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The optimal decoding scheme for asynchronous code-division multiple-access (CDMA) systems that employ convolutional codes results in a prohibitive computational complexity. To reduce the computational complexity, an iterative receiver structure was proposed for decoding multiuser data in a convolutional coded CDMA system. At each iteration, extrinsic information is exchanged between a soft-input soft-output (SISO) multiuser detector and a bank of single-user SISO channel decoders. A direct implementation of the optimal SISO multiuser detector, however, has exponential computational complexity in terms of the number of users which is still prohibitive for channels with a medium to large number of users. This paper presents a low-complexity SISO multiuser detector using the decision-feedback scheme, of which tentative hard decisions are made and fed back to the SISO multiuser from the previous decoding output. In the proposed scheme, the log-likelihood ratios (LLR) as well as the tentative hard decisions of code bits are fed back from the SISO decoders. The hard decisions are used to constrain the trellis of the SISO multiuser detector and the LLRs are used to provide a priori information on the code bits. The detector provides good performance/complexity tradeoffs. The computational complexity of the detector can be set to be as low as linear in the number of users. Simulations show that the performance of the low-complexity SISO multiuser detector approaches that of the single-user system for moderate to high signal-to-noise ratios even for a large number of users.  相似文献   

该文提出一种适用于大规模跳时脉冲无线电系统的低复杂度多用户检测算法。该算法采用了似然上升搜索的策略,即朝着似然函数值增加的方向进行搜索,进而得到近优的接收信号解。仿真结果表明对于大规模跳时脉冲无线电系统,该检测算法不仅能够逼近单用户系统的优异性能,而且复杂度极低,其检测每个比特的平均复杂度与用户数仅呈线性关系。  相似文献   

An adaptive multiuser receiver for CDMA systems   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A new real-time, digital adaptive multiuser receiver structure is proposed for the uplink in a mobile communications system employing code division multiple access (CDMA). The receiver efficiently implements the decorrelating detector of Lupas and Verdu (1989) and can be adapted to incorporate decision feedback to further improve the detector performance. While the basic receiver design is presented for synchronous CDMA over AWGN channels, experimental evaluation of the receiver for the asynchronous case verifies its robustness for cases when the relative user delays are small compared to the symbol duration as in microcellular scenarios. An efficient decorrelating RAKE combiner for frequency-selective multipath channels is also proposed and analyzed. Performance evaluation of the detector via computer simulation scenarios is conducted in support of analytical results to substantiate its potential for real-time operation  相似文献   

A low-complexity iterative multiuser detector is presented that uses adaptive preselection to minimise complexity while maintaining system performance very similar to that achieved when using the optimal maximum likelihood receiver.  相似文献   

Exploiting the Fourier basis structure both in the space and the time domains, we develop a low-complexity multiuser space-time coding scheme, multiuser (MU) angle-frequency coding scheme (MU-AFCS), to properly schedule the data streams of each user with respect to its corresponding angle-frequency channel structure for downlink wireless systems. With the proposed approach, a large amount of space resource left over by one user, in clustered multipath wireless channels, can be easily identified and used by the others without serious signal collision in the space domain. In doing so, low channel capacity resulting from poor channel structures in systems, allowing only single-user transmission at a time, can be greatly boosted. The key advantage of this approach is that only limited feedback of channel state information to the transmitter is required while multiuser macro-diversity is sufficiently exploited. In addition, the complexity of the proposed approach is much lower than that of the existing ones serving similar purposes. Through theoretical analyses and computer simulations, we demonstrate that the MU-AFCS can significantly increase the channel capacity as compared to the traditional orthogonal resource division MU multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems.  相似文献   

A modification of the known linear precoding algorithm CLTD (closed-loop transmit diversity) intended for multiuser radio communication systems and using theMIMOtechnology has been proposed. The efficiency of the original precoding algorithm CLTD possessing a number of advantages as compared to earlier precoding methods based on complete information about the communication channel state is enhanced at the expense of introducing nonlinearity. The use of nonlinear procedure of ordered successive interference cancellation (OSIC) in forming the precoding matrix makes it possible to significantly increase the noise immunity of the entire system as a whole at the expense of a slight rise of algorithm computational complexity. In addition, the results of computer simulation are presented reflecting the efficiency of the proposed modification of the algorithm for forming a precoding matrix as compared to the original CLTD algorithm.  相似文献   

We propose and analyze a multiuser receiver using a decorrelating filter and Viterbi decoders for trellis-coded direct-sequence code-division multiple-access (DS/CDMA) systems with biorthogonal signal constellation in asynchronous channels. The biorthogonality is implemented by user signature waveforms and the decorrelating filter. The performance of the proposed system is investigated with emphasis on the asymptotic cases: it is shown that the proposed system provides us with some coding gain and near-far resistance. It is confirmed that we can enhance the performance of the proposed system by using base-station antenna arrays  相似文献   

Capon multiuser receiver for CDMA systems with space-time coding   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We present in this paper a linear blind multiuser receiver, referred to as the Capon receiver, for code-division multiple-access (CDMA) systems utilizing multiple transmit antennas and space-time (ST) block coding. The Capon receiver is designed by exploiting signal structures imposed by both spreading and ST coding. We highlight the unique ST coding induced structure, which is shown to be critical in establishing several analytical results, including self-interference (i.e., spatially mixed signals of the same user) cancellation, receiver output signal-to-interference-and-noise ratio (SINR), and blind channel estimation of the Capon receiver. To resolve the scalar ambiguity intrinsic to all blind schemes, we propose a semi-blind implementation of the Capon receiver, which capitalizes on periodically inserted pilots and the interference suppression ability of the Capon filters, for (slowly) time-varying channels. Numerical examples are presented to compare the Capon receiver with several other training-assisted and (semi-)blind receivers and to illustrate the performance gain of ST-coded CDMA systems over those without ST coding  相似文献   

Herein, we consider uplink multiuser massive multiple‐input multiple‐output systems when multiple users transmit information symbols to a base station (BS) by applying simple space‐time block coding (STBC). At the BS receiver, two detection filters for each user are used to detect the STBC information symbols. One of these filters is for odd‐indexed symbols and the other for even‐indexed symbols. Using constrained output variance metric minimization, we first derive a special relation between the closed‐form optimal solutions for the two detection filters. Then, using the derived special relation, we propose a new blind adaptive algorithm for implementing the minimum output variance‐based optimal filters. In the proposed adaptive algorithm, filter weight vectors are updated only in the region satisfying the special relation. Through a theoretical analysis of the convergence speed and a computer simulation, we demonstrate that the proposed scheme exhibits faster convergence speed and lower steady‐state bit error rate than the conventional scheme.  相似文献   

An effective multiuser receiver for DS/CDMA systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Multiuser detection (MUD) is a key technique for combating multiple access interference (MAI) in CDMA systems. We propose a simple and effective multiuser receiver, which we refer to as the objective function based multiuser detector (OFMUD). This is a successive multistage joint detector based on the statistical optimization of an objective function. Two objective functions are considered in this paper. The first one is based on a maximum likelihood solution, and the second one is based on the least squared error solution. A key feature of the proposed detector is that among all the K user bits, we update the estimate of one and only one bit (the one that is most likely to be wrong) in every stage. Analytical and numerical results show that significant performance improvement can be achieved compared with the conventional DS/CDMA receiver. At the same time, the near-far problem is alleviated. In addition, it is shown that the proposed receiver can outperform the popular multiuser parallel interference cancellation receiver in most cases with a smaller computational cost  相似文献   

Turbo coded unitary space-time modulation (USTM) can provide large coding gain as compared to uncoded USTM. Because the noncoherent space-time maximum a posteriori demodulator is very complicated, in this letter, we propose a new low-complexity noncoherent iterative space-time demodulator for the USTM constructed from pilot symbol-assisted modulation. The proposed demodulator utilizes both hard and soft decisions from the turbo decoder to simplify the computational task as well as produce reliable soft outputs. Several examples demonstrate that this demodulator has both low complexity and good error performance.  相似文献   

We consider a CDMA system with error-control coding. Optimal joint decoding is prohibitively complex. Instead, we propose a sequential approach for handling multiple-access interference and error-control decoding. Error-control decoding is implemented via single-user soft-input decoders utilizing metrics generated by linear algebraic multiuser metric generators. The decorrelator, and a new scheme termed the projection receiver, are utilized as metric generators. For a synchronous system, the coded performance of the projection receiver metric is shown to be superior to the decorrelator even though they are equally complex. Also, the theoretical degradation relative to the single user bound is derived  相似文献   

Code division multiple access (CDMA) capacity is limited by interference amongst users. The effect of this interference on receiver outputs depends on the users' signatures and the actual detector used in the receiver. A matched filter receiver is particularly sensitive to interference, whereas an optimum multiuser receiver is less sensitive but infeasible due to its exponential complexity. We propose a receiver structure that trades detection performance for reduced complexity. It can interpolate between the performances and complexities of these two receivers. Our detector uses a tree structure, and some of its special cases are the decision feedback detector, the decorrelating detector, and the optimal linear detector. We show that at equal complexity levels, a particular implementation of our detector outperforms these detectors. We also show that our approach can be used with a minimum-mean-square-error design criterion and coded CDMA transmission  相似文献   

We consider the design of optimal multiuser receivers for space-time block coded (STBC) multicarrier code-division multiple-access (MC-CDMA) systems in unknown frequency-selective fading channels. Under a Bayesian framework, the proposed multiuser receiver is based on the Gibbs sampler, a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method for numerically computing the marginal a posteriori probabilities of different users' data symbols. By exploiting the orthogonality property of the STBC and the multicarrier modulation, the computational complexity of the receiver is significantly reduced. Furthermore, being a soft-input soft-output algorithm, the Bayesian Monte Carlo multiuser detector is capable of exchanging the so-called extrinsic information with the maximum a posteriori (MAP) outer channel code decoders of all users, and successively improving the overall receiver performance. Several practical issues, such as testing the convergence of the Gibbs sampler in fading channel applications, resolving the phase ambiguity as well as the antenna ambiguity, and adapting the proposed receiver to multirate MC-CDMA systems, are also discussed. Finally, the performance of the Bayesian Monte Carlo multiuser receiver is demonstrated through computer simulations  相似文献   

本文提出了一种用于Turbo编码DS/CDMA系统的迭代多用户接收器。该接收器由一个软输入/软输出(SISO)的多用户检测器和一组单用户SISO信道译码器组成。每次迭代过程中,多用户检测器和信道译码器都输出信息作为下一代迭代的先验信息,仿真结果表明,这种接收器的比特误码性能接近Turbo编码系统的单用户限。  相似文献   

In recent years, combining multiuser detection (MUD) and channel decoding has received considerable attention. The maximum a posteriori (MAP) criterion-based iterative multiuser detector greatly improves the system performance and can approach the performance of single-user coded systems. However, its complexity increases exponentially with the number of users and can become prohibitive for systems with a medium-to-large number of users. In this paper, a reduced complexity MAP-based iterative MUD based on the use of a soft sensitive bits algorithm is proposed for coded multicarrier code-division multiple-access systems. It is shown that it can greatly reduce the computational complexity with a minimal penalty in performance compared to the conventional optimal scheme.  相似文献   

In this paper, an iterative low-complexity receiver is proposed for Code Division Multiple Access (cdma) systems with small spreading factors. Theumts (Universal Mobile Télecommunication System) radio interface based oncdma has been designed to offer a wide range of data rates using variable spreading factors. High data rate services are obtained by using small spreading factors. For such services, the spreading sequences have bad autocor-relation properties causing the degradation of the Rake receiver performance because of the InterSymbol Interférence (isi). In order to improve the receiver performance, we propose to add a Decision Feedback Sequence Estimation (dfse) equalizer at the Rake receiver output. Thedfse is a low complexity equalizer which is able to take into accounta priori probability ratios and to deliver a posteriori probability ratios on bits in order to exchange soft information with the channel decoder, so that the proposed receiver benefits from the turbo-processing gains. Channel estimation is also treated in an iterative fashion. The complete receiver is well suited to theumts downlink system as it drastically reduces theisi while keeping a reasonable computational complexity.  相似文献   

Iterative multiuser turbo-code receiver for DS-CDMA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A number of different iterative decoding methods are proposed for multiuser interference cancellation in a code-division multiple-access system where turbo-codes are utilized for forward error correction (FEC). The individual users are decoded separately with the operation of iterative interference cancellation being mixed with iterative decoding of the turbo-code. This results in a modest increase in the overall complexity as compared to a conventional single-user receiver utilizing turbo-code for FEC. Numerical results are presented showing that the proposed iterative decoders show an improvement in the bit error rate performance and/or a reduction in the computational complexity as compared to similar previously known methods reported by M.C. Reed et al. (see 8th IEEE Int. Symp. Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Commun. - PIMRC'97, vol.2, p.740-4, 1997; IEEE Trans. Commun., vol.46, p.1693-9, 1998).  相似文献   

We propose novel space-time multistage and iterative receiver structures and examine their application in code division multiple access (CDMA) mobile communication systems. In particular we derive an expression for weighting coefficients in parallel interference cancellers (PICs) in a system with a large number of users, where decision statistics bias is pronounced. We further examine the parameters in this expression and show how to obtain a practical partial cancellation method that allows on-line estimation of the weighting coefficients. In the proposed multistage PIC, the coefficients are calculated by using only the variances of the detector outputs. We also examine an iterative PIC and observe that this receiver has similar limitations as the multistage PIC. The application of the novel parallel interference cancellation strategy in the iterative receiver structure results in a spectacular system capacity improvement with a negligible complexity increase relative to the standard iterative receiver. The performance of the proposed receivers is further enhanced by receiver adaptive array antennas and space-time processing  相似文献   

A novel multiuser detector for direct sequence code division multiple access is proposed. The receiver performs iterated soft decision interference cancellation (ISDIC) based on multiuser interference suppression filters designed for minimization of the mean-square error. Assuming a complex modulation format, we show that the multiuser interference becomes rotationally variant in the course of the iterations. Regarding this rotational variance in the design of the multiuser interference suppression filter, the presented iterative multiuser detector achieves significant performance gains compared with conventional ISDIC employing a standard minimum mean-squared error filter which is optimum only for rotationally invariant multiuser interference  相似文献   

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