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The Thyroid hormone Receptor Interacting Protein 12 (TRIP12) protein belongs to the 28-member Homologous to the E6-AP C-Terminus (HECT) E3 ubiquitin ligase family. First described as an interactor of the thyroid hormone receptor, TRIP12’s biological importance was revealed by the embryonic lethality of a murine model bearing an inactivating mutation in the TRIP12 gene. Further studies showed the participation of TRIP12 in the regulation of major biological processes such as cell cycle progression, DNA damage repair, chromatin remodeling, and cell differentiation by an ubiquitination-mediated degradation of key protein substrates. Moreover, alterations of TRIP12 expression have been reported in cancers that can serve as predictive markers of therapeutic response. The TRIP12 gene is also referenced as a causative gene associated to intellectual disorders such as Clark–Baraitser syndrome and is clearly implicated in Autism Spectrum Disorder. The aim of the review is to provide an exhaustive and integrated overview of the different aspects of TRIP12 ranging from its regulation, molecular functions and physio-pathological implications.  相似文献   

Phosphorus is an essential macronutrient for plants. The phosphate (Pi) concentration in soil solutions is typically low, and plants always suffer from low-Pi stress. During Pi starvation, a number of adaptive mechanisms in plants have evolved to increase Pi uptake, whereas the mechanisms are not very clear. Here, we report that an ubiquitin E3 ligase, PRU2, modulates Pi acquisition in Arabidopsis response to the low-Pi stress. The mutant pru2 showed arsenate-resistant phenotypes and reduced Pi content and Pi uptake rate. The complementation with PRU2 restored these to wild-type plants. PRU2 functioned as an ubiquitin E3 ligase, and the protein accumulation of PRU2 was elevated during Pi starvation. PRU2 interacted with a kinase CK2α1 and a ribosomal protein RPL10 and degraded CK2α1 and RPL10 under low-Pi stress. The in vitro phosphorylation assay showed that CK2α1 phosphorylated PHT1;1 at Ser-514, and prior reports demonstrated that the phosphorylation of PHT1;1 Ser-514 resulted in PHT1;1 retention in the endoplasmic reticulum. Then, the degradation of CK2α1 by PRU2 under low-Pi stress facilitated PHT1;1 to move to the plasma membrane to increase Arabidopsis Pi uptake. Taken together, this study demonstrated that the ubiquitin E3 ligase—PRU2—was an important positive regulator in modulating Pi acquisition in Arabidopsis response to low-Pi stress.  相似文献   

The ATP-binding cassette transporter, P-glycoprotein (P-gp), has been demonstrated to facilitate the clearance of amyloid-beta (Aβ) peptides, exporting the neurotoxic entity out of neurons and out of the brain via the blood–brain barrier. However, its expression and function diminish with age and in Alzheimer’s disease. P-gp is known to undergo ubiquitination, a post-translational modification that results in internalisation and/or degradation of the protein. NEDD4-1 is a ubiquitin E3 ligase that has previously been shown to ubiquitinate P-gp and reduce its cell surface expression. However, whether this effect translates into altered P-gp activity remains to be determined. siRNA was used to knockdown the expression of Nedd4 in CHO-APP cells. Western blot analysis confirmed that absence of Nedd4 was associated with increased P-gp protein expression. This was accompanied by increased transport activity, as shown by export of the P-gp substrate calcein-AM, as well as enhanced secretion of Aβ peptides, as shown by ELISA. These results implicate Nedd4 in the regulation of P-gp, and highlight a potential approach for restoring or augmenting P-gp expression and function to facilitate Aβ clearance from the brain.  相似文献   

Plants are frequently exposed to a variety of abiotic stresses, such as those caused by salt, drought, cold, and heat. All of these stressors can induce changes in the proteoforms, which make up the proteome of an organism. Of the many different proteoforms, protein ubiquitination has attracted a lot of attention because it is widely involved in the process of protein degradation; thus regulates many plants molecular processes, such as hormone signal transduction, to resist external stresses. Ubiquitin ligases are crucial in substrate recognition during this ubiquitin modification process. In this review, the molecular mechanisms of plant responses to abiotic stresses from the perspective of ubiquitin ligases have been described. This information is critical for a better understanding of plant molecular responses to abiotic stresses.  相似文献   

Background: Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common primary malignant brain tumor in adults. It is highly resistant to chemotherapy, and tumor recurrence is common. Neuronal precursor cell-expressed developmentally downregulated 4-1 (NEDD4-1) is an E3 ligase that controls embryonic development and animal growth. NEDD4-1 regulates the tumor suppressor phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN), one of the major regulators of the PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling axis, as well as the response to oxidative stress. Methods: The expression levels of NEDD4-1 in GBM tissues and different cell lines were determined by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction and immunohistochemistry. In vitro and in vivo assays were performed to explore the biological effects of NEDD4-1 on GBM cells. Temozolomide (TMZ)-resistant U87MG and U251 cell lines were specifically established to determine NEDD4-1 upregulation and its effects on the tumorigenicity of GBM cells. Subsequently, miRNA expression in TMZ-resistant cell lines was investigated to determine the dysregulated miRNA underlying the overexpression of NEDD4-1. Indole-3-carbinol (I3C) was used to inhibit NEDD4-1 activity, and its effect on chemoresistance to TMZ was verified. Results: NEDD4-1 was significantly overexpressed in the GBM and TMZ-resistant cells and clinical samples. NEDD4-1 was demonstrated to be a key oncoprotein associated with TMZ resistance, inducing oncogenicity and tumorigenesis of TMZ-resistant GBM cells compared with TMZ-responsive cells. Mechanistically, TMZ-resistant cells exhibited dysregulated expression of miR-3129-5p and miR-199b-3p, resulting in the induced NEDD4-1 mRNA-expression level. The upregulation of NEDD4-1 attenuated PTEN expression and promoted the AKT/NRF2/HO-1 oxidative stress signaling axis, which in turn conferred amplified defense against reactive oxygen species (ROS) and eventually higher resistance against TMZ treatment. The combination treatment of I3C, a known inhibitor of NEDD4-1, with TMZ resulted in a synergistic effect and re-sensitized TMZ-resistant tumor cells both in vitro and in vivo. Conclusions: These findings demonstrate the critical role of NEDD4-1 in regulating the redox imbalance in TMZ-resistant GBM cells via the degradation of PTEN and the upregulation of the AKT/NRF2/HO-1 signaling pathway. Targeting this regulatory axis may help eliminate TMZ-resistant glioblastoma.  相似文献   

Chloroplasts are ancient organelles responsible for photosynthesis and various biosynthetic functions essential to most life on Earth. Many of these functions require tightly controlled regulatory processes to maintain homeostasis at the protein level. One such regulatory mechanism is the ubiquitin-proteasome system whose fundamental role is increasingly emerging in chloroplasts. In particular, the role of E3 ubiquitin ligases as determinants in the ubiquitination and degradation of specific intra-chloroplast proteins. Here, we highlight recent advances in understanding the roles of plant E3 ubiquitin ligases SP1, COP1, PUB4, CHIP, and TT3.1 as well as the ubiquitin-dependent segregase CDC48 in chloroplast function.  相似文献   

E3-ubiquitin ligases are known to confer abiotic stress responses in plants. In the present study, GmPUB21, a novel U-box E3-ubiquitin ligase-encoding gene, was isolated from soybean and functionally characterized. The expression of GmPUB21, which possesses E3-ubiquitin ligase activity, was found to be significantly up-regulated by drought, salinity, and ABA treatments. The fusion protein GmPUB21-GFP was localized in the cytoplasm, nucleus, and plasma membrane. Transgenic lines of the Nicotiana benthamiana over-expressing GmPUB21 showed more sensitive to osmotic, salinity stress and ABA in seed germination and inhibited mannitol/NaCl-mediated stomatal closure. Moreover, higher reactive oxygen species accumulation was observed in GmPUB21 overexpressing plants after drought and salinity treatment than in wild-type (WT) plants. Contrarily, silencing of GmPUB21 in soybean plants significantly enhanced the tolerance to drought and salinity stresses. Collectively, our results revealed that GmPUB21 negatively regulates the drought and salinity tolerance by increasing the stomatal density and aperture via the ABA signaling pathway. These findings improved our understanding of the role of GmPUB21 under drought and salinity stresses in soybean.  相似文献   

Plant U-box E3 ubiquitin ligase (PUB) is involved in various environmental stress conditions. However, the molecular mechanism of U-box proteins in response to abiotic stress in wheat remains unknown. In this study, two U-box E3 ligase genes (TaPUB2 and TaPUB3), which are highly expressed in response to adverse abiotic stresses, were isolated from common wheat, and their cellular functions were characterized under drought stress. Transient expression assay revealed that TaPUB2 was localized in the cytoplasm and Golgi apparatus, whereas TaPUB3 was expressed only in the Golgi apparatus in wheat protoplasts. Additionally, TaPUB2 and TaPUB3 underwent self-ubiquitination. Moreover, TaPUB2/TaPUB3 heterodimer was identified in yeast and the cytoplasm of wheat protoplasts using a pull-down assay and bimolecular fluorescence complementation analysis. Heterogeneous overexpression of TaPUB2 and TaPUB3 conferred tolerance to drought stress. Taken together, these results implied that the heterodimeric form of U-box E3 ubiquitin ligases (TaPUB2/TaPUB3) responded to abiotic stress and roles as a positive regulator of drought stress tolerance.  相似文献   

C2 domain-containing proteins (C2DPs) have been identified in different genomes that contain single or multiple C2 domains in their C- or N-terminal. It possesses higher functional activity in the transmembrane regions. The identification of C2 domains were reported in a previous study, such as multiple C2 domains and transmembrane-region proteins (MCTPs) and N-terminal-TM-C2 domain proteins (NTMC2s) of rice, Arabidopsis thaliana, and cotton, whereas the C2DP gene family in rice has not been comprehensively studied, and the role of the C2DP gene in rice in response to abiotic stress is not yet fully understood. In this study, we identified 82 C2DPs in the rice genome and divided them into seven groups through phylogenetic analysis. The synteny analysis revealed that duplication events were either exhibited within the genome of rice or between the genomes of rice and other species. Through the analysis of cis-acting elements in promoters, expression profiles, and qRT-PCR results, the functions of OsC2DPs were found to be widely distributed in diverse tissues and were extensively involved in phytohormones-related and abiotic stresses response in rice. The prediction of the microRNA (miRNA) targets of OsC2DPs revealed the possibility of regulation by consistent miRNAs. Notably, OsC2DP50/51/52 as a co-tandem duplication exhibited similar expression variations and involved the coincident miRNA-regulation pathway. Moreover, the results of the genotypic variation and haplotype analysis revealed that OsC2DP17, OsC2DP29, and OsC2DP49 were associated with cold stress responses. These findings provided comprehensive insights for characterizations of OsC2DPs in rice as well as for their roles for abiotic stress.  相似文献   

In Nature plants are constantly challenged by a variety of environmental stresses that could lead to disruptions in cellular homeostasis. Programmed cell death (PCD) is a fundamental cellular process that is often associated with defense responses to pathogens, during development and in response to abiotic stresses in fungi, animals and plants. Although there are many characteristics shared between different types of PCD events, it remains unknown whether a common mechanism drives various types of PCD in eukaryotes. One candidate regulator for such a mechanism is Bax Inhibitor-1 (BI-1), an evolutionary conserved, endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-resident protein that represents an ancient cell death regulator that potentially regulates PCD in all eukaryotes. Recent findings strongly suggested that BI-1 plays an important role in the conserved ER stress response pathway to modulate cell death induction in response to multiple types of cell death signals. As ER stress signaling pathways has been suggested to play important roles not only in the control of ER homeostasis but also in other biological processes such as the response to pathogens and abiotic stress in plants, BI-1 might function to control the convergence point that modulates the level of the “pro-survival and pro-death” signals under multiple stress conditions.  相似文献   

The RING-type E3 ubiquitin ligases play an important role in plant growth, development, and defense responses to abiotic stresses and pathogens. However, their roles in the resistance of plants to herbivorous insects remain largely unknown. In this study, we isolated the rice gene OsJMJ715, which encodes a RING-domain containing protein, and investigated its role in rice resistance to brown planthopper (BPH, Nilaparvata lugens). OsJMJ715 is a nucleus-localized E3 ligase whose mRNA levels were upregulated by the infestation of gravid BPH females, mechanical wounding, and treatment with JA or ABA. Silencing OsJMJ715 enhanced BPH-elicited levels of ABA, JA, and JA-Ile as well as the amount of callose deposition in plants, which in turn increased the resistance of rice to BPH by reducing the feeding of BPH and the hatching rate of BPH eggs. These findings suggest that OsJMJ715 negative regulates the BPH-induced biosynthesis of ABA, JA, and JA-Ile and that BPH benefits by enhancing the expression of OsJMJ715.  相似文献   

Constitutive photomorphogenic 1 (COP1) is the ubiquitin E3 ligase that mediates degradation of c-Jun protein upon Erk1/2 inactivation. It remains unknown how this protein degradation pathway is regulated. In this study, we investigated the roles of protein phosphatases, ubiquitin-conjugating E2 enzymes (UBE2), and an intrinsic motif of c-Jun in regulating this degradation pathway. By using pharmacological inhibitors and/or gene knockdown techniques, we identified protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) and PP2A as the phosphatases and UBE23d as the UBE2 promoting c-Jun degradation, triggered by Erk1/2 inactivation. In addition, we report that the C-terminus of c-Jun protein facilitates its degradation. The addition of a C-terminal tag or deletion of the last four amino acid residues from the C-terminus of c-Jun protects it from degradation under Erk1/2-inactivating conditions. Taken together, this study reveals that the Erk1/2 inactivation-triggered and COP1-mediated c-Jun degradation is extrinsically and intrinsically regulated, providing a new understanding of the mechanisms underlying this protein degradation pathway.  相似文献   

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