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The shelf life and freshness changes in pond-grown common carp (Cyprinus carpio L) during storage at 0–2°C, 5–6°C and room temperature (26–29°C) were investigated by sensory, microbiological, physical and chemical analyses. The effect of gutting on the shelf life during storage at 0–2°C was examined. Iodine/starch and potassium sorbate were examined for their effects on shelf life of whole fish stored at 0–2°C and 5–6°C. Sensory results indicated that the whole fish had a maximum shelf life of 24 to 25 days at 0– 2°C. The life of the fish to the point beyond which it would be unsuitable for sale (commercial shelf life) was 17 days at 0–2°C. Storage at 5–6°C shortened shelf life 2- to 2.5-fold. At room temperature (26–29°C), spoilage was evident after 13 h. Gutting the carp shortened its storage potential at 0–2°C. Iodine treatment of this species stored at 0–2°C and at 5–6°C did not extend shelf life. The maximum shelf life of sorbate-treated fish at 0–2°C and 5–6°C was extended by 1–2 days, commercial shelf life by 3–4 days. Total volatile basic nitrogen, pH and penetrometer analyses were not reliable indicators of changes in freshness during shelf life. Thiobarbituric acid values were not useful as rancid odours or flavours were not detected during storage.  相似文献   

为研究去鳞处理对冷藏条件下鱼类品质的影响,将鲤鱼经去鳞和不去鳞两种处理后贮藏于4℃的冰箱中,以感官评分、挥发性盐基氮(TVB-N)、硫代巴比妥酸(TBA)、K值和菌落总数为指标每2d进行测定。结果表明,感官可接受极限去鳞组为贮藏8d,不去鳞组为10d。在整个冷藏过程中,去鳞和不去鳞组TVB-N值均较稳定。TBA值去鳞组第8d为2.14mg/100g,不去鳞组第10d为2.11mg/100g。在整个冷藏过程中,菌落总数呈增长趋势,在贮藏的最后去鳞组菌落总数为6.55logcfu/g,不去鳞组为5.85logcfu/g,均未达到7.0logcfu/g。K值保持增长趋势,去鳞组第10d的K值为38.1%,但是不去鳞组第8d的K值已达43.5%。综合各指标,不去鳞处理组鱼体保藏期为10d,延长了2d。  相似文献   

Differences between white and dark muscles from common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in sensory assessment, total viable counts (TVC), total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB‐N), pH, electrical conductivity (EC), biogenic amines (BAs), nucleotide degradation products and colours were investigated under air and vacuum conditions during refrigerated (4 °C) storage. Compared with white muscle, dark muscle had a higher lipid content, but lower crude protein and moisture content. TVC, TVB‐N, pH, and L* value were higher in white muscle, while K value and a* value were higher in dark muscle. Under both conditions, white and dark muscles had significant (< 0.05) differences in tyramine and cadaverine content. Although dark muscle was significantly (< 0.05) lower in ATP content, it had higher rate of IMP degradation and K value increase. Taking sensory and microbial indexes into consideration, dark muscle appeared to have a longer shelf life than white muscle under both conditions.  相似文献   

鲤鱼肌肉蒸制过程中的品质变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用理化检验、光学显微镜和质构分析法(TPA)对新鲜鲤鱼肌肉组织在蒸制过程中理化性质、微观结构和质构特性进行了分析,并采用SDS-PAGE电泳法分析了流失液的蛋白形式,以期明确鲤鱼肌肉在蒸制过程中品质变化规律,提出鲤鱼肌肉组织蒸制的最佳工艺条件。研究表明:随加热时间延长,肌肉组织失重率、失水率和p H值呈上升趋势,肌原纤维蛋白提取率在2 min内迅速降低,而后缓慢降低。鱼肉蒸制后肌浆蛋白等水溶性蛋白流失,随时间延长蛋白质变性程度加深。加热过程中肌肉组织微观结构变化明显,纤维间隙逐渐增大直至纤维断裂。硬度、咀嚼性、回复性及剪切力均随加热时间延长而降低,在4 min后趋于平稳。综合分析,为保证营养价值和质构特性,规格为1.5 cm3的鲤鱼肌肉组织蒸制时间为4 min较好。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: High electrostatic field, as a feasible and non‐chemical technique, applied to food preservation is a new area of study. The present article intensively investigated this new preservation method, together with its effects on post‐harvest physiology and quality of tomato. RESULTS: Green mature tomatoes were exposed to negative (or positive) high electrostatic field for 2 h at 20 °C and then stored for 30 days at 13 ± 1 °C, 85–90% RH. Our results indicated that negative high electrostatic field (?2 kV cm?1) could delay the decline of firmness and the change in color, total soluble sugar and titratable acidity of tomato fruit during storage. The peak of respiration and ethylene production of tomato fruit during storage were delayed by negative high electrostatic field treatment for 6 days and 3 days, respectively. Increases of malondialdehyde content and electrical conductivity in tomato fruit were inhibited significantly by negative high electrostatic field treatment during storage (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: A high electrostatic field of ? 2 kV cm?1 can be used to keep the qualities and extend the shelf‐life of tomato fruit. Further research should be highly recommended to understand the mechanisms improving the storability of tomato fruit by negative high electrostatic field. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

高压静电场技术(HVEF)是一项保鲜新技术。以新鲜莲藕为试材,分用0、20、60、100kV/m的高压静电场处理60min后,放入约4℃的冰箱中冷藏1个月,每周测定1次各项生理指标,研究高压静电场处理对莲藕品质的影响。结果表明:经高压静电场处理的莲藕在储藏过程中色度L值下降较缓慢,PPO酶活性变化也较平缓,呼吸强度也受到一定程度的抑制,并且总酚、还原糖和可溶性蛋白含量的变化较对照也均对莲藕有有利影响,尤以60kV/m处理的效果最好。  相似文献   

Silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) skin and muscle were hydrolysed, respectively, and then used as part of an edible coating to preserve fish. The effects of muscle and skin hydrolysates as edible coatings for shelf life extension of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) were evaluated over 18 days at 4 °C, by comparing these two treatments, a chitosan coating with muscle hydrolysate, chitosan alone, and an untreated control. All coatings were made up with 5% glycerol. The quality of the carp was assessed by using total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB‐N), total viable counts (TVC), thiobarbituric acid (TBA) and K value. Compared with the control group, the rate of increase in TVB‐N, TVC, TBA and K value of carp coated with fish skin hydrolysates, fish muscle hydrolysates and chitosan added to fish muscle hydrolysates were lower. According to the total viable counts, the storage life of fish with fish skin hydrolysates coatings and chitosan added fish muscle hydrolysates coatings were 16 days, 2 days longer than those with the chitosan coatings and twice as long as the control group.  相似文献   

The preferred colour for surimi is white, but surimi prepared from light fillets of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) is slightly pink. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2; 1–3% v/v) with and without sodium tri‐polyphosphate (STP; 1–2% w/v) was added to a sodium carbonate bath (pH 7.0–11.5) resulting in a final pH range of 4.4–10.1 which was injected into carp fillets. After soaking and tumbling for 30 min at 4–10 °C, the fillets were evaluated for colour and water holding capacity (WHC). Fillets tumbled with treatment solution with different pH levels (7.0–11.5), but with no H2O2 or STP added, had improved colour with significantly (P < 0.05) higher L* compared with untreated fillets as the control. However, the colour improvement [(L* and colour deviation (ΔE)] was not significantly different (P > 0.05) within the pH levels (7.0–11.5) trialled. With increasing H2O2 levels (1–3%), fillets became lighter and ΔE increased significantly (P < 0.05), especially with a 3% H2O2 treatment at pH of 10.5 (adjusted pH before H2O2 addition, actual pH after H2O2 addition was 8.2). The whiteness (L*?3b*) of kamaboko produced from treated (3% H2O2, pH 10.5) common carp light fillets was not significantly different to that of kamaboko from Alaska pollock and threadfin bream. Treatments combining H2O2 (3%) with STP (1–2%) significantly reduced the L* value obtained in comparison with fillets treated with only H2O2 (3%). Similarly, fillets treated with STP (1%) alone, resulting in lower L* values, irrespective of treatment pH (7.0–11.5). WHC, an indicator of the quality of the fillet texture, increased from 816 g/kg at pH 7.0 without STP to 841 g/kg at pH 11.5 with 1% STP. Treatment with H2O2 (without STP) decreased the WHC of the fillets.  相似文献   

The effect of chilled, frozen and freeze‐chilled storage on quality of grass carp fillets and soups was evaluated by sensory score, total aerobic counts and biochemical quality. Fish fillets were stored at 4 °C for 6 days (T1), ?40 °C for 12 h and then at ?20 °C for 5 days (T2), ?40 °C for 12 h and then at ?20 °C for 5 days, followed by at 4 °C for 4 days (T3). T1 showed higher sensory score, salt‐soluble protein content, better colour and texture qualities than T2 and T3 within 3 days. All fillets kept good quality based on the acceptable limit of sensory score, total volatile basic nitrogen and total aerobic count during storage time. According to the transportation and retail time, chilled storage is appropriate when it is within 3 days. If it extends for 5 days, freeze‐chilling treatment keeps better quality, but later chilled fillets should be retailed within 4 days.  相似文献   

Thermal stability of sarcoplasmic protein and myofibrillar protein extracted from fresh and frozen common carp was comparatively studied. Total sulphydryl content (SH) in sarcoplasmic protein solution from 5‐month frozen carp decreased by 19.43% compared with fresh sample. The SDS‐PAGE patterns showed that all the bands of sarcoplasmic protein from frozen‐stored samples were almost invisible at 80 °C. Myofibrillar protein from fresh sample exhibited lower turbidity and surface hydrophobicity and higher Ca2+‐ATPase activity and SH content than frozen‐stored sample when heated from 20 to 80 °C. The Ca2+‐ATPase activity from fresh (M0), 2 (M2)‐ and 5 (M5)‐month frozen‐stored carp was completely lost at 48, 46 and 46 °C, respectively. When heated to 80 °C, the SH content of myofibrillar solutions in M0, M2 and M5 decreased by 26%, 60% and 70%, respectively. Sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar proteins from frozen carp were more susceptible to aggregate during heating treatment.  相似文献   

It is unclear whether accumulation of sediment-bound chemicals in benthivorous fish depends on the degree of sequestration in the sediment like it does for invertebrates. Here, we report on the potential of slow and fast desorbing sediment-bound polychlorobiphenyl (PCB) fractions for accumulation in carp (Cyprinus carpio) in lake enclosures treated with different nutrient doses. Routes of PCB uptake were quantitatively evaluated for 15 PCBs (log Kow range 5.6-7.8) using model analysis. Fast-desorbing PCB fractions in the sediment were defined as the ratio of 6-h Tenax-extractable to (total) Soxhlet-extractable concentrations. These fractions varied between 4 and 22% and did not show a clear trend with log Kow. However, bioaccumulation of PCBs in carp correlated much better with Tenax-extractable concentrations than with total-extractable concentrations. Nutrient additions in the enclosures had a positive effect on PCB accumulation. Model results showthat PCB uptake in carp can be explained from (1) uptake through invertebrate food, (2) uptake from fast-desorbing fractions in ingested sediments, and (3) uptake from water, where PCBs are in partitioning equilibrium with fast-desorbing fractions. The main implication of this research is that fast-desorbing PCB fractions in sediments have great predictive potential for bioaccumulation in benthivorous fish.  相似文献   

To understand the quality changes in Songpu mirror carp (Cyprinus carpio) fillets during chilled storage, sensory score, total aerobic counts (TAC), total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB‐N) and electrical conductivity (EC) of the fillets stored at 270, 273, 276, 282 and 288 K were investigated. Furthermore, both Arrhenius model and log‐logistic model were established to predict the quality changes. The high regression coefficients (R2 > 0.90) represented the acceptability of both Arrhenius model and log‐logistic model. Relative errors between predicted values and observed values were all within ±5% for models based on EC, within ± 25% for models based on TAC and TVB‐N (except the TVB‐N value on 9th and 15th day). The relative errors of sensory score were all within ±35% in the first 9 days. It is concluded that both Arrhenius model and log‐logistic model based on EC, TAC or TVB‐N can be applied in modelling quality changes in Songpu mirror carp fillets during storage within 270–288 K.  相似文献   

Ultrasound-assisted freezing (UF) has proven to be a method that can effectively increase the freezing rate of frozen food and improve its quality. The functional properties of myofibrillar proteins (MP) are important factors that affect the further processing quality of meat products. At present, the effect of UF on the functional properties of frozen MP is not yet clear. Therefore, in the present study, changes in the functional properties (emulsifying and gel properties) of MP in common carps (Cyprinus carpio) frozen with UF at different power levels were investigated. The results revealed that, compared with immersion freezing (IF), UF at 175 W (UF-175) effectively inhibited the decrease in protein solubility, absolute Zeta potential, emulsion activity index, storage modulus (G'), and loss modulus (G'') caused by freezing. UF-175 sample had lower protein turbidity, and smaller protein particle size than any other frozen samples (P < 0.05), which suggested that UF-175 inhibited protein aggregation induced by freezing. In addition, shorter T21 and T22 relaxation times were obtained in UF-175 sample than other frozen samples, indicating that UF-175 reduced the mobility of immobilized and free water. Accordingly, UF-175 sample had higher gel strength and water holding capacity than other frozen samples (P < 0.05). A denser and more uniform gel network structure was also found in UF-175 sample than other frozen samples. In general, improved functional properties of common carp MP can be achieved by optimal UF.  相似文献   

《Food chemistry》2005,90(3):445-452
Changes in three of the major biochemical components – nucleotides, lipids and proteins – related to quality loss in farmed turbot, were determined during 29 days of iced storage; results were complemented with sensory analysis. Nucleotide degradation, as estimated by the K value, underwent a gradual increase until day 19, in agreement with the loss of freshness observed for the sensory scores (high quality: days 0–2; good quality: days 3–14; fair quality: days 15–19). After day 19, the fish was judged unacceptable and the K value did not show differences until the end of storage. Lipid hydrolysis and oxidation occurred at slow rates, free fatty acid contents and the peroxide value being below 20.0 g kg−1 lipids and 4.00 meq active oxygen kg−1 lipids, respectively, during the whole storage. The content of fluorescent compounds did not increase significantly until day 19, when a sharp increase was detected. The electrophoretic protein profiles of turbot muscle did not point to any major protein degradation event or any significant change in protein during storage. However, a new band, corresponding to 22 kDa, could be observed at day 2 in the low-ionic strength buffer extract, whose concentration seemed to increase at days 9 and 14 and was present until the end of the chilled storage. The results obtained in this work indicate slow and gradual biochemical changes and long shelf life and good quality times (19 and 14 days, respectively) for iced turbot; these long times would be very profitable when turbot commercialisation is carried out in places distant from production farms.  相似文献   

The fish body of cultured common carp (Cyprinus carpio) was divided into six sections, including the upper back, lower back, jaw, chest, belly, and tail. Differences in the physicochemical, micro-structural, and textural properties of different muscle tissues were investigated. The upper and lower back, with high content of protein, low content of fat, high water-holding capacity, and desirable textural properties, was proven to be the most valuable part of common carp from both a nutritional point-of-view and an organoleptic perspective. This could provide a theoretic basis for the comprehensive utilization of freshwater fish.  相似文献   

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