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设计了一种适用于2G/3G/4G/5G移动通信的小型宽带±45°双极化基站天线。该天线由2对偶极子辐射片、2条微带馈线和1块反射板组成,辐射臂和微带馈线采用双面印刷工艺印刷在0.8 mm厚的FR4板,并固定放置于开有圆形槽的反射板上。对天线实物进行加工测试,测试结果表明,端口1工作频段为1.82~3.60 GHz,端口2工作频段为1.64~3.41 GHz;工作频段内,反射系数小于-10 dB,端口隔离度优于18 dB;交叉极化比在视轴方向大于17 dB,±60°方向大于15 dB;半功率波束65°左右,前后比优于18 dB,测试和仿真结果较吻合。所设计天线带宽宽,尺寸小,且制作工艺简单,成本低廉,适合批量生产,应用于5G移动通信基站中。  相似文献   

宽频带小型对数周期天线的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对数周期天线是结构简单,性能优良的超宽频带天线。利用一副对数周期天线可以覆盖整个短波波段,广泛应用于短波通信中。在超短波和微波波段,在解决好其纵向长度后,对数周期天线实际应用也很广泛。通过分析对数周期天线的基本原理,利用矩量法(伽略金)对其分析计算,结合工程实际要求,设计出一副在超短波到微波波段符合一定技术指标的小型化对数周期天线。测试结果表明,该天线在设计频带内、增益高、尺寸小、结构简单、符合工程设计要求。  相似文献   

蝶形微带天线的全波分析与宽带设计   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
张需溥  钟顺时 《电波科学学报》2001,16(4):419-421,450
介绍了蝶形微带贴片天线的一种全波分析方法-矩量法,与多端网络法相比,其适应范围更广。然后介绍了展宽天线频带的一种设计方法。通过不对称馈电方式,激励起两个相近频率的模式,从而使微带天线驻波比带宽获得明显展宽。测试结果与计算结果相当吻合,证实了数值分析与设计方法的有效性。  相似文献   

A novel antipodal wide-slot antenna for ultra-wideband (UWB) applications is proposed and studied in detail. The antenna is fed by a microstrip line terminated with a rectangular tuning patch. An antipodal structure is employed to improve the radiation performances. The return losses, surface E-field, current distribution, radiation patterns and gains of the antenna are numerically and experimentally investigated. Results show that the proposed antipodal antenna has an impedance bandwidth from 0.79 to 4.0?GHz, which is about 5:1. Compared with conventional rectangular wide-slot antenna, more stable radiation pattern with lower cross-polarisation level and flatter gain variation over a 3:1 bandwidth can be obtained. Thus, the proposed antenna should be more suitable for future UWB-multiple-input multiple-output applications using polarisation diversity than conventional UWB rectangular slot antennas.  相似文献   

设计了一种覆盖X频段的双圆极化天线,通过1个3 dB电桥分别给2个垂直交叉放置的Vivaldi天线馈电来实现双圆极化。为了实现宽带小型化,在Vivaldi天线表面开槽并且电桥采用耦合形式实现。仿真结果表明,所设计的天线整体尺寸为0.48λ×0.48λ×0.5λ(λ对应最低频率处波长),能够在8~12 GHz的频带内实现天线驻波比(VSWR)<2,轴比为3 dB,带宽为40%的左旋和右旋圆极化。  相似文献   

空间飞行器由于受到动力和负载的限制, 需要尽可能使搭载的天线轻质小型化.文中提出了一种新型强耦合双圆极化轻质天线.天线单元采用H型缝隙耦合和增加寄生贴片方法, 提高了天线带宽.同时, 通过在辐射贴片、寄生贴片上开圆形槽, 以及金属反射板栅格化的处理, 明显地减轻了天线的质量.采用这种新型天线单元, 设计了8单元的宽带双圆极化阵列天线.仿真结果表明:该阵列天线的中心频率为433 MHz, 左旋和右旋圆极化的相对轴比(Axial Ratio, AR)带宽(AR < 3 dB)分别达到了24.4%和23.2%, 有效实现了小型轻质化宽频带双圆极化阵列天线.  相似文献   

小型化是进行5G微基站天线设计的重要考虑因素,文中设计了一款适用于5G微基站的电磁偶极子天线. 天线由一对正交放置的单极化电磁偶极子、一对交叉放置的渐变式Γ形馈电线、一个圆形寄生贴片和一块正方形反射板组成,工作频段为2.50~3.62 GHz和4.8~5.0 GHz,能够覆盖工信部规定的5G的全部中频段. 在工作频带内,天线的输入回波损耗小于−10 dB;端口隔离度在低频段小于−25 dB,在高频段小于−42 dB;仿真平均增益在高、低频部分分别为5.57 dBi和9.84 dBi. 该天线能够实现双频段和双极化,可以作为小型化微基站天线设计的参考,同时为5G天线的商用化提供参考.  相似文献   

A broadband helical liquid antenna made of saline water is proposed. A transparent hollow support is employed to fabricate the antenna. The rotation structure is fabricated with a thin flexible tube. The saline water with a concentration of 3.5% can be injected into or be extracted out from the tube to change the quantity of the solution. Thus, the tunability of the radiation pattern could be realised by applying the fluidity of the liquid. The radiation feature of the liquid antenna is compared with that of a metal one, and fairly good agreement has been achieved. Furthermore, three statements of the radiation performance corresponding to the ratio of the diameter to the wavelength of the helical saline water antenna have been proposed. It has been found that the resonance frequency increases when the length of the feeding probe or the radius of the vertical part of the liquid decreases. The fractional bandwidth can reach over 20% with a total height of 185 mm at 1.80 GHz. The measured results indicate reasonable approximation to the simulated. The characteristics of the liquid antenna make it a good candidate for various wireless applications, especially the wearable systems.  相似文献   

黄聪  薛锋章 《电讯技术》2011,51(11):103-106
提出了一种小型化高隔离MIMO吸顶天线设计方案.天线由水平极化印刷对数周期天线环形阵列内嵌于垂直极化单锥天线组成,并通过在单锥天线上正对对数周期天线轴处各开一个狭缝,实现了吸顶天线的全向辐射性能和双极化工作性能.嵌套结构的引入不仅大大减小了双极化吸顶天线的结构尺寸,还实现了吸顶天线极化间的高隔离性能.采用HFSS对其进...  相似文献   

倪国旗  韩非凡  张昱凯 《电讯技术》2016,56(12):1381-1386
采用了介质埋藏的形式将平面蝶形天线埋藏于介质中,并设计了渐变的平面微带巴伦给平面蝶形天线馈电,实现了不平衡到平衡的转换;还设计了三角形微带巴伦和微带传输线一起的结构形式,进行阻抗匹配。使用电磁仿真软件Ansoft HFSS对该天线进行了优化设计和仿真实验,与制作的实物天线性能进行对比。仿真和实测结果表明,该天线S11≤-10 dB仿真的相对带宽达到88.7%而实测的相对带宽为79.3%,具有超宽带特性;在工作频率处,仿真增益为6.9 dB,实测增益为5.8 dB。该天线满足某工程项目的需要,可作为探地雷达系统的收发天线。  相似文献   

介绍一种工作在3~30 MHz的宽带、圆极化、高仰角、短波小型化天线。天线以对数螺旋线为基本结构,具有底端RLC集总元件的复合加载结构,并采用矩量法进行天线设计和优化。天线尺寸在25 m×25 m×10 m范围内。实践表明,该天线具有占地小、架设简便、效率高、200 km范围内无盲区等优点,可广泛应用于短波机动通信领域。  相似文献   

A miniaturized Vivaldi antenna is presented in the paper. On the basis of original antenna, the miniaturized Vivaldi antenna applies parasitic patch and lumped resistor to improve impedance characteristics. The proposed load can expand the lower operating frequency to 1.96 GHz without changing antenna dimensions. The size of antenna is set as 43 × 40 mm2. This size is about 0.28λL × 0.26λL, where λL is the free space wavelength at 1.96 GHz. The loaded Vivaldi antenna is fabricated and measured. The simulated and measured results clarify the viability and effectiveness of the proposed design. The measured impedance bandwidth (VSWR  2) is from 2 GHz to more than 18 GHz. In addition, the measured radiation patterns and a peak gain between −1 and 9 dB can be obtained in the band of 2–18 GHz.  相似文献   

新型带扇形馈源的宽带缝隙天线   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
介绍了一种新型的采用扇形微带馈源的宽带缝隙天线,给出了反射损失曲线和辐射方向图。该天线采用稍高的相对介电常数(εr=4.3)和薄基片(h=1.1mm),获得了约106%的阻抗带宽(S11≤-10dB),频率范围是1.65GHz~5.38GHz。采用电磁仿真软件Ansoft HFSS8.0^TM对几个天线尺寸的影响进行了仿真与讨论,并与文献[6]的结果相比较,验证了设计的有效性,同时也证明了结果的可靠性。  相似文献   

一种宽频带微带天线的设计   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了宽频带渐变式微带缝隙天线的工作原理、设计参数及其对电性能的影响,设计了一种结构简单的天线形式,给出了该天线工作于S、C频段的结构尺寸以及VSWR、辐射方向图的仿真和测试数据曲线,两者之间有很好的一致性,并对影响天线性能的关键参数进行了误差计算。结果表明:在加工精度可达到的范围内,对天线性能的影响不大。该天线可应用于宽频带单极化、双极化阵列天线单元或反射面天线馈源。  相似文献   

在传统双锥天线的结构上,将双锥天线的上圆锥用圆盘替代,形成由一盘一锥构成的倒置盘锥结构的小型化超宽带盘锥天线。该天线满足新型天线的超宽工作频带、小型化、水平全向辐射的性能需求。该天线在实现超宽带性能的同时,也实现了天线的小型化和轻量化。利用电磁仿真软件CST STUDIO SUITE 2017对天线结构设计和参数优化后,采用3D打印技术加工制作了天线样品,其直径仅为74 mm(0. 17λ),高度仅为97. 37 mm(0. 23λ),其中λ为天线工作频段低端对应波长。仿真和测试结果表明,当S11(Return Loss)≤-10 d B时,天线的工作频段为0. 7~17. 1 GHz,相对带宽为184. 3%,其水平全向辐射性能良好,最大增益为6. 63 d Bi,且该天线结构简单,易于加工,具有一定的工程应用价值。  相似文献   

A broadband high-gain planar-printed end-fire antenna is presented for microwave imaging application. The proposed antenna consists of a conventional Vivaldi antenna (CVA) with slot edges (SEs) and a planar phase compensation lens (PCL). Taking into account the actual phase error along E-plane direction at antenna aperture, a more precise and detailed analysis for the printed antenna with PCL is carried out. The PCL with specific layout of rectangular patches is utilised to enhance antenna gain especially at high frequencies, while the SE technique is employed to further improve directivity at low frequencies. The final design combining PCL and SE develops an expected high-flat-gain Vivaldi antenna over the entire operating range. The CVA and the proposed antenna are fabricated and measured. The measured results agree with the simulated ones well. The proposed antenna provides a high gain of 10–11.7 dBi in the range, which corresponds to a gain increase of 0.9–3.2 dBi compared to the CVA.  相似文献   

提出一款适用于移动终端设备的小型化全网通天线, 天线由参考地和平面天线构成, 采用同轴馈电.该天线的高频通带响应通过高频单元基模与低频单元分支的高次模实现, 天线的低频通带响应通过低频单元基模实现, 并采用展宽低频单元枝节的方法实现所需低频通带带宽.天线总尺寸为30 mm×67 mm, 其中辐射单元为33 mm×30 mm, 参考地大小为34 mm×30 mm.使用微波仿真软件HFSS对天线的尺寸进行了设计优化, 并对回波损耗、天线表面电流和天线的辐射方向图进行研究.天线样品的实测-6 dB阻抗带宽为820~968 MHz, 1 695 ~3 020 MHz, 覆盖了工信部所颁布的国内移动通信运营商所用的2G、3G、4G网络的全部频段.天线结构简单、覆盖频率广、体积小, 具有一定的工程应用价值.  相似文献   

This work presents a new miniaturized and broadband metamaterial-inspired U-slotted patch antenna (MUPA), aiming to cover the full N78 band in the 5G mobile communications. Two techniques as the mushroom metamaterials and U-slotted patch are synthetically used in the MUPA. A particular MUPA is designed with low-cost low-index substrates with εr = 2.2 and further demonstrated in experiments. It is found that the new antenna has an operating bandwidth of 3.30 to 3.82 GHz (14.6%). The patch length is only 18 mm (0.21λ, λ is the wavelength at the center frequency 3.56 GHz). The radiation characteristics of the MUPA are also studied in experiments. The measured antenna gain is 5.54 dBi whereas the cross-polarizations are successfully suppressed lower than −16 dB, making the MUPA promising to meet the demands of 5G mobile communications.  相似文献   

针对短波天线小型化问题,通过分析燕尾型对数周期天线的工作原理,设计出了一种小型化短波转动对数周期天线.在小尺寸限制下,通过感性加载与L型加载集合的方式,有效地扩展了转动对数周期天线的最低工作频率.该天线可工作在3~30 MHz,而天线长度仅25 m.仿真与实际测试结果表明:该天线电压驻波比小于2.5,增益8 dBi,能够有效地进行2 000 km通信.  相似文献   

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