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Local variation in Barbary macaque shrill barks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: The increment in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) after a protein load has been taken to reflect the renal reserve capacity; however, this response is preserved in end-stage kidney disease. Tubular secretion of creatinine is increased in relation to the GFR in renal failure, but little is known about the tubular functional response to stimulation despite the fact that tubulointerstitial lesions are always pre-eminent in chronic renal damage. Therefore we decided to compare the urinary creatinine excretion (UcrV) and tubular secretion of creatinine (TScr) induced by a test meat meal in normal individuals and in individuals with reduced nephron mass. METHODS: We studied 12 normal subjects, seven healthy uninephrectomized (kidney donors) and eight patients with chronic renal disease (serum creatinine ranging from 212.2 to 486 micromol/l). They had been on a standard diet for 5 days before the studies. The test meal provided 80 g of animal protein. Three baseline and four stimulated (post-meal) 30-min simultaneous inulin and creatinine clearances were carried out. RESULTS: We found that normals increased more than twice the UcrV (post-meal=329.5 +/-SEM 13.1 nmol/min/kg) and 3.4 times the TScr (114.4+/-12.7 nmol/min/kg) after the test meal. In contrast, patients were unable to raise their baseline values (P<0.001), despite a normal increment in GFR. The data in kidney donors fell between normals and patients. Strong correlation existed between the stimulated (but not the baseline) TScr (P=0.003) and GFR and between UcrV post-meal/pre-meal ratio and GFR (P<0.0001). CONCLUSION: The increment in TScr resulting from a protein meal is related to the functioning nephron mass. Evaluation of this increment could have potential clinical relevance.  相似文献   

Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) produce coo calls whose use in various contexts is correlated with differences in the relative temporal position of the peak value of a call's fundamental frequency (S. Green, 1975). Studies have produced conflicting results about both the location of the category boundary between smooth early high and smooth late high coo subtypes and macaques' perceptual sensitivity to variations in peak position. In this study, fundamental frequency peak positions were measured in 578 coos produced by 8 captive adult female Japanese macaques in order to test whether calls with peak positions close to either of 2 hypothesized boundaries occurred at low rates. Overall, such calls were found to occur at rates equal to or higher than predicted by chance. Peak position varied more consistently between animals than by behavioral context. The results may indicate that peak position in coos does not form 2 distinct categories. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The use of meta-analysis in literature reviews is increasing at a geometric rate, even though many researchers are still not familiar with the technique. Although most of the criticism of meta-analysis has focused on the formulas used, we believe there should be concern with the many judgment calls that must be made and how they affect the results of a meta-analysis. In recent years four topics have each been independently meta-analyzed twice. These four pairs are reexamined, and the differences in results between each of the pairs are diagnosed as resulting from judgment calls. Future users of meta-analysis are advised to be explicit about the judgments they make, and a summary of judgment calls is offered as a guide for reporting them. In addition to reporting judgment calls, their effects on the estimates of the population mean effect size and standard deviation should be tested. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

There is evidence that Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) are extremely sensitive to dynamic changes in the relative amplitudes of coo call harmonics during discrimination tests. To verify this evidence using more controlled stimulus configurations, the authors examined threshold sensitivity of macaque monkeys to amplitude increments added to the standard level of coo call harmonics. Psychophysical threshold determination methods paralleled those used previously to determine macaque sensitivity to amplitude increments added to vowel-like stimuli. Variation was detectable although thresholds were elevated relative to those obtained with vowel-like stimuli in another investigation (C. G. Le Prell, A. J. Niemiec, & D. B. Moody, 2001). This elevation was probably a function of natural amplitude modulation in the standard stimuli. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The formation of androgen-binding protein (ABP) by cultured Sertoli cells, prepared from testes of immature rats, is increased when androgens or follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) are present in the medium. Testosterone and 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone are equally effective in stimulating the synthesis and secretion of ABP, but non-androgenic steroids examined (progesterone, 17beta-estradiol and corticosterone) are without influence. Maximal increases are observed when androgens are added at the time of cell plating. Cells maintained in culture medium devoid of hormones become progressively less sensitive to subsequent addition of testosterone or FSH. Data are discussed in relation to the sites of androgen requirements for spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of electrolytic and ibotenic acid (IA) lesions of the medial preoptic area (MPOA) on the temporal pattern of female sexual behavior in the laboratory rat. Both electrolytic and IA MPOA lesions significantly increased the female's latency to return to the male after an intromission or an ejaculation, thereby decreasing the percentage of time spent with a male. Both types of MPOA lesions significantly increased the percentage of times the female left the male's chamber following intromissions. These results demonstrate that neurons in the MPOA regulate the female's temporal copulatory behavior, and the authors suggest that they do so by virtue of their response to vaginocervical stimulation. Studies of female pacing draw attention to parallels between male and female sexual behaviors, including the possibility that they are regulated by similar neural substrates in the MPOA. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Quantitative data are presented on the orientation and direction specificity of the responses of cells in macaque monkey striate cortex. There is a bimodal distribution of direction-specific and nondirection-specific cells, with similar orientation tuning in each class. Cells range in orientation bandwidth at half amplitude from 6 degrees to 360 degrees (i.e. no orientation tuning), with a median near 40 degrees. Foveal-parafoveal and simple-complex subsamples show similar ranges of orientation bandwidths as well as similar medians (the bandwidths being somewhat broader than those found in cat cortex). The foveal subsample and a high-spatial-frequency subsample have more horizontal and vertical optimal orientations than oblique ones. Most cells show inhibition to some orientations, as well as excitation to others. Minimum-response orientations are generally less than 90 degrees from the optimal orientation--indicating maximum inhibition adjacent to the excitatory orientations. Three simple receptive field models are shown to differ in their abilities to account for these results.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the handling of potential cardiac emergency calls by dispatchers, to determine their final diagnosis and urgency, and to determine the value of the main complaint in predicting urgency and the ability of the dispatchers to recognise non-urgent conditions. DESIGN: Prospective data collection and recording of main complaint of emergency calls placed via the 06-11 alarm telephone number with follow up to hospital when the patients were transported and the general practitioner when they were not. SETTING: Dispatch centres of the emergency medical services in Amsterdam (urban area) and Enschede (rural area). PATIENTS: 1386 consecutive adult subjects of emergency calls placed by citizens about chest problems or unconsciousness not caused by injury. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Frequency of characteristics of the calls, outcome in diagnosis, and assessment of urgency. RESULTS: 69 (5%) patients were dead when the ambulance arrived. Diagnosis was established in 1071 patients (77%). The disorders most often reported were cardiac, with acute ischaemia in 15% of all subjects. In 28% of cases and for each presenting complaint no organic explanation was found. Overall 39% of all emergency calls were urgent; the urgency rate was lowest for calls for people with abdominal discomfort. Dispatchers correctly identified 90% of the non-urgent calls, but 55% of the calls that they identified as urgent proved to be non-urgent. CONCLUSION: Currently, direct dialling for an ambulance without the intervention of a general practitioner imposes a high work load on emergency systems and hospitals because triage by dispatchers is not sufficiently accurate. It may be possible to increase the accuracy of triage by developing and testing decision algorithms.  相似文献   

Whole-cell voltage and current recordings were obtained from red and green cone photoreceptors in isolated retina from macaque monkey. It was demonstrated previously that the cone photovoltage is generated from two sources, phototransduction current in the cone outer segment and photocurrent from neighboring rods. Rod signals are likely transmitted to cones across the gap junctions between rods and cones. In this study, the "pure" cone and rod components of the response were extracted with rod-adapting backgrounds or by subtracting the responses to flashes of different wavelength equated in their excitation of either rods or cones. For dim flashes, the pure cone component was similar in waveform to the cone outer segment current, and the rod component was similar to the photovoltage measured directly in rods. With bright flashes, the high frequencies of the rod signal were filtered out by the rod/cone network. The two components of the cone photovoltage adapted separately to background illumination. The amplitude of the rod component was halved by backgrounds eliciting approximately 100 photoisomerizations sec-1 per rod; the cone component was halved by backgrounds of 8700 photoisomerizations sec-1 per cone. Coupling between rods and cones was not modulated by either dim backgrounds or dopamine. Voltage noise in dark-adapted cones was dominated by elementary events other than photopigment isomerizations. The dark noise was equivalent in magnitude to a steady light eliciting approximately 3800 photoisomerizations sec-1 per cone, a value significantly higher than the psychophysical estimates of cone "dark light."  相似文献   

Describes 3 experiments with a total of 74 gonadally-normal male and 29 ovariectomized female Long-Evans rats. Male and female reactions toward odors from novel and original partners were observed prior to the male's attaining his 1st or 2nd ejaculation. The male's reaction depended upon the sexual condition of the female. Only prior to their initial ejaculation did the males prefer their original partner's odors to those of novel females and only if the odors were collected from the females prior to copulation. This finding corresponded with observations of the male's random choice of partner during copulation. Females responded nonpreferentially if they had copulated prior to testing and showed a marked decrease in responsiveness as copulation continued. Prior to copulation females preferred the odors from males which had not copulated to those of males which had. (25 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The clinical significance of silent myocardial ischemia (SMI) in the elderly was assessed in 91 patients with Q wave infarction who showed ischemic ST depression during treadmill stress testing, as well as reversible defect (RD) during dipyridamole thallium imaging. They were divided into two groups (47 patients with silent ST depression and 44 patients with painful ST depression) and compared for scintigraphic and coronary arteriographic features, and prognosis. There was no significant difference in age, gender and site of infarction between the two groups. The prevalence of single and double vessel coronary stenosis was higher in patients with SMI (66%) than in those with painful ischemia (p < 0.05). The results of treadmill stress testing showed a longer exercise duration (4.7 +/- 1.7 vs. 4.1 +/- 1.8 min) and higher maximal heart rate (138 +/- 15/vs. 126 +/- 20/min) in patients with SMI than in those with painful ischemia (p < 0.01). Dipyridamole thallium imaging revealed a larger infact (18.8 +/- 9.1 vs. 14.6 +/- 10.2 segments) in patients with SMI than in those with painful ischemia (p < 0.05). The prevalence of RD in the area of infarction was also higher in patients with SMI (74%) than in those with painful ischemia (45%) (p < 0.05). Although a higher proportion of the patients with painful ischemia (42%) underwent CABG or PTCA as their initial therapy, compared with those with SMI (25%) (ns), there was no difference in the cardiac event rate between the two groups who were initially treated medically. Dipyridamole thallium imaging is useful in the assessment of SMI in elderly patients with Q wave myocardial infarction. Those with SMI may have a larger infarct and a higher prevalence of ischemia localized within the infarction than those with painful ischemia.  相似文献   

Erectile dysfunction has an incidence of 2-9% and it is seen often in general practice. But the more recent treatment methods such as intracavernous drug injections and vacuum constriction devices are not known by general practitioners and normally used drug treatment has no efficacy. The management of impotence of the general practitioner should concentrate upon internistic conditions like diabetes, hypertension, hypercholesteremia and different drugs causing impotence. The symptomatic treatment of erectile dysfunction has to be done by a specialist, who is able to offer all therapeutic options.  相似文献   

Gave 86 2-wk-old Rhode Island Red * White Rock male chicks showing androgen-primed precocial copulation (a) progesterone implants in the medial preoptic area or other brain areas, (b) cholesterol brain implants, or (c) subcutaneous progesterone implants. Copulatory responding was suppressed by progesterone in the medial preoptic area, while such implants in other neural areas failed to induce sexual inhibition. Brain implants of cholesterol and subcutaneous progesterone did not inhibit copulatory activity. The suppression of sexual behavior was not accompanied by deficits in general activity or loss of weight. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Precocial stimulation in 123 2-wk-old Rhode Island Red * White Rock male chicks-described behaviorally as free mount, tread, posterior contact, waggle, peck, and seize-was developed through hand-training experience and androgen treatment. Crystalline progesterone was then implanted in various forebrain or midbrain regions. Results indicate that progesterone inhibited copulatory behavior when placed in the periventricular areas of the preoptic-hypothalamic continuum. Progesterone implants in the preoptic lateral forebrain bundle region also suppressed precocial copulation. Forebrain implants of cholesterol did not result in copulatory inhibition. The suppression of copulatory behavior was not accompanied by loss of weight or deficits in general activity or comb growth. Data indicate that brain regions responsible for progesterone-induced copulatory inhibition are similar in neuroanatomical distribution to those involved in testosterone-induced copulatory activation. (17 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Neurons selective for binocular disparity are found in a number of visual cortical areas in primates, but there is little evidence that any of these areas are specialized for disparity processing. We have examined the organization of disparity-selective neurons in the middle temporal visual area (MT), an area shown previously to contain an abundance of disparity-sensitive neurons. We recorded extracellularly from MT neurons at regularly spaced intervals along electrode penetrations that passed through MT either normal to the cortical surface or at a shallow oblique angle. Comparison of multiunit and single-unit recordings shows that neurons are clustered in MT according to their disparity selectivity. Across the surface of MT, disparity-selective neurons are found in discrete patches that are separated by regions of MT that exhibit poor disparity tuning. Within disparity-selective patches of MT, we typically observe a smooth progression of preferred disparities (e.g. , near to far) as our electrode travels parallel to the cortical surface. In electrode penetrations normal to the cortical surface, on the other hand, MT neurons generally have similar disparity tuning, with little variation from one recording site to the next. Thus disparity-tuned neurons are organized into cortical columns by preferred disparity, and preferred disparity is mapped systematically within larger, disparity-tuned patches of MT. Combined with other recent findings, the data suggest that MT plays an important role in stereoscopic depth perception in addition to its well known role in motion perception.  相似文献   

Mechanisms underlying direction selectivity were studied in V1 of alert fixating macaque monkeys. Some direction-selective cells showed delayed asymmetric inhibition, some showed a shifting excitatory time course across the receptive field, and some showed both. Both the direction of the spatial offset of the inhibition and the direction of the shift in excitatory response time course correlated with the cells' preferred directionality. The delayed asymmetric inhibition may contribute to the shifting response time course. The data suggest that asymmetric inhibition is the major determinant for directionality in these cells, though both mechanisms could contribute. Based on this physiology, a simple, single-cell model is proposed, consistent with the known anatomy of some direction-selective cells.  相似文献   

Exposed 20 Peking and 6 Khaki Campbell newly hatched ducklings to imprinting procedures. The subsequent filial reactions were studied using a classical conditioning paradigm. Exp. I revealed that a previously neutral stimulus can become a conditioned suppressor of distress calling as a consequence of pairing it with the imprinted stimulus. If the presentation of the imprinted stimulus was, however, omitted or delayed, or if it preceded rather than followed the presentation of the neutral stimulus, the effect was not obtained. Exp. II utilized a differential conditioning procedure to investigate the capacity of imprinted Ss to come under discriminative control. 2 differently colored lights were used as stimuli; 1 was consistently followed by presentation of the imprinted stimulus, while the other was never followed by its presentation. Only the former stimulus came to suppress distress calling. The importance of the apparent interaction between classical conditioning and imprinting is noted. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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