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A distributed network prototype is presented that enables the design of a new class of reconfigurable bandpass filters. The design procedure is based on the application of a classical synthesis technique. The passband of the filters are reconfigured by simply open or short circuiting the ends of its resonators. The filters exhibit constant bandwidth and passband shape as they are reconfigured. The performance of implemented filters agrees with the presented theory.  相似文献   

A new type of reconfigurable asymmetric frequency response bandpass filter using dual-mode open-loop resonator is investigated. It explores the unique characteristic of the dual-mode open-loop resonator whose two operating modes, i.e., the even- and odd-modes do not couple. Thus, tuning the passband frequency is accomplished by merely changing the two modal frequencies proportionally, which makes the electronic tuning simple. Furthermore, for a single filter of this type, its selectivity can be electronically reconfigured to exhibit a higher selectivity with a finite-frequency transmission zero on either side of the passband. For the demonstration, both simulated and measured results are presented.  相似文献   

A microwave method is proposed to effectively determine the complex permittivity of low-loss dielectric materials. The method uses raw scattering parameter measurements of an empty cell and a measurement cell (a waveguide or coaxial-line section) with one sample for its two configurations. There are three advantages of the proposed method. First, it does not necessitate any calibration to carry out the microwave measurements. Second, it eliminates the measurement errors arising from sample thickness and inhomogeneity present in the second sample, which is required by other methods. Third, it uses transmission-only scattering parameters of the sample in the theoretical formulations so that it may decrease the measurement errors happening from the phase uncertainty in reflection scattering parameters. The measurement results of two low-loss dielectric materials confirm the accuracy of the proposed method.   相似文献   


This paper details the construction and working of a compound reconfigurable filter capable of frequency and bandwidth reconfiguration in the frequency range from 2 to 3 GHz. The switching between frequency and bandwidth reconfiguration is inherited by two PIN diodes. Bandwidth tuning is facilitated by tuning two transmission zeros individually using varactor diodes, giving flexibility in reconfiguring the upper and lower pass edges. The two transmission zeros are obtained using simple concentric square loop resonators. The maximum bandwidth obtained is 1.5 times the minimum bandwidth offered by the filter. Hence the filter can be used for dynamic bandwidth allocation. This prototype is fabricated and validated in real-time. The simulated and measured results are analogous to each other.


分析比较了不同种类衬底上无源器件(片上电感和电容)的损耗机理,在OPS(氧化多孔硅)和HR(高阻硅)低损耗衬底上分别实现了片上低通滤波器.为了研究衬底损耗,设计了平面螺旋电感,其Q值在两种衬底上的仿真结果都超过了20.在OPS衬底上的低通滤波器实测-3dB带宽为2.9GHz,通带插入损耗在500MHz为0.87dB;在HR衬底上的低通滤波器实测-3dB带宽为2.3GHz,通带插入损耗在500MHz为0.42dB.  相似文献   

分析比较了不同种类衬底上无源器件(片上电感和电容)的损耗机理,在OPS(氧化多孔硅)和HR(高阻硅)低损耗衬底上分别实现了片上低通滤波器.为了研究衬底损耗,设计了平面螺旋电感,其Q值在两种衬底上的仿真结果都超过了20.在OPS衬底上的低通滤波器实测-3dB带宽为2.9GHz,通带插入损耗在500MHz为0.87dB;在HR衬底上的低通滤波器实测-3dB带宽为2.3GHz,通带插入损耗在500MHz为0.42dB.  相似文献   

A microwave photonic filter using a simple and novel multiwavelength erbium-doped fiber laser (EDFL) is proposed. The filter was experimentally demonstrated featuring tunability and reconfigurability by adjustment of the output from the EDFL. The experimental results show excellent agreement with the numerical simulations.  相似文献   

介绍了一种使用动态局部重构技术设计可重构FIR数字滤波器的方法,是一种注重面积效率高、灵活性强,允许动态插入或删除局部模块的方法,并在Xilinx Virtex-4 FPGA上实现.这种设计方法比传统的FIR滤波器的设计方法具有占用资源更少、重构时间更短、高速灵活性等优点.  相似文献   

This letter presents a three-pole tunable Ka-band coplanar filter that includes six high-Q BST ferroelectric capacitors. It tunes from 29 GHz up to 34 GHz (17%) with low bias voltages ranging from 0 V to 30 V. The filter has fractional bandwidths of 9.5–12.2%. It has a good insertion loss for this category of Ka-band ferroelectric filters, which is between 6.9 dB (0 V) and 2.5 dB (30 V). Two tone measurements showed that the filter has a minimum OIP3 of 15 dBm between 0 V and 30 V. The highest OIP3 value is 26 dBm achieved at a dc bias of 30 V.   相似文献   

In this brief, we present a digit-reconfigurable finite-impulse response (FIR) filter architecture with a very fine granularity. It provides a flexible yet compact and low-power solution to FIR filters with a wide range of precision and tap length. Based on the proposed architecture, an 8-digit reconfigurable FIR filter chip is implemented in a single-poly quadruple-metal 0.35-$muhbox m$CMOS technology. Measurement results show that the fabricated chip operates up to 86 MHz when the filter draws 16.5 mW of power from a 2.5-V power supply.  相似文献   

A low-distortion varactor-tuned bandpass filter is demonstrated on a high-Q silicon-on-glass technology. The dc bias network is optimized to achieve high linearity, the center frequency of the filter tunes from 2.4 to 3.5 GHz, and the measured loss of the filter is 2-3 dB at 2 GHz, with a stopband rejection of 25 dB. The measured IIP3 of the filter was +46 dBm  相似文献   

基于Add-Drop型氮化硅微环滤波器,利用光学单边带调制和光载波分离的方法,实现可重构微波光子带通滤波器。滤波器带宽和带外抑制比分别达到726 MHz和37.0dB。并且通过改变光载波波长实现1.64~23.41GHz的滤波器频率调谐;通过调节微环耦合系数实现0.683~2.246GHz的滤波器带宽调谐,在带宽调谐范围内带外抑制比大于26dB。  相似文献   

A New Class of Broad-Band Microwave 90-Degree Phase Shifters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the type of circuits considered here, the input power is divided equally between two channels whose outputs are caused to have a very nearly 90° phase difference over a broad frequency range. Networks suitable for application at low frequencies which perform the above function have been widely investigated. This report describes a new type of 90° differential phase shifter which has a constant resistance input, and which is useful over bandwidths as large as 5:1 in the microwave region.  相似文献   

We demonstrate a photonic microwave finite impulse response filter with reconfiguration and tuning capabilities. The filter is based on spectral slicing of a broadband source and optical fiber as a wideband dispersive medium. An arrayed waveguide grating and fiber Bragg gratings are used to select and vary the weight of the optical taps to achieve reconfiguration and tuning  相似文献   

设计了一种基于开关电容的可配置多模滤波器,由模拟信号处理模块、数字控制模块和参考电压电流源组成;通过数字控制模块配置滤波器工作在旁路、低通、带通、自适应工作状态,同时实现低通滤波器截止频率和带通滤波器中心频率可调;自适应滤波器截止频率和中心频率能准确跟随输入信号主频率.整个电路基于SMIC 0.18μm CMOS工艺实...  相似文献   

A tunable band-pass filter using the dipole resonance of a plasma column has been investigated. The center frequency of the pass band can be electronically tuned over a large portion of a waveguide band. For the prototype investigated at S band, the insertion loss at the center frequency was less than 2 db, with isolation for frequencies outside the pass band on the order of 12 db. A typical 3-db bandwidth of this prototype was 150 Mc. It is expected that this figure can be improved by choice of better discharges than the positive column of the mercury discharge used here. An analysis of the external Q's for the input and output coupling is presented. From these calculations, it is possible to determine approximately the various coupling parameters that produce a given degree of overcoupling.  相似文献   

新型高温超导(HTS)双模多次曲折微带环窄带滤波器   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
发展了一种新型HTS双模多次曲折微带环谐振器滤波器.给出了双模间耦合系数的精确计算方法.采用全波技术对四极滤波器特性进行的计算表明,它具有优良的窄通带、高选择性和小体积.设计、制造和测试了一个HTS四极滤波器,实验结果与理论计算基本一致.这种滤波器适用于卫星通信和移动通信系统.  相似文献   

本文利用最大功率传输效率法(MMPTE),通过4个相同左旋圆极化贴片单元作为子阵来实现阵列天线圆极化可重构.通过在被设计阵列(作为发射阵列)远场区引入极化控制接收天线,可以将整个收发系统看作一个无线功率传输系统,这样就可以把阵列天线的设计问题转换为一个天线之间的传输效率最优化的问题.通过调节接收天线的极化方式和接收位置...  相似文献   

新型高收敛隐式空间映射算法设计微波滤波器   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
该文介绍了一种高收敛隐式空间映射算法,改进了隐式空间映射算法中粗糙模型到精细模型之间参数映射。它加入粗糙模型参数选择过程,避免了粗糙模型优化中的假收敛情况,加快精细模型与设计目标的逼近速度。参数选择过程不需要增加精细模型的计算次数,提高了优化效率。该文通过设计一个发卡形滤波器,并与以前的隐式空间映射算法计算结果进行比较,优化得到了比指标性能更优越的结果。同时证明了新算法比旧算法具有更快的逼近速度和更高的优化效率的优点。  相似文献   

基于T 型谐振器结构,设计了一款新型小型化可重构滤波器。它可以通过开/ 关射频开关,实现三种滤波器的重新配置。这三种模式分别为带阻滤波器(BSF)、宽阻带带阻滤波器(WB鄄BSF)和双模带通滤波器(DB-BPF)。设计并制造了一款小型可重构滤波器实物(εr =2.65,h =1 mm)。其中,带阻滤波器的阻带中心频率为3.89 GHz,-3 dB相对带宽为90.9% (2.12 - 5.65 GHz);宽带带阻滤波器的阻带中心频率为3.54 GHz,-3 dB 相对带宽为137.85%(1.1~5.98 GHz);双模带通滤波器的两个通带中心频率分别为1.53 GHz 和6.89 GHz,-3 dB 相对带宽分别为17. 6%(1.4~1.67 GHz)和1.16% (6.85~6.93 GHz),两通带之间回波损耗优于15 dB。实物测试结果与仿真结果基本一致。  相似文献   

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