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Tuğrul Özel Erol Zeren 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》2007,35(3-4):255-267
High-speed machining (HSM) may produce parts at high production rates with substantially higher fatigue strengths and increased
subsurface micro-hardness and plastic deformation, mostly due to the ploughing of the round cutting tool edge associated with
induced stresses, and can have far more superior surface properties than surfaces generated by grinding and polishing. Cutting
edge roundness may induce stress and temperature fields on the machined subsurface and influence the finished surface properties,
as well as tool life. In this paper, a finite element method (FEM) modeling approach with arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE)
fully coupled thermal-stress analysis is employed. In order to realistically simulate HSM using edge design tools, an FEM
model for orthogonal cutting is designed, and solution techniques such as adaptive meshing and explicit dynamics are performed.
A detailed friction modeling at the tool–chip and tool–work interfaces is also carried out. Work material flow around the
round edge cutting tool is successfully simulated without implementing a chip separation criterion and without the use of
a remeshing scheme. The FEM modeling of the stresses and the resultant surface properties induced by round edge cutting tools
is performed for the HSM of AISI 4340 steel. Once FEM simulations are complete for different edge radii and depths of cut,
the tool is unloaded and the stresses are relieved. Predicted stress fields are compared with experimentally measured residual
stresses obtained from the literature. The results indicate that the round edge design tools influence the stress and temperature
fields greatly. An optimization scheme can be developed to identify the most desirable edge design by using the finite element
analysis (FEA) scheme presented in this work. 相似文献
Finite element ring rolling simulation by conventional Lagrangian codes carries an excessive computational cost. The main reason for this is the large number of incremental stages typically required to complete a full simulation. The nature of ring rolling however means that the amount of deformation taking place in a given increment is relatively small compared with typical metal forming processes. This paper describes measures that make the analysis of ring rolling a practicable proposition. The resulting model is based on a threefold approach, comprising the finite element flow formulation, an arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian update strategy, and a novel iterative solution scheme called the successive preconditioned conjugate gradient method. The approach exploits the slowly evolving nature of the problem with the effect of reducing the time penalty for each deformation increment. In addition, a number of issues specific to ring rolling have been addressed including the problem of how the mandrel interface is dealt with for arbitrarily shaped rollers. The importance of addressing this particular issue is also illustrated. The method is validated by comparison with earlier experimental work and previously developed models for both pure radial, and radial–axial ring rolling. 相似文献
A new stress-based model of friction behavior in machining and its significant impact on residual stresses computed by finite element method 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Friction modeling in metal cutting has been recognized as one of the most important and challenging tasks facing researchers engaged in modeling of machining operations. To address this issue from the perspective of predicting machining induced residual stresses, a new stress-based polynomial model of friction behavior in machining is proposed. The feasibility of this methodology is demonstrated by performing finite element analyses. A sensitivity study is performed by comparing the cutting force and residual stress predicted based on this new model with those based on a model using an average coefficient of friction deduced from cutting forces and a model using an average coefficient of friction deduced from stresses. The average coefficient of friction computed based on the measured cutting forces is the conventional approach and is still widely used. The average coefficient of friction due to stresses can be considered as a simplified version of the proposed model. Simulation results show significant difference among the predicted residual stresses. As the proposed model is able to capture the relationship between the normal stress and shear stress on the tool rake face better than the conventional approach can, it has a potential for improving the quality of the prediction of the residual stresses induced by machining. 相似文献
Finite element modeling of residual stresses in machining induced by cutting using a tool with finite edge radius 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
K.C. Ee O.W. Dillon Jr. I.S. Jawahir 《International Journal of Mechanical Sciences》2005,47(10):1611-1628
A thermal elastic-viscoplastic finite element model is used to evaluate the residual stresses remaining in a machined component. An improvement in the accuracy of the predicted residual stresses is obtained by: (a) using a modified Johnson–Cook material model that is augmented by a linearly elastic component to describe the material behavior as non-Newtonian fluid; (b) using a remeshing scheme to simulate the material flow in the vicinity of the rounded cutting tool edge without the use of a separation criterion; (c) properly accounting for the unloading path, and (d) considering the thermomechanical coupling effect on deformation. Case studies are performed to study the influence of sequential cuts, cutting conditions, etc., on the residual stresses induced by orthogonal machining. 相似文献
A 3-D finite element method analysis of cold rolling of thin strip with friction variation 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
In this paper, a three-dimensional rigid-plastic finite element method (FEM) model to simulate the cold rolling of thin strip with different friction models is described. The effects of rolling parameters, such as work roll diameters and reductions, are analysed in this study. The simulation and experimental values of rolling pressure and spread (the difference of strip width before and after rolling) show a good agreement when friction variation in the roll bite is considered. The roll separating force, spread and forward slip for constant friction and friction variation models are also compared. The friction variation in the roll bite has a significant effect on the simulation results. 相似文献
利用有限元软件对160tC型压力机焊接机身进行有限元分析,从而获得机身的等效应力分布和等效位移分布,为提高压力机的强度和刚度、减轻机身重量提供重要的参考依据。 相似文献
针对液动压悬浮抛光固-液两相流中固相磨粒与工件表面撞击的过程中,对磨粒以不同的速度和不同的角度撞击工件表面后残余应力沿工件深度方向的分布规律进行了研究,利用ABAQUS软件建立了单颗磨粒撞击工件表面的三维有限元模型。对磨粒流撞击工件表面时的速度场进行了输出,利用PFC/3D软件建立了磨粒流撞击工件表面的三维离散元模型。研究结果表明:随着撞击角度和速度的增大,在工件表层形成的压应力场会增大,沿深度方向残余应力值急剧下降,磨粒流中磨粒间的撞击对磨粒撞击工件表面的速度场影响不大。 相似文献