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将卷积码成功地应用到直接检测的光正交频分复用(OFDM)光纤传输实验系统。实验中,产生了2 Gb/s的QPSK OFDM编码光信号,并成功地在标准单模光纤中传输了200 km,和没有采用卷积码的相比,系统的误码性能获得明显提高。在误码率10-3时,可节省1 dBm左右的光功率。实验结果表明,卷积码可应用到OFDM系统。 相似文献
为了减少直接检测的光正交频分复用(DD-OOFDM)传输系统中色散对系统的影响,传输系统使用了基于频域的最小均方(LMS)自适应均衡技术,由于基于频域的LMS估计方法计算复杂度低且便于信号块处理,相比最小平方(LS)估计方法,可更有效地追踪信道变化,减小相位噪声对传输系统的影响。实验结果表明,经背靠背(BTB)和100km标准单模光纤(SSMF)传输后,使用频域LMS估计方法的信号比使用频域LS估计方法的信号系统接收功率代价在误码率为10×10-2.5和10×10-2.0时分别降低了2dB及2.5dB,频域LMS估计方法比频域LS估计方法对传输系统具有更好的色散补偿效果。 相似文献
相干光正交频分复用系统中光调制的优化设计 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
相干光正交频分复用(COOFDM)是目前光传输领域的研究热点之一。COOFDM系统采用马赫-曾德尔光调制器(MZM)实现射频(RF)信号到光的转换,而正交频分复用(OFDM)信号对非线性十分敏感,所以在系统设计上最关键的就是实现信号的线性传输。从理论上分析了COOFDM系统中MZM对OFDM信号的非线性影响,通过对MZM偏置点及调制指数优化,实现COOFDM系统的最佳传输,同时对COOFDM系统品质因子Q与偏置点及调制指数关系进行了仿真。结果表明,为了实现最佳线性传输,不同于传统的基于强度调制/直接检测系统(偏置点选在积分点),COOFDM系统中MZM最佳偏置点选在零点;MZM调制指数的选择也会对系统性能产生影响,当COOFDM系统中MZM调制指数为0 dB时,系统性能达到最佳。 相似文献
基于直接检测的光OFDM系统(DDO-OFDM),实现简单、成本较低,对未来高速光传输具有重要的借鉴价值。而在高速传输中,偏振效应带来OFDM信号展宽及输出偏振态的不同,严重影响系统传输性能。对DDO-OFDM系统中的一阶偏振模色散(PMD)作用机理和数学模型进行分析,结果表明,DDO-OFDM系统中一阶PMD仅对OFDM信号子载波信号幅度附加余弦因子,通过信道均衡,可有效去除此噪声影响,差分群时延为50ps条件下,以10Gb/s的速率在单模光纤传输800km,DDO-OFDM系统Q值为16dB,较色度色散影响下系统性能仅有0.3dB降低。 相似文献
最近的一些研究表明,OFDM是一种很有希望在光纤通信领域应用的技术.本文回顾了光正交频分复用(OFDM)技术进展,介绍了其基本原理:简述了多模和单模光纤OFDM通信系统技术的发展概况,综述了光OFDM-PON在接入网中的应用情况,最后指出光OFDM系统的优缺点并展望了其发展前景. 相似文献
《Lightwave Technology, Journal of》2009,27(13):2370-2378
《Lightwave Technology, Journal of》2008,26(16):2889-2898
H. Zheng 《Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves》2004,25(7):1075-1086
This paper deals with a new indoor radio system working in V-band millimeter waves and using the coded orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (COFDM). Local performance and coverage figures have been suitably defined and the effects of code choice, frequency diversity, COFDM clustering, and antenna sectorization have been studied. In order to characterize the communication between stationary indoor terminals in 40-75GHz, a suitable semi-analytical algorithm is presented, and the performance of the coded system is evaluated in the actual environment. 相似文献
本文叙述了光频分复用(OFDM)技术的特点,OFDM传输系统的组成及工作原理,扼要地分析了几个关键部件对OFDM传输系统的影响,介绍了OFDM系统中的光器件的主要类型及特性。最后介绍了光频分复用技术在各种通信网中的几种应用。 相似文献
由于相干光正交频分复用(CO-OFDM)系统具有很高的峰均功率比(PAPR)以及非常近的子载波间隔,使得光纤非线性损伤成为系统的决定因素。提出中间位置光学相位共轭(OPC)补偿算法补偿CO-OFDM的Kerr损伤,由于OPC两端链路对称,可以最大限度地保证满足补偿条件,具有很好的非线性补偿效果。而且无链路色散补偿和有链路色散补偿系统均适用。该算法能使单信道40 Gb/s CO-OFDM的最大Q因子提高3 dB,非线性阈值提高4 dB;波分复用(WDM)系统的最大Q因子能提高1.1 dB,非线性阈值提高1 dB。 相似文献
Designing Fast Fourier Transform Accelerators for Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing Systems
Waqar Hussain Fabio Garzia Tapani Ahonen Jari Nurmi 《Journal of Signal Processing Systems》2012,69(2):161-171
Designing accelerators for the real-time computation of Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithms for state-of-the-art Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing (OFDM) demodulators has always been challenging. We have scaled-up a template-based Coarse-Grain Reconfigurable Array device for faster FFT processing that generates special purpose accelerators based on the user input. Using a basic and a scaled-up version, we have generated a radix-4 and mixed-radix (2, 4) FFT accelerator to process different length and types of algorithms. Our implementation results show that these accelerators satisfy not only the execution time requirements of FFT processing for Single Input Single Output (SISO) wireless standards that are IEEE-802.11 a/g and 3GPP-LTE but also for Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) IEEE-802.11n standard. 相似文献
This paper presents a novel spec- trum sharing design aiming at optimising the performance of a Multiuser Orthogonal Freq- uency-Division Multiplexing (MU-OFDM) Co- gnitive Radio Network (CRN) that consists of multiple secondary Transmitter-Receiver (Tx-Rx) pairs. For most MU-OFDM systems, the Exc- lusive Subchannel Assignment (ESA) is an efficient resource allocation method. Noneth- eless, it is inappropriate for the network consi- dered in this paper, because subchannels shar- ing among secondary Tx-Rx pairs can further improve the system performance. We investi- gate the Weighted Sum Rate (WSR) maximi- zation problem under the Shared Subchannel Assignment (SSA), where each subchannel is shared by multiple secondary Tx-Rx pairs. With Lagrangian duality technique, we decompose the original resource allocation problem into sev- eral sub-problems on each subchannel and pro- pose a duality-based suhchannel sharing ap- proach. For practical realisation in the cogni- tive systems without central control entity, a distributed duality-based WSR maximization scheme is presented. Simulation results mani- fest that the proposed scheme achieves sig- nificantly better performance than ESA duality scheme. 相似文献