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Numerical assessment of the seismic response of an earth embankment on liquefiable soils 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Yu Huang Atsushi Yashima Kazuhide Sawada Feng Zhang 《Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment》2008,67(1):31-39
This study presents a numerical assessment of the seismic behaviour of an earth embankment founded on liquefiable foundation soils during earthquake loading. Analysis was carried out using an effective stress-based, fully coupled, finite element method. The behaviour of the sandy soil is described by means of a cyclic elastoplastic constitutive model which was developed within the framework of the Armstrong–Frederick type non-linear kinematic hardening concept. The numerical method and the analysis procedure are briefly outlined and as an example, the seismic response of an earth embankment on a saturated sand foundation is assessed. Based on the numerical results, the distinctive patterns of seismic response of the embankment are discussed. Special emphasis is given to the computed results of excess pore water pressures, co-seismic and post-seismic deformations, and accelerations during the seismic excitation. It has been found that the numerical model can capture fundamental liquefaction aspects of the embankment foundation system and produce preliminary results for its seismic assessment. 相似文献
《Soils and Foundations》2021,61(5):1302-1318
Northern Thailand has experienced several earthquakes which led to soil liquefaction in the past few decades. Traditional methods of evaluating liquefaction potential involve standard penetration test (SPT) or cone penetration tests. This research augmented experimental results with numerical methods to evaluate the liquefaction potential of Mae Lao Sand in Chiang Rai province of northern Thailand. SPT and downhole seismic test data collected during a field investigation at the Mae Lao site were compared to a 1D site response model analysis of the site. A series of undrained monotonic and cyclic triaxial tests was conducted on Mae Lao Sand specimens with different initial void ratios and confining pressures. Cyclic triaxial test results with varying deviator stress amplitudes were used to draw liquefaction resistance curves. Results from numerical simulation of sand liquefaction were used to characterise the stress–strain-pore water pressure response of Mae Lao Sand. 1D site response analysis determined seismic responses with different geological and groundwater conditions. All put together, the results showed that pore water pressure ratio decreases with increasing sand stiffness, the thickness of a soil layer significantly increases its liquefaction potential, and in-situ conditions and groundwater depths have major influences on the liquefaction potential of sand layers. 相似文献
Some previous studies have shown a good correlation between the shear wave velocity, Vs, and the cyclic resistance ratio, CRR. Recently, however, a Vs-based liquefaction assessment method has become an alternative and supplementary method to the conventional NSPT-based method. It is known that the CRR is influenced not only by the specimen density, but also by the soil fabric. Unfortunately, there are concerns that different combinations of the effects of the specimen density and the soil fabric may generate different relations between Vs and the CRR even if the tested specimens are of the same soil material. In the current study, a series of Vs measurements and undrained cyclic triaxial tests is performed on Toyoura sand specimens with different soil fabrics for three different specimen densities. The fabric of the specimens is varied by applying initial cyclic loading. The results of the Vs measurements indicate that the Vs of the specimen is affected by the initial cyclic loading histories, and the results of the undrained cyclic triaxial tests show that there is a good correlation between Vs and the CRR. However, the correlation varies depending on the specimen density even when the tested material is Toyoura sand only. In other words, the soil-type specific correlation between Vs and the CRR depends on the specimen density. Therefore, the results indicate that both Vs and the specimen density are necessary parameters for an accurate assessment of the CRR. 相似文献
In urban areas, excavations for cut-and-cover tunnels and basement construction cause detrimental effects on adjacent existing piles. Hence quantifying the excavation induced lateral deformations and bending moments on piles are important to ensure the stability of structures. In this paper, behaviour of a single pile subjected to excavation induced ground movements is analysed using the finite element method, which has the ability to simulate the construction sequence comprising soil excavation, deformations due to dewatering within the excavation and installation of struts. A fully coupled analysis is carried out based on the effective stress principle. The numerical model was verified using the centrifuge test data found in the literature. A parametric study was carried out to establish the excavation induced pile behaviour varying the depth of the excavation, soil properties, wall support system, pile fixity conditions and pile location with respect to the excavation. Increasing axial load does not have a significant influence on the pile behaviour. However, pile head fixity condition, and stiffness and spacing of the wall support system have a significant influence on the pile behaviour adjacent to the excavation. Finally, based on the parametric study, a set of design charts are developed to predict the pile behaviour by taking into account the depth of excavation, undrained shear strength, width of the pile, spring stiffness, spacing of vertical supports, and unsupported depth of the excavation. The capability of the proposed design charts are demonstrated using a three-dimensional finite element analysis, a case study from the literature and a previously published simplified analysis procedure. 相似文献
In the past, the beneficial effects of prestressing the geosynthetic in reinforced soil foundations have been studied mathematically. It is timely to experimentally investigate the degree of improvement generated by prestressing the geosynthetic layer for several embedment depths of a footing resting on a reinforced sand bed. Therefore, laboratory physical model tests and finite element analyses were conducted to study the behaviour of prestressed geotextile-reinforced sand bed supporting a loaded circular footing. The addition of prestress to the geotextile reinforcement results in significant improvement to the settlement response and the load-bearing capacity of the foundation. For a surface footing, the load-carrying capacity at 5 mm settlement for the prestressed case (with prestress equal to 2% of the allowable tensile strength of the geotextile) is approximately double that of the geotextile-reinforced sand without prestress. The beneficial effects of the prestressed geotextile configuration were evident for greater footing depths, in comparison with unreinforced and reinforced (without prestress) counterparts. Experimental and numerical results were also used to validate a few empirical relationships, which are commonly used for solving soil-structure interaction problems. The results obtained from finite element analysis using the program, PLAXIS are generally found to be in reasonabaly good agreement with experimental results. 相似文献
Nie JianguoHuang Yuan Yi WeijianFan Jiansheng 《Journal of Constructional Steel Research》2012,68(1):165-175
This paper reports on an experimental and numerical investigation conducted on the seismic behavior of concrete-filled rectangular steel tubular columns (CFRSTC) composite frames. The experimental study was conducted by subjecting two full-scale composite frames to simulated seismic loads. Both frames were composed of CFRSTC and steel beams. One specimen was placed on a reinforce concrete (RC) floor slab and the other was not. The purpose of the test was to investigate the elasto-plastic performance of the CFRSTC composite frame system and to examine the effects of composite action on the behavior of composite frames. The test results showed that the stiffness, strength and energy-dissipating capacity of the CFRSTC frame increased significantly with the presence of the floor slab. Compared with a bare steel beam, the composite beam experienced a decrease in the rotation capacity from 0.046 rad to 0.026 rad. The shear deformation of the panel zone grew because of the composite action, which delayed the fracture of the beam. Finite element (FE) models were established to simulate the tested frames. The results of the FE model fit well with that of the test model in terms of stiffness, strength, hysteretic behavior and component deformation. 相似文献
Mechanical failure of materials adjacent to the production cavity and material disaggregation caused by fluid drag are considered as the most important parameters that affect sand production.In light of such factors,the coupling of two mechanisms-mechanical instability and hydrodynamic erosion-is indispensable in order to model this phenomenon successfully.This paper examines the applicability of a coupled hydro-mechanical erosion criterion for simulating sand production using the finite element method.The porous medium was considered fully saturated.The onset of sanding and production of sand were predicted by coupling mechanical failure and subsequent erosion of the grain particles utilizing a sanding model.To consider the erosion process,the Papamichos and Stavropoulou(1998)'s sand erosion criterion was incorporated into the finite element code.Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian(ALE) adaptive mesh approach was used to account for large amounts of erosive material loss.Besides,in order to address the problem of severe mesh distortion,the\"mesh mapping technique\" was employed.Sand production in a horizontal wellbore and in a field case was simulated to demonstrate capabilities of the proposed model.In addition,principal parameters affecting sand production,including in situ stresses,cohesion,perforation orientation,and drawdown were examined.The results indicated the efficiency of the model used in evaluation of sanding in the field.Parametric studies indicated that in situ stresses and formation cohesion could be considered as dominant factors affecting the amount of sand production. 相似文献
This paper describes a study into the fire behaviour of steel portal frame buildings at elevated temperatures using the finite element programme SAFIR. The finite element analysis carried out in this report is three dimensional and covers different support conditions at the column bases, the presence of axial restraints provided by the end walls, different fire severities within the building, different levels of out-of-plane restraint to the columns and the effect of concrete encasement to the columns. From a large number of analyses, it is shown that the bases of the steel portal frames at the foundations must be designed and constructed with some level of fixity to ensure that the structure will deform in an acceptable way during fire, with no outwards collapse of the walls. The analyses also show that to avoid sidesway (i.e. collapse outwards) it is not necessary for steel portal frame columns to be fire-protected unless the designer wishes to ensure that the columns and the wall panels remain standing, during and after the fire. 相似文献
《Geotextiles and Geomembranes》2023,51(5):144-164
The present study aims to explore and bring out morphological insights into the prior-liquefaction, liquefaction, and post-liquefaction response of sands with geotextile inclusions. For this, a series of multi-stage drained constant volume simple shear tests with different cyclic stress ratios (CSR ranging from 0.1125 to 0.225) and different frequencies (f of 0.2 and 1.0 Hz) were carried out on completely dry specimens constituted with granular materials of three distinct grain morphologies (rounded, subrounded, and angular) reinforced with a nonwoven geotextile. The study also consists of morphological quantifications through image analysis algorithms and direct shear tests on sand-geotextile interfaces. Test results revealed that the inclusion of geotextile increased the liquefaction resistance and post-liquefaction shear strength of all the materials, irrespective of their particle morphology. However, the beneficial effects are more in the case of specimens constituted with angular particles. The effect of loading frequency on the response is also established. The interlocking and ploughing tendency of the angular particles leads to the mobilization of the maximum tensile strength of geotextile, which enhances the additional confinement and prevents the lateral movement of particles, thereby providing the maximum benefit. 相似文献
The liquefaction resistance and correction factors Kσ and Kα of Nakdong River sand obtained from cyclic triaxial (CTX) tests were compared with those determined by cyclic simple shear (CSS) tests to ascertain the importance of the reduction factor Cr and correction factors Kσ and Kα in liquefaction evaluations, especially in view of the lack of comparative liquefaction assessments based on different laboratory test apparatuses. All samples used for the comparisons were obtained from the same type of sand by using similar preparation methods and they were subjected to similar stress states to minimize the number of factors influencing the comparison results; moreover, the apparatuses used in the two tests were manufactured by the same company and all tests were conducted by a single operator. It was found that the liquefaction resistance in CTX tests was always greater than that in CSS tests. Furthermore, Cr varied from 0.63 to 0.36, and it depended on the relative density Dr and initial static shear ratio α. Kσ, which increased with the normal effective stress σ′nc in CTX tests, was identical to Kσ observed in CSS tests when α was increased up to 0.1. By contrast, Kα in the CSS tests was 58%–97% of Kα measured in the CTX tests, and it depended on the combined effect of Dr, σ′nc, and α. The relationship between Kα and α in both CTX and CSS tests was well represented by a parabolic function. Moreover, the differences in Kα values between the CTX and CSS tests were also found to be a parabolic function of α. This information can be used for converting CTX (or CSS) values into equivalent CSS (or CTX) values. 相似文献
《Geotextiles and Geomembranes》2023,51(4):173-187
A modified method is proposed to predict the lateral displacement (δ) of prefabricated vertical drains (PVDs) improved ground under combined vacuum and surcharge loads, which is derived based on a few modified triaxial tests and a series of finite element analyses of PVD unit cells. It is observed that reducing the surcharge load (ps) and loading rate (LR) and increasing the vacuum pressure (pv), pre-vacuum consolidation period (tv), and initial undrained shear strength (su0) could be effective in controlling the outward δ. Variations of the effective stress ratio (Ke) that controlling the δ with ps, pv, LR, tv, and su0 are then presented. A synthetic relationship between the normalized horizontal strain (εh) by a reference one-dimensional vertical strain (εv1) and the normalized Ke by the at-rest earth pressure coefficient (K0) is proposed for cases with and without tv. Further, a modified index parameter (β1) is introduced for quantitatively considering the effect of ps, pv, LR, tv, su0, and consolidation properties of the soil, a relationship between Ke and β1 is then established for evaluating the value of Ke. Combinations of the εh/εv1–Ke/K0 and Ke–β1 relationships enable modified predictions of the δ from basic preloading conditions and soil parameters. 相似文献
Junji Miyamoto Shinji Sassa Kazuhiro Tsurugasaki Hiroko Sumida 《Soils and Foundations》2021,61(1):35-49
This paper discusses the instability of an offshore monopile in association with wave-induced liquefaction of sand beds. Centrifuge wave tests in a drum channel were performed with viscous scaling introduced such that the time-scaling laws for fluid wave propagation and consolidation of the soil were matched. The relationships between liquefaction and the start and development of monopile instability in a sand bed under wave loading were investigated. The monopile started significant structural rocking when liquefaction occurred and progressed to one-third of the monopile embedment depth. The residual displacement of the pile increased markedly with the downward progress of the liquefied zone, eventually leading to the collapse of the pile. The characteristics of the onset of liquefaction around the monopile were also investigated. It was found that liquefaction first took place at the sides of the monopile rather than at the front or rear presented to the direction of the travelling waves, which highlights the importance of the rotation of the principal stress axes induced in the sand bed under the passage of progressive waves. The experimental results further demonstrated the effect of embedment of the pile in a dense layer. It was found that embedding the pile in the dense layer with thickness equal to or more than half of the pile embedment depth was effective in preventing the significant inclination and collapse of the pile. The present study also clarified the effects of scour protection around the monopile on wave-induced liquefaction and pile instability. It was found that the scour protection increased the liquefaction resistance depending on the diameter ratios of the scour protection and the pile, however, it could not prevent the collapse of the monopile once liquefaction occurred. These results show the importance of soil stratification on the wave-seabed-structure interaction in light of wave-induced liquefaction. 相似文献
《Soils and Foundations》2021,61(5):1191-1206
The current design practice of using gravel drains as a liquefaction countermeasure involves the selection of the drain spacing and drain diameter to keep the peak excess pore water pressure ratio low. As it has mostly been verified through small-scale 1 g shaking tests, its validity for the field-scale prototype has yet to be well investigated. In this study, a series of centrifuge tests was conducted to gain insight into the stress-dependent behavior of loose sand deposits with a level surface improved by gravel drains. Meanwhile, the current design procedure was validated with experimental data. The results revealed that the effects of gravel drains in suppressing the excess pore pressures depend significantly on the depth of the drains. The current design procedure has failed to elucidate the depth-dependent behavior of sand deposits. One of the important features of the mechanical properties of the soil used for the design of gravel drains was revealed through laboratory tests in which the coefficient of volumetric compressibility, mv, was found to be highly dependent on the stress level, while mv was assumed to be fixed in the design procedure. It was also found that the water flow regime in gravel drains can be a turbulent flow. The Reynolds number in drains increases from the bottom to the top, and the permeability coefficient decreases accordingly, resulting in more significant well resistance than expected based on the current design procedure. In the present study, when stress level-dependent mv and Reynolds number-dependent kw were used as input soil parameters, the axisymmetric diffusion equation, with consideration given to the well resistance, satisfactorily predicted the excess pore pressures in sand with gravel drains. 相似文献
《Soils and Foundations》2023,63(3):101326
This study investigated sand anisotropy experimentally using a hollow cylinder apparatus. The effect of the initial anisotropy on the shear behavior of sand was illustrated by conducting experiments on specimens with bedding planes and systematically varying the density, principal stress direction, and intermediate principal stress. The change in induced anisotropy during shearing was experimentally captured by re-shearing the specimens subjected to prior shear history. The experimental results revealed the following: (a) Anisotropy in sand, whether initial anisotropy developing during specimen preparation or induced anisotropy developing due to shear history, causes pseudo-density changes in the mechanical behavior, in which sand of the same density behaves as if it has a different density depending on the direction of shear. (b) The changes in induced anisotropy, due to shearing in the same direction as that of the prior shear, make the soil behave similarly to dense sand, whereas shearing in a direction perpendicular to the prior shear makes the soil behave similarly to loose sand. (c) The larger the prior shear, the more pronounced the pseudo-density changes that appear in the subsequent behavior. Moreover, the significance of induced anisotropy in liquefaction and compaction phenomena was experimentally demonstrated through single and double swing cyclic shear tests. The results obtained from the study will be useful for validating models that incorporate induced anisotropy. 相似文献
QLY25轮胎起重机吊臂有限元分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文用美国CV公司CADDS/STRESSLAB建模分析软件、对QLY25轮胎起重机吊臂进行有限元分析,以验证其结构其刚度。 相似文献
In cases of cold expanded holes, taking residual compressive stresses into account in strength estimation, without considering their relaxation under cyclic load, leads to inaccurate mathematical models for the prediction of fatigue life of structural components. This article presents the outcomes from experimental and numerical investigations of residual stress relaxation around cold expanded holes in medium-carbon steel under cyclic tension. An approach to experimental modelling of the relaxation is proposed. This approach reduces to minimum the volume of the experiment and at the same time provides a relatively simplified mathematical model applicable to engineering practice. A generalized mathematical model of residual stress relaxation has been obtained and it predicts the relaxation as a function of the number of cycles, parameters of the cycle and hole expansion rate. A metallographic analysis has been made for clarifying the physical nature of the residual stress relaxation. On this basis two FE models have been developed for quantitative estimation of the errors from the basic formulations in the study as well as for estimation of the residual stress relaxation. The experimental and the numerical outcomes are in a good agreement. 相似文献
This paper describes numerical models constructed to simulate the response of composite steel/concrete building floors under fire conditions. In particular, this study deals with two of the fire tests recently undertaken on a full-scale multi-storey building at Cardington, UK. The analysis is carried out using a structural analysis program which accounts for both geometric and material nonlinearities, and which includes temperature-dependent constitutive models for steel and concrete materials. The approaches used to represent the various structural details are discussed, and the procedure employed for incorporating the experimentally measured temperature profiles and histories is outlined. For the two tests considered in this investigation, the numerical results are in general agreement with the experimental data, particularly in terms of the magnitude of vertical deformations induced in the floors at elevated temperatures. Close examination of the numerical and experimental findings provides an insight into the complex interactions that occur in the structure at elevated temperatures. Most significantly, the influence of the restraint to thermal expansion of the heated floor area, which is provided by the surrounding parts of the structure, is shown to be of paramount importance. The increasing confidence that can be placed in numerical models as well as the improved understanding of the structural fire response may be used in developing more realistic and cost-effective design methods which are based on the actual structural response rather than that of isolated members. 相似文献