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鲁正  廖元  吕西林 《建筑结构学报》2019,40(12):163-168
基于5层钢框架模型,通过试验对比了在地震激励下调谐质量阻尼器和调谐型颗粒阻尼器的减震性能,并探究了频率失调等因素的影响。通过数值模拟实现了两种阻尼器的优化设计,以考察充分发挥其性能的工况下,两种阻尼器的减震效果以及阻尼器相对位移行程的对比。研究表明:在频率调谐时,调谐质量阻尼器和调谐型颗粒阻尼器均能显著降低主体结构位移和加速度响应,调谐型颗粒阻尼器的减震效果更好,具有一定的减震优势,并且调谐型颗粒阻尼器的相对位移行程更小、减震频带更宽;当两者均为最优设计时,减震效果相当,但是最优化调谐型颗粒阻尼器系统的阻尼器与主体结构之间的相对位移更小,可降低相对位移幅值24.5%,并且具有更好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

提出了结构增强调谐质量阻尼器(ETMD)装置。新装置是在调谐质量阻尼器(TMD)的基础上,在质量块与地基之间设置一个附加粘滞阻尼器而构成。将ETMD最优参数的评价准则定义为:设置ETMD的结构均方根位移(解析式)的最小值的最小化。在频域内评价了附加阻尼对ETMD控制结构位移响应的最优参数、有效性和冲程的影响,并与TMD装置进行比较。数值结果表明,ETMD的振动冲程控制明显优于TMD。  相似文献   

为了提高传统的调谐质量阻尼器(TMD)对建筑结构的减震效果,提出了一种可实时调整频率和阻尼的半主动电涡流单摆式调谐质量阻尼器(SAEC-PTMD)。由Hilbert-Huang变换(HHT)识别结构的瞬时频率,通过基于HHT的控制算法实时调节SAEC-PTMD的摆长进行频率的调节。研究并拟合了电涡流有效阻尼系数与磁导间距之间的关系,通过基于线性二次型高斯(LQG)的控制算法实时调节磁导间距,以实时调节阻尼系数。为了验证SAEC-PTMD对建筑结构的减震效果,对一单自由度结构模型在地震激励下的震动响应进行数值模拟。数值模拟中,采用一经优化设计的被动TMD (PTMD)作为对比,并考虑由主结构的累积损伤引起自身频率下降而造成PTMD的失调效应。以主结构的加速度和位移时程峰值、整体均方根值及其加速度和位移反应谱作为评价指标,评估了SAEC-PTMD在结构发生损伤前后对PTMD的改良效果。数值模拟结果表明,在结构发生损伤前后,SAEC-PTMD均比经优化设计的PTMD具有更好的减震效果。  相似文献   

土木工程结构振动控制的最佳多重调谐质量阻尼器模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刚度和阻尼系数保持常量但质量不同的频率线性分布的FD-MTMD能够提供更好的有效性和鲁棒性且最易制作。但是,FD-MTMD存在近零最优平均阻尼比。鉴此,本文提出了刚度和阻尼系数保持常量但质量线性分布的MD-MTMD新模型策略。数值结果表明,MD-MTMD不存在近零最优平均阻尼比,MD-MTMD和FD-MTMD能够近似地达到相同的鲁棒性和有效性。而且,总的来说,MD-MTMD的冲程小于FD-MTMD的冲程。因此。MD-MTMD是土木工程结构振动控制的最佳MTMD模型策略。  相似文献   

本文基于调谐质量阻尼器的工作原理,设计了一种新型质量阻尼器,即利用质量球在设计曲面轨道中的滚动来进行振动控制。文章通过理论推导对曲面进行参数优化,得出最优曲线函数,再进行相关验证并得出结论。  相似文献   

以一种新型的调谐黏滞质量阻尼器(Tuned viscous mass damper, TVMD)作为控制装置,实现了对斜拉桥的控制模型建立及减震控制分析,探讨了TVMD装置减震的适用性和有效性。基于TVMD装置的工作原理和力学模型,建立了多自由度空间结构多TVMD控制装置在地震激励下的状态空间控制模型和传递函数模型|基于H2控制理论,以结构控制目标响应传递函数的H2范数作为优化目标,提出了利用分步参数扫描进行多TVMD控制装置参数优化设计的方法|以南京长江三桥作为控制对象,针对其在纵桥向地震激励下的振动,分别以TVMD、调谐质量阻尼器(TMD)和黏滞阻尼器(VD)作为控制装置,进行了控制方案的设计与效果的对比分析,对比分析结果表明,TVMD减震控制装置具有更为显著的减震效果及更优的耗能效应。  相似文献   

定义了池式调谐质量阻尼器(TMD),运用调谐液体阻尼器(TLD)与TMD相结合的方法综合考虑其总体动力效应;同时推导了结构与TMD、TLD以及池式TMD系统的运动方程.以结构物室内游泳池为例,研究了不同池长设计值的池式TMD在风振与地震激励下对结构的控制性能,对比了相应TMD、TLD的控制效果,并运用相位差分析的方法对池式TMD的设置提出了建议.结果表明:池式TMD经优化设计后可取得与普通TMD相近的控制效果,均远优于TLD;同时,池式TMD较普通TMD更经济且更具实用价值.  相似文献   

结构被动和主动多重调谐质量阻尼器控制策略的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
广泛评述了被动多重调谐质量阻尼器(MTMD)的研究现状,提出了结构主动多重调谐质量阻尼器(AMTMD)和多重主被动调谐质量阻尼器(MAPTMD)的新控制策略,介绍了从AMTMD和MAPTMD的研究进展,并指出了进一步研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

将粘滞阻尼器引入网架结构,利用SAP有限元分析程序,对网架结构进行减震分析。对阻尼器在网架结构中的布置位置给出建议。计算结果表明,粘滞阻尼器减震系统对网架结构的减震效果是比较明显的,是一种适合空间网架结构的减震系统。  相似文献   

调谐质量阻尼器(简称TMD)是工程上常用的一种减震控制系统。本文基于TMD的原理,通过振动台模型试验,进行了悬浮顶层减震结构系统的研究。这种结构由主结构与悬浮顶层组成,采用叠层橡胶支座作为二者之间的连接装置,它与顶层楼体共同形成一个大型的TMD系统。试验表明,这种新型的减震结构系统在不同地震波的作用下,主结构顶层的加速度响应减少了2606%~5864%。由于这种结构系统施工工艺相对简捷,因此具有良好的经济性与实用价值,适合在工程上应用与推广。  相似文献   

根据拉格朗日方程推导了结构设置FPS调谐质量系统地震动力反应分析计算公式,并考虑了接触面滞滑效应的影响。分析与计算结果表明:设置质量调谐系统之后,结构动力反应层间位移有所减小。当接触面滑动摩擦系数为0.15左右、滑道半径为0.7 m、调谐附加质量为楼层质量的1.4倍以上时,质量调谐系统具有较好的减振效果、消能效果与复位能力。  相似文献   

The most common device for control of tall buildings under wind loads is the tuned mass damper (TMD). However, during their lifetimes, high‐rise and slender buildings may experience natural frequency changes under wind speed, ambient temperatures and relative humidity variations, among other factors, which make the TMD design challenging. In this paper, a proposed approach for the design of robust TMDs is presented and investigated. The approach accounts for structural uncertainties, optimization objectives and input excitation (wind or earthquake). For the use of TMDs in buildings, practical design parameters can be different from the optimum ones. Nevertheless, predetermined optimal parameters for a primary structure with uncertainties are useful to attain design robustness. To illustrate the applicability of the proposed approach, an example of a very slender building with uncertain natural frequencies is presented. The building represents a case study of an engineered design that is instructive. Basically, due to its geometry, the building behaves differently in one lateral direction (cantilever building) than the other (shear building). The proposed approach shows its robustness and effectiveness in reducing the response of tall buildings under multidirectional wind loads. In addition, linear‐quadratic Gaussian and fuzzy logic controllers enhanced the performance of the TMD. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the ‘mega structure’ concept for supertall buildings. This concept incorporates the latest technology for structural energy dissipation and control systems, which are capable of predicting, controlling and modifying building motion/response. The implementation of tuned mass dampers (TMD) on a 150-story building in Los Angeles is presented. Following a brief introduction to the underlying mathematical theory of TMD, the dynamic response of the building structure is presented demonstrating the effectiveness of TMD in suppressing undesirable building motions. The influence of the TMD configuration on global system efficiency is also investigated via parametric studies.  相似文献   

This paper implemented an optimal design of non-conventional multiple tuned mass damper (NC-MTMD) system for coal scuttles in power plant. The NC-MTMD was introduced using base isolation for the coal scuttles. Mathematical models of the NC-MTMD were derived by considering multiple three-dimensional (3D) modes. Base seismic excitation is represented by 3D Kanai-Tajimi filtered white noise. Properties of the base isolation (stiffness, damping) were calibrated through global optimisation using base shear and torsion as the objective function. Derivative (e.g. Global Search, Multi Start), or derivative free (e.g. Pattern Search, Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing) algorithms were considered. Pattern Search algorithm showed better convergence, efficiency and stability performance. A comparative study was performed for single- and multi-mode cases. Robustness of the optimum design was investigated quantitatively. Design parameter variation and mass variation (due to different levels of coal storages) were considered and their influences were studied.  相似文献   

通过附加和不附加颗粒调谐质量阻尼器的5层钢框架振动台试验,研究其在实际地震波以及上海人工波激励下的减震效果。通过调整不同悬挂长度(频率比)、质量比、颗粒到阻尼器壁净距等参数,分析阻尼器参数对其减震效果的影响。试验结果表明:不同地震作用下该类阻尼器均能达到较好的减震效果,其中上海人工波的减震效果最好;对于多层钢框架结构,阻尼器能够有效控制第1振型的振动,但是对于高阶振型的控制作用无法保证;当阻尼器频率与主体结构基频相同时,能够达到最优减震效果,而当二者频率不同时,依然有一定的减震效果,说明其具有一定的鲁棒性;在合适的质量比(0.66%)下,阻尼器能够达到最佳减震效果;当颗粒到容器内壁净距为1.6D~3.6D时,可使阻尼器响应最小,且减震效果较好。  相似文献   

The effectiveness of a class of nonlinear tuned mass dampers (TMDs) in suppressing across-wind structure oscillations was examined through a wind tunnel test. The nonlinear TMD employed a wire rope spring to replace both the spring and the damper required in a typical system. First, a single degree of freedom aeroelastic stick model of a slender structure with a square cross-section was tested under different levels of damping. The measurements obtained from the tests were used to determine the root-mean-square (RMS) of the lift coefficient and other aerodynamic parameters. In the second phase of testing, the nonlinear TMD system was attached near the tip of the aeroelastic model. The response reduction achieved by adding the TMD was considerable and was quantitatively expressed in terms of an equivalent viscous damping. A comparison between the nonlinear TMD and an equivalent optimized linear TMD was made. Probability-based procedures were developed to estimate the equivalent damping provided by the nonlinear TMD. The estimated damping was compared with that obtained experimentally to evaluate the accuracy of the prediction method.  相似文献   

A tuned liquid damper (TLD) is a passive vibration control device consisting of a rigid tank filled with water that relies on the sloshing of water inside it to dissipate energy. In a standard TLD configuration the TLD is connected rigidly to the top of the building structure. Earlier research has shown that the TLD is more effective when its base acceleration amplitude is larger, as it dissipates more energy through increased sloshing. This characteristic has been utilized to design this alternate TLD configuration. In this alternate TLD configuration, the TLD is rigidly attached to a secondary mass that is attached to the primary structure through a spring system. This alternate configuration is, thus, defined as a hybrid mass liquid damper (HMLD). For particular values of the secondary spring’s flexibility, the motion of the secondary structure is in phase with that of the primary structure and the TLD base is subjected to a large amplitude acceleration that increases its effectiveness. It should be noted that when the secondary spring is rigid, the alternate and standard TLD configurations are identical for very small values of the secondary mass. It is seen that, for a given structure with HMLD there exists an optimum value of the secondary spring’s stiffness for which the HMLD effectiveness is maximum. An optimally designed HMLD configuration is shown to be more effective as a control device than the standard TLD configuration for both harmonic and broad-band earthquake motions.  相似文献   

文章提出了单模态和多模态控制的调谐黏滞质量阻尼器(TVMD)跨层布置设计策略。该策略包括跨层布置、迭代优化和时程验证三个模块。在单模态控制策略中,基于结构相隔两质点一阶振型向量差,借助固定点优化方法确定TVMD的设计参数。在多模态控制策略中,首先利用振型参与质量系数筛选有效的设计模态,其后借助振型参与向量确定每个TVMD的设计控制模态,基于固定点方法拟定TVMD的设计参数。在迭代过程中,将三条设计地震动作用下的最大层间位移角作为更新每个TVMD振型质量比的性能指标。为了验证所提出的设计方法的可行性和有效性,利用FEMA-695中44条远场地震动分别对10层和20层benchmark模型进行时程分析。模拟结果表明,所提出的单模态控制策略适用于中低层结构的位移控制,多模态控制策略以较低的成本显著减小高层结构的位移和加速度响应。  相似文献   

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