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In order to overcome the narrow-bandwidth of the patch antenna, one kind of configuration which can widen the bandwidth significantly is discussed in this letter. Analyzed by the equivalent-circuits method and simulated by HFSS, a rule derived from simulated results that can aid to design the microstrip antennas is found. Finally, the structure parameters are optimized out, which reaches 44.67% impedance bandwidth. Furthermore, this kind of configuration can also be applied to the multi-layer patch antenna.  相似文献   

A novel compact quadrature feeding circuit for a circularly polarized antenna is described. The equivalent circuit method in microwave network theory is used and the conventional directional coupler is converted to a new quadrature feeding circuit. This feeding circuit has the same characteristics as the conventional directional coupler but its size is only about one fourth of that of the latter. The formulas for designing the feeding circuit are given. The optimized results obtained by using the software ENSEMBLE are also reported.  相似文献   

In this paper, the slot loaded microstrip antenna has been developed with Sierpinski gasket technique. The proposed Modified Square Sierpinski Gasket (MSSG) fractal antenna involves a square patch utilizing Sierpinski gasket (triangular) structure. Four triangular slots are loaded at each iteration. The structure is then simulated using commercially available Ansoft HFSS simulator. The multi-band operation has been achieved by the proposed antenna at 15.915 GHz, 20.045 GHz, 23.077 GHz, 27.77 GHz frequencies with −20 dB, −25 dB, −22 dB, −28 dB return loss respectively which works well for Ku (12–18 GHz) and K (18–27 GHz) band. The consistent result is obtained after simulation and the validity of fabricated design is checked by the measured result. The designed antenna is an attractive candidate for applications like wireless multi-band communication systems.  相似文献   

Theoretical and experimental investigations carried out on shorted microstrip patch antenna for dual band operation. The investigations were carried out by varying the shorting-pin position from the edge to the centre of the patch; such an antenna provides a frequency tunability range from 0.88?GHz to 1.08?GHz for first resonance and from 2.20?GHz to 2.59?GHz for second resonance. A frequency ratio of about 2.91 to 2.2 for the two operating frequencies is observed. When the shorting-pin position is close to centre or at the centre of the patch, a single resonant frequency is observed. It is also observed that the resonant frequency of the antenna heavily depends upon the thickness of the substrate, dielectric constant of the substrate and radius of the shorting-pin.  相似文献   

分形开槽减缩微带天线RCS   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
分形由于其独特的结构及性能早已在天线的设计中有所应用,但较少地应用于天线雷达散射截面减缩。本文首次将分形思想应用到开槽微带天线中。设计了一副分形开槽微带天线,与常规微带天线相比,在辐射性能降低不多的同时较好地实现了整个频带RCS减缩。  相似文献   

设计了一种单点馈电的小型微带正方形贴片开槽天线,通过控制二极管的开关状态改变贴片上两个相互正交开槽的状态,可以实现左旋与右旋圆极化的切换.文中给出了Ansoft HFSS9.0的仿真结果和实测结果.仿真与测试结果表明,这种极化可变可重构微带天线具有较好的圆极化特性,可以应用于无线通讯与卫星通信领域.  相似文献   

Fuzzy genetic algorithm (FGA) is applied to the problem of synthesizing a probe-fed circular microstrip antenna element with thick substrate taking resonant frequency, gain, bandwidth and input impedance of the antenna element into consideration simultaneously. The results obtained by FGA are compared with the results obtained by classical genetic algorithm (CGA).  相似文献   

宽频带正方形微带贴片天线的设计   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
微带天线的窄频特性是限制它广泛应用的原因之一。目前提出了很多展宽微带天线频带的方法,可以增加微带天线的带宽。本文通过增加空气介质的厚度,同时利用圆形金属电容片补偿馈电探针引起的电感,对微带天线进行耦合馈电,实现了宽频带微带天线的设计。天线工作在LS和S波段,测量结果表明,天线的相对阻抗带宽可达到42.3%(VSWR≤2),且在工作频段内方向性基本良好。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于导电碳纳米管网薄膜的贴片天线单元,简要介绍了碳纳米管网薄膜的制备技术。通过仿真和实验对比,研究了导电率对碳纳米管网薄膜贴片天线辐射性能的影响。仿真结果表明:当碳纳米管网薄膜贴片导电率达到10000S/m以上时,微带贴片天线的辐射性能与金属铜贴片相当,导电率1200S/m贴片单元的实测结果验证了仿真结果是正确的。  相似文献   

基于简单易行的传输线模型并结合积分方程法,计及微带天线单元间的传输损耗,构建了幅度加权串馈微带天线阵的非线性方程组,通过LM(Lvenberg-Marquardt)方法求解了约束条件下的方程组,获得了串馈加权微带天线阵的设计参数.给出的设计实例表明该设计方法是快速综合微带串馈天线阵的简捷有效方法,理论计算与实验结果吻合.  相似文献   

多层微带贴片天线的三维全波分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
提出一种基于3D-FDFD分析多层微带贴片天线的方法,在计算中有用非均匀网格减少对内存的需要,并且利用G.Mur’s二阶吸收条件和场平均吸收条件截断网格。利用最小二乘法和压缩存储技术求解稀疏矩阵方程。计算了两种典型馈电的贴片天线,并与已有的结果作了比较,获得较好的一致性。  相似文献   

A new design of reconfigurable single-feed circular patch microstrip antenna for dual-band circular polarization application is proposed. The dual-band functionality is realized through incorporating cross-slots of equal slot length in the circular patch and utilizing two PIN diodes to switch the slots on or off. A pairs of tuning stubs are used to tune the circular polarization performance. The design process is presented and good results were obtained.  相似文献   

紧凑型双馈圆极化微带天线阵列在E面和H面存在严重互耦,会导致天线阵列的整体性能显著下降.为此,设计了二单元圆极化微带天线阵列,建立了参数化HFSS模型,对天线单元间距、辐射基片切向方向边缘效应对E面和H面互耦影响进行了仿真和分析,结果表明存在临界单元间距值.小于该值时,H面的互耦比E面的严重,反之H面的互耦会随着间距加大而显著下降;对于E面互耦,辐射基片切向方向的介质边缘存在对应最小E面互耦的最佳尺寸,但对于H面互耦,介质边缘效应并不显著.进一步设计了具有典型参数值的实物样品,测试结果验证了上述情况,并表明:介质边缘效应只能改善E面互耦,但对H面互耦的改善需要采用其它方法.  相似文献   

小型多馈源宽频微带天线分析与设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
孙莉  周力  欧钢  张勇虎 《微波学报》2007,23(6):44-47
本文着重研究了提高轴比带宽的方法。从多馈源实现圆极化的机理出发,从理论上分析证明了采用多馈源技术可有效展宽轴比带宽。在小型微带贴片天线上,设计馈电网络,采用探针馈电,为贴片提供等幅、相位相差90°的激励,形成圆极化。仿真及实测结果表明,这种天线与单馈点天线相比,展宽了轴比带宽,提高了低仰角不圆度指标。  相似文献   

该文基于互补天线的原理,研究了一种基于印刷振子和圆形微带贴片的双极化天线单元,其中印刷振子为电流辐射源,圆形微带贴片等效为磁流辐射源,它们分别组成了两个极化端口,在空间形成双极化的辐射场。采用全波电磁仿真技术对该天线结构进行了电磁仿真和优化设计,仿真结果表明,在工作频带范围内,所设计的双极化天线的隔离度达到22 dB以上,在主辐射方向的交叉极化电平低于-20 dB。加工了双极化天线单元并进行了测试,其电压驻波比、端口隔离度和交叉极化电平均满足双极化天线的技术指标要求,验证了该双极化天线设计的可行性。  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel parasitic configuration to reduce the mutual coupling between two adjacent microstrip patch antennas is presented. It is shown that mutual coupling between the antenna elements can be reduced significantly by two simple slots structure on the ground plane and several shorted simple conducting strips between patch antennas. The structure has been constructed and tested. Both simulated and measured results are presented. The results are shown that more than 7 dB reduction within operational frequency bandwidth with the maximum 41 dB mutual coupling at center frequency can be achieved. The measurement results prove the high efficiency of this configuration in multi antenna systems.  相似文献   

宽角度圆极化天线及其阵列可以广泛应用于车载、机载和星载雷达系统等很多方面,用以在更宽空间范围内接收或发射电磁波。本文提出了一种宽角圆极化微带天线,并在此基础上设计了一个1×4 单元的宽角度圆极化扫描直线阵列。该阵列具有结构紧凑、重量轻和宽角度范围内实现圆极化扫描等突出优点。  相似文献   

为展宽微带天线的频带,本文提出一种利用电抗补偿原理的宽频带双端馈电技术。文中介绍了原理和设计原则,建立了一种实用结构的理论分析和优化设计,并给出了多种实验模型和测试结果。理论和实测表明,这一技术可使微带贴片天线的驻波比带宽展宽到2到3倍或更大。  相似文献   

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