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A method is presented that permits the determination of atmospheric depolarization-ratio profiles from three elastic-backscatter lidar signals with different sensitivity to the state of polarization of the backscattered light. The three-signal method is far less sensitive to experimental errors and does not require calibration of the measurement, as is the case of the two-signal lidar technique conventionally used for the observation of depolarization ratios. The three-signal method is applied to a polar stratospheric cloud observation. In the analysis we show that, depending on the statistical error of the measurement and on the lidar system parameters, the new method requires minimum cloud volume depolarization ratios to be applicable; in the case study presented, this threshold is approximately 0.2. Depolarization ratios determined with the three-signal method can be used to accurately calibrate measurements with the conventional two-signal technique.  相似文献   

Lidar ratio and depolarization ratio for cirrus clouds   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Chen WN  Chiang CW  Nee JB 《Applied optics》2002,41(30):6470-6476
We report on studies of the lidar and the depolarization ratios for cirrus clouds. The optical depth and effective lidar ratio are derived from the transmission of clouds, which is determined by comparing the backscattering signals at the cloud base and cloud top. The lidar signals were fitted to a background atmospheric density profile outside the cloud region to warrant the linear response of the return signals with the scattering media. An average lidar ratio, 29 +/- 12 sr, has been found for all clouds measured in 1999 and 2000. The height and temperature dependences ofthe lidar ratio, the optical depth, and the depolarization ratio were investigated and compared with results of LITE and PROBE. Cirrus clouds detected near the tropopause are usually optically thin and mostly subvisual. Clouds with the largest optical depths were found near 12 km with a temperature of approximately -55 degrees C. The multiple-scattering effect is considered for clouds with high optical depths, and this effect lowers the lidar ratios compared with a single-scattering condition. Lidar ratios are in the 20-40 range for clouds at heights of 12.5-15 km and are smaller than approximately 30 in height above 15 km. Clouds are usually optically thin for temperatures below approximately -65 degrees C, and in this region the optical depth tends to decrease with height. The depolarization ratio is found to increase with a height at 11-15 km and smaller than 0.3 above 16 km. The variation in the depolarization ratio with the lidar ratio was also reported. The lidar and depolarization ratios were discussed in terms of the types of hexagonal ice crystals.  相似文献   

Wang Z  Nakane H  Hu H  Zhou J 《Applied optics》1997,36(6):1245-1252
We present a three-wavelength dual differential absorption lidar (dual-DIAL) method with which one can obtain an accurate stratospheric ozone profile in the presence of volcanic aerosols. Results of theoretical analysis and comparisons with conventional DIAL and backscatter correction methods show that the three-wavelength dual-DIAL method greatly reduces the effect of volcanic aerosol on stratospheric ozone measurements, and system errors that are due to aerosols are kept at a low level. In addition this method is almost completely insensitive to wavelength dependence of aerosol backscatter, its spatial change, and spatial inhomogeneity of aerosol loading. Therefore, one does not need to know detailed information about these aerosol properties, and accurate stratospheric ozone profiles can be obtained directly from lidar return signals. An example of the experimental result indicates that the proposed method is effective.  相似文献   

A new grab sampling method has been developed for the measurement of 18F attached to aerosol particles. It is based on direct β-counting of filtered aerosol sample over successive time intervals by an end-window Geiger–Müller counter. The effect of the progeny of radon and thoron on the β-counting rate is separated by analysing the decay curve. The defined solid angle absolute counting was used to evaluate the efficiencies for 18F and for the progeny of radon and thoron one by one. Absolute activity concentration of 18F can be determined with less than 10% systematic error. Glass-fibre filter and high sampling flow rate are applied, leading to a detection limit for 18F of less than 1 Bq m−3. The method was tested under different circumstances in the PET centre of University of Debrecen, Hungary.  相似文献   

A method for dispersing dry particles in a liquid is described. The method involves coating large carrier particles with fine particles. When two types of particles having different sizes are mixed in dry conditions, the particles adhere to one another, and the large particles become coated with small particles. When the large core particles are coated with a mono-layer of small particles, further agglomeration is inhibited. Because the single small particles generated by the disruption adhere to the core particles, we presumed that, if the small particles that are adhered to large particles could be separated from the large particles by a sonication in a liquid, the dry fine particles could be dispersed in a liquid.The dispersion experiments conducted using spherical silica particles having a count median diameter Dp50 of 74 nm as small particles and spherical glass beads as large particles. In this situation, the large particles carry the small particles from a dry condition into a liquid. We refer to the large particles as carrier particles. The experiments revealed that the proposed dispersion procedure results in a superior product, compared to sonication only. The effect of carrier size on dispersion performance is also investigated. The findings indicate and an optimum carrier size exists. Observations of the carrier particle surfaces after dry mixing indicate that the optimum condition is the condition at which a mono-layer of Silica particles is formed.  相似文献   

Nahrstedt DA 《Applied optics》1995,34(15):2755-2764
The probability distribution function for the logarithm of the mixing scatter ratio, based on long-term measurements of lower-stratospheric aerosol loading, is derived to model variations in total backscatter coefficient and extinction profiles in the visible and the near infrared (NIR). The profiles are used to estimate signal-to-noise ratio, laser-pulse energy, and wave-front measurement error with respect to backscatter strength, guidestar pulse length and altitude, and pixel noise. The results show that for a given wave-front measurement phase error (1) visible guidestars require less pulse energy for aerosol concentrations near background, where molecular backscatter dominates, and (2) for high aerosol loading following a major volcanic event, a NIR guidestar can reduce the energy requirement below that for visible sensing.  相似文献   

The Royal Society report 'Geoengineering the Climate' identified solar radiation management using albedo-enhancing aerosols injected into the stratosphere as the most affordable and effective option for geoengineering, but did not consider in any detail the options for delivery. This paper provides outline engineering analyses of the options, both for batch-delivery processes, following up on previous work for artillery shells, missiles, aircraft and free-flying balloons, as well as a more lengthy analysis of continuous-delivery systems that require a pipe connected to the ground and supported at a height of 20 km, either by a tower or by a tethered balloon. Towers are shown not to be practical, but a tethered balloon delivery system, with high-pressure pumping, appears to have much lower operating and capital costs than all other delivery options. Instead of transporting sulphuric acid mist precursors, such a system could also be used to transport slurries of high refractive index particles such as coated titanium dioxide. The use of such particles would allow useful experiments on opacity, coagulation and atmospheric chemistry at modest rates so as not to perturb regional or global climatic conditions, thus reducing scale-up risks. Criteria for particle choice are discussed, including the need to minimize or prevent ozone destruction. The paper estimates the time scales and relatively modest costs required if a tethered balloon system were to be introduced in a measured way with testing and development work proceeding over three decades, rather than in an emergency. The manufacture of a tether capable of sustaining the high tensions and internal pressures needed, as well as strong winds, is a significant challenge, as is the development of the necessary pumping and dispersion technologies. The greatest challenge may be the manufacture and launch of very large balloons, but means have been identified to significantly reduce the size of such balloons or aerostats.  相似文献   

介绍了一种表面粗糙度标定及测量的新方法。通过标定一组标准样块的核翼比,可以实现该标定范围内待检样块的粗糙度测量,该方法稳定可靠,试验装置简单,数据处理方便,为表面粗糙度的非接触测量提供了较好的方案。  相似文献   

The oscillatory motion of moderately large, spherical, solid aerosol particles occurring in a binary gas mixture under the action of a periodic external force is considered. The system is described within the framework of a mathematical and physical approach developed by Landau and Fuks [1, 2] for a generalized problem considered with an allowance for the isothermal sliding. This effect arises when the medium features a mass-average velocity gradient. Estimates show that the influence of isothermal sliding on the character of oscillations of moderately large aerosol particles depends on the frequency and can reach up to 20% of the total velocity.  相似文献   

The Lidar In-Space Technology Experiment (LITE) was flown on STS-64 in September 1994. The LITE employed a Nd:YAG laser operating at 1064, 532, and 355 nm to study the Earth's lower atmosphere. In this paper we investigate the nighttime stratospheric aerosol and temperature measurements derived from the 532- and 355-nm channels. The observations are compared with lidar observations obtained at Arecibo Observatory, Puerto Rico, and Starfire Optical Range, New Mexico, and with balloonsondes launched from the San Juan and Albuquerque airports. The backscatter ratios derived from the LITE and Arecibo data between 15 and 30 km differ by less than 5%. The Angstrom coefficients of the stratospheric aerosols derived from the 532- and 355-nm LITE channels exhibited only slight variation in altitude. The mean value between 15 and 30 km derived from three different orbital segments at approximately 20 degrees N and 35 degrees N was 1.7. The mean standard deviation was approximately 0.3. Temperature profiles were derived from the LITE data by correcting the 355-nm channel for aerosol scattering with the 532-nm signal and an assumed Angstrom coefficient. The rms differences between the corrected profiles and the balloonsonde data were as low as 2 K in the 15-30-km height range. The results were not particularly sensitive to the choice of the Angstrom coefficient and suggest that accurate temperature profiles can be derived from the LITE data in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere provided that the aerosol loading is light.  相似文献   

Aerosol-based detection methods for HPLC in which HPLC effluent is converted to an aerosol and detected optically have been employed in the past. This paper describes a new aerosol-based detection method for HPLC, which we name aerosol charge detection. This detection method also involves generation of an aerosol but with aerosol detection by charging aerosol particles and measuring the current from the charged particle flux. A commercial electrical aerosol size analyzer was used for the aerosol detection. The constructed detector was tested using flow injection analysis with water as the mobile phase, and the signal response was found to be linear for sodium sulfate over the concentration ranges of 0.2-100 microg mL(-1) using one of the nebulizers. Minimum mass and concentration detection limits using the more efficient nebulizer were estimated to be 0.2 ng and 10 ng mL(-1), respectively. Behavior for most of the other compounds tested was similar with some differences in sensitivity. Testing the detector using reversed phase HPLC for glucose gave a range of linear response and detection limits that were similar to the flow injection analysis studies. Under most HPLC conditions, the noise will primarily be a function of solvent impurities; however, the electrical aerosol size analyzer allows the removal of small charged particles to improve the signal-to-noise ratio.  相似文献   

雷战雄  卢杰  梁军汀  朱士明 《声学技术》2003,22(Z2):386-388
1.概述: 快速准确地在线测量悬浮液颗粒浓度和粒度有着重要的科研及生产实践意义,由于超声法具有许多其它方法所不可比拟的独特优点,因此具有广阔的发展前景.本文主要介绍了我们自行开发研制的五通道超声波悬浮液颗粒浓度仪,通过测量超声波在被测悬浮液传播过程中声波的衰减、速度,以及采用测量回波脉冲个数比值的方法来获得悬浮液颗粒的浓度.对实验结果与理论模拟值进行了对比,初步实验结果表明我们开发研制的五通道超声波颗粒浓度仪取得了较好的结果.  相似文献   

The paper deals with photophoresis of a large solid spherical aerosol particle on whose surface a phase transition occurs in the form of evaporation (sublimation) of the particle matter. A formula is derived for the rate of photophoresis, which generalizes the known relation for the rate of photophoresis of a nonvolatile particle. It is demonstrated that the inclusion of the evaporation coefficient may introduce a significant correction to the value of the rate of photophoresis.  相似文献   

《Advanced Powder Technology》2019,30(9):1805-1814
The cloud and aerosol spectrometer (CAS) was calibrated to enable CAS sizing of coal dust for studies on flammable dust control. Coal dust sizes were determined by light-scattering theories for irregular particles that account for particle composition and morphology in computing coal dust diameters. Coal dust size computations were compared with test dust that was generated by cyclone separation and air-jet sieving and characterized by aerodynamic particle sizer (APS) and computer-controlled scanning electron microscopy (CCSEM) measurements. For test dust in the range of 0.5–32 μm, coal dust size distributions were consistent with cyclone-separated and sieve-segregated sizes. For the 3–20 μm size range, the coal dust size distribution had a mass median diameter that was 14% larger than that of the APS. This difference was reasonable considering that the basic calibration for glass spheres had 13% uncertainty. For the 20–32 μm and 32–45 μm test dusts, mass median diameters differed from CCSEM measurements by only 4% and 5%, respectively. Overall, the results suggest agreement between test dust sizes and computations for coal dust. Alternatively, using conventional Mie theory computations for spheres, coal dust mass median diameters were 35% and 40% larger than APS and CCSEM measurements, respectively.  相似文献   

A statistical model is given for determining the kernel of coagulation in the presence of turbulent, Brownian, gradient, and gravitational mechanisms of collisions in view of accumulation effect.  相似文献   

Raman spectrometry has been used to determine the graphitic C content and to estimate particle size and disordered character of the C in aerosol particulate matter collected on filters, with sample spot sizes on the order of 100 microm being analyzed. Individual analysis of particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters less than 10 microm has therefore not been considered. In this investigation, various size fractions of aerosol particulate matter originating from both indoor and outdoor sources were collected by means of impactors or passive dry deposition on different types of substrate and analyzed by means of micro-Raman spectrometry with spot sizes ranging from 1-5 microm. The aim was to investigate the possible application of micro-Raman spectrometry to the molecular characterization of individual aerosol particles and to assess the applicability of the various substrates in such an analysis. It was demonstrated that the molecular characterization of most inorganic particles is trivial, but organic and heterogeneous conglomerates proved to be more challenging. Spectral contributions of the substrates, currently favored for individual particle analysis, were significant. Results obtained from micro Raman spectrometry can certainly add valuable molecular information on individual aerosol particles as small as 1 microm aerodynamic diameter.  相似文献   

A major limitation to the application of laser ablation aerosol mass spectrometry for the detection of particles less than 200 nm in diameter is a low ablation efficiency for sulfate particles. (Ablation efficiency is the probability that an ablated particle produces a detectable ion signal.) A method is described here to enhance the ablation efficiency of sulfate particles by coating them with a UV-absorbing compound. The method can be applied in-line with the aerosol mass spectrometer in a manner that does not significantly alter the aerosol size distribution. It is shown that a 12-nm coating of 1-naphthyl acetate increases the ablation efficiency of 136-nm ammonium sulfate particles by at least a factor of 20, while similar coatings on oleic acid and ammonium nitrate particles do not significantly alter the ablation efficiency. The results suggest that "undetected" particles, presumably sulfate, in ambient aerosol can be assessed.  相似文献   

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