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Methods for forming a three-dimensional image of the Earth surface and objects on this surface with the use of an airborne multichannel radio-thermal location station are proposed. These methods are based on range measurement, image reconstruction, and correlation-extreme combination of frames.  相似文献   

表面微观轮廓的高分辨率光学测量方法   总被引:5,自引:8,他引:5  
较全面地介绍了用于表面微观轮廓测量的几种高分辨率甚至可达亚纳米的光学测量方法及其最新进展.文中重点描述了以扫描共焦显微检测法、离焦误差检测法为代表的光触针法,以TOPO轮廓仪、Nomarski显微镜、外差干涉轮廓仪、双焦干涉轮廓仪和同轴干涉轮廓仪为代表的干涉测量法和以扫描近场光学显微镜及光子扫描隧道显微镜为代表的近场光学法三种适用于表面微观轮廓测量的光学测量方法,分别介绍了其工作原理、特性、发展现状及存在问题,通过对这些方法的对比和总结,阐述了表面微观轮廓纳米级光学测量的发展趋势.  相似文献   

针对小型机载光电平台无法准确获取视轴指向问题,设计了一种基于激光测距的目标定位算法。利用机载光电侦察平台锁定跟踪目标的特性,对同一目标多次测量,采用激光测距装置获取目标与载机间的距离信息。根据WGS-84定义的地球椭球模型建立系统的测量方程。考虑到测量方程的非线性,利用扩展卡尔曼滤波对目标位置进行估计。该定位方法精度只受到GPS接收机定位精度和激光测距机测量精度的影响,目标定位误差与机载光电侦察设备视轴指向测量无关。采用蒙特卡洛法仿真分析载机位置测量误差及激光测距系统位置误差对目标定位的影响,结果显示该算法定位精度较高。采用飞行试验数据验证了该目标定位算法的有效性,在飞行高度8 000 m时,目标定位精度优于8 m。相比于传统定位算法,该方法可将定位精度明显提高。同时此定位方法易于部署,可操作性强,具有较大的应用价值。  相似文献   

Recently, micro-rotation confocal microscopy has enabled the acquisition of a sequence of micro-rotated images of nonadherent living cells obtained during a partially controlled rotation movement of the cell through the focal plane. Although we are now able to estimate the three-dimensional position of every optical section with respect to the cell frame, the reconstruction of the cell from the positioned micro-rotated images remains a last task that this paper addresses. This is not strictly an interpolation problem since a micro-rotated image is a convoluted two-dimensional map of a three-dimensional reality. It is rather a 'reconstruction from projection' problem where the term projection is associated to the PSF of the deconvolution process. Micro-rotation microscopy has a specific difficulty. It does not yield a complete coverage of the volume. In this paper, experiments illustrate the ability of the classical EM algorithm to deconvolve efficiently cell volume despite of the incomplete coverage. This cell reconstruction method is compared to a kernel-based method of interpolation, which does not take account explicitly the point-spread-function (PSF). It is also compared to the standard volume obtained from a conventional z-stack. Our results suggest that deconvolution of micro-rotation image series opens some exciting new avenues for further analysis, ultimately laying the way towards establishing an enhanced resolution 3D light microscopy.  相似文献   

超高分辨率CCD成像系统的设计   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
介绍了基于50 Mpixel超高分辨率全帧型CCD芯片KAF50100的成像系统设计方法.该系统采用幕帘式焦平面机械快门对CCD进行曝光控制,CCD输出图像信号在专用模拟前端(AFE)芯片AD9845B中进行处理和模数(A/D)转换后,经现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)缓存和排序,通过低压差分信号(LVDS)接口发送至上位机.系统中所有驱动时序和控制信号均由FPGA产生,上位机通过RS422总线对系统进行命令控制.针对KAF50100四路输出不均匀性问题提出了基于最小二乘法拟合的校正方法.实验验证表明,系统可在KAF50100的最大速度模式下工作,像素读出速度为4×18 MHz,最大帧速为1 frame/s,电路读出随机噪声为2.76@12bit,动态范围为63.4db.该成像系统设计方法可以充分发挥KAF50100的性能,并且具有良好的通用性和扩展性,可以广泛应用于超高分辨率CCD成像系统的设计中,如可见光水下探测、卫星遥感、天文观测等.  相似文献   

This paper concerns contour-based algorithms for generating a 3D CAD model from medical images. The 3D model generated by contour-based algorithms can be used to generate CAM data for fabrication where the accuracy is of most concern. The overall procedure includes: (1) contour data extraction from medical images, (2) smoothing of the extracted contours, and (3) creation of a surface model from contours. For this, various methods should be applied to generate a high-quality surface model. The main contribution of this paper is to propose a new contour smoothing method, called bi-directional smoothing. The basic idea behind the proposed bi-directional smoothing method is to refine contours along both (u, v) parametric directions. Compared to conventional smoothing methods, the recontouring that comprises the first part of the method can prevent the shape of a contour from shrinking with a large number of iterations. Along with recontouring, a vertical connectivity estimation and a vertical smoothing method are also proposed. The overall procedure for this approach is demonstrated with an application example using CT images of a femur.  相似文献   

A method that ensures superresolution in terms of angular coordinates in surveillance systems with a flat antenna array during synthesis of radio-location and radio-thermal-location images of the Earth surface with the help of an airborne station in the real beam mode is proposed. This method is based on reconstruction of reflection and emission fields.  相似文献   

针对利用传统超声C扫成像方法对电阻点焊定量检测时图像对比度分辨率低的问题,对超声波在被测构件中传播时表现出的衰减特性进行了研究,分析了电阻点焊超声信号的特征,测定了超声检测信号在被测工件中的衰减系数,提出了一种准三维电阻点焊超声成像方法。该方法基于小波多子带差异性补偿算法,同时对超声波传播的距离和频率进行了补偿,在减小超声波衰减的同时也提高了电阻点焊超声图像的对比度分辨率。利用该方法开展了电阻点焊相关参数的定量化检测研究,并进行了相关的实验验证。研究结果表明,该技术有效提高了电阻点焊超声成像的对比度分辨率,可以避免图像中目标检测对象与背景的融合现象,提高了电阻点焊参数的定量化检测能力,并可将检测结果友好表征。  相似文献   

针对利用视觉图像技术检测O形(密封)圈这类全向曲面特征零件的表面缺陷时存在曲面成像一致性差的难题,研究了曲面成像基础理论和航天系统用O形圈表面成像及其表面缺陷的全自动检测方法。首先,把O形圈表面划分为细小网格状的曲面小块,基于曲面小块的双向反射分布函数得到点光源辐照时曲面小块的辐射强度计算公式。然后,通过半球积分求得空间连续光源辐照条件下曲面小块的辐射强度计算方法。最后,结合O形圈曲面方程,建立了O形圈表面成像理论,并据此提出基于三镜头相机组的O形圈表面缺陷成像检测方法。对O形圈弧段曲面的成像实验表明:理论计算的亮度分布与实际亮度分布一致,垂直安装的镜头相机组对应的平均亮度误差为6.8,标准差为12.6;倾斜安装的镜头相机组相应的平均亮度误差最大为19.4,标准差为10.3;缺陷检测实验表明,所提方法能可靠检测出O形圈表面任意位置的缺陷,能够实现航天密封圈的全自动可靠检测。  相似文献   

本文将毫米波线性调频连续波(Linear frequency modulated continuous wave, LFMCW)雷达用于水面探测, 并介绍了水面探测实验及其成像算法. 在成像处理中, 采用传统的成像算法很难获取水面纹理. 为解决该问题, 本文提出了一种针对水面纹理的毫米波LFMCW雷达水面成像算法. 相对于传统成像算法, 本文算法做了以下两点改进: 首先, 采用频域滤波法去除静止目标回波的干扰; 其次, 采用最大似然估计算法估计方位频谱参数, 计算水面回波能量, 减小乘性噪声干扰. 成像结果表明, 该算法能够获取水面纹理, 且优于传统成像算法.  相似文献   

The design of a scanned-cantilever-type force microscope is presented which is fully integrated into an inverted high-resolution video-enhanced light microscope. This set-up allows us to acquire thin optical sections in differential interference contrast (DIC) or polarization while the force microscope is in place. Such a hybrid microscope provides a unique platform to study how cell surface properties determine, or are affected by, the three-dimensional dynamic organization inside the living cell. The hybrid microscope presented in this paper has proven reliable and versatile for biological applications. It is the only instrument that can image a specimen by force microscopy and high-power DIC without having either to translate the specimen or to remove the force microscope. Adaptation of the design features could greatly enhance the suitability of other force microscopes for biological work.  相似文献   

文中对机载脉冲多普勒雷达在HPRF(高脉冲重复频率)状态下,使用PRF转换法和线性调频测距的优缺点进行了比较分析,提出了采用二者综合运用的测距方法。结果表明,该方法能够在HPR.F工作模式下完成远距离目标速度测量的同时,获得精度较高的距离测量值。  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3-D) structural parameters derived from lower-dimensional measurements using indirect morphometric methods may be strongly biased if the measured objects deviate from the assumed structure model. With the introduction of 3-D microscopic measuring techniques it is possible to obtain a complete depiction of complex spatial structures. As a consequence, new 3-D methods have recently been developed for the estimation of morphometric parameters such as volume, surface area and connectivity by direct processing of the 3-D images. Structure thickness is an important morphometric parameter which is usually defined for specific structure models only. In this paper we propose a general thickness definition for arbitrary structures allowing us to calculate the mean structure thickness and the thickness distribution of 3-D objects in a direct way and independently of an assumed structure model. Additionally, an efficient implementation for the practical usage of the method is described using distance transformation. The new method is applied to trabecular bone structures measured with a 3-D micro-computed tomography system.  相似文献   

三维坐标中测量曲面的定位   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用最小二乘法 ,在三维空间中将实际曲面与标准曲面进行拟合 ,使其满足每个测量点到标准曲面的距离平方之和达到最小的原理。该方法不仅可以确定曲面面型误差 ,同时还可以计算出曲面在空间的真实位置 ,从而降低了对测量定位基准面的要求 ,因此本方法对三坐标测量曲面有重要意义  相似文献   

航空光学成像与测量技术具有高时效、低成本、高分辨、易判读等突出优势。作为一种不可或缺的光学遥感手段得到了广泛地应用。由于受到航空飞行的影响,光学载荷需要在有限的体积、重量和功耗约束下解决气动力(矩)干扰、振动、温度和气压的急剧变化等问题,从而获得更加清晰的光学影像和更精确的测量结果。面对本领域对航空光学成像与测量的新技术、新方法、新理论的需求,组织了航空光学成像与测量专题,在精密光学、精密机械、精确控制以及图像处理等方面介绍了一批优秀的研究成果。从理论引领和工程参考价值的角度,推动相关研究的进一步发展。  相似文献   

X波段雷达图像中,数据是按线存储的,同频干扰在图像上表现为射线状噪声或斑点噪声.为去除雷达图像中的同频干扰噪声,根据同频干扰在雷达回波图像中的特性,提出一种基于拉普拉斯边缘检测算子的噪声检测算法.首先利用基于拉普拉斯边缘检测算子改进的检测方法,将雷达图像分为灰度值渐变区域和突变区域;接下来通过设定阈值检测到同频干扰的位置;最后利用临近非噪声点线性插值噪声点.利用本文方法对32幅随机的雷达图像进行处理,实验结果说明该方法能有效滤除同频干扰.与传统的滤波算法进行对比,实验结果表明本算法不仅能很好地检测到同频干扰噪声,还能更有效地去除噪声,尽可能地保留原来海浪的回波信息.  相似文献   

在详细地分析了STEP-NC程序相对于G/M代码差异及优越性的基础上,深入地对基于STEP-NC的CNC系统中关键技术——刀具路径生成技术进行了研究。本文以自由曲面为例,首先分析了自由曲面如何在STEP-NC程序的表述,然后从STEP-NC程序中提取有用的信息自动生成刀具路径,最后采用仿真来验证该方法的正确性。  相似文献   

全极化合成孔径雷达(SAR)可对不同极化通道分别独立进行压缩感知(CS)稀疏重建来增强成像性能,但分别独立处理没有利用极化信息的冗余性与互补性,有可能破坏极化信息的完整性。依据雷达目标在全极化下的散射特性构建联合稀疏度量函数,将全极化SAR高分辨成像转化为多通道联合稀疏约束的最优化重建问题,并用改进的正交匹配追踪算法进行求解。由于有效利用全极化信息,多通道联合CS成像相比于单通道CS成像能够获得更好的成像质量,还能全面准确反映目标全极化散射特性。通过对Backhoe挖掘机电磁仿真数据的处理,验证了算法的有效性,并且在微波暗室搭建了全极化SAR半实物仿真系统,利用其获取的全极化实测数据进一步验证了该方法的工程可行性。  相似文献   

The resolution of modern transmission electron microscopes reaches the physical limits imposed by lens aberrations and energy width. One of the many conditions to be fulfilled, the alignment of illuminating and imaging beam onto the coma-free objective axis, is particularly discussed here since axial coma cannot be detected by the usual resolution-checking methods. Space consumption of specimen stages prevents the full utilization of the magnetic saturation limit only in the 100 keV range. With higher energies, this handicap is obviated, and some additional advantages can be gained which promote material investigations at atomic resolution, and which are presently utilized in instrumental research projects. High resolution with biological specimens has up to now been unsuccessful because of radiation damage. Optimum utilization of all electrons scattered at the specimen must thus be given priority over optical resolution. Important instrumental requirements are minimum exposure beam control, imaging modes with high collection efficiency, and recording devices with high detection quantum efficiency connected on-line to image processors. A remarkable decrease in beam sensitivity of organic crystals, by more than one order, has been found by cooling the specimen down to 4 K which, by the use of superconducting lenses, can be combined with both ultra high vacuum and the stability requirements for high resolution. Yet up to now, such protection has not been achieved with He cryostates in conventional lenses, perhaps because a temperature increase even of only a few degree K is harmful. Purely magnetic imaging energy filters are about to be developed to a high optical quality but have been employed so far in only a few high resolution instruments. Such filters allow removal of the inelastic background and thus improvement of contrast of images of low-Z specimens, particularly in the dark field mode. Finally, some ‘non-conventional’ projects have made progress. Correction of spherical and chromatic aberration by multipole lenses offers a chance to improve remarkably the resolution in the 100 keV range, to extend the bandwidth of phase contrast transfer and to obtain highly resolved information about inelastic images when an energy filter is also applied. Electron holography provides possibly useful large area phase contrast, particularly if the electron energy is decreased, which may be of great benefit in investigations of unstained specimens.  相似文献   

基于相机阵列的三维集成成像记录系统   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
基于三维集成成像理论以及相机阵列和显示透镜阵列之间的对应关系,利用几何成像理论和光线追踪方法对不匹配全光学集成成像记录系统进行了理论分析,得到了主要记录参数(记录距离和相机间隔)和集成成像显示特性之间的关系。提出了一种非匹配系统中相机阵列记录系统参数的设计方法,并设计了相机阵列记录系统。计算得到了系统的关键参数为记录距离49.6cm,相机间隔25mm。对提出的方法进行了实验验证,结果表明,提出的相机阵列光学记录系统能够完整记录场景的三维信息,三维显示特性基本达到了设计指标,相机阵列的主要记录参数与集成成像三维显示特性的关系符合理论分析,验证了提出方法及系统设计的可行性。提出的系统可为不匹配全光学集成成像系统显示提供大场景、高分辨率微图像阵列。  相似文献   

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