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风与张拉薄膜结构的耦合作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘瑞霞 《钢结构》2003,18(3):5-8
张拉薄膜结构具有自重轻、刚度小的特点 ,因而属于风敏感结构。作用在张拉薄膜结构上的风荷载除与气流本身的特性有关外 ,还与结构在风荷载作用下的位移、速度等有关 ,从而引起附加的气动刚度 (或附加质量 )和气动阻尼。因此 ,在研究张拉薄膜结构的风致动力效应时 ,必须考虑风与结构的耦合作用。为此 ,对张拉薄膜结构的风振研究方法进行了总结 ,主要介绍了考虑风与结构耦合作用的简化气弹力学模型方法 ,并介绍了两个简化气弹性模型试验  相似文献   

以某火电厂框架式锅炉钢架结构为研究对象,对其在对脉动风载作用下的动力响应进行了分析。基于线性滤波法中的自回归模型(AR),运用Matlab模拟出给定风速功率谱的风速时程曲线,并与Davenport谱对比验证了风速曲线的合理性,再经过相关公式推导,从而获得作用在结构各节点的脉动风载时程曲线。借助有限元分析软件ANSYS,对锅炉钢架结构进行了模态分析,以及风载作用下的动力响应分析。结果表明,利用AR模型得到的风速时程具有较高的可靠度。锅炉钢架结构的水平位移随着高度的增加呈现递增趋势。研究内容为大型锅炉钢架结构脉动风载的分析提供了参考。  相似文献   

随机车流下的风-汽车-桥梁系统空间耦合振动研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在交通荷载观测及统计分析的基础上,获得交通状况的代表性数据,对记录的车型、车重、车距和车速进行统计,在此基础上进行随机车流模拟,编制随机车流模拟程序RTF(Random Traffic Flow),程序中首次全面引入车型、车重、车距和车速4个参数;建立可以考虑任意车辆数目、不同车道以及车辆相向行驶功能的随机车流下的风-汽车-桥梁系统空间耦合振动分析框架,编制相应的分析模块RTFWVB(Wind-Vehicle-Bridge system analvsis).以杭州湾跨海大桥为工程实例,详细研究密集、稀疏运营状态,车流单向、相向行驶以及侧风与车辆移动荷载对桥梁关键部位动力响应的影响.分析表明:密集运营状态下桥梁动力响应明显大于一般运营状态下的相应值;车流方向对桥梁振动影响不大;密集运营状态下车辆移动荷载主要决定桥梁动力响应的均值,而侧风主要影响桥梁动力响应的脉动部分,风速越大波动越显著.  相似文献   

风荷载与波浪荷载是海上风电塔承受的主要荷载,对风电塔结构设计起着决定性作用,其动力响应极为复杂。以南通沿海3.0 MW风电机为研究对象,利用数值模拟和现场实测手段,考虑流固耦合效应,建立"基础-塔筒-机舱-风轮"整机模型、风荷载模型、波浪荷载模型,研究海上风电塔在风-波浪联合作用下的结构动力响应以及不同水深对风电机系统振动频率的影响。计算结果表明:采用考虑流固耦合效应与风电塔整机模型分析得到的计算结果与实测结果较一致,可为海上风电塔结构在风-波浪联合作用下的振动分析和结构设计等提供分析方法;波浪荷载对海上风电塔的动力响应存在一定的影响,以风荷载作为主要荷载计算的结果不甚合理;水深对结构低阶振动频率影响不大,但水深对风电塔系统高阶振动频率影响较大,水深越大,高阶振动频率降幅越大。  相似文献   

大跨钢结构连廊质量小、结构柔、阻尼低,其动力特性及响应易受行人影响,为此围绕人-结构耦合作用对大跨钢连廊振动舒适度的影响开展研究.首先,引入两类单自由度人体动力模型,建立人-结构耦合动力模型,并确定人体模型关键参数.随后,基于课题组前期获取的谐波参数,模拟了单人步行荷载,进一步结合人群密度和步频关系,对大跨钢连廊的人群...  相似文献   

采用ADINA有限元软件对某大跨度栈桥结构进行了流体-结构耦合数值模拟计算,得出该类结构的风致动力响应特性。研究了流场速度、压力,结构的位移、等效应力以及风振系数和风压分布系数。  相似文献   

以某段高速铁路实际运营情况下轨道路基结构为工程背景,建立孔隙水-力耦合有限元模型,计算移动列车荷载作用下高速铁路路基动力响应,进而分析上部列车移动荷载作用下路基内孔隙水对轨道-路基结构动力响应的影响。研究结果表明,在孔隙水渗流和移动列车荷载的耦合作用下,基床表面以下应力分布较均匀,而基床表面以上的支撑层和钢轨承受较大应力;移动列车荷载在钢轨表面加载位置处存在应力扩散,钢轨表面中点位移变化及基床表面中点应力变化存在明显的锯齿状分布;路基内孔隙水头及列车行驶速度均会对路基动力响应产生影响,即路基动力响应主要受孔隙水头和列车行驶速度控制。  相似文献   

高如  王晶涛  韦巍 《市政技术》2023,(2):103-108
随着城市高速发展,越来越多的深基坑工程施工紧邻运营地铁盾构隧道,对其安全运营产生了非常大的影响。依托昆明市某地铁盾构隧道附近的深基坑开挖项目,采用有限元数值分析方法,研究流-固耦合作用下深基坑开挖对邻近地铁盾构隧道的影响。研究结果表明:(1)依托项目按照设计要求考虑时空效应,采用分期分块进行施工,对运营中的地铁盾构隧道的结构安全不会造成影响;(2)深基坑开挖不考虑渗流场作用时,以影响地铁盾构隧道水平变形主,深基坑开挖考虑渗流场作用时,以影响地铁盾构隧道竖向变形主;(3)流-固耦合作用下,深基坑开挖后地面沉降线由原来的抛物线变为倒驼峰形状。  相似文献   

工程结构在其全寿命服役期间会不可避免地遭受风或地震等多种灾害的作用。以钢管混凝土框架-防屈曲支撑结构体系为研究对象,模拟了重现期分别为1年、10年和50年的结构不同高度处的风速时程,基于OpenSees有限元软件对结构开展了地震单独作用和重现期分别为1年、10年和50年的风与地震耦合作用4种工况下的非线性动力时程分析,并基于地震需求分析方法生成了结构在不同工况下的易损性曲线。结果表明:随着风作用的增大,结构的反应和易损性均有增大趋势;而随着地震动强度的增大,风作用对结构易损性的影响则逐渐减小。  相似文献   

在内罐泄漏等特殊工况下,预应力混凝土罐壁将直接暴露在-162℃的超低温环境中,由此产生的温度应力和变形可能会对储罐的结构安全带来威胁。因此,对LNG储罐混凝土外罐进行泄漏等低温条件下的力学验算和评估十分重要。本文利用有限元法(FEM)对内罐泄漏工况下的大型LNG预应力混凝土储罐进行热-结构耦合分析,结果表明:混凝土罐壁的降温过程较为缓慢,温度沿壁厚(0.8m)方向达到稳定需要大概一周的时间;热保护角范围以外的预应力钢绞线温度分别降低至-87℃(夏季)和-102℃冬季);低温作用使混凝土罐壁产生较大的内力和变形,罐壁内外两侧温差越大,内力、变形越大,在设计中可通过设置热保护系统来防止其对储罐结构可能造成的破坏。研究成果对于评估超低温对混凝土外罐结构安全的影响、制定液化天然气储罐结构安全规范具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

针对冰区海上单桩风机易发生冰激振动的问题,以NREL5MW风机为对象,详细开展其在风-冰联合作用下的动力响应研究.基于叶素动量理论,考虑Prandtl叶尖损失修正和Grauert修正,利用MATLAB编程计算获得叶片空气动力载荷;基于M??tt?nen自激振动模型,采用APDL开发冰区风机自激振动分析程序;基于我国渤海...  相似文献   

在风、浪、流荷载作用下,海上风电导管架基础受到较大水平荷载,为保证结构的安全稳定,有必要考虑桩土相互作用的影响。依托阳江某海上风电项目,采用美国石油协会(API)规范中的P—Y曲线法模拟桩土相互作用,运用Stoke五阶波理论和API规范推荐的风荷载计算方法进行了荷载计算,基于ANSYS软件建立了导管架基础整体模型,并对风浪流荷载下结构的受力特性进行分析,判断结构强度、位移、变形是否满足要求,给出相应的计算过程和结论,为导管架基础设计提供理论依据和设计参考。  相似文献   

Development of offshore wind energy is desired as a countermeasure against global warming. This article presents motion analysis of a floating offshore wind turbine during the rotor-rotation under wind loads. A 2 MW downwind turbine is mounted on a floating foundation of the spar-type. The wind loads acting on the rotor blades are calculated using the blade element momentum theory. The multibody dynamics system theory is employed to consider the effect of the rotor-rotation. As a result, the motion of yaw, sway and roll are generated due to the effect of the gyro-moment for the rotor-rotation.  相似文献   

利用ProE软件建立风电维修起重平台及夹紧机构的三维模型,利用ANSYS Workbench中的瞬态动力学分析模块对夹紧机构在吊臂突然加载和突然卸载这两种危险工况下进行动力学分析,得到夹紧机构连接点处的位移,速度和加速度随时间的响应曲线。模拟风电维修起重平台在实际工作中可能遇到的危险工况,对保证风电维修起重平台安全的夹紧机构进行动力学分析,完成对维修平台的整机稳定性分析,确保了维修平台高空作业的可靠性。为风电维修起重平台的设计制造提供参考,有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This paper presents the stochastic seismic response analysis of offshore wind turbines subjected to multi‐support seismic excitation by using a three‐dimensional numerical finite element model considering viscous boundaries. The seawater‐offshore wind turbine‐soil interaction system is modelled by the Lagrangian (displacement‐based) fluid and solid‐quadrilateral‐isoparametric finite elements. The random seismic excitation is described by the filtered white noise model and applied to each support point of the three‐dimensional finite element model of the coupled interaction system. The research conducts a parametric study to estimate the effects of variable seawater level, different foundation soil types and support site conditions on the stochastic behaviour of the offshore wind turbine coupled interaction system. The finite element model of coupled interaction system was also analyzed to examine the effect of the surrounding ice sheet on the stochastic response of the coupled system with and without ice sheet. The results obtained for different cases are compared with each other. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为研究地震易发区土-结构相互作用(SSI效应)对大型风电结构地震响应的影响程度,该文以某2.5MW大型风电结构为对象,首先建立其“叶片-机舱-塔架-基础-土体”耦合的精细化整体有限元模型,并基于场地土特性设置土体参数。其次,利用PEER数据库选取四种不同类型地震动,在考虑土体非线性特征的基础上,通过EERA程序得到实际土层底部的地震动加速度时程序列。最后,以风电结构塔顶位移、塔身应力、加速度及塔底内力响应为地震响应的分析指标。结果表明:远场地震动作用下大型风电结构动力响应较近场地震动作用下更大;考虑SSI效应会降低风电结构的自振频率,使塔顶相对位移时程出现不平稳现象,并更易激发结构高阶振型;在高频成分显著的近场非脉冲型地震动作用下,考虑SSI效应前后风电结构塔身最大应力以及塔底最大剪力与弯矩差异较大。在以后大型风电结构的设计中应更加细致地考虑SSI效应的影响,尤其是在高频地震作用下。  相似文献   

Long-term fatigue analysis of welded multi-planar tubular joints for a fixed jacket offshore wind turbine designed for a North Sea site in a water depth of 70 m is performed. The dynamic response of the jacket support structure due to wind and wave loads is calculated by using a decoupled procedure with good accuracy (Gao et al., 2010). Hot-spot stresses at failure-critical locations of each reference brace for 4 different tubular joints (DK, DKT, X-type) are derived by summation of the single stress components from axial, in-plane and out of plane action, the effects of planar and non-planar braces are also considered. Both a 2-parameter Weibull function and generalized gamma function are used to fit the long-term statistical distribution of hot-spot stress ranges by a combination of time domain simulation for representative environmental conditions in operational conditions of the wind turbine. A joint probabilistic model of mean wind speed Uw, significant wave height Hs and spectral peak period Tp in the northern North Sea is used to obtain the occurrence frequencies of representative environmental conditions (Johannessen, 2002). In order to identify the contributions to fatigue damage from wind loads, wave loads and the interaction effect of wind and wave loads, 3 different load cases are analyzed: wind loads only; wave loads only; a combination of wind and wave loads. The representative environmental condition corresponding to the maximum contribution to fatigue damage is identified. Characteristic fatigue damage of the selected joints for different models is predicted and compared. The effect of brace thickness on the characteristic fatigue damage of the selected joints is also analyzed by a sensitivity study. The conclusions obtained in this paper can be used as the reference for the design of future fixed jacket offshore wind turbines in North Sea.  相似文献   

Studies are presented on the extreme value statitics of combined wind, wave and current loading on a fixed offshore structure. The emphasis is on a method developed by the author to study extreme values of compound stochastic processes. The effect on the extreme value estimates of considering the component loads separately or simultaneously is discussed.  相似文献   

Dynamic response analysis of an offshore platform due to seismic motions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A three-dimensional (3D) numerical model for dynamic response analysis of seismic-induced motions is developed using the modal analysis and substructure methods. The developed model and an impedance function method are applied to an offshore platform with a pile-soil foundation system. The Newmark β method is used as a time integration scheme. The displacement and bending stresses at selective nodal points on the structure are computed for various maximum seismic accelerations and the shear-wave velocities of soil. Using a reliability index obtained by the Monte Carlo Simulation method, we successfully performed a reliability evaluation at the critical points of the structure for various seismic motions and soil conditions.  相似文献   

In this study, a novel probabilistic framework named Probabilistic Incremental Wave Analysis (PIWA) is established in order to assess the performance of jacket offshore platforms under extreme waves. The PIWA can take into account the uncertainties in three main elements consisting of sea state parameters, structural response and collapse capacity. The main advantage of the PIWA approach is reflected in decoupling of the wave hazard and structural analyses via an intermediate variable known as the wave height intensity measure. Despite the fact that most of the uncertainties associated with structural response are concentrated in wave hazard, this will enable the PIWA to estimate the probability of failure accurately. Moreover, both static and dynamic wave analyses can be utilized in the PIWA procedure. In this approach, multiple incremental wave analyses are employed to estimate the distribution of structural demand for a wide range of wave height intensities. Subsequently, the mean annual frequency of exceeding a structural limit state is calculated for which this research addresses two different methodologies including demand-based and wave height-based approaches. Furthermore, a new probabilistic-based Reserve Strength Ratio (RSR) is proposed and the probability of exceeding various levels of RSR is provided. To reduce the large number of simulations and hence improving the computational effort in the PIWA procedure, a combination of Latin Hypercube Sampling and Simulated Annealing optimization technique is utilized as an efficient sampling scheme. The PIWA procedure is employed in probabilistic assessment of an existing jacket offshore platform located in the Persian Gulf as well.  相似文献   

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