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光谱成像技术不仅具有空间分辨能力,而且还具有光谱分辨能力。本文从图像技术、光谱分析等不同方面论述了光谱成像技术出现和发展的必然性,明确了光谱成像的定义,丰富了光谱成像的内涵。综合运用显微荧光成像技术、分光光度术、光电检测技术、计算机和图像处理技术,提出并实现了显微荧光光谱成像分析方法,并通过实践验证了可行性。  相似文献   

被称为科学的“眼睛”的显微镜,在科学技术飞速发展的今天,扮演着越来越“出色”的角色。借助她了不起的工作,人类发现了“细胞”,认识了“细胞”,不仅从结构上解剖了生物世界和物质世界,而且进一步阐明了生命功能模块的存在及其繁衍变化的诸多过程,将人眼本不可见或不能分辨细节的微观世界的精妙之处如数家珍般逐一呈现在我们的面前,人类不由得不感叹自然造物是如此的神奇和美丽,“点点滴滴”才是真。  相似文献   

设计了用于多孔板细胞分析的自动显微系统以实现药物筛选的自动检测.研究了系统的机械结构、人机交互软件、对焦评价函数的选择和多视野图像拼接功能.该系统采用支架式结构,克服了形变带来的精度影响;对比传统机械传动的优缺点后,采用伺服电机和音圈电机两级调节的方式来提高系统精度和对焦速度.比较了几种对焦评价函数的性能并提出性能更优的评价方法.考虑到高倍显微镜下视野小对实验统计意义的影响,设计了多视野图像拼接等图像处理功能.最后,实验验证了系统的设计技术指标.实验结果表明:单次对焦时间为2s;对焦精度在微米级;单次4×4图像阵列拼接时间为15s,满足系统进行药物筛选对速度、自动化程度和稳定可靠性的要求.  相似文献   

面向产品的虚拟制造技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于虚拟现实的虚拟制造技术是将与产品制造相关的各种过程和技术集成在三维的、动态的、仿真的实体数字模型之上,借助建模与仿真技术并行地模拟出产品制造过程的各种活动对产品设计的影响,从而实现产品一次性制造成功,达到降低成本、缩短产品开发周期,增强产品竞争力的目的。本文介绍了面向产品的虚拟制造的概念、所需关键技术及其应用实例。  相似文献   

碰撞检测是虚拟装配过程中的重要环节,其执行效率直接影响到装配仿真的真实感,现从3个层次对此问题展开了论述:通过扫描剪枝与装配关系相结合的方法得到包围盒相交的零件对;利用时空连续性减少包围盒的相交次数,加快了两零件之间的检测;提出了由于模型的近似表达而造成的虚假碰撞的排除方法。  相似文献   

碰撞检测是虚拟装配过程中的重要环节,其执行效率直接影响到装配仿真的真实感,现从3个层次对此问题展开了论述:通过扫描剪枝与装配关系相结合的方法得到包围盒相交的零件对;利用时空连续性减少包围盒的相交次数,加快了两零件之间的检测;提出了由于模型的近似表达而造成的虚假碰撞的排除方法.  相似文献   

以烟草混合样品为例简要介绍近红外显微成像技术和近红外显微镜的使用,介绍与之相关的实现化学成分鉴别的图像处理方法及图像显示方式。  相似文献   

饶岚  黄峰 《光学仪器》2002,24(1):7-12
概述了生物体内部结构的几种传统的成像技术 ,介绍了一种新的生物体内部结构三维显微成像方法。该方法对生物体作连续切片 ,由 CCD显微摄像系统获取切片的序列图像 ,然后由计算机进行三维图像重构 ,最终得到生物体内部结构的三维显微图像  相似文献   

李广强 《机械》2000,27(Z1):205-206
虚拟制造技术是一种面向知识经济的先进制造技术。它是企业以仿真和信息集成为基础的一种新的制造构想。本文介绍了它的概念、流派、关键技术、体系结构及国内外研究概况。  相似文献   

面向产品全生命周期的虚拟产品开发技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
产品开发是产品形成过程中的创造性阶段.随着信息技术的发展,产品开发所包含的内容和影响范围在不断拓宽.讨论了信息时代产品开发的新概念及面向产品生命周期的开发理论和方法.介绍了虚拟产品开发技术的应用和发展.可以肯定,虚拟产品开发技术将成为21世纪工程技术人员发挥创造性思维的强有力手段.  相似文献   

Microimaging is of great significance in the biological and medical fields, since it can realize observations acting as important references for cellular research and disease diagnosis. However, traditional microscopy only offers qualitative sample contours; moreover, it is difficult to reach large‐amount sample observations limited by the fixed field of view (FoV). To realize massive cellular measurements quantitatively, three designed quantitative interferometric microscopic cytometers based on the FoV scanning are introduced and compared in details in this article. These devices not only retrieve the quantitative sample phase distributions in the extended FoV, but also provide the detailed information of massive cells, such as cellular volume, area, and roundness. Considering their capabilities as quantitative imaging and large‐amount sampling, it is believed that these quantitative interferometric microscopic cytometers (QIMCs) can be potentially adopted in high‐throughput cell imaging and statistical analysis for both the biological and medical applications.  相似文献   

The implementation of cellular manufacturing can be carried out through the creation of manufacturing cells (i.e., groups of dissimilar machines dedicated to a set of part types that are placed in close proximity to one another) or virtual cells (i.e., the dedication of specific machines within the current departments to a prespecified set of part types). Typically, the former involves the reorganization of the shop floor and provides the operational benefit of reduced materials handling. On the other hand, the latter configuration is simpler to implement and easier to reconfigure in light of product demand changes, but it may not offer the same operational benefits. In this paper, we propose and validate analytical approximations for comparing the performance of virtual cells and multistage flow shops. Using these approximations and hypothetical data, we identify some key factors that influence the implementation of virtual cells in a multistage flow shop environment. We conclude with an application of our approximations to industrial data.  相似文献   

Wu X  Yu Z  Liu N 《Scanning》2012,34(3):174-180
Assessment of skin lymphatic vessels is of great significance in understanding their roles in many pathological conditions. Our aim was to identify the optimal approach for investigation of cutaneous lymphatic system. We performed comparative studies on skin lymphatic vessels using immunohistochemistry of tissue sections, computer graphic reconstruction method together with immunohistochemically stained serial sections and whole mount fluorescence in human lower limb. Lymphatic vessels were identified with podoplanin antibody. The relative merits and drawbacks of each method in evaluation of structure, spatial organization, and distribution of cutaneous lymphatic vessels were described. Immunohistology of tissue sections enabled the investigation of the structure and distribution of the whole cutaneous lymphatic system in two-dimensional slices, whereas three-dimensional morphology of only the most superficial lymph capillary network immediately under the epidermis could be evaluated with the whole mount technique. Meanwhile, only little segmentation of skin lymphatic vessel from five immunohistochemically stained serial sections was reconstructed and evaluated due to expense and special skills required using computer graphic three-dimensional reconstruction. Furthermore, a great number of artifacts and special skills required in its processes leaded to less accurate structure of skin lymphatic vessels. Our findings demonstrated that the use of either of the proposed techniques alone could not allow a comprehensive analysis of the skin lymphatic system due to their relative drawbacks. Combination of immunohistology of tissue sections and three-dimensional whole-mount preparations appears to be the best candidate for comprehensive evaluation of skin lymphatic system.  相似文献   

为了能对自主研制的脑肿瘤手术医用显微成像光谱仪进行光谱定标,设计了由单色仪、钨灯光源、棱镜-光栅-棱镜成像光谱仪及手术显微平台组成的光谱定标系统。采用单色仪波长扫描法,自主开发了相应的光谱定标系统软件,获得了显微成像光谱仪全谱段的光谱数据,完成了数据处理和分析等工作。通过调整光路、单色仪定标、成像光谱仪定标3个步骤实现了系统的光谱定标。定标结果表明:显微成像光谱仪的光谱区大于400~900nm;定标精度高于0.1nm,光谱分辨率高于3nm,各项特征指标均高于设计指标。测试验证实验表明,所建立的光谱定标系统定标精准,结构简单、紧凑,操作简单,符合显微成像光谱仪的实际临床应用要求。  相似文献   

Apoptosis, a genetically programmed cellular event leads to biochemical and morphological changes in cells. Alterations in DNA caused by several factors affect nucleus and ultimately the entire cell leading to compromised function of the organ and organism. DNA, a master regulator of the cellular events, is an important biomolecule with regards to cell growth, cell death, cell migration and cell differentiation. It is therefore imperative to develop the staining techniques that may lead to visualize the changes in nucleus where DNA is housed, to comprehend the cellular pathophysiology. Over the years a number of nuclear staining techniques such as propidium iodide, Hoechst‐33342, 4’, 6‐diamidino‐2‐phenylindole (DAPI), Acridine orange–Ethidium bromide staining, among others have been developed to assess the changes in DNA. Some nonnuclear staining techniques such as Annexin‐V staining, which although does not stain DNA, but helps to identify the events that result from DNA alteration and leads to initiation of apoptotic cell death. In this review, we have briefly discussed some of the most commonly used fluorescent and nonfluorescent staining techniques that identify apoptotic changes in cell, DNA and the nucleus. These techniques help in differentiating several cellular and nuclear phenotypes that result from DNA damage and have been identified as specific to necrosis or early and late apoptosis as well as scores of other nuclear deformities occurring inside the cells.  相似文献   

The real-time uptake of serotonin, a neurotransmitter, by rat leukemia mast cell line RBL-2H3 and 5-hydroxytryptophan by Chinese hamster V79 cells has been studied by fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM), monitoring ultraviolet (340 nm) fluorescence induced by two-photon subpicosecond 630 nm excitation. Comparison with two-photon excitation with 590 nm photons or by three-photon excitation at 740 nm shows that the use of 630 nm excitation provides optimal signal intensity and lowered background from auto-fluorescence of other cellular components. In intact cells, we observe using FLIM three distinct fluorescence lifetimes of serotonin and 5-hydroxytryptophan according to location. The normal fluorescence lifetimes of both serotonin (3.8 ns) and 5-hydroxytryptophan (3.5 ns) in solution are reduced to approximately 2.5 ns immediately on uptake into the cell cytosol. The lifetime of internalized serotonin in RBL-2H3 cells is further reduced to approximately 2.0 ns when stored within secretory vesicles.  相似文献   

显微高光谱成像系统的设计   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17  
设计出一种基于棱镜 光栅 棱镜组合分光方式的显微高光谱成像实验系统.系统根据推帚式成像光谱仪的原理进行设计,采用棱镜 光栅 棱镜组合元件在后光学系统进行光谱分光,利用高精度载物台自动装置驱动样品进行推扫成像,选用PCI总线作为数据采集的微机接口.整个系统由显微镜、分光计、面阵CCD相机、载物台自动装置以及数据采集与控制模块等几部分组成.系统的光谱范围从400nm到800nm,120个波段,光谱分辨率优于5nm,空间分辨率大约1μm.该系统具有直视性、光谱分辨率高、结构紧凑、成本低等优点;不仅能够提供微小物体在可见光范围的单波段显微图像,而且能够获得图像中任一像素的光谱曲线,实现了光谱技术和显微成像技术的结合,成功的将成像光谱技术应用到显微领域,可广泛应用于临床医学、生物学、材料学、微电子学等学科领域.  相似文献   

关联成像是一种基于光场二阶或高阶关联的主动间接成像技术,具有灵敏度高、抗干扰能力强等特点,在生物医学成像、遥感成像、海洋探测等领域有着重要的利用价值。然而,关联成像过程中对采样数的要求导致采样时间长、成像速度慢。如何在低采样的情况下获得高质量的图像重构依旧是关联成像在实际应用中需要解决的问题之一。详细阐述了关联成像的原理并介绍了近几年低采样关联成像的进展情况,如以深度学习为主的计算关联成像的理论及实验研究成果,并对关联成像的应用进行了总结和展望。  相似文献   

A post-polymerization en bloc staining method for high voltage electron microscopy is described. Embedded specimens were initially trimmed to an area close to the point of interest. Trimmed blocks were stained in 5% uranyl acetate/75% ethanol solutions for 36 h at 333 K. This procedure allowed specimens to be stained without the necessity of exposing Formvar films to damaging solutions. After such staining, both the contrast and fine detail of structures such as microfilament bundles were superior to that seen in material stained with aqueous solutions of uranyl salts.  相似文献   

着重改善物理实体智慧工厂在工程实践中日益凸显的环境变量动态变化实时感知失效、多维因素约束下,设备互联与数字集成失衡和较长周期内自主预测机制缺失等若干缺陷,构建了基于工业数字孪生仿真建模的虚拟工厂业务协同模型,并进行了典型环境下的仿真验证。首先,引入工业数字孪生仿真建模技术,构建了面向虚拟工厂业务协同模型的体系架构,给出了虚拟工厂数据流与控制流之间的耦合关系;然后,从数据感知及高效传输模型、融合事件驱动的虚实映射模型和基于深度学习的虚拟工厂业务协同模型等方面,详细给出了模型体系架构涉及的关键问题解决方案;最后,在 PyCharm 集成环境下构建虚拟工厂业务最优协同模型典型应用环境,并进行了多维仿真验证。以某有色金属冶炼行业重点企业为应用案例,对模型进行了工程应用实践验证,验证结果表明,模型较好改善了物理实体智慧工厂在工程实践中日益凸显的若干不足,具有环境变量动态变化实时感知全面、多维因素约束下设备互联与数字集成和较长周期内自主决策趋向明显等优势。  相似文献   

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