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Systems analysis is being used in conjunction with structural analysis to study the conservatisms and to provide insights into aspects of reactor seismic safety. An event-tree/fault-tree model of a commercial nuclear power plant is being constructed to determine the probability of release and probabilities of system and component failures caused by possible seismic events. The event-tree/fault-tree model is evaluated using failure data generated by applying the response a component sees to the component's fragility function. The responses are calculated by a structural analysis code using earthquake time histories as forcing functions. The quantification of the event-tree/fault-tree model is done conditional on a given seismic event and the conditional probabilities thus calculated unconditioned by integrating the results over the seismic hazard curve. In this way, most of the dependencies between event failures resulting from the seismic event itself are removed making known fault-tree analysis quentification techniques applicable. The outputs from the computations will be used in sensitivity studies to determine the key calculations and variables involved in seismic analyses of nuclear power plants.  相似文献   

Earthquake vibrations cause large forces and stresses that can significantly increase the scram time required for safe shutdown of a nuclear reactor. The horizontal deflections of the reactor system components cause impact between the control rods and their guide tubes and ducts. The resulting frictional forces, in addition to other operational forces, delay the travel time of the control rods. To obtain seismic responses of the various reactor system components (for which a linear response spectrum analysis is considered inadequate) and to predict the control rod drop time, a non-linear seismic time history analysis is required. Nonlinearities occur due to the clearances or gaps between various components. When the relative motion of adjacent components is large enough to close the gaps, impact takes place with large impact accelerations and forces.This paper presents the analysis and results for a liquid metal fast rector system which was analyzed for both scram times and seismic responses such as bending moments, accelerations and forces. The reactor system was represented with a one-dimensional nonlinear mathematical model with two degrees of freedom per node (translational and rotational). The model was developed to incorporate as many reactor components as possible without exceeding computer limitations. It consists of 12 reactor components with a total of 71 nodes, 69 beam and pin-jointed elements and 27 gap elements. The gap elements were defined by their clearances, impact spring constants and impact damping constants based on a 50% co-efficient of restitution.The horizontal excitation input to the model was the response of the containment building at the location of the reactor vessel supports. It consists of a 10 sec safe shutdown eathquake (SSE) acceleration-time history at 0.005 sec intervals and with a maximum acceleration of 0.408 g. The analysis was performed with two Westinghouse special purpose computer programs. The first program calculated the reactor system seismic responses and stored the impact forces on tape. The impact forces on the control rod driveline were converted into vertical frictional forces by multiplying them by a coefficient of friction, and then these were used by the second program for the scram time determination.The results give time history plots of various seismic responses, and plots of scram times as a function of control rod travel distance for the most critical scram initiation times. The total scram time considering the effects of the earthquake was still acceptable but about four times longer than that calculated without the eathquake. The bending moment and shear force responses were used as input for the structural analysis (stresses, deflections, fatigue) of the various components, in combination with the other applicable loading conditions.  相似文献   

A method for reliability based design of reactor safety containments is suggested, and a brief review of classical reliability analysis is presented. Seismic and climatic load occurrences are modeled by uniform Poisson processes. Extreme value distributions are assumed to represent the seismic, climatic, external and internal pressure load intensities. Reliabilities are calculated for various design loads and load combinations.  相似文献   

In this study, a Seismic Probabilistic Safety Assessment (SPSA) methodology considering the uncertainty of fragilities was studied. A system fragility curve is estimated by combining component fragilities expressed by two variance sources, inherent randomness and modeling uncertainty. The sampling based methods, Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) and Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS), were used to quantify the uncertainties of the system fragility. The SPSA of an existing nuclear power plant (NPP) was performed to compare the two uncertainty analysis methods. Convergence of the uncertainty analysis for the system fragility was estimated by calculating High Confidence Low Probability of Failure (HCLPF) capacity. Alternate HCLPF capacity by composite standard deviation was also verified. The annual failure frequency of the NPP was estimated and the result was discussed with that from the other researches. As a result, the criteria of the uncertainty analysis and its effect was investigated.  相似文献   

The water-level instrumentation system is very important to the overall safety of a BWR. This system is being monitored by the Safety Parameter Display System (SPDS) that is being installed in Georgia Power Company's Plant Hatch. One of the most significant functions of the SPDS is the comparison of redundant instrument readings and formation of the best estimate of each parameter from those readings which are consistent. When comparing water-level instrument readings, it is necessary to correct the individual readings for differences between current and calibration conditions as well as for differences between calibration conditions for the multiple instruments. This paper documents the examination of the water-level instrumentation system at Plant Hatch and presents the development of the equations that were used to determine the differences between indicated and actual water levels.  相似文献   

A passive system can fail either due to classical mechanical failure of components, referred to as hardware failure, or due to the failure of physical phenomena to fulfill the intended function, referred to as functional failure. In this paper a methodology is discussed for the integration of these two kinds of unreliability and applied to evaluate the integrated failure probability of the passive decay heat removal system of Indian 500 MWe prototype fast breeder reactor (PFBR). The probability of occurrence of various system hardware configurations is evaluated using the fault tree method and functional failure probabilities on the corresponding configurations are determined based on the overall approach reported in the reliability methods for passive system (RMPS) project. The variation of functional reliability with time, which is coupled to the probability of occurrence of various hardware system configurations is studied and incorporated in the integrated reliability analysis. It is observed that this consideration of the dependence of functional reliability on time will give significant advantages on system reliability. The integrated reliability analysis is also explained using an event tree. The impact of the provision for forced circulation in the primary circuit on functional reliability is also studied with this procedure and it is found that the forced circulation capability helps to bring down the total decay heat removal failure probability by lowering the peak temperatures after the reactor shut down.  相似文献   

Nuclear power plant (NPP) design is strictly dependent on seismic hazard and safety aspects concerned with the external events of the site. Earthquake resistant structures design requires realistic and accurate physical and theoretical models to describe the response of the nuclear power plants (NPPs) that depend on both the ground motion characteristics and the dynamic properties of the structures themselves. In order to improve the design of new NPPs and, at the same time, to retrofit existing ones the dynamic behaviour of structures subjected to critical seismic excitations that may occur during their expected service life must be evaluated.The aim of this work is to select new effective methods to assess NPPs vulnerability by properly capturing the effects of a safe shutdown earthquake (SSE) event on nuclear structures, like the near term deployment IRIS reactor, and to evaluate the seismic resistance capability of as-built structures systems and components. To attain the purpose a validated deterministic methodology based on an accurate finite element modelling coupled to substructure and time history approaches was employed for studying the overall dynamic behaviour of the NPP relevant components. Moreover the set up three-dimensional model was also validated to evaluate the performance and reliability of the adopted FEM code (mesh refinements and type element influence). This detailed numerical assessment, involving the most widely used finite element numerical codes (MSC.Marc® and Ansys®), allowed to solve, perform and simulate as accurately as possible the dynamic behaviour of structures which may withstand a lot of more or less complicate structural problems.To evaluate the accuracy and the reliability as well as to determine the related error of the set-up procedure, the obtained seismic analyses results in term of accelerations, propagated from the ground to the auxiliary building systems and components, and displacements were compared highlighting a very good agreement.  相似文献   

Institute of Nuclear Reactors, Kurchatov Institute Reactor Science Center, RNTs. Translated from Atomnaya Énergiya, Vol. 75, No. 1, pp. 8–13, July, 1993.  相似文献   

Nuclear Science and Techniques - This paper introduces some latest developments regarding the X-ray imaging methodology and applications of the X-ray imaging and biomedical application beamline...  相似文献   

《Annals of Nuclear Energy》2005,32(15):1613-1631
One of the main goals of the FAST project at PSI is to establish a unique analytical code capability for the core and safety analysis of advanced critical (and sub-critical) fast-spectrum systems for a wide range of different coolants. Both static and transient core physics, as well as the behaviour and safety of the power plant as a whole, are studied. The paper discusses the structure of the code system, including the organisation of the interfaces and data exchange. Examples of validation and application of the individual programs, as well as of the complete code system, are provided using studies carried out within the context of designs for experimental accelerator-driven, fast-spectrum systems.  相似文献   

非能动系统已广泛地应用于新一代堆的设计中,其可靠性分析成为新型反应堆概率安全评价(Probabilistic Safety Analysis,PSA)的重要内容。本文提出一种用于非能动系统可靠性分析的响应面拟合方法,并应用于中国铅基研究实验堆反应堆容器空气冷却系统(Reactor Vessel Air Cooling System,RVACS)的可靠性分析。采用流体计算软件Fluent模拟RVACS系统的输入输出作为求解响应面性能函数的输入样本,利用最小二乘法和bootstrap方法估计响应面性能函数的系数,以响应面模型代替Fluent模型分析RVACS系统的非能动失效概率。分析表明,在所有能动余热排除系统不可用的情况下,RVACS四组并联排热管中的两组也能够可靠地导出反应堆余热。RVACS系统可靠性高。  相似文献   

A time-dependent reliability evaluation of a two-loop passive decay heat removal (DHR) system was performed as part of the iterative design process for a helium-cooled fast reactor. The system was modeled using RELAP5-3D. The uncertainties in input parameters were assessed and were propagated through the model using Latin hypercube sampling. An important finding was the discovery that the smaller pressure loss through the DHR heat exchanger than through the core would make the flow to bypass the core through one DHR loop, if two loops operated in parallel. This finding is a warning against modeling only one lumped DHR loop and assuming that n of them will remove n times the decay power. Sensitivity analyses revealed that there are values of some input parameters for which failures are very unlikely. The calculated conditional (i.e., given the LOCA) failure probability was deemed to be too high leading to the identification of several design changes to improve system reliability. This study is an example of the kinds of insights that can be obtained by including a reliability assessment in the design process. It is different from the usual use of PSA in design, which compares different system configurations, because it focuses on the thermal–hydraulic performance of a safety function.  相似文献   

The trip setpoints for the reactor protection system of a 65-MWt advanced integral reactor have been analyzed through sensitivity evaluations by using the Transients and Setpoint Simulation/System-integrated Modular Reactor code. In the analysis, an inadvertent control rod withdrawal event has been considered as an initiating event because this event results in the worst consequences from the viewpoint of the minimum critical heat flux ratio and its consequences are considerably affected by the trip setpoints. Sensitivity evaluations have been performed by changing the trip setpoints for the ceiling of a variable overpower trip (VOPT) function and the pressure of a high pressurizer pressure trip function. Analysis results show that a VOPT function is an effective means to satisfy the acceptance criteria as the control rod rapidly withdraws: on the other hand, a high pressurizer pressure trip function is an essential measure to preserve the safety margin in the case of a slow withdrawal of the control rod because a reactor trip by a VOPT function does not occur in this case. It is also shown that the adoptions of 122.2% of the rated core power and 16.25 MPa as the trip setpoint for the ceiling of a VOPT function and the pressure of a high pressurizer pressure trip function are good selections to satisfy the acceptance criteria.  相似文献   

A concept of radial neutron reflector of APWR brings about safety problems relevant to the flow induced vibration and thermal deformation. The CFD code has been expected to solve them by calculating pressure fluctuations of turbulent flow in the downcomer and the flow distribution into the neutron reflector. A series of hydraulic flow tests was conducted by NUPEC from 1998 to 2002 to demonstrate the new design of the neutron reflector and to obtain test data for validating the CFD code. The measured pressure fluctuations in the downcomer and their statistics were utilized for validating the specific turbulent model to be able to calculate a spectrum of pressure fluctuation such as the LES model. The measured flow rates at inlet holes of the lower core plate were utilized for validating for the general turbulent model, for example, the k turbulent model. The calculated results with the LES model agreed well with the measured pressure fluctuations and their spectrum, but did not agree with the correlation between adjacent pressure fluctuations. On the other hand, the calculation results with the k turbulent model agreed well with the measured flow rates at inlet holes of the lower core plate.  相似文献   

A seismic analysis method for a block column gas-cooled reactor core   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An analytical method for predicting the behavior of a prismatic high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) core under seismic excitation has been developed. In this analytical method, blocks are treated as rigid bodies, are constrained by dowel pins which restrict relative horizontal movement but allow vertical and rocking motions. Coulomb friction between blocks and between dowel holes and pins is also considered. A spring dashpot model is used for the collision process between adjacent blocks and between blocks and boundary walls.Analytical results are compared with experimental results and are found to be in good agreement. The analytical method can be used to predict the behavior of the HTGR core under seismic excitation.  相似文献   

A method is presented for the safety analysis of reactor containment structures by means of finite elements. The finite element equations of both fluid and structural elements for arbitrarily large, non-linear response are developed and the way in which they are combined is indicated. Both explicit and implicit integration of the equations in time is considered. Three examples of the application of these methods to the analyses of reactor safety problems are described.  相似文献   

Results are given of computer calculations, using the reactor thermal analysis code THETA1-B, to determine the significance and relative importance of various heat transfer regimes in predicting maximum fuel cladding temperature for the blowdown phase of a postulated loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) in a pressurized water reactor system. The factors considered include the choice of heat transfer correlation for a particular heat transfer regime, the method of delineating the boundaries between regimes, and core inlet coolant flow conditions.For a hot-leg rupture, the maximum surface temperature is sensitive to a number of factors, including choices of critical heat flux correlation, flow boiling transition heat transfer correlation, and in particular, stable film flow boiling correlation. However, for a LOCA resulting from a double-ended rupture of an inlet feeder, these factors have only marginal effects on maximum cladding temperature. In this case the importance of heat transfer to dry steam coolant at low net flow rate conditions is demonstrated, indicating a need for further information.  相似文献   

The development of computational techniques and computer codes for the analysis of coupled fluid-structure behavior in the field of breeder reactor safety analysis is described. Methods for linear fluid-structure analysis, which are limited to acoustic or small-displacement, incompressible fluids are summarized first. Nonlinear methods have been found necessary for many of the breeder reactor safety problems because large displacements and nonlinear material behavior are encountered. Two problem classes are considered in detail: hypothetical core disruptive accidents, or containment analysis; subassembly analysis. The evolution of codes for these problems is described along with current capabilities and difficulties, and requirements for future developments.  相似文献   

The current work represents a part of an overall effort being undertaken to improve NUR nuclear research reactor neutron utilization capabilities using a new core configuration. A RELAP5 model for the reactor NUR under natural convection (NC) operating mode has been developed. The model represents internal pool reactor components with the corresponding geometry, point neutron kinetics, and thermal hydraulics characteristics. An experimental device was designed and implemented in the reactor pool for monitoring the inlet and outlet core temperatures, and other pool temperature positions during NC-operating mode.In this paper, unprotected fast reactivity insertion and total flow blockage of the flapper valve transients have been investigated under NC operating conditions.The achieved steady-state results were found to be in good qualitative agreement with measurements. The results obtained from the transient (FRIA) study were compared to similar approach from recent literature. The second transient herein considered, is an attempt to predict the reactor core thermal-hydraulic behavior under a total flow blockage of the (NC) flapper valve. The latter could be considered as useful contribution for updating the safety analysis report.  相似文献   

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