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粗梳呢绒与原料   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

粗梳毛纺加工系统在整个毛纺工业中占有十分重要的位置,粗纺厂应该以粗、次原料为主,适当考虑使用化纤,生产加工各种优质的粗纺织物。而在实际生产中,有的粗纺厂与精纺厂争先选用细支羊毛原料,也有的由于生产技术及管理水平较低而造成产品质量较差,本文强调粗梳毛纺加工要细作,并全面详细地叙述了“细作”的具体措施和方法。  相似文献   

气流纺在粗梳毛纺上的应用一、前言:气流纺纱是自由端纺纱方法之一,也是目前各种新型纺纱中较为成熟,并已大量推广的一种新技术。它主要有如下三大优点:1.适纺原料广(尤其适合短纤维):气流纺因其成纱原理与环锭纺不同,纤维长度不受牵伸机构两钳口握持距限制,它...  相似文献   

偿试在粗梳毛纺设备上进行亚麻凉席的生产,并取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

为了满足消费者个性化需求,利用粗梳毛纺散纤维染色后再进行纺纱的工艺特性,按纱线设计的颜色循环顺序采用单色称量喂入梳毛机,直接生产出带彩段的粗纱,再以2条粗纱同时喂入走锭细纱机进行牵伸加捻,开发出了具有独特外观效果和个性化的彩虹纱线产品.纺出的彩虹纱线上分布有长度、间隔、色彩变化的彩段,反映在织物上各色相连、相互渗透、依次变化,透射出虚拟渐变的“彩虹”外观.粗梳毛纺彩虹纱产品的成功开发,拓展了毛纺企业开发生产花式纱线的空间,提高了毛纱的附加值,具有较好的市场前景.  相似文献   

毛纺废料经开破布机加工后的再生纤维的纺纱工艺试验。  相似文献   

Difficult calving may adversely affect dairy cow health and performance. Maternal:fetal disproportion is a major cause of dystocia. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to assess the effects of dam:calf body weight ratio (D:C) on calving difficulty, rumination time, lying time, and inflammatory profile in 25 Holstein dairy cows. Using automatic monitoring systems, we monitored behavior and production in 9 primiparous and 16 pluriparous cows between dry-off and 30 d in milk. During the same period, we collected blood samples to monitor metabolism and inflammatory profile of these cows. Calvings were video recorded to assess calving difficulty and observe the duration of the expulsive stage. After parturition, the cows were separated into 3 classes according to their D:C: easy (E; D:C >17), medium (M; 14 < D:C <17), and difficult (D; D:C <14). The cows in class D showed relatively longer labor durations (108 min vs. 54 and 51 min for classes D, M, and E, respectively) and higher calving assistance rates (50% vs. 0 and 11% of calvings for classes D, M, and E, respectively) than those in the other 2 classes. Compared with the cows in classes M and E, those in class D exhibited shorter rumination times on the day of calving (176 min/d vs. 288 and 354 min/d for classes D, M, and E, respectively) and during the first week of lactation (312 min/d vs. 339 and 434 min/d for classes D, M, and E, respectively) and maintained lower rumination values until 30 DIM (399 min/d vs. 451 and 499 min/d for classes D, M, and E, respectively). Primiparous class D cows had shorter resting times during the first week after calving compared with those in class M (8 vs. 11 h/d for classes D and M, respectively). Interclass differences were found in terms of the levels of inflammation markers such as acute-phase proteins (ceruloplasmin, albumin, retinol, and paraoxonase). Moreover, cows in class D had lower plasma levels of fructosamine and creatinine after calving. Low D:C reduced postcalving rumination time and increased inflammation grade, suggesting a lower welfare of these animals at the onset of lactation. The D:C might serve as a useful index for the identification of cows at relatively higher risk of metabolic and inflammatory disease, thus helping farmers and veterinarians improve the welfare and health of these cows.  相似文献   

吴定 《食品科技》2003,(11):3-6
阐述了实施我国食品质量安全市场准入制度的必要性及小麦粉加工企业取得《食品生产许可证》的重要性、迫切性和程序。根据现场审查体会,提出目前我国小麦粉生产企业普遍存在的问题及小麦粉加工企业如何顺利通过生产必备条件现场审查的建议。  相似文献   

食醋生产企业如何迎接市场准入制度审查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴定 《中国调味品》2003,(10):42-46
阐述了实施我国食品质量安全市场准入制度的必要性及食醋工业取得《食品生产许可证》的重要性、迫切性和程序。根据现场审查体会,提出目前我国食醋生产企业普遍存在的问题及食醋加工企业如何顺利通过生产必备条件现场审查的建议。  相似文献   

Food texture assessment is difficult because it is constantly being modified as a food is eaten. While texture has generally been statically assessed, methods aimed at measurement over time are becoming more common. However, even when texture is assessed over time, that assessment is based on averages across all individuals. This study shows that individuals with different Mouth Behaviors eat foods differently in an effort to develop a texture that suits their Mouth Behavior. Because of this, their texture assessments differ over the eating experience. Overall liking was driven by whether individuals were able to transform the product texture into one that aligned with their Mouth Behavior and how well they liked the dominant texture attribute.  相似文献   

随着精纺毛织品向轻薄化方向发展,毛纱上浆也成了业界普遍关注的问题。在概述了国内外热熔浆料发展的基础上,分析了毛纱热熔上浆的发展前景。  相似文献   

针对纺织厂空调循环水系统结垢严重的问题,基于磁阻垢技术和投加阻垢剂,通过垢样分析发现磁化处理是通过改变晶型让形成的钙垢沉积性能下降,而阻垢剂是通过破坏晶体生长来抑制钙垢量;通过静态实验发现,这两种方法对于循环时间较短浓缩倍数较低的水样抑垢效果较好,在PC2566型、YC2655型、YL505型聚羧酸类阻垢剂中,YC2655型阻垢剂抑垢效果最佳,对于已经循环一个月的循环水,磁阻垢比投加聚羧酸类阻垢剂抑垢率更高,其抑垢率高达96%;由于电导率和pH能够反应结垢倾向,电导率和pH越小,水样结垢倾向也就越小,因此通过检测对比分析未经处理的水样以及经两种方法处理后水样的电导率、pH随时间变化的规律,发现磁化处理比投加阻垢剂处理的抑垢效果更好且更稳定。最终得出磁化处理比投加聚羧酸类阻垢剂能更好地解决纺织厂空调循环水系统结垢问题。  相似文献   

The instability of emulsions is basically clarified by a phase separation. The separated phase can either cream or sediment. Destabilization is mostly compounded by coalescence and gives a first indication through extension of droplets. In the cosmetics industry as well as many other branches of industry such as the food industry and paint and coatings industry, product stability is one of the most important quality criteria. Many stability tests have already been performed with the widest variety of methods from different fields of technology. In research and development it is especially important to obtain quick results on the stability of a formulation. Such results represent a tool that can help developers find an optimal formulation in a short time. In addition, they can shorten development times, leading to quicker introduction of a product in the market. Moreover, they can help to reduce storage stability tests to minimum, making less climatized rooms, space and work required to predict shelf-lives. The cycle test is an example of such a method developed in the field of rheology [1]. In this test the sample is subjected to continuously changing temperatures and its behavior observed. However, other methods can also conceivably used to predict stabilities. The aim of this work is to find a new model to predict the long-term stability. This model should be based on empirical data and it should determine the applicability of the time temperature superposition (TTS) principle to emulsions.  相似文献   

运用时间序列理论,建立数学模型,即AR模型。对纺纱张力进行最佳预测和控制。以期达到实时控制纺纱张力的目的,从而减法断头,提高劳动生产率。  相似文献   

高瑞鹤  何俊萍 《中国酿造》2013,32(1):127-130
为确定韭菜酱发酵的成熟时间,以感官评定对不同发酵时间的韭菜酱的色泽、形态、风味、口感进行评分,利用模糊数学法对感官评价结果进行统计分析,并结合韭菜酱在发酵过程中pH值的变化,得出韭菜酱发酵成熟的时间为常温7d.  相似文献   

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