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This article analyses models of a multi-regional economy with n regions and m factors, with a Cobb-Douglas or CES production function, and with or without economies of scale and Hicks-neutral technological progress, in which factors are imperfectly mobile as described by a revised gravity model. The article clarifies the incidence of interregional factor mobility, conditions of convergence of interregional per-capita income, the long-run equilibrium regional shares of factors and of income, and the convergence speed. The results are further generalised by explicitly introducing interregional distances. Received: 18 August 1997 / Accepted: 29 January 1999  相似文献   

A multi-regional dynamic computable general equilibrium model of the Australian economy (federal-f) is used to identify the causes of the divergent growth performance of two Australian regional economies (Tasmania and the rest of Australia) over the period 1992–1993 to 1998–1999. These causes are traced to a large number of structural and policy changes in the two economies. Ultimately, no simple or mono-causal explanation for the divergent growth experience is found – the relatively slow growth of the Tasmanian economy is the net effect of a large number of countervailing influences. Nevertheless, from among these many influences, it is possible to distinguish those that had a sizeable impact from those that had a negligible impact. Received: 29 February 2000 / Accepted: 31 July 2000  相似文献   

空调系统的复杂特性在于它的自平衡性,基于此,结合空调自控既要实现自动化又要实现节能的目的,并考虑到自控技术的现实水平,提出自动控制应采用"均衡控制"理念.认为至少在现阶段,制定空调自控策略时应适当放弃,不追求十全十美,应遵循简单、实用、可靠的原则,实现节能性与可靠性的统一.  相似文献   

A residential location model derived from urban economics is combined with the geometry of a multifractal Sierpinski carpet to represent and model a metropolitan area. This area is made up of a system of built-up patches hierarchically organised around a city centre, and green areas arranged in an inverse hierarchical order (large open-spaces in the periphery). An analytical solution is obtained using a specific geographic coding system for computing distances. The values of the parameters used in the model are based on the French medium sized metropolitan areas; a realistic benchmark is proposed and comparative-statics simulations are performed. The results show that the French peri-urbanisation process (which took place from 1970 onward) can be explained by an increase in income and a reduction in transport costs. Nevertheless, changes in household preferences, in particular an increased taste for open spaces, can also contribute to urban sprawl by making the gradient of land rents less steep and by making peripheral household locations more desirable.  相似文献   

首先通过建立只有两个用户时供热系统的均衡工况概念,进而推广到n个用户时的供热系统的均衡工况概念,对供热系统均衡工况的研究更科学化,为供热系统的理论分析打下基础。  相似文献   

李卫妮  薛国胜 《山西建筑》2004,30(17):49-50
分析了自平衡试桩法的工作原理 ,并就该方法的施工要点进行了阐述 ,介绍了测试完成后试桩的压浆加固处理措施 ,总结了自平衡试桩法的几个特点。  相似文献   

Models to estimate economic impacts of disasters have recently been augmented to include resilience. However, most research has incorporated only a limited set of resilience tactics and has not estimated their individual loss reduction effect. We present a comprehensive framework for estimating the relative effects of a broad set of post-disaster resilience tactics. Our methodological innovation is illustrated by adapting the TERM multi-regional CGE model for a seaport disruption, distinguishing inherent resilience working through the price system from adaptive resilience and other inherent tactics to cope with input shortages. We also overcome a path-dependency problem in the modelling process.  相似文献   

The identification and interpretation of regional economic structure is addressed by reference to a four region, three sector interregional input-output table for the US for 1982. Using the transactions matrix, a succession of self-influence feedback loops are identified, first at the macro-regional level (where all transactions are aggregated into one sector) and, subsequently, with more sectoral detail. The feedback loops are extracted hierarchically using the Matrioshka Hierarchical Feedback Loop Principle. The empirical results reveal the domination of domestic (intra-regional flows) and the dominant role that region 4 (Rest of the US) plays in the bi-lateral trading patterns. However, when sectoral flows are introduced to the intra- and inter-regional flows, the pattern of feedback loops becomes more complex, although the overall pattern matches the structure of the aggregate transactions flows. The analysis provides insights into structure and spatial linkages that cannot be revealed from the more usual data sources (such as the distribution of employment by sector). With tables available for more than one time period, it would be possible to examine structural changes in a more complete fashion.The data used in this analysis were prepared as part of an interregional computable general equilibrium model funded in part by grants from the Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce and the Canadian Embassy. However, the views and interpretation expressed herein are those of the authors.  相似文献   

A systematic design method for actualizing a passive control structure that can effectively exert its capabilities to minimize damage from an earthquake has yet to be presented. In particular, a clear method for placing EDDs that can improve seismic capability under earthquake delivery has yet to be presented, causing the dependence on the design of placing the damper after repetitive response analysis and trial and error work directly. However, in order to obtain seismic capability that the designer intends, the designer needs to be able to predict optimum placement of the damper prior to response analysis and determine the design result to be reliable. This study aims to suggest a design process of passive control structure, which includes design and placement of the damper for obtaining the seismic capability of the passive control structure as intended by the designer. Also, dynamic response analysis was conducted on structures designed using the design process suggested in this study to confirm whether the seismic capability intended by the design has been achieved, verifying the validity of the design process.  相似文献   

In this paper, we show that the impact of an ad valorem tax on demand prices is the same for all interrelated spatial regions regardless of sizes of their price elasticities. In the case of a degenerate spatial equilibrium model in which several independent submarkets develop, the tax incidence is identical within a submarket; but varies between different submarkets. In the case of non-linear and/or non-separable demand and supply functions, the same results hold as long as (i) the tax does not affect unit transportation costs and (ii) a unique equilibrium commodity flow solution exists.  相似文献   

This paper develops a sensitivity analysis for the continuum traffic equilibrium problem of a city with several competing facilities. In the city, the customers’ origins are continuously dispersed. We assume that the customer demand is dependent on the total cost of patronizing these facilities. Specific travel cost–flow relationships are considered. The choice of facility in the continuum transportation system follows a user equilibrium principle in which from each origin, no customer can reduce their individual cost to patronize any of the facilities by unilaterally changing route or facility. The problem can be formulated as a minimization problem that is subject to a set of constraints and solved with a finite element method. The sensitivity analysis is based on the implicit function theorem at the equilibrium solution. A numerical example is presented to illustrate the applications of these sensitivity analysis results.  相似文献   

The paper considers, in a spatial general equilibrium setting, the pollution externality problem caused by a competitive industry. It is shown that the pollution control instrument supporting the optimum is a two-part Pigouvian tax–emission rights scheme in which the polluter pays only for the emissions which exceed its initial emission rights. The optimal level of the emission rights depends on the nature of pollution. In the global pollution case they are zero, whereas in the local pollution case they are equal to the firm's emissions at the optimum. In general, the optimal initial emission rights are between these values, but they may also be negative. In the latter case the firm pays for a greater amount of emissions than it emits. The emission tax proceeds, if there are any, must be distributed to the victims (households) as compensation. Received: December 1998/Accepted: May 2000  相似文献   

土压平衡式盾构机推进系统是其关键部分,推进系统由S7-PLC自动控制系统控制,现以一次推进系统故障的解决为例,简要介绍盾构机的推进系统。  相似文献   

This paper confirms the so called perverse effect of L?schian entry on wages regardless of the form of the labor supply curves. The form of our labor supply after firm entry is not only different from the one before entry, but also sharply different from that found by Kohlhase and Ohta [8]. However, we show that while the Kohlase-Ohta model has a convex labor supply, the Ohta-Asami-Kohlhase model has a concave labor supply as does the extended model presented here. Moreover, we find that the same perverse result is derived from either one of the two contrasting forms of the labor curve assumed, i.e., regardless of the convexity vs. concavity of the labor supply. Received: May 1999/Accepted: June 2000  相似文献   

机构位移分析是建立在力法基础上,对体系的机构位移和自应力进行分析研究,而体系分析研究的前提是平衡方程和协调方程的建立.本文给出了相应杆系以及梁系的平衡方程和协调方程的建立方法.  相似文献   

在抽象凸空间中,给出GF-空间和强Fan-Browder不动点性质的定义,并且在GF-空间中,应用抽象函数代替实值函数作为博弈支付函数,构造GF-空间中博弈模型,应用强Fan-Browder不动点性质证明GF-空间上博弈模型Nash均衡点的存在性.同时也证明了在度量空间和紧拓扑空间上的闭值KKM映射具有有限交性质.  相似文献   

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