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Precise control of the discharge in space and time is of great significance for better applications of discharge plasma. Here, we used a femtosecond laser filament to trigger and guide a high-voltage DC pulse discharge to achieve spatiotemporal control of the discharge plasma. In space, the discharge plasma is distributed strictly along the channel generated by the femtosecond laser filament. The breakdown voltage threshold is reduced, and the discharge length is extended. In time, the electrical parameters such as the electrode voltage and the electrode gap affect discharge delay time and jitter. By optimizing the parameters, we can achieve sub-nanosecond jitter of the discharge. Based on the spatiotemporal control of the discharge, we applied filament-triggered discharge for one-dimensional composition measurements of the gas flow field. Besides, the technique shows great potential in studying the spatiotemporal evolution of discharge plasma.  相似文献   

As the widely implemented electrode material, graphite has the characteristic of sublimation by the thermal shock of the switching arc, and the produced carbon vapor is easy to condense into carbon powders and deposit in the switch. The impact of the type of dilution gas in a mixture of20% oxygen and 80% dilution gas on the sublimation and oxidation characteristics of the graphite electrode is investigated. It is found that when nitrogen dilution gas was replaced by argon, the heat flux to the electrodes decreased, which led to a 63% reduction of graphite sublimation. At the same time, the cooling rate of the arc was slower in argon, which promotes oxidation of the carbon vapor. The residual solid carbon can be reduced by 70%–85% by using argon as the dilution gas. Consequently, it is demonstrated that the stability and working life of the switch could be increased by appropriate selection of the dilution gas.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) is one of the most crucial products in the plasma-based nitrogen fixation process. In this work, in situ measurements were performed for quantifying the NO synthesis spatially in a warm air glow discharge, through the method of Mid-infrared quantum cascade laser absorption spectroscopy (QCL-AS). Two ro-vibrational transitions at 1900.076 cm−1 and 1900.517 cm−1 of the ground-state NO(X) were probed sensitively by the help of the wavelength modulation spectroscopy (WMS) approach to increase the signal/noise (S/N) level. The results show a decline trend of NO synthesis rate along the discharge channel from the cathode to the anode. However, from the point of energy efficiency, the cathode region is of significantly low energy efficiency of NO production. Severe disproportionality was found for the high energy consumption but low NO production in the region of cathode area, compared to that in the positive column zone. Further analysis demonstrates the high energy cost of NO production in the cathode region, is ascribed to the extremely high reduced electric field $E/N$ therein not selectively preferable for the processes of vibrational excitation or dissociation of N2 and O2 molecules. This drags down the overall energy efficiency of NO synthesis by this typical warm air glow discharge, particularly for the ones with short electrode gaps. Limitations of further improving the energy cost of NO synthesis by variations of the discharge operation conditions, such as discharge current or airflow rate, imply other effective manners able to tune the energy delivery selectively to the NO formation process, are sorely needed.  相似文献   

In the paper, a hybrid gas–liquid dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma system was set up to treat a methylene blue (MB) solution. The effects of the change of the carrier gas, the gas bubbling rate and different kinds of scavenger addition, including sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), para benzoquinone (p-BQ), triethylenediamine and sodium dihydrogen phosphate (NaH2PO4), on the MB decoloration were reviewed to clarify the critical active species for the dye decoloration in the DBD plasma system. The obtained results show that higher decoloration of the MB solution could be achieved when O2 was used as the carrier gas, which could be 100% after 20 min discharge treatment, and the result confirmed the crucial effect of O3 in the MB decoloration. Based on the experiments of the scavenger addition, it could be concluded that O2 and 1O2 were two other important reactive oxygen species (ROS) for the MB decoloration. The results of the higher chemical oxygen demand removal and faster disappearance of the characteristic peak of the MB from the UV–vis analysis under O2 bubbling conditions also proved the critical effect of the ROS formed by O2 on the MB decoloration.  相似文献   

Ozone production utilizing surface dielectric barrier discharge (SDBD) was experimental studied for different flow patterns considering the influences of transversal flow, lateral flow and different lateral flow positions. Results show that the flow patterns have a remarkable impact on the ozone yield by affecting the uniformity and turbulence of gas flow. Meanwhile, distributing the O2 flow rate according to the intensity of the plasma reaction would also increase the generation efficiency of SDBD for ozone production. By improving the uniformity and introducing the lateral flow to the transversal flow, the highest ozone yield was obtained in flow pattern ‘F’. In this case, the ozone yield increased by 28.4% to 131 gkWh −1 from 102.8 gkWh−1 in flow pattern ‘A’.  相似文献   

The property of scrape-off layer (SOL) currents induced by a biased electrode is investigated by fully kinetic collisionless two-dimensional particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations. A reduced Vlasov–Darwin model is employed, which is capable of describing the low-frequency kinetic behavior without electromagnetic vacuum modes A linear decay distribution of electron currents parallel to the background magnetic field is exhibited. Simulation analyses indicate that the cross field ion current is a key factor in sheath formation and global current balance. The influences of electrode area, biasing voltage and plasma source on the SOL current profile are studied, respectively. Characteristic plasma parameters in the far SOL region of the EAST tokamak are used in simulations to assess the current driving ability of the electrode biasing method. Due to the limitations of computational power, the geometrical size of the simulation domain is significantly smaller than the realistic SOL, which may lead to an absence of the quasi-neutral region in the upstream plasma. At last, a heuristic method is proposed to calculate the upper bound of the total current strength.  相似文献   

Fast photography and optical emission spectroscopy are implemented in a 5 mm neon gap dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) at atmospheric pressure with quartz glass used as the dielectric layer. Results show that it starts with a Townsend discharge and ends at a sub-normal glow discharge in neon DBD. Based on the Townsend discharge, the first ionization coefficient of neon is measured. The measurements are consistent with those at low pressure. Optical emission spectroscopy indicates that the spectra are mainly composed of atomic lines of neon, molecular bands and molecular ion bands originating from inevitable gas impurities (mainly nitrogen). Moreover, spectral lines emitted from atomic neon corresponding to the transitions (2p5 3p → 2p5 3s) are predominant. Although the second positive system of N2(C3Πu → B3Πg) is observed, their intensities are too weak compared with neon's spectrum. The molecular nitrogen ion line of 391.4 nm is observed. It reveals that Penning ionization between high energy neon excited states and the inevitable gas impurities plays an important role in the value of the α coefficient.  相似文献   

Stable operations of single direct current(DC) discharge, single radio frequency(RF) discharge and DC?+?RF hybrid discharge are achieved in a specially-designed DC enhanced inductivelycoupled plasma(DCE-ICP) source. Their plasma characteristics, such as electron density,electron temperature and the electron density spatial distribution profiles are investigated and compared experimentally at different gas pressures. It is found that under the condition of single RF discharge, the electron density distribution profiles show a ‘convex' shape and ‘saddle' shape at gas pressures of 3 m Torr and 150 m Torr respectively. This result can be attributed to the transition of electron kinetics from nonlocal to local kinetics with an increase in gas pressure.Moreover, in the operation of DC?+?RF hybrid discharge at different gas pressures, the DC discharge has different effects on plasma uniformity. The plasma uniformity can be improved by modulating DC power at a high pressure of 150 m Torr where local electron kinetics is dominant,whereas plasma uniformity deteriorates at a low pressure of 3 m Torr where nonlocal electron kinetics prevails. This phenomenon, as analyzed, is due to the obvious nonlinear enhancement effect of electron density at the chamber center, and the inherent radial distribution difference in the electron density with single RF discharge at different gas pressures.  相似文献   

Pulsed dielectric barrier discharge is a promising technology for ozone generation and is drawing increasing interest. To overcome the drawback of experimental investigation, a kinetic model is applied to numerically investigate the effect of gas parameters including inlet gas temperature, gas pressure, and gas flow rate on ozone generation using pulsed dielectric barrier discharge. The results show that ozone concentration and ozone yield increase with decreasing inlet gas temperature, gas pressure, and gas flow rate. The highest ozone concentration and ozone yield in oxygen are about 1.8 and 2.5 times higher than those in air, respectively. A very interesting phenomenon is observed: the peak ozone yield occurs at a lower ozone concentration when the inlet gas temperature and gas pressure are higher because of the increasing average gas temperature in the discharge gap as well as the decreasing reduced electric field and electron density in the microdischarge channel. Furthermore, the sensitivity and rate of production analysis based on the specific input energy (SIE) for the four most important species O3, O, O(1D), and O2(b1∑) are executed to quantitatively understand the effects of every reaction on them, and to determine the contribution of individual reactions to their net production or destruction rates. A reasonable increase in SIE is beneficial to ozone generation. However, excessively high SIE is not favorable for ozone production.  相似文献   

In this paper, we focused on the identification of the normal and abnormal glow discharge modes in a neon-xenon gas mixture at low pressure. We considered four gas mixtures: 90%Ne-10%Xe, 80%Ne-20%Xe, 70%Ne-30%Xe and 50%Ne-50%Xe at 1.5 Torr. The range of the gap voltage is 150–500 V. A one-dimensional fluid model with multiple species was used in this work, and the metastable state of the atoms as well as the radiation effects were integrated into the model too. The input data changed for each percentage in the gas mixture, and was calculated by BOLSIG+ software. The parameters of particle transport and their rate coefficients strictly depend on the mean electron energy. The results show that the neon ion density is negligible compared to the xenon ion density, mostly in the case of 50%Ne-50%Xe.  相似文献   

Atmospheric pressure plasma technology is gaining increasing importance because it is a simple and tunable synthesis process for the production of metallic nanoparticles. In addition to the development of the power supply, improving the reactor is also one of the main strategies to enhance the utility. In this study, a simple reactor for the gas–liquid discharge plasma induced by argon gas was applied to synthesize silver nanoparticles from silver nitrate (AgNO3) in solution. An AC power supply with a peak voltage of 3.5 kV was used. The frequency and on-time were set to 50 kHz and 2.5 μs, respectively. The oscilloscope showed that the rising time was approximately 2 μs. The ethanol was used as the source for the reactive reducing agent. No more additional components existed in the solution during the discharge and neither of the electrodes was in contact with the treated solution. The temperature increased by 10 °C within 1min without a cooling system. Carbon was the main impurity and was expected to be produced from the decomposition of the organics under the plasma. The elevated temperature decreased the organic by-products by evaporation and could also decrease the production of carbon. Transmission electron microscopy showed that the spherical silver nanoparticles with a size of approximately 10 nm were synthesized with a crystal structure and that a low concentration of ethanol prefers the production of the mono-dispersed colloid.  相似文献   

The WF (wall failure) test of the EAGLE program, in which 2 kg of uranium dioxide fuel-pins were melted by nuclear heating, was successfully conducted in the IGR (Impulse Graphite Reactor) of NNC/Kazakhstan. In this test, a 3 mm-thick stainless steel (SS) wall structure was placed between fuel pins and a 10 mm-thick sodium-filled channel (sodium gap). During the transient, fuel pins were heated, which led to the formation of a fuel-steel mixture pool. Under the transient nuclear heating condition, the SS wall was strongly heated by the molten pool, leading to wall failure. The time needed for fuel penetration into the sodium-filled gap was very short (less than 1 s after the pool formation). The result suggests that molten core materials formed in hypothetical LMFBR core disruptive accidents have a certain potential to destroy SS-wall boundaries early in the accident phase, thereby providing fuel escape paths from the core region. The early establishment of such fuel escape paths is regarded as a favorable characteristic in eliminating the possibility of severe re-criticality events. A preliminary interpretation on the WF test results is presented in this paper.  相似文献   

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