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In this paper, we investigate the fuzzy multi-attribute group decision making (FMAGDM) problems in which all the information provided by the decision makers (DMs) is expressed as the trapezoidal interval type-2 fuzzy sets (IT2 FS). We introduce the concepts of interval possibility mean value and present a new method for calculating the possibility degree of two trapezoidal IT2 FS. Then, we develop two aggregation techniques called the trapezoidal interval type-2 fuzzy geometric Bonferroni mean (TIT2FGBM) operator and the trapezoidal interval type-2 fuzzy weighted geometric Bonferroni mean (TIT2FWGBM) operator. We study its properties and discuss its special cases. Based on the TIT2FWGBM operator and the possibility degree, the method of FMAGDM with trapezoidal interval type-2 fuzzy information is proposed. Finally, an illustrative example is given to verify the developed approaches and to demonstrate their practicality and effectiveness.  相似文献   

针对决策信息为犹豫模糊信息且输入的决策信息之间存在相互关系的多准则群决策问题,提出了一种基于阿基米德T-范数和S-范数的广义犹豫模糊Bonferroni平均(GHFBM)算子,并建立一种新的多准则群决策方法,其优点是不仅能够在信息集结的过程中考虑到输入变量之间的相互联系,还使得群决策方法应用范围更加广泛。在此过程中,研究了GHFBM算子的一些优良性质,包括单调性、幂等性、有界性以及置换不变性等。紧接着,分别对参数和加性算子赋予不同的数值和函数,详细探讨了GHFBM的一些常用形式。结合对计算机网络系统更新方案的选择实例,对提出的群决策方法进行合理性与有效性验证。  相似文献   

A fuzzy multi-criteria group decision making approach that makes use of quality function deployment (QFD), fusion of fuzzy information and 2-tuple linguistic representation model is developed for supplier selection. The proposed methodology seeks to establish the relevant supplier assessment criteria while also considering the impacts of inner dependence among them. Two interrelated house of quality matrices are constructed, and fusion of fuzzy information and 2-tuple linguistic representation model are employed to compute the weights of supplier selection criteria and subsequently the ratings of suppliers. The proposed method is apt to manage non-homogeneous information in a decision setting with multiple information sources. The decision framework presented in this paper employs ordered weighted averaging (OWA) operator, and the aggregation process is based on combining information by means of fuzzy sets on a basic linguistic term set. The proposed framework is illustrated through a case study conducted in a private hospital in Istanbul.  相似文献   

Both academic and corporate interest in sustainable supply chains has increased in recent years. Supplier selection process is one of the key operational tasks for sustainable supply chain management. This paper examines the problem of identifying an effective model based on sustainability principles for supplier selection operations in supply chains. Due to its multi-criteria nature, the sustainable supplier evaluation process requires an appropriate multi-criteria analysis and solution approach. The approach should also consider that decision makers might face situations such as time pressure, lack of expertise in related issue, etc., during the evaluation process. The paper develops a novel approach based on fuzzy analytic network process within multi-person decision-making schema under incomplete preference relations. The method not only makes sufficient evaluations using the provided preference information, but also maintains the consistency level of the evaluations. Finally, the paper analyzes the sustainability of a number of suppliers in a real-life problem to demonstrate the validity of the proposed evaluation model.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an advanced type of neutrosophic technique, called type 2 neutrosophic numbers, and defines some of its operational rules. The type 2 neutrosophic number weighted averaging operator is determined in order to collective the type 2 neutrosophic number set, inferring some properties of the suggested operator. The operator is employed in a MADM problem to collect the type 2 neutrosophic numbers based classification values of each alternative over the features. The convergent classification values of every alternative are arranged with the assistance of score and accuracy values with the aim to detect the superior alternative. We introduce an illuminating example to confirm the suggested approach for multi attribute decision making issues, ordering the alternatives based on the accuracy function. Selecting an appropriate alternative among the selection options is a difficult activity for decision makers, since it is complicated to express attributes as crisp numbers. To tackle the problem, type 2 neutrosophic numbers can be efficiently used to estimate information in the decision making process. The type 2 neutrosophic numbers can accurately describe real cognitive information. We propose a novel T2NN-TOPSIS strategy combining type 2 neutrosophic numbers and TOPSIS under group decision making as application of T2NN, suggesting a type 2 neutrosophic number expression for linguistic terms. Finally, we provide a real case dealing with a decision making problem based on the proposed T2NN-TOPSIS methodology to prove the efficiency and the applicability of the type 2 neutrosophic number.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to introduce a novel generalized distance measure for interval valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets and to illustrate the applicability of the proposed distance measure to group decision making problems. Firstly, a generalized distance measure is proposed along with proofs satisfying its axioms. Then, a comparison between the proposed distance measure and well-known distance measures is performed in terms of counter-intuitive cases. Subsequently, the extension of TOPSIS method, in which the proposed distance measure is used to calculate separation measures, to an interval valued intuitionistic fuzzy (IVIF) environment is demonstrated to solve multi-criteria group decision making (MCGDM) problems using optimal criteria weights determined with linear programming model based on the concept of maximizing relative closeness coefficient. Finally, two illustrative examples are provided for proof-of-concept purposes and to demonstrate benefits of using the proposed distance measure over the existing ones in IVIF TOPSIS method for MCGDM problems.  相似文献   

As an important component of group decision making, the hybrid multi-criteria group decision making (MCGDM) is very complex and interesting in real applications. The purpose of this paper is to develop a novel interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy (IVIF) mathematical programming method for hybrid MCGDM considering alternative comparisons with hesitancy degrees. The subjective preference relations between alternatives given by each decision maker (DM) are formulated as an IVIF set (IVIFS). The IVIFSs, intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IFSs), trapezoidal fuzzy numbers (TrFNs), linguistic variables, intervals and real numbers are used to represent the multiple types of criteria values. The information of criteria weights is incomplete. The IVIFS-type consistency and inconsistency indices are defined through considering the fuzzy positive and negative ideal solutions simultaneously. To determine the criteria weights, we construct a novel bi-objective IVIF mathematical programming of minimizing the inconsistency index and meanwhile maximizing the consistency index, which is solved by the technically developed linear goal programming approach. The individual ranking order of alternatives furnished by each DM is subsequently obtained according to the comprehensive relative closeness degrees of alternatives to the fuzzy positive ideal solution. The collective ranking order of alternatives is derived through establishing a new multi-objective assignment model. A real example of critical infrastructure evaluation is provided to demonstrate the applicability and effectiveness of this method.  相似文献   

Decision support for supplier selection is a highly researched theme in procurement management literature. However applications of group decision support theories are yet to be explored extensively in this domain. This study proposes an approach for group decision support for the supplier selection problem by integrating fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) for group decision making and fuzzy goal programming for discriminant analysis. In the first step, the fuzzy AHP theory with the Geometric Mean Method has been used to prioritize and aggregate the preferences of a group of decision makers. Then consensus has been developed between these aggregated priorities using the Ordinal Consensus Improvement Approach. Subsequently, the consensual priorities of this group of decision makers have been integrated with fuzzy goal programming theory for discriminant analysis to provide predictive decision support. Finally it has been shown through a case study how the integrated approach using fuzzy AHP for group decision making and fuzzy goal programming with soft constraints has been more effective as compared to an existing approach for group decision making using only AHP.  相似文献   

A more scientific decision making process for radio frequency identification (RFID) technology selection is important to increase success rate of RFID technology application. RFID technology selection can be formulated as a kind of group decision making (GDM) problem with intuitionistic fuzzy preference relations (IFPRs). This paper develops a novel method for solving such problems. First, A technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) based method is presented to rank intuitionistic fuzzy values (IFVs). To achieve higher group consensus as well as possible, we construct an intuitionistic fuzzy linear programming model to derive experts’ weights. Depending on the construction of membership and non-membership functions, the constructed intuitionistic fuzzy linear programming model is solved by three kinds of approaches: optimistic approach, pessimistic approach and mixed approach. Then to derive the ranking order of alternatives from the collective IFPR, we extend quantifier guided non-dominance degree (QGNDD) and quantifier guided dominance degree (QGDD) to intuitionistic fuzzy environment. A new two-phase ranking approach is designed to generate the ordering of alternatives based on QGNDD and QGDD. Thereby, the corresponding method is proposed for the GDM problems with IFPRs. Some generalizations on the constructed intuitionistic fuzzy linear programming model are further discussed. At length, the validity of the proposed method is illustrated with a real-world RFID technology selection example.  相似文献   

Fuzzy set theory has been used as an approach to deal with uncertainty in the supplier selection decision process. However, most studies limit applications of fuzzy set theory to outranking potential suppliers, not including a qualification stage in the decision process, in which non-compensatory types of decision rules can be used to reduce the set of potential suppliers. This paper presents a supplier selection decision method based on fuzzy inference that integrates both types of approaches: a non-compensatory rule for sorting in qualification stages and a compensatory rule for ranking in the final selection. Fuzzy inference rules model human reasoning and are embedded in the system, which is an advantage when compared to approaches that combine fuzzy set theory with multicriteria decision making methods. Fuzzy inference combined with a fuzzy rule-based classification method is used to categorize suppliers in qualification stages. Classes of supplier performance can be represented by linguistic terms, which allow decision makers to deal with subjectivity and to express qualification requirements in linguistic formats. Implementation of the proposed method and techniques were analyzed and discussed using an illustrative case. Three defuzzification operators were used in the final selection, yielding the same ranking. Factorial design was applied to test consistency and sensitivity of the inference rules. The findings reinforce the argument that including stages of qualification based on fuzzy inference and categorization makes this method especially useful for selecting from a large set of potential suppliers and also for first time purchase.  相似文献   

Ye [Ye Jun. Improved method of multicriteria fuzzy decision making based on vague sets. Computer-Aid Design 2007;39:164–9] presented an improved method to handle multi-criteria fuzzy decision-making problems based on vague set theory. He/She provided some functions to measure the degree of suitability of each alternative with respect to a set of criteria presented by vague values. However, in some cases, these functions do not give sufficient information about alternatives. Therefore, in this paper, an enhanced method is provided to measure the accuracy membership of each alternative so as to give additional information for the decision maker. In addition, to making computing and ranking results easier and to increase the recruiting productivity, a computer-based decision-support system is also developed, which may help to make a decision more efficiently.  相似文献   

针对准则权重不完全的犹豫模糊多准则决策问题,提出基于区间梯形二型犹豫模糊数的决策方法.首先,给出区间梯形二型犹豫模糊数,根据几何面积法定义区间梯形二型犹豫模糊数的可能度和差异度;然后,利用差异度和离差最大化模型得到各准则权重,基于TOPSIS思想得到各方案的综合贴近度,并对方案进行排序;最后,通过算例分析和对比分析验证了所提出方法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

将Power算子推广到直觉模糊环境中,提出了直觉模糊Power交叉影响平均算子,考虑了不同直觉模糊集的隶属度与非隶属度之间可能存在的交叉影响,根据数学归纳法得到了其具体计算公式,并研究了其性质。实例说明了新的集成算子在多属性群决策应用中的有效性。将提出的算子与现存的直觉模糊Power平均算子做了稳定性比较。  相似文献   

构建了区间犹豫模糊三角相似度公式,并且研究了区间犹豫模糊环境下属性权重信息完全未知的多属性群决策方法。首先基于正弦三角函数构造了区间犹豫模糊三角相似度公式,并证明其满足区间犹豫模糊相似度公理化定义的四个条件;接着给出了区间犹豫模糊交叉熵的公理性定义,同时研究了区间犹豫模糊相似度和区间犹豫模糊交叉熵的关系;最后基于区间犹豫模糊三角相似度,提出了在属性权重信息完全未知条件下的区间犹豫模糊多属性群决策方法,并用实例验证该方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

As a special intuitionistic fuzzy set on a real number set, trapezoidal intuitionistic fuzzy numbers (TrIFNs) have the better capability to model ill-known quantities. The purpose of this paper is to develop some power geometric operators of TrIFNs and apply to multi-attribute group decision making (MAGDM) with TrIFNs. First, the lower and upper weighted possibility means of TrIFNs are introduced as well as weighted possibility means. Hereby, a new lexicographic method is developed to rank TrIFNs. The Minkowski distance between TrIFNs is defined. Then, four kinds of power geometric operators of TrIFNs are investigated including the power geometric operator of TrIFNs, power weighted geometric operator of TrIFNs, power ordered weighted geometric operator of TrIFNs and power hybrid geometric operator of TrIFNs. Their desirable properties are discussed. Four methods for MAGDM with TrIFNs are respectively proposed for the four cases whether the weight vectors of attributes and DMs are known or unknown. In these methods, the individual overall attribute values of alternatives are generated by using the power geometric or power weighted geometric operator of TrIFNs. The collective overall attribute values of alternatives are determined through constructing the multi-objective optimization model, which is transformed into the goal programming model to solve. Thus, the ranking order of alternatives is obtained according to the collective overall attribute values of alternatives. Finally, the green supplier selection problem is illustrated to demonstrate the application and validation of the proposed method.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to propose a method to aggregate the opinion of several decision makers on different criteria, regarding a set of alternatives, where the judgment of the decision makers are represented by generalized interval-valued trapezoidal fuzzy numbers. A generalized interval valued trapezoidal fuzzy number based technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution is proposed that can reflect subjective judgment and objective information in real life. The weights of criteria and performance rating values of criteria are linguistic variables expressed as generalized interval-valued trapezoidal fuzzy numbers. Finally, an illustrative example is provided to elaborate the proposed method for the selection of a suitable robot according to our requirements.  相似文献   

基于我国银行业所面临的数据匮乏、信息披露制度不完善等问题,国际上先进的统计量化方法并不能完全适用于对我国操作风险的评价,从定性和定量相结合的角度出发,针对操作风险评价中的多属性群决策问题,提出一种在区间模糊语言信息下基于不确定的拓展有序加权平均算子(UEOWA)和不确定语言混合集结算子(ULHA)的多专家多属性商业银行操作风险评价方法,构建基于区间模糊语言的评价集来描述专家不精确、难量化的意见,梳理评价思路,设计评价步骤,通过实例验证了该方法的可操作性和有效性。  相似文献   

江文奇 《控制与决策》2015,30(6):1059-1064
运用VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje (VIKOR)方法研究模糊多准则群决策问题常常将其分成模糊信息集结和VIKOR方法求解两个阶段。个体评估信息集结方法不同,所得到的群体集结结果也不同,获得的妥协解可能会存在较大差异。鉴于此,基于含有三角模糊数的多准则群决策问题,分析现有两种主流群体信息集结方法存在的缺陷,基于个体评估值与群体评估值的距离最优和较高的相似度两个目标,设计群体信息集结优化模型,提出一种拓展的VIKOR方法。最后通过实例分析说明了所提出方法的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

In order to simulate the hesitancy and uncertainty associated with impression or vagueness, a decision maker may give her/his judgments by means of hesitant fuzzy preference relations in the process of decision making. The study of their consistency becomes a very important aspect to avoid a misleading solution. This paper defines the concept of additive consistent hesitant fuzzy preference relations. The characterizations of additive consistent hesitant fuzzy preference relations are studied in detail. Owing to the limitations of the experts’ professional knowledge and experience, the provided preferences in a hesitant fuzzy preference relation are usually incomplete. Consequently, this paper introduces the concepts of incomplete hesitant fuzzy preference relation, acceptable incomplete hesitant fuzzy preference relation, and additive consistent incomplete hesitant fuzzy preference relation. Then, two estimation procedures are developed to estimate the missing information in an expert's incomplete hesitant fuzzy preference relation. The first procedure is used to construct an additive consistent hesitant fuzzy preference relation from the lowest possible number, (n  1), of pairwise comparisons. The second one is designed for the estimation of missing elements of the acceptable incomplete hesitant fuzzy preference relations with more known judgments. Moreover, an algorithm is given to solve the multi-criteria group decision making problem with incomplete hesitant fuzzy preference relations. Finally, a numerical example is provided to illustrate the solution processes of the developed algorithm and to verify its effectiveness and practicality.  相似文献   

基于混合VIKOR方法的供应商选择决策模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

通过文献统计方法构建供应商选择评价准则体系. 针对主客观评价准则下多种数据类型混合的评价信息, 提出根据采集到的原始数据客观确定决策者和决策准则权重, 避免主观赋权带来的二次不确定性. 采用基于混合信息的VIKOR方法集结评价值, 以克服数据类型的不可公度性和数据转换造成的信息损失. 从理论、数值实验和敏感性分析3 个维度与TOPSIS 方法进行对比, 表明了所提出方法在供应商选择决策过程中的特点和优势.


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