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Fengwu LIU 《等离子体科学和技术》2022,24(5):55408
The Ar atmospheric pressure plasma was found to be an excellent laboratorial source for green aurora emission. However, the characteristic and production mechanism of the green aurora emission of the Ar atmospheric pressure plasma are still not clear. In this work, an Ar plasma in a long glass tube which emits intense green aurora light is investigated. With the long glass tube, it can be concluded that the green aurora emission in the Ar plasma is not owing to the mixture of Ar plasma plume with the surrounding air. It is also found that the green aurora emission often appeared beyond the active electrode when the active electrode is placed at the downstream of the gas flow. The green emission disappears when the traces amount of O2 or N2 (about 0.05%–0.07%) is added to Ar. This is because the O2 molecules deactivate the upper state O(1S), which results in the decrease of the green emission. On the other hand, when N2 is added, Ar metastable atoms are quenched by N2, which results in the decrease of O atoms and eventually leads to the decrease of the green emission intensity. The intensity of the green aurora emission increases when the driving voltage frequency increases from 1 to 10 kHz. More importantly, it is found that the green aurora emission is not affected when a grounded stainless steel needle is in contact with the plasma plume. Thus, the green emission is not driven electrically. All these findings are helpful for the understanding of the physics and its applications of atmospheric pressure plasma jet in space physics, laser physics and other application areas. 相似文献
UV-pulsed laser cavity ringdown spectroscopy of the hydroxyl radical OH(A–X)(0–0)band in the wavelength range of 306–310 nm was employed to determine absolute number densities of OH in the atmospheric helium plasma jets generated by a 2.45 GHz microwave plasma source.The effect of the addition of molecular gases N_2 and O_2 to He plasma jets on OH generation was studied.Optical emission spectroscopy was simultaneously employed to monitor reactive plasma species.Stark broadening of the hydrogen Balmer emission line(H_β)was used to estimate the electron density nein the jets.For both He/N_2 and He/O_2 jets, newas estimated to be on the order of 10~(15)cm~(-3).The effects of plasma power and gas flow rate were also studied.With increase in N_2 and O_2 flow rates, netended to decrease.Gas temperature in the He/O_2 plasma jets was elevated compared to the temperatures in the pure He and He/N_2 plasma jets.The highest OH densities in the He/N_2 and He/O_2 plasma jets were determined to be 1.0?×10~(16)molecules/cm~3 at x?=?4 mm(from the jet orifice)and 1.8?×?10~(16)molecules/cm~3 at x=3 mm, respectively.Electron impact dissociation of water and water ion dissociative recombination were the dominant reaction pathways, respectively, for OH formation within the jet column and in the downstream and far downstream regions.The presence of strong emissions of the N_2~+ bands in both He/N_2 and He/O_2 plasma jets, as against the absence of the N_2~+ emissions in the Ar plasma jets, suggests that the Penning ionization process is a key reaction channel leading to the formation of N_2~+ in these He plasma jets. 相似文献
The structure and propagation of the plasma in air breakdown driven by high-power microwave have attracted great interest. This paper focuses on the microwave amplitude and frequency dependence of plasma formation at atmospheric pressure using one two-dimensional model,which is based on Maxwell's equations coupled with plasma fluid equations. In this model, we adopt the effective electron diffusion coefficient, which can describe well the change from free diffusion in a plasma front to ambipolar diffusion in the bulk plasma. The filamentary plasma arrays observed in experiments are well reproduced in the simulations. The density and propagation speed of the plasma from the simulations are also close to the corresponding experimental data. The size of plasma filament parallel to the electric field decreases with increasing frequency, and it increases with the electric field amplitude. The distance between adjacent plasma filaments is close to one-quarter wavelength under different frequencies and amplitudes. The plasma propagation speed shows little change with the frequency, and it increases with the amplitude. The variations of plasma structure and propagation with the amplitude and frequency are due to the change in the distribution of the electric field. 相似文献
Active control of the local environment of the cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) jet is of great importance in actual applications since the CAP operates in an open atmosphere with the inevitable entrainment of the surrounding cold air. In this paper, the solid shielding effects of the cylindrical quartz tubes with different inner diameters on the characteristics of the CAP jets driven by a radio-frequency (RF) power supply are studied experimentally. The experimental results show that the total length of the shielded plasma jet can be increased significantly by an appropriate combination of the quartz tube inner diameter and that of the plasma generator nozzle exit with other parameters being unchanged. This phenomenon may be qualitatively attributed to the loss of diffusion of the charged particles in the radial direction under different inner diameters of the quartz tubes. Compared with the plasma free jet, the plasma shielding jet is produced with optimized parameters including longer plasma jet length, higher concentrations of chemically reactive species, higher rotational, vibrational, and electron excitation temperatures when the inner diameters of the solid shielding tube and the generator nozzle exit are the same. A maximum plasma jet length of 52.0 cm is obtained in contrast to that of 5.0 cm of the plasma free jet in this study. The experimental results indicate that the solid shielding effect provides a new method for the active control of the local environment of the RF-CAP jet operating in an open atmosphere. 相似文献
Cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) jet has wide applications in various fields including advanced materials synthesis and modifications, biomedicine, environmental protection and energy saving, etc. Appropriate control on the volume, temperature and chemically reactive species concentrations of the CAP jet is of great importance in actual applications. In this paper, an radio-frequency atmospheric-pressure glow discharge (RF-APGD) plasma generator with a hybrid cross-linear-field electrode configuration is proposed. The experimental results show that, with the aid of the copper mesh located at the downstream of the traditional co-axial-type plasma generator with a cross-field electrode configuration, a linear field between the inner powered electrode of the traditional plasma generator and the copper mesh can be established. This liner- field can, to some extent, enhance the discharges at the upstream of the copper mesh, resulting in small increments (all less than 12.5%) of the species emission intensities, electron excitation temperatures and gas temperatures by keeping other parameters being unchanged. And due to the intrinsic transparent and conducting features of the grounded copper mesh to the gas flowing, electric current and heat flux of the plasma plumes, a plasma region with higher concentrations of chemically reactive species and larger plasma plume diameters is obtained at the downstream of the grounded copper mesh on the same level of the gas temperature and electron excitation temperature compared to those of the plasma free jet. In addition, the charged particle number densities at the same downstream axial location of the grounded copper mesh decrease significantly compared to those of the plasma free jet. This means that the copper mesh is also, to some extent, helpful for separating the chemically reactive neutral species from the charged particles inside a plasma environment. The preceding results indicate that the cross-linear-field electrode configuration of the plasma generator is an effective approach for tuning the characteristics of the RF-APGD plasma jet in order to obtain an appropriate combination of the plasma jet properties with higher chemically reactive species concentrations, especially relative higher number densities of neutral species, larger plasma volumes and lower gas temperatures. 相似文献
Bing QI 《等离子体科学和技术》2019,21(8):85402-52
In this study, the density of metastable He2* in an atmospheric-pressure plasma jet operating in helium with 0.001% nitrogen has been measured using an auxiliary measuring electrode technique. In the glow discharge mode, waveforms from two grounding electrodes, including one main discharge electrode and one auxiliary electrode, are captured. The isolated current peak formed by Penning ionization in waveforms from the auxiliary measuring electrode is identified to calculate the density of metastable He2*. In our discharge environment, the helium metastable densities along the jet axis direction are between 2.26× 1013 and 1.74× 1013 cm-3, which is in good agreement with the results measured by other techniques. This measurement technique can be conveniently applied to the diagnosis of metastableHe2* in an atmospheric-pressure plasma jet array. 相似文献
In this paper, a honeycomb structure jet array with seven jet units was adopted to generate plasmas. Both the average discharge power and the emission intensity of the main excited species increase with increasing applied voltage. There are three stages of discharge evolution at different applied voltages: initial discharge, uniform discharge and strong coupling discharge.The spatial distribution of the emission intensity of the excited species can be divided into three categories: growth class, weakening class and variation class. The gas temperature along the whole plasma plume at different applied voltages is maintained at around 320K and can be widely used in heat-labile applications. 相似文献
Li YANG 《等离子体科学和技术》2022,24(10):105505
Atmospheric pressure plasma jet (APPJ) was used to clean nitrogen-containing carbon films (C–N) fabricated by plasma-assisted chemical vapor deposition method employing the plasma surface interaction linear device at Sichuan University (SCU-PSI). The properties of the contaminated films on the surface of pristine and He-plasma pre-irradiated tungsten matrix, such as morphology, crystalline structure, element composition and chemical structure were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, grazing incidence x-ray diffraction and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The experimental results revealed that the removal of C–N film with a thickness of tens of microns can be realized through APPJ cleaning regardless of the morphology of the substrates. Similar removal rates of 16.82 and 13.78 μm min−1 were obtained for C–N films deposited on a smooth pristine W surface and rough fuzz-covered W surface, respectively. This is a remarkable improvement in comparison to the traditional cleaning method. However, slight surface oxidation was found after APPJ cleaning, but the degree of oxidation was acceptable with an oxidation depth increase of only 3.15 nm. Optical emission spectroscopy analysis and mass spectrometry analysis showed that C–N contamination was mainly removed through chemical reaction with reactive oxygen species during APPJ treatment using air as the working gas. These results make APPJ cleaning a potentially effective method for the rapid removal of C–N films from the wall surfaces of fusion devices. 相似文献
Shuqun WU 《等离子体科学和技术》2019,21(7):74007-64
In this work, a typical pin-to-pin plasma synthetic jet in static air is excited by a pulsed DC power supply. The influences of the pulse rising time, the amplitude and the repetition frequency of the pulse voltage on the jet flow have been investigated. First, using a high-speed Schlieren imaging technique, the induced shock waves and the fast jet flow generated by the plasma synthetic jet are characterized. With a deposited energy of 44 mJ per pulse, the velocity of the shock wave and the maximum velocity of the jet flow reach 320 m s−1 and 100 m s−1, respectively. Second, when the applied voltage increases from 12.8 kV to 16 kV, the maximum jet velocity increases from 66 m s−1 to 93 m s−1. On the other hand, as the pulse rising time varies from 50 ns to 500 ns, or the pulse repetition frequency increases from 5 Hz to 40 Hz, the jet velocity induced by the plasma synthetic jet is weakly dependent. In addition, a comparative study of the plasma synthetic jets using three commercial pulsed power supplies (XJ-15, NPG- 18, and PG-30) is implemented. It reveals that the maximum jet velocity of 120 m s−1 is obtained in the case of PG-30, with the longest pulse rising time and the lowest breakdown voltage, while the maximum velocity of 33 m s−1 is detected in the case of NPG-18, even though it has the shortest pulse rising time and the highest breakdown voltage. 相似文献
Sahar A FADHLALMAWLA Abdel-Aleam H MOHAMED Jamal Q M ALMARASHI et al. 《等离子体科学和技术》2019,21(10):105503-72
The effects of cold atmospheric-pressure plasma jet(CAPPJ) were investigated on germination and early seedling growth of fenugreek(Trigonella foenum-graecum L) seeds.A two-electrode argon CAPPJ system with and without an additional grounded electrode [accelerating grounded(AG) electrode] was used at different exposure times.After 16 h of observation,the germination rates increased by 4 and 7 times,without and with using an AG electrode,respectively,for 1 min of plasma exposure.An increase in shoot fresh weight was observed,especially at 10 min exposure time.A high dry weight of root and shoot at 1 min-AG exposure time was observed.The root:shoot ratio was lower in plasma-treated seedlings,compared with the control plants.The study found that the O-radical emission line(777.4 nm) enhanced 5 times,due to the presence of an AG electrode,which increased the axial electric field and led to the formation of more streamers.The three stated effects(O-radicals,enhancement of the electric field and streamers) could be the cause for the stimulation of seed germination and seedling growth parameters when using the CAPPJ.The scanning electron microscope images showed the etching of the seed surface layers,which was more pronounced when an AG electrode was applied.The results of the current study indicate that the germination rates increased due to the increase of O-radical concentration and the etching of the seed surfaces. 相似文献
The plasma characteristics of a gas-liquid phase discharge reactor were investigated by optical and electrical methods.The nozzle-cylinder electrode in the discharge reactor was supplied witha negative nanosecond pulsed generator.The optical emission spectrum diagnosis revealed that OH(A~2∑~+?→?X~2Π,306–309 nm),N~3_2(CΠ→B~3Π_g,337 nm),O(3p~5p→3s~5s~0,777.2 nm)and O(3p~3p→3s~3s~0,844.6 nm)were produced in the discharge plasma channels.The electron temperature(T_e)was calculated from the emission relative intensity ratio between the atomic O 777.2 nm and 844.6 nm,and it increased with the applied voltage and the pulsed frequency and fell within the range of 0.5–0.8 e V.The gas temperature(T_g)that was measured by Lifbase was in a range from 400 K to 600 K. 相似文献
Mengqi LI 《等离子体科学和技术》2022,24(11):115503
Cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) driven by pulsed high-voltage power has specific advantages in various fields, such as the growth promotion of edible fungi in plasma agriculture. Compared with other strains, Ganoderma lucidum has the significant advantage of high medicinal value, but the shortcomings of low yield, long growth cycle, and an uneven market quality. In this study, Ganoderma lucidum was treated with a CAP powered by a homemade pulsed high-voltage power supply. Three groups of Ganoderma lucidum were treated under different conditions. The stalk lengths and pileus areas of Ganoderma lucidum were recorded to evaluate growth status. Results showed that treatment frequency affected growth status considerably. Ganoderma lucidum was treated with 40 s plasma once a week and showed an improved growth status with a 33.63% increase in average stalk length and a 28% increase in the number of individuals whose pileus areas was greater than the average. Meanwhile, the growth speed was accelerated. However, treatment at an excessive frequency would damage and slow down the growth of Ganoderma lucidum. 相似文献
Sansan PENG Dehui XU Miao QI Rong LIU Xinying ZHANG Huaiyan ZHANG Bolun PANG Jin ZHANG Hao ZHANG Zhijie LIU Dingxin LIU 《等离子体科学和技术》2021,23(12):125401-73
In this study,we investigated the effects of the quartz tube diameter,air flow rate,and applied voltage on the characteristics of an air plasma jet to obtain the optimized discharge characteristics.The physicochemical properties and concentration of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species(RONS)in plasma-activated medium(PAM)were characterized to explore their chemical activity.Furthermore,we investigated the inactivation effect of air plasma jet on tumour cells and their corresponding inactivation mechanism.The results show that the tube diameter plays an important role in sustaining the voltage of the air plasma jet,and the gas flow rate affects the jet length and discharge intensity.Additionally,the air plasma jet discharge displays two modes,namely,ozone and nitrogen oxide modes at high and low gas flow rates,respectively.Increasing the voltage increases the concentration of reactive species and the length of discharge.By evaluating the viability of A549 cells under different parameters,the optimal treatment conditions were determined to be a quartz tube diameter of 4 mm,gas flow rate of 0.5 SLM,and voltage of 18 kV.Furthermore,an air plasma jet under the optimized conditions effectively enhanced the chemical activity in PAM and produced more aqueous RONS.The air plasma jet induced significant cytotoxicity in A549 cancer cells after plasma treatment.H2O2 and NO2 are regarded as key factors in promoting cell inactivation.The present study demonstrates the potential use of tumour cell therapy by atmospheric air PAM,which aids a better understanding of plasma liquid chemistry. 相似文献
Xinyao CHENG 《等离子体科学和技术》2022,24(11):115502
Stable combustion in an afterburner can help increase the thrust of the engine in a short time, thereby improving the maneuverability of a fighter. To improve the ignition performance of an afterburner, a twin-duct ignition platform was designed to study the performance of a gliding arc plasma igniter in close-to-real afterburner conditions. The research was carried out by a combination of experiments and simulations. The working environment of the igniter was explored through a numerical simulation. The results showed that the airflow ejected from the radiating holes formed a swirling sheath, which increased the anti-interference ability of the airflow jet. The influence of the pressure difference between the inlet and outlet of the igniter (Δp), the flow rate outside the igniter outlet (W2), and the installation angle (α) on the single-cycle discharge energy (E) as well as the maximum arc length (L) were studied through experiments. Three stages were identified: the airflow breakdown stage, the arc evolution stage, and the arc fracture stage. E and L increased by 107.3% and 366.2%, respectively, with Δp increasing from 10 to 70 Torr. The relationship between L and Δp obtained by data fitting is L = 3 − 2.47/(1 + (Δp/25)4). The relationship of L at different α is Lα=0° > (Lα=45° and Lα=135°) > Lα=180° > Lα=90°. E and L decrease by 18.2% and 37.3%, respectively, when Δp = 45 Torr and W2 is increased from 0 to 250 l min−1. 相似文献
A 2D fluid model was employed to simulate the influence of dielectric on the propagation of atmospheric pressure helium plasma jet based on coplanar dielectric barrier discharge (DBD). The spatio-temporal distributions of electron density, ionization rate, electrical field, spatial charge and the spatial structure were obtained for different dielectric tubes that limit the helium flow. The results show that the change of the relative permittivity of the dielectric tube where the plasma jet travels inside has no influence on the formation of DBD itself, but has great impact on the jet propagation. The velocity of the plasma jet changes drastically when the jet passes from a tube of higher permittivity to one of lower permittivity, resulting in an increase in jet length,ionization rate and electric field, as well as a change in the distribution of space charges and discharge states. The radius of the dielectric tube has a great influence on the ring-shaped or solid bullet structure. These results can well explain the behavior of the plasma jet from the dielectric tube into the ambient air and the hollow bullet in experiments. 相似文献
This study investigates the influence of two types of target,skin tissue and cell culture medium,with different permittivities on a k Hz helium atmospheric pressure plasma jet (APPJ) during its application for wound healing.The basic optical–electrical characteristics,the initiation and propagation and the emission spectra of the He APPJ under different working conditions are explored.The experimental results show that,compared with a jet freely expanding in air,the diameter and intensity of the plasma plume outside the nozzle increase when it interacts with the pigskin and cell culture medium targets,and the mean velocity of the plasma bullet from the tube nozzle to a distance of 15 mm is also significantly increased.There are also multiple increases in the relative intensity of OH (A~2Σ?→?X~2Π) and O (3p~5S–3s~5S) at a position 15 mm away from nozzle when the He APPJ interacts with cell culture medium compared with the air and pigskin targets.Taking the surface charging of the low permittivity material capacitance and the strengthened electric field intensity into account,they make the various characteristics of He APPJ interacting with two different targets together. 相似文献
Wenjun ZHANG Wenzheng LIU Jia TIAN Yongjie GAO Xitao JIANG Pengxiang LIU 《等离子体科学和技术》2021,23(6):64004-40
In a pulsed vacuum discharge, the ejection performance of a metal plasma jet can be effectively improved by preventing charged particles from moving to the anode. In this paper, the effects of resistance and capacitance on the anode side on the discharge characteristics and the generation characteristics of plasma jet are investigated. Results show that the existence of a resistor on the anode side can increase the anode potential, thereby preventing charged particles from entering the anode and promoting the ejection of charged particles along the axis of the insulating sleeve nozzle. The application of a capacitor on the anode side can not only absorb electrons at the initial stage of discharge, increasing the peak value of the cathode hump potential, but also prevent charged particles from moving to the anode, thereby improving the ejection performance of the plasma jet. In addition, the use of a larger resistance and a smaller capacitance can improve the blocking effect on charged particles and further improve the ejection performance of the plasma jet. Results of this study will provide a reference for the improvement of the ejection performance of plasma jets and their applications. 相似文献
For the long-term fortification of warehoused crops, the insecticidal impact of cold plasma treated wheat seeds against red flour beetles are studied. In this study, the gain weight loss, mortality and repellency tests of cold plasma treated seeds are investigated and statistical analysis is carried out by SPSS software. Cold plasma treatment is carried out at 800 V for 1 and 4 min. The results show that the minimum grain weight loss is observed in plasma treated seeds as compared to controlled seeds. It is also observed that the mortality rate is minimum in the controlled seed while maximum at 4 min plasma treatment. Similarly, the repellent effect has a very small variation as compared to the controlled seed for Tribolium Castaneum. Therefore, plasma treatment can be considered as a practical and effective method for seed protection against red floor beetles particularly during long-term storage by controlling the insecticidal effects. 相似文献
In this paper,the influences of gas doping(O_2,N_2,Air)on the concentrations of reactive species and bactericidal effects induced by a He plasma jet are studied.Firstly,results show that gas doping causes an increase in voltage and a decrease in current compared with the pure He discharge under the same discharge power,which might be attributed to the different chemical characteristics of O_2 and N_2 and verified by the changes in the gaseous reactive species shown in the optical emission spectroscopy(OES) and Fourier transform infrared(FTIR)spectroscopy.Secondly,the concentrations of aqueous reactive oxygen species(ROS) and reactive nitrogen species(RNS) are tightly related to the addition of O_2 and N_2 into the working gas.The concentrations of aqueous NO_2~- and NO_3~- significantly increase while the concentrations of aqueous ROS decrease with the admixture of N_2.The addition of O_2 has little effect on the concentrations of NO_2~- and NO_3~- and pH values; however,the addition of O_2 increases the concentration of O_2~- and deceases the concentrations of H_2O_2 and OH.Finally,the results of bactericidal experiments demonstrate that the inactivation efficiency of the four types of plasma jets is He?+?O_2??He+AirHeHe+N_2,which is in accordance with the changing trend of the concentration of aqueous O_2~-.Simultaneously to the better understanding of the formation and removal mechanisms of reactive species in the plasma–liquid interaction,these results also prove the effectiveness of regulating the concentrations of aqueous reactive species and the bacteria inactivation effects by gas doping. 相似文献