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Elastic/crystalline viscoplastic finite element (FE) analyses were carried out to asses the drawability of three kinds of BCC steel sheets, such as mild steel, dual-phase steel and high-strength steel, in the cylindrical cup deep drawing processes. In this study, the crystal orientations were obtained by X-ray diffraction and orientation distribution function (ODF) analyses. The measured ODF results have revealed clearly different textures of sheets, featured by orientation fibers, skeleton lines and selected orientations in Euler angle coordinate space, which can be related to the plastic anisotropy. An orientation probability assignment method, which can be categorized as an inhomogenized material modeling, was used in this FE modeling. The orientations were determined from the measured ODF and assigned to FE integration points one by one. Numbers of integration points, which represent crystallites and can rotate individually, are employed to represent textures of the sheet metals for taking account of the initial and evolutional plastic anisotropy without introducing Taylor or Sachs homogenization assumption. The FE analyses showed how the fiber textures affect the strain localization and earing in the deep drawing operation. It was confirmed by comparison with experimental results that this FE code could predict the extreme strain localization and earing with good accuracy and assess the sheet drawability.  相似文献   

The conventional fracture mechanics parameters KIC and/or JIC are used as fracture toughness criteria necessary for the start of crack propagation under plane strain conditions. These criteria are defined only for small-scale yielding or infinitesimal deformation, though actual fractures involve large plastic deformation. Hence, measurement of fracture resistance during crack propagation is difficult with the conventional parameters.Estimating the mechanical conditions around the propagating crack tip is very useful for reducing damage during accidental fracture. Therefore, establishing a criterion for crack propagation with large-scale yielding is very important for not only science fields but also some industrial fields. For fractures with large-scale yielding, micro- or mesoscale damage processes in the crack tip vicinity have to be considered.In this study, Gurson's constitutive model for void occurrence and growth was introduced into the finite element method to discuss failure behavior in the crack tip vicinity. Fast crack propagation behavior under high-speed deformation was simulated using the moving finite element method based on the Delaunay automatic triangulation. The excellent far-field integral path independence of the T* integral was verified for pure mode I fast crack propagation and non-straight crack propagation under mixed mode conditions. The void growth conditions near the crack propagation path were evaluated.  相似文献   

基于ANSYS番茄翻秧机机架的有限元分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
番茄翻秧机是番茄收获机械化中的关键机构,番茄翻秧机机架的设计是整个机械的关键部件。用Pro/E建立了番茄翻秧机机架的实体模型,并利用有限元分析软件ANSYS10.0对机架进行三维有限元分析,获得了机架的变形特征及应力分布情况。在合理简化模型,正确加载与约束下,用大量的计算机处理的应力值进行比较,对方案进行优化并作出评价。  相似文献   

区间有限元方法是解决含不确定变量的实际工程问题最为有效的方法之一。对于区间有限元的算法中,区间扩张是其固有问题。区间顶点法能够得到区间线弹性的精确解。然而区间有限元顶点法的计算量大;同时对于实际工程问题,不能确定复杂结构响应在变量区间变化范围内是否为单调的问题。针对上述区间顶点法的两个主要缺点,提出了用中心复合实验设计来降低区间顶点法的计算量,同时检验结构响应函数是否单调,为了区间顶点法的运用提出了理论依据。数值算例表明文中提出方法的有效性以及可行性。  相似文献   

依据船舶轴系直线校中原理,介绍了ANSYS环境中轴系校中建模的方法和参数的设置,并在ANSYS环境中建立了轴系校中计算的有限元模型.简述了轴系直线校中法,详细说明了轴段偏中时轴系校中的状态,得出了轴段校中时轴承负荷、轴系挠度、轴系转角、轴系剪力等参数,并与轴系偏中时轴承负荷、轴系挠度、轴系转角、轴系剪力等参数做比较,得到了轴系校中参数变化规律,同时计算得出了轴段偏中产生的附加负荷对轴系校中的影响,为船舶轴系校中设计及检修提供了依据.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new method is presented to identify crack location and size, which is based on stress intensity factor suitable for pipe structure and finite element method of second generation wavelets (SGW-FEM). Pipe structure is dispersed into a series of nested thin-walled pipes. By making use of stress intensity factor of the thin-walled pipe, a new calculation method of crack equivalent stiffness is proposed to solve the stress intensity factor of the pipe structure. On this basis, finite element method of second generation wavelets is used to establish the dynamic model of cracked pipe. Then we combine forward problem with inverse problem in order to establish quantitative identification method of the crack based on frequency change, which provides a non-destructive testing technology with vibration for the pipe structure. The efficiency of the proposed method is verified by experiments.  相似文献   

摩擦驱动系统中正压力的大小直接影响系统的位移分辨率,为了获得稳定的、连续可调的正压力,提出了一种新型的基于压电陶瓷驱动的柔性四杆型可调预压装置,可以得到(0~500)N的可计算机控制的正压力输出.并基于有限元分析的方法,系统地分析了铰链的各个几何参数对预压装置的静、动态特性的影响,对预压装置的设计参数进行了优化.  相似文献   

有限元分析涡流效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以一片变压器的铁心叠片即薄平板导体为模型,用有限元方法直观地表现因涡流效应而引起的磁场与电流的变化,并分析影响涡流大小的因素和减小涡流损害的方法。  相似文献   

液压挖掘机在工作时由于冲击和振动会引起较大的动态应力,可能造成结构的破坏.在ANSYS环境下对某小型液压挖掘机的动臂进行了建模,分完全自由状态和实际约束状态两种情况对该挖掘机动臂的模态进行了三维仿真分析,提取和扩展了前15阶模态,考察了其固有频率和主振型,为做挖掘机动臂相应分析提供了重要的模态参数,为液压挖掘机的动臂及工作装置整体的振动特性分析及结构动力特性的优化设计提供了依据.  相似文献   

基于有限元的腰绳系统设计方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
腰绳是减小履带起重机起臂过程中臂架挠度的重要构件之一,根据这种柔性系统力学复杂性的分析,提出了基于有限元的腰绳系统设计方法,通过实例表明腰绳作用的有效性及方法的合理性.  相似文献   

Design of interference fits via finite element method   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Studies of interference fits in ring gear-wheel connections show that the traditional design method based on thick-wall cylinder theory has some limitations. Application of the finite element method (FEM) for the three-dimensional stress analysis of interference fitted connections gives more complete and accurate results than the traditional method. An improved design method utilizes two safety factors, λs and λp, providing a new approach for evaluating the quality of interference fits. A tolerancing method utilizing the Imax and Imin curves provides a quantitative guideline for interference fit design. The selective assembly method combined with the FEM-based method for interference fit design provides an effective approach to achieve more reliable interference-fitted connections and more precise assembly with lower manufacturing cost.  相似文献   

基于有限单元法的热风阀阀体模态和谐响应分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用有限元分析软件ANSYS对热风阀阀体进行了模态分析和谐响应分析。给出了阀体前4阶的固有频率和振型,并得出了前四阶固有频率下激振力和动应力问的关系。该分析方法和结论为阀体的消除焊接残余应力振动时效工艺提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

插入损失作为消声器的主要评价指标,优点是比较直观、实用。不过插入损失往往不仅决定于消声器本身的性能,而且与系统总体装置的情况密切相关。插入损失对消声器性能的预测比传递损失更接近实际情况。应用四端子网络法与有限元相结合法对有连接管的抗性消声器的插入损失进行计算,说明了一维波动理论在消声器性能方面的缺陷。建立了简单抗性消声器的插入损失测量的试验模型,用直接模拟试验的方法,获得消声器的插入损失。结果表明,四端子法计算得到的加连接管的消声器插入损失与直接模拟试验方法所得的结果吻合良好。  相似文献   

利用商业软件Catia对微型涡喷发动机转子系统进行了3D实体造型,并利用有限元方法对转动部件进行了强度分析,得到了发动机最大工作状态下的应力分布;对转动部件及转子系统进行了模态分析,得出了其各阶固有频率及振型等主要模态参数。分析结果为发动机安全运转提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

This paper presents a finite element based methodology for obtaining pressure dependent friction laws from experimental tribometer tests on rubber-metal contacts. Tribometer tests are simulated for analyzing the area of contact and obtaining an approximation to the contact pressure distribution in the test. The proposed methodology will be applied to the evaluation of experimental results from tribometer tests run in flat on flat and flat on cylinder configurations, for which flat and cylindrical countermaterials have been produced with very similar surface morphologies and, therefore, theoretically the same pressure-dependent friction law.  相似文献   

基于虚拟样机与有限元技术的自卸车举升机构设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用虚拟样机技术对自卸车举升机构的位置布置进行设计,在完成对举升机构零部件的形位参数设计后,对举升机构零部件三角板进行受力分析,结合有限元技术,对三角板进行了最大载荷工况下的结构应力分析。验证举升机构零部件的设计合理,提出举升机构新的设计方法。  相似文献   

基于ANSYS的金属软管的动态有限元分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用非线性有限元法,采用三维壳单元Shell93和空间梁单元Beam18,利用耦合和约束理论,在ANSYS中建立金属软管的有限元模型,对金属软管进行动态有限元分析(包括模态分析和瞬态分析),得到金属软管的任意阶固有频率,振型以及位移-时间曲线,并将分析结果与试验结果进行比较,证明了有限元建模及其分析结果的正确性,为金属软管的力学性能和设计分析尤其在防止共振方面的研究提供了参考.  相似文献   

The present work addresses the various ingredients required for reliable finite element simulations of cold isostatic pressing (CIP) of metal powders. A plastic constitutive model for finite deformation is presented and implemented into an explicit finite element (FE) code. The FE implementation is verified so that numerical errors (both temporal and spatial errors) are kept under control. Thereafter, uniaxial die compaction experiments are performed required for determining the material parameters in the constitutive model. Subsequently they are applied for the simulation of a “complex” CIP process. The experimental observations of the complex CIP process were used to validate the overall method by comparing the FE results (final dimensions and average relative density) to the experimental observations. The numerical results (final dimensions and relative density) are in good agreement with the experimental observations.  相似文献   

A comprehensive finite element method employing a subroutine to link up submodules of commercial code ANSYS is proposed to perform analysis of projection welding in quantitative detail. In order to solve the complexity due to dynamic changes in heat and electrical current flow paths, as well as temperature-dependent material properties, information about contact interfaces and the geometry of the projection areas have been taken into account. By updating parameter information among these submodules in an incremental manner, a truly thermal-electrical-mechanical coupled numerical analysis is realized for projection welding simulation. A case study of an automotive door assembly welding process is carried out and a series of experiments is conducted to confirm the validity of the newly developed method. The agreement between the experimental and numerical results is satisfactory, indicating that the incrementally coupled finite element method may be suitable for projection welding research. Finally, future work to extend this method in optimizing projection welding process design is also presented.  相似文献   

A new approach to process optimal design in non-steady forming of porous metals is presented. In this approach, the optimal design problem involving diverse objective functions and design variables is formulated on the basis of the finite element process model, and a derivative-based approach is adopted as the solution technique. The process model, the formulation for process optimal design, the schemes for the evaluation of the design sensitivity, and an iterative procedure for optimization are described in detail. The validity of the schemes for the evaluation of the design sensitivity is examined by performing a series of numerical tests. The capability of the proposed approach is demonstrated through application to a selected design problem.  相似文献   

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