No data, however, are available for neonates. As a consequence, this pilot study was conducted in order to assess the tolerance of the once-a-day administration of amikacin in comparison with the twice daily dose regimen, in relation to the pharmacokinetics of the drug under these two schedules. 22 Male neonates (gestational age > or = 34 weeks; postnatal age < or = 2 days) were randomized to receive amikacin (AK) (15 mg/kg/day) q.d. (n = 10) or b.i.d. (n = 12) together with ampicillin (50 mg/kg/12 h). AK plasma levels were measured at days 1, 3, 5 and 7 of treatment just before the next dose (trough level) and 1 h after completion of infusion (peak level) and after 3 and 6 h only at day 1. Due to the small size of the samples, no difference in efficacy could be assessed and was not the aim per se. Glomerular dysfunction was assessed by creatinine clearance, and tubular injuries by the urinary excretion of proteins (retinol binding protein, beta 2-microglobulin, clara cell protein (P1) and microalbumin), enzymes (N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase, alkaline phosphatase, alanine aminopeptidase, and gamma-glutamyltransferase), and total phospholipids (TPL) in urine. Ototoxicity was assessed by brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs) at days 0, 3 and 9 of therapy. Eight healthy neonates served as controls. All patients showed a normal and similar increase of GFR during the first postnatal days. Proteinuria did not increase, but enzymuria and TPL increased significantly during the treatment in both AK groups without significant difference between groups. BAEPs at day 9 were not significantly different between treated and untreated patients. We conclude from this pilot study that, in the absence of more toxicity, the q.d. administration of AK in neonates of > or = 34 weeks of gestational age may be recommended over its bid schedule in view of its potential advantages.  相似文献   

A polyneuropathy is characterized by a symmetrical distribution of sensory or motor abnormalities, more pronounced distally than proximally and usually more evident in the lower than in the upper limbs. Polyneuropathies may be classified on the basis of (a) clinical picture: acute/subacute/chronic, sensory/motor/autonomous, axonal degeneration/segmental demyelinization, and (b) cause: metabolic disorder, deficiency, infection, auto(dys)immunity, hereditary and toxic/iatrogenic polyneuropathy, with idiopathic polyneuropathy as the remaining group. Damaged nerves may recover as the result of spontaneous remyelinization and axonal regeneration. Treatment is particularly successful in immunomediated neuropathies. Withdrawal is often successful in intoxications and suppletion in deficiencies. Even if no treatment is possible, the diagnosis is important: the patient can be taught to accept his disease and the prognosis can be determined, in connection with possible handicaps.  相似文献   

Arterial ulcers occur because of inadequate perfusion of skin and subcutaneous tissue at rest. Arterial occlusive disease, common among smokers, diabetics and the elderly, can lead to claudication, rest pain and gangrene, in addition to localized ulceration. Other processes, such as venous stasis, pressure, trauma, and vasculitis, can also cause ischemia. However, a thorough patient history and physical assessment can help discriminate between ischemic ulcers caused by arterial disease and other types of ulcers. The key to the diagnosis of arterial occlusive disease is the patient history. Pain while walking is the most common presenting complaint and can indicate intermittent claudication. Physical assessment should include both a general exam, looking for problems relating to lungs, heart and nervous system, and a focused exam of the affected extremities and arterial pulses. Vascular laboratory findings can also help confirm a diagnosis of arterial ischemic ulceration. The key to treatment is improvement in the vascular perfusion to the affected area. Surgical revascularization is the mainstay of treatment, with some interventional procedures becoming accepted. Medical options, in addition to correction of underlying medical problems, include good wound and supportive care, but pharmaceutical interventions have generally not proven effective, and should be considered only if interventional procedures are not possible. With an adequate blood supply reestablished, most arterial ulcers will progress to healing unless there are complicating factors.  相似文献   

A 32-year-old female patient with a primary adenohypophyseal neoplasm that rapidly progressed to a fatal outcome is presented. The time interval between her admission to the hospital and her death was 3 months. Despite dopamine agonist therapy, local invasion as well as frontal and spinal cord metastases at Th 10-12 region developed, and four surgical resections were performed. The serum prolactin levels were high. Both the primary pituitary tumour and all the metastatic tumours had the same histological findings and immunohistochemical reactions. Each was composed of pleomorphic chromophobic cells with enlarged nuclei. Mitoses and necroses were frequent. Immunostains revealed prolactin in the tumour cells. A literature review revealed that in most of the pituitary carcinomas as in our case hyperprolactinaemia did not respond to medical therapy and the histopathological appearance of the tumour has not correlated with the aggressive behaviour of the tumour. It may therefore be considered that at least some of the cases with metastases in prolactin secreting pituitary carcinomas could be the result of hyperprolactinaemia itself.  相似文献   

CVI is a common disease with significant morbidity that results from venous hypertension of the extremities. Increased perfusion pressure probably traps excessive numbers of white blood cells in the capillaries. Activated leukocytes subsequently damage capillary endothelium, increase capillary permeability, and cause ischemia of the overlying skin as a result of leakage of fibrinogen and formation of a fibrin cuff. Diagnosis of CVI is not difficult because its clinical manifestations are usually evident. Vascular compression therapy remains the foundation of medical management for CVI. Refractory cases may require a combined medical and operative approach.  相似文献   

Clinical investigations in the past few years have enhanced the understanding of the mechanisms of hyperkalemia in patients with ESRD. The results of these studies have led to modifications in the acute treatment and prevention of hyperkalemia in this patient population. They have confirmed the efficacy of intravenous insulin, while raising doubts about the utility of intravenous bicarbonate, for the acute treatment of hyperkalemia. Moreover, the beta-adrenergic agonist albuterol has been shown to be a useful adjunct to insulin for acutely lowering plasma potassium. Finally, there has been enhanced recognition of nondietary factors that can predispose to hyperkalemia in patients with ESRD, including prolonged fasting and the use of nonselective beta-adrenergic blockers. These new insights may improve the clinical management of hyperkalemia in patients with renal failure.  相似文献   

Determinations were made of ethanol preference and behavioral tolerance in 4 experiments with inbred strains of mice. High- and low-preference strains were compared on neural tolerance to ethanol and metabolic capacity. High preference for ethanol was accompanied by higher behavioral and neural tolerance than that found in low-preference Ss. Differences in metabolism of ethanol between high- and low-preferring Ss were small. However, low-preference Ss did not metabolize acetaldehyde as rapidly as high-preference Ss. Differences in preference for propylene glycol were in the same direction and as extreme as those for ethanol. Both substances are CNS depressants; but unlike alcohol, propylene glycol is not metabolized to a toxic metabolite that might induce a conditioned aversion. This finding in addition to the difference observed in neural tolerance suggests that neural sensitivity may play a part in the acceptance or rejection of ethanol and propylene glycol. (30 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A fetal head and neck malignancy was prenatally diagnosed. The parents allowed the fetus to die during labour, due to the poor prognosis. We discuss the corresponding pathology findings, differential diagnosis, and management of this rare entity. Prenatal diagnosis of fetal neoplasms theoretically improves outcome, although this was not true in our case.  相似文献   

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