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The purpose of this work was research into influence of ultra-violet radiation on size of run of regional and screw dislocations in beams of dislocation sockets, formed at indentation surface of alkali-halide crystals. In experiments it was used crystals NaCl, with the quantitative maintenance of impurity 10-2 -10-3weight%, the wave length of UV-radiation λ=250 nanometers, the sizes of samples 10mm× 20mm× 2mm,temperature of samples was constant T=290 K.It is established that indentation and the simultaneous irradiation of samples a ultraviolet is increases size of run of head dispositions in dislocation sockets..It is marked, that influence UV-radiation nonequivalence for various times of an exposition. At small times (till 5 minutes) the size of run grows. The length of beams increases on ~ 50 %. At the further increase in time of influence of a ultraviolet the length of beams is reduced till the sizes corresponding stressing without an irradiation (Figs. 1, 2, 3). The effect is observed on dislocation beams of regional and screw orientations and most expressed at small loadings (in our experiments-10 grams) (Fig. 3).Observable effects are explained from positions dislocation-exciton interactions. At UV-radiation exciton cooperates with the charged step on a disposition, causing movement of a step along a disposition on one internuclear distance. Due to this interaction overcoming by a disposition of a grid of stoppers is facilitated.Big times of endurance cause a relaxation of pressure directly in a print that provides convertible movement of dispositions in area of a print and as consequence, reduction of length of beams of dislocation sockets.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was research into influence of ultra-violet radiation on size of run of regional and screw dislocations in beams of dislocation sockets, formed at indentation surface of alkali-halide crystals. In experiments it was used crystals NaCl, with the quantitative maintenance of impurity 10-2 -10-3weight,, the wave length of UV-radiation λ=250 nanometers, the sizes of samples 10mm× 20mm× 2mm,temperature of samples was constant T=290 K.It is established that indentation and the simultaneous irradiation of samples a ultraviolet is increases size of run of head dispositions in dislocation sockets..It is marked, that influence UV-radiation nonequivalence for various times of an exposition. At small times (till 5 minutes) the size of run grows. The length of beams increases on ~ 50 ,. At the further increase in time of influence of a ultraviolet the length of beams is reduced till the sizes corresponding stressing without an irradiation (Figs. 1, 2, 3). The effect is observed on dislocation beams of regional and screw orientations and most expressed at small loadings (in our experiments-10 grams) (Fig. 3).Observable effects are explained from positions dislocation-exciton interactions. At UV-radiation exciton cooperates with the charged step on a disposition, causing movement of a step along a disposition on one internuclear distance. Due to this interaction overcoming by a disposition of a grid of stoppers is facilitated.Big times of endurance cause a relaxation of pressure directly in a print that provides convertible movement of dispositions in area of a print and as consequence, reduction of length of beams of dislocation sockets.  相似文献   

基于对铣削加工过程的分析 ,得出了有进给运动时 ,铣刀工作角度的数学模型 ,定量地讨论了进给运动对铣刀工作角度的影响 ,证明了对称铣削的实质不对称性 ,求导出进给运动的临界速度公式。  相似文献   

现有摇床由于机构固定,其运动参数受到固定机构的限制,可调范围小。本文应用数值模拟方法对摇床床面流场进行模拟,分析摇床运动参数对流场特性以及分选性能的影响。  相似文献   

Carried on the one-dimensional analysis to the motion state of coal-gas flow in the outburst hole, and deduced the relational expression between the motion parameters (containing of velocity, flow rate and density etc.) of bursting coal-gas flow and gas pressure in the hole, then pointed out the critical state change of coal-gas flow under different pressure conditions which had the very tremendous influence on both stability and destructiveness of the entire coal and gas outburst system. The mathematical processing and results of one-dimensional flow under the perfect condition are simple and explicit in this paper, which has the certain practical significance.  相似文献   

IsaMill? is a high-speed stirred mill for a range of milling duties from ultra-fine to relatively coarse grinding in the mineral processing industry. This work investigated particle and slurry flow in a mill using a combined Discrete Element Method and Computational Fluid Dynamics (DEM-CFD) approach. Slurry properties, such as flow density and viscosity, were varied to study their effects on the flow properties in terms of flow velocity, power draw, collision frequency, collision energy and total impact energy. Significant differences were observed when slurry was introduced and other conditions unchanged. With increasing density, fluid and particle flows showed stronger circulation in the axial direction due to the larger drag forces. Increased relative velocity and interaction between particles with disc led to higher collision frequency and collision energy. Increase in flow viscosity limited particles from moving towards the outer wall and the particles were more dispersed due to the larger circulating velocity in the axial direction. The total impact energy of the media and power draw also increase with slurry density and viscosity. The developed model provides a useful framework for further analysis of particle–slurry interactions in IsaMills?.  相似文献   

云南伴生矿中的放射性与辐射环境监管   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为促进伴生放射性矿产的合理开发利用,保护辐射环境安全,针对云南伴生矿开发对环境产生影响的客观实际,通过对云南不同矿种成因特性与天然放射性核素伴生关系的探询,给出云南主要矿种和各典型矿山放射性水平及采冶过程对辐射环境的影响分析;通过对伴生矿环境监管的回顾,归纳伴生矿的项目管理,提升典型伴生矿的区域性综合管理及污染防治,从"顶层设计"着力,完善法规建设,界定伴生矿管理限值,展开云南伴生矿辐射环境监管模式的探讨。  相似文献   

为提高充气式变径液固流化床内细粒级(1 mm)的金属和非金属混合物的分选效率,有必要对床内颗粒运动特性进行探讨。首先对颗粒在充气式变径液固流化床中受力状况进行了理论分析;然后采用高速动态图像分析系统宏观记录了充气式液固流化床内塑料颗粒和玻璃颗粒的运动轨迹和分选过程,得到了颗粒运动的位移及速度随时间变化曲线,为细颗粒的物理分选回收提供理论依据与技术支持。  相似文献   

陈光升 《煤炭工程》2006,(11):50-52
能源资源是发展生产、保障人民生活的重要物质基础。随着社会发展、科技进步和人口的增长,化石能源的消耗速度也越来越快。因此,最大限度地节约与综合利用能源已是矿业乃至科学技术发展的明显趋势。论文通过对错层位巷道布置采煤法的介绍,阐明了该采煤法对提高煤炭回采率所具有的重要意义。  相似文献   

设备是露天煤矿从事生产的主要工具和手段,设备效率直接影响到矿山生产能力和效率。在分析露天煤矿挖掘机生产能力的基础上,讨论了影响挖掘机生产能力的因素,确定设备的管理与维护是影响和决定挖掘机生产能力的重要因素。加强露天煤矿设备管理与维修,对提高露天煤矿设备出动率、实动率,保证露天煤矿设备作业效率,降低生产成本,提高露天煤矿经济效益具有重要意义。从加强操作人员和设备维修人员的技能培训、规范设备管理、实行"四定"机制、加强预防性维修4个方面提出了对中小型露天煤矿设备管理与维护的基本措施,并分析其能力与相关因素的相互关系,并从生产组织管理角度提出了提高挖掘机作业效率的具体措施。  相似文献   

王海成 《中国煤炭》2012,38(2):73-75
根据新集一矿已有的工程地质资料和科研成果建立模型,采用FLAC3D进行了数值模拟,并结合现场观测,研究了小错距上下煤层工作面反向同采时,上工作面巷道围岩应力、塑性区和变形情况,研究结果表明,上工作面巷道围岩变形在两工作面推进过程中呈现两个阶段的变化,该巷道围岩一定范围内发生塑性破坏是其围岩变形不断增长的主要原因,因此上工作面巷道支护的关键是加固其围岩的塑性破坏区,提高围岩的自承载能力.  相似文献   

小矿是我国矿业经济的重要组成部分。近些年来,小矿立法逐渐提上议事日程。本文通过对国外小矿法律政策的分析,并结合我国小矿自身特点,从小矿立法的模式、法律主体的关系,以及法律实施等角度出发,提出我国小矿规制的方案和思路。  相似文献   

汶川地震基岩强震记录的Hilbert-Huang变换分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
裴强  胡波 《煤炭学报》2011,36(Z2):268-273
详细解释了Hilbert-Huang变换(HHT)的思想和基本理论,利用HHT方法对汶川8.0级的地震记录进行了经验模态分解(EMD),并对其Hilbert-Huang 三维时间-频率-幅值(能量)图谱、边际能量谱和瞬时能量谱进行了分析讨论。研究表明,基于HHT的Hilbert谱能够精准和清晰地揭示地震记录的时-频-能量分布。  相似文献   

Journal of Mining Science -  相似文献   

本文介绍了在小型矿井中使用陀螺经纬仪进行定向测量的简易方法,并分析了它的精度.  相似文献   

基于MATLAB的活塞式压缩机运动分析系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了活塞式压缩机运动分析的数学模型 ,以MATLAB的动态仿真工具Simulink为平台 ,设计了活塞式压缩机运动分析仿真系统。该系统具有方便用户的良好界面 ,使压缩机运动分析更加方便、快捷、直观和形象。设计者只需输入参数就可得到仿真结果 ,将运行结果与设计要求相比较 ,就可帮助设计者进行决策。  相似文献   

转子-轴承系统混沌运动的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对转子—轴承系统的混沌运动进行动力学研究 ,采用非线性油膜力数据库方法获得椭圆轴承的非线性油膜力 ,数值计算得到了系统在某些参数域中的分叉图、轴心轨迹、相图、Poincar映射、时域波形和频谱图 ,直观显示了系统发生混沌运动的性态 ,用李雅普诺夫指数对混沌运动时的时间序列进行了判断 ,为控制转子系统混沌运动的发生及动力学设计提供了理论基础  相似文献   

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