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A new type or imaging spectrometer is proposed, in which tomographic transformation of a two-dimensional image into a one-dimensional image is performed instead of scanning of the original image using the inlet slit. The optical circuits of the device and an experiment at spectral analysis of an image of the Earth's surface is performed. __________ Translated from Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No. 9, pp. 48–52, September, 2005.  相似文献   

A survey is made of current opinions on the measurement of transfer functions and noise-power spectra of photographic materials. Conclusions are drawn about the difficulties introduced by the particular form of non-linearity found in the photographic process which lead to suggestions that future work moy need to use analytical techniques accepting such non-linearities. In such analyses. digital computers will be necessary, and some early work is described in which use is made of direct digital feed-out of data from a microdensitometer.  相似文献   

Lamb wave tomography (LWT) is a potential and efficient technique for non-destructive tomographic reconstruction of damage images in structural components or materials. A new two-stage inverse algorithm with a small amount of scanning data for quickly reconstructing damage images in aluminum and CFRP laminated plates was proposed in this paper. Due to its high sensitivity to damages, the amplitude decrease of transmitted Lamb waves after travelling through the inspected region was employed as a key signal parameter related to the attenuation of Lamb waves in propagation routes. A through-thickness circular hole and a through-thickness elliptical hole in two aluminum plates, and an impact-induced invisible internal delamination in a CFRP laminated plate were used to validate the effectiveness and reliability of the proposed method. It was concluded that the present new algorithm was capable of reconstructing the images of the above mentioned various damages successfully with much less experimental data compared with those needed by some traditional techniques.  相似文献   

利用3D绘图软件对计量器具符合性评定的判据进行几何表示。通过图形,对检定中计量器具合格与否的判据进行了清晰的描述,使读者对符合性评定的三要素(Δ,MPEV,U95)之间的关系以及判定过程中的操作能建立起更加直观的印象。  相似文献   

思维转换在航空产品零件及工装的几何量测量中至关重要。本文总结了一些典型的思维转换方式,并举例说明了如何对难于直接测量的几何量进行思维转换,使其便于测量的方法,进而实现检测误差的减小,和测量效率的提高。  相似文献   

NP1024神经网络处理器中的数据传输与图形显示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李文臣 《光电工程》1997,24(3):21-25
介绍在NP1024神经网络系统中如何将网络中有关数据按要求高速送到LC-SA屏上的接口及显示电路的软件硬件设计技巧。  相似文献   

线性运动平台是精密制造和测量的基础,其定位精度直接影响着制造和测量的精度。由于制造和装配误差的影响,运动平台存在六个自由度的运动误差,将影响运动平台的定位精度。为了提高运动平台的定位精度,需要准确地测量各项运动误差。传统的测量方法只能对单一误差进行测量,并且测量仪器体积较大,无法集成在运动平台中进行实时误差测量。本文提出了一系列成本低、体积小、易集成的高精度多自由度几何运动误差同时测量技术,可以根据测量需求选择测量系统的自由度,在提高测量精度的同时,还可以实现在线测量,为提高线性运动平台运动精度起到重要作用。  相似文献   

王沛  明海  许兴胜  金西  马辉  谢建平 《光电工程》2002,29(1):9-11,44
基于CCD图像技术提出了显微放大成像、图像相对测量,通过计算机图像处理完成外径的为1mm聚合物光纤几何参数(芯径、外径、不圆度)的测量,测量精度为6μm左右。并给出了系统的结构与原理,分析了系统实现的精度保证。该系统也可实现聚合物光纤数值孔径的测量和折射率分布的表征等。  相似文献   

本文从光学影像测量仪的结构特点、测量原理出发,对影响测量精度的误差来源进行分析,提出光源照明的影响,是影像法测量中最容易被忽视的误差来源,通过实例验证了对工件尺寸测量精度带来的重要影响,为光学影像法这类仪器提高测量精度提供了有价值的技术参考。  相似文献   

A coordinate measuring machine with a suitably small probe can be used to measure micro-features such as the diameter and form of small holes (often about 100 μm in diameter). When measuring small holes, the clearance between the probe tip and the part is sometimes nearly as small as other characteristic lengths (such as probe deflection or form errors) associated with the measurement. Under these circumstances, the basic geometry of the measurement is much different than it is for the measurement of a macroscopic object. Various geometric errors are greatly magnified, and consequently sources of error that are totally irrelevant when measuring macroscopic artifacts can become important. In this article we discuss errors associated with misalignment or non-orthogonality of the probe axes, probe-tip radius compensation, and mechanical filtering.  相似文献   

设计了一套用于刀具几何参数精密测量的光学检测系统.该系统利用物方远心光路、柯勒照明等手段对刀具检测仪器中的传统光学成像方式进行了改进,保证了被测刀具成像精度.通过光学计算和误差分析,系统测量误差小于±1.4 μm.将该套装置应用到刀具几何参数的测量仪器中,实验测试数据表明仪器的测量精度达到±2μm.  相似文献   

介绍了一种对电梯导轨的各项几何参数进行同步、快速、综合检测的高精度检测仪器。文中提出了利用反转法对系统的误差进行补偿的原理和方法,有效地提高了系统的检测精度。  相似文献   

陶瓷材料压痕韧性的统计性质   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用直接压痕法测定了钠钙硅酸盐玻璃和一种TiC 颗粒增强Al复合材料的断裂韧性.研究表明,在同一压痕压制荷载下测得的同一种材料的压痕韧性呈现出较大离散性,可以采用Weibull分布加以较好地描述.对两种材料的试验数据的对比分析指出,压痕韧性测试值的离散性反映了材料显微结构的不均匀性对材料局部裂纹扩展阻力的影响.基于这一分析,本文建议采用直接压痕法测定材料断裂韧性时,应尽可能增大试验量,从而对压痕韧性测试结果的统计性质作出完整描述.  相似文献   


In this paper we introduce the even binomal state, which interpolates between the even number state and the even coherent state. We consider the effect of this state on the Glauber second order correlation function. Both squeezing phenomena are discussed, i.e., normal squeezing and amplitude squared squeezing. The quasiprobability distribution functions (Wigner function and Q function) for such a state are also examined.  相似文献   


We study the statistical properties of radiation in the single-mode phase states by evaluating the expression for the photon-counting distribution and its factorial moments. A detailed comparison has been made of the properties of phase states with those of coherent and chaotic states.  相似文献   

目的:研究不规则取向曲线度量方法。方法;用不同类型网格分割,曲线长度由网格长度和网格分割的数目决定,结果与结论:Monte Carlo模拟表明曲线度量方法具有较高精度。  相似文献   

A new digital detection system is described for measuring pulsating partial discharges (PDs). The PD detection system can continuously record all PD pulses that occur over extended periods of time, with a minimum inter-pulse time separation of 6 μs and a vertical amplitude resolution of 12 bits. Earlier PD detection systems detected PD pulse amplitude and time using complex custom-designed hardware while the present system continuously records the complete electrical waveform that carries the PD pulses using a commercial data acquisition board and extracts, in real time, the time and amplitude information of all PD pulses in software. The current approach considerably reduces the development and maintenance cost of the PD detection system, significantly increases the system portability, and may prove to be a crucial step for transferring the digital PD detection and analysis technology developed in laboratories to industry. The features of the new system are illustrated by the study of dc-excited PD pulses occurring in a point-to-plane gap in air. A new surface-mediated burst mode of PDs is discovered in which a PD pulse has a certain probability to induce another pulse. The probability is determined for several gap voltages and is found to vary strongly with the applied voltage.  相似文献   

Radiopacity is a requirement for dental restorative materials that permits evaluation of the integrity and adaptation over time to the restoration of the tooth structure. This work was to investigate amount of fillers and radiopacity of flowable resin composites using scanned radiograph images. Radiographs of samples (8 mm diameter and 1 mm thickness) were taken with a dental x-ray at 60 kv, 7 mA, for 0.32 sec. exposure time, with a target-film distance at 40 cm. After development, dental films (Kodak D-Speed) were scanned for digitalisation and average gray value was recorded for every sample using Image J software. Percentage of filler by weight and volume were assessed by combustion analysis. The filler percentages of the flowable composites determined was ranged from 52.26 to 69.74 wt%. All materials investigated were more radiopaque than dentin and two materials were more radiopaque than enamel. The usage of low radiopaque materials should be avoided because it may lead to incorrect diagnosis. Future flowable resin composites are recommended to have higher radiopacity than dentin and perhaps ideally similar to or slightly higher than that of enamel for improved clinical detection. Digital imaging could be an alternative to transmission densitometry for the evaluation of the radiopacity of dental composites.  相似文献   

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