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A smart manufacturing system (SMS) is a multi-field physical system with complex couplings among various components. Usually, designers in various fields can only design subsystems of an SMS based on the limited cognition of dynamics. Conducting SMS designs concurrently and developing a unified model to effectively imitate every interaction and behavior of manufacturing processes are challenging. As an emerging technology, digital twins can achieve semi-physical simulations to reduce the vast time and cost of physical commissioning/reconfiguration by the early detection of design errors/flaws of the SMS. However, the development of the digital twins concept in the SMS design remains vague. An innovative Function-Structure-Behavior-Control-Intelligence-Performance (FSBCIP) framework is proposed to review how digital twins technologies are integrated into and promote the SMS design based on a literature search in the Web of Science database. The definitions, frameworks, major design steps, new blueprint models, key enabling technologies, design cases, and research directions of digital twins-based SMS design are presented in this survey. It is expected that this survey will shed new light on urgent industrial concerns in developing new SMSs in the Industry 4.0 era. 相似文献
In the Industry 4.0 era, manufacturers strive to remain competitive by using advanced technologies such as collaborative robots, automated guided vehicles, augmented reality support and smart devices. However, only if these technological advancements are integrated into their system context in a seamless way, they can deliver their full potential to a manufacturing organization. This integration requires a system architecture as a blueprint for positioning and interconnection of the technologies. For this purpose, the HORSE framework, resulting from the HORSE EU H2020 project, has been developed to act as a reference architecture of a cyber-physical system to integrate various Industry 4.0 technologies and support hybrid manufacturing processes, i.e., processes in which human and robotic workers collaborate. The architecture has been created using design science research, based on well-known software engineering frameworks, established manufacturing domain standards and practical industry requirements. The value of a reference architecture is mainly established by application in practice. For this purpose, this paper presents the application and evaluation of the HORSE framework in 10 manufacturing plants across Europe, each with its own characteristics. Through the physical deployment and demonstration, the framework proved its goal to be basis for the well-structured design of an operational smart manufacturing cyber-physical system that provides horizontal, cross-functional management of manufacturing processes and vertical control of heterogeneous technologies in work cells. We report on valuable insights on the difficulties to realize such systems in specific situations. The experiences form the basis for improved adoption, further improvement and extension of the framework. In sum, this paper shows how a reference architecture framework supports the structured application of Industry 4.0 technologies in manufacturing environments that so far have relied on more traditional digital technology. 相似文献
Future factories will feature strong integration of physical machines and cyber-enabled software, working seamlessly to improve manufacturing production efficiency. In these digitally enabled and network connected factories, each physical machine on the shop floor can have its ‘virtual twin’ available in cyberspace. This ‘virtual twin’ is populated with data streaming in from the physical machines to represent a near real-time as-is state of the machine in cyberspace. This results in the virtualization of a machine resource to external factory manufacturing systems. This paper describes how streaming data can be stored in a scalable and flexible document schema based database such as MongoDB, a data store that makes up the virtual twin system. We present an architecture, which allows third-party integration of software apps to interface with the virtual manufacturing machines. We evaluate our database schema against query statements and provide examples of how third-party apps can interface with manufacturing machines using the VMM middleware. Finally, we discuss an operating system architecture for VMMs across the manufacturing cyberspace, which necessitates command and control of various virtualized manufacturing machines, opening new possibilities in cyber-physical systems in manufacturing. 相似文献
Digital twins can achieve hardware-in-the-loop simulation of both physical equipment and cyber model, which could be used to avoid the considerable cost of manufacturing system reconfiguration if the design deficiencies are found in the deployment process of the traditional irreversible design approach. Based on the digital twin technology, a quad-play CMCO (i.e., Configuration design-Motion planning-Control development-Optimization decoupling) design architecture is put forward for the design of the flow-type smart manufacturing system in the Industry 4.0 context. The iteration logic of the CMCO design model is expounded. Two key enabling technologies for enabling the customized and software-defined design of flow-type smart manufacturing systems are presented, including the generalized encapsulation of the quad-play CMCO model and the digital twin technique. A prototype of a digital twin-based manufacturing system design platform, named Digital Twin System, is presented based on the CMCO model. The digital twin-based design platform is verified with a case study of the hollow glass smart manufacturing system. The result shows that the Digital Twin System-based design approach is feasible and efficient. 相似文献
The emergence of new technologies is providing new ways to compete in the current context of changeable and unpredictable market requirements. The focus of this paper is on Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs), as one of the most promising transformative technological concept of such a context, thus considered by literature as the building blocks of future smart factories. However, CPSs are still in their conceptualization phase. To this end, much literature effort has been put on their technological characterization, while there is a lack of knowledge on the operations management characterization to manage such new systems. To contribute in this latter direction, this paper reviews literature in order to distinguish between technological characteristics of CPSs and operations management characteristics to build future CPS-based smart factories. This paper remarks the need for research on operations management characteristics as these may be the ones actually leading operations managers to the concrete implementation of CPS-based factories in manufacturing. 相似文献
Currently, ways to approach the design of Cyber Physical Systems in Industry 4.0 are under development. Emerging concepts of Smart Factories require the development of specialized knowledge; new working methods are also needed to manage the transition from conventional industry to industry 4.0. To achieve this objective, fractal theory could provide the appropriate knowledge and tools. Fractal systems applied to manufacturing have been widely used over the last decades to design complex adaptive systems: it allows the introduction of resilience requirements (capacity to react to changes in a turbulent environment) and to reduce the complexity of its structure, operation and management. In order to know the potential and the possibility of applying fractal theory to the design of systems in Industry 4.0, this article reviews the publications that develop fractal systems for manufacturing engineering. The review includes contributions published between 1985 (approximate date of the first works on the theory applied to manufacturing engineering) and 2019. The objective is to gather those strategies, methodologies and successful case studies that can be useful for the approaches of Industry 4.0 and to define a set of future lines of work for the adaptation of the fractal theory to the new challenges posed by Industry 4.0. 相似文献
This paper provides a fundamental research review of Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems (RMS), which uniquely explores the state-of-the-art in distributed and decentralized machine control and machine intelligence. The aim of this review is to draw objective answers to two proposed research questions, relating to: (1) reconfigurable design and industry adoption; and (2) enabling present and future state technology. Key areas reviewed include: (a) RMS – fundamentals, design rational, economic benefits, needs and challenges; (b) Machine Control – modern operational technology, vertical and horizontal system integration, advanced distributed and decentralized control; (c) Machine Intelligence – distributed and decentralized paradigms, technology landscape, smart machine modelling, simulation, and smart reconfigurable synergy. Uniquely, this paper establishes a vision for next-generation Industry 4.0 manufacturing machines, which will exhibit extraordinary Smart and Reconfigurable (SR*) capabilities. 相似文献
With the advent of the Internet and the progressive development and consolidation of a wide range of web standards and technologies as well as the advances in distributed artificial intelligence (DAI), namely the multi agent system concept, new opportunities have emerged for conceiving, modelling and enhancing shop floor's performance and response.Modern IT-supported production paradigms denote a common concept where the shop floor is a lively entity composed by interacting intelligent modules whose individual and collective function adapts and evolves ensuring the fitness and adequacy of the organization, owning the system, in tackling profitable but volatile business opportunities.The self-organizing and peer to peer nature of these systems renders a collective behaviour and dynamics that are fundamentally new. Conventional diagnostic methods and tools have not been designed targeting the envisioned systems therefore lack the required support. In this paper the emerging IT-based production paradigms are surveyed as well as the existing diagnostic methods whose adequacy is analysed. The resulting requirements and characteristics are exposed to stress the need for rethinking current diagnostic practices in future automation systems. 相似文献
This editorial introduces the special issue on Emerging Information and Communication Technology (ICT) concepts for smart, safe and sustainable industrial systems in the Elsevier journal Computers in Industry. The 13 papers in this special issue were selected because of their high quality and also because they propose emerging ICT solutions that address at least one of the three dimensions we suggest as basic requirements to design usable future Industrial Systems that must be safe, smart and sustainable. Previous global discussions about the state of the art with regard to the topic of this special issue are provided, as well as exploratory guidelines for future research in this area. 相似文献
This paper presents a load control method for small data centers, which are rarely studied although they account for more than 50% of all data centers. The method utilizes the data network and the electrical network to control power usage for participation in demand response (DR) programs, which are regarded as the killer applications of the emerging smart grid (SG). Traditional data center power management often directly manipulates energy usage, which may be ineffective or impractical for small data centers due to their limited resources. Both the SG and the data centers are considered to be the cyber-physical systems (CPSs). This article proposes an approach that performs the data center DR load management through the cyberspaces of the SG and the targeted data center. The proposed method instructs the workload dispatcher to select the best-suited algorithm when a DR event is issued. Additionally, this method also adjusts the temperature set-points of the air conditioners. The simulation result shows that this approach can achieve a 30% power reduction for DR. 相似文献
Human–Robot Collaboration (HRC) has a pivotal role in smart manufacturing for strict requirements of human-centricity, sustainability, and resilience. However, existing HRC development mainly undertakes either a human-dominant or robot-dominant manner, where human and robotic agents reactively perform operations by following pre-defined instructions, thus far from an efficient integration of robotic automation and human cognition. The stiff human–robot relations fail to be qualified for complex manufacturing tasks and cannot ease the physical and psychological load of human operators. In response to these realistic needs, this paper presents our arguments on the obvious trend, concept, systematic architecture, and enabling technologies of Proactive HRC, serving as a prospective vision and research topic for future work in the human-centric smart manufacturing era. Human–robot symbiotic relation is evolving with a 5C intelligence — from Connection, Coordination, Cyber, Cognition to Coevolution, and finally embracing mutual-cognitive, predictable, and self-organising intelligent capabilities, i.e., the Proactive HRC. With proactive robot control, multiple human and robotic agents collaboratively operate manufacturing tasks, considering each others’ operation needs, desired resources, and qualified complementary capabilities. This paper also highlights current challenges and future research directions, which deserve more research efforts for real-world applications of Proactive HRC. It is hoped that this work can attract more open discussions and provide useful insights to both academic and industrial practitioners in their exploration of human–robot flexible production. 相似文献
Production (throughput) bottlenecks are the critical stations defining and constraining the overall productivity of a system. Effective and timely identification of bottlenecks provide manufacturers essential decision input to allocate limited maintenance and financial resources for throughput improvement. However, identifying throughput bottleneck in industry is not a trivial task. Bottlenecks are usually non-static (shifting) among stations during production, which requires dynamic bottleneck detection methods. An effective methodology requires proper handling of real-time production data and integration of factory physics knowledge. Traditional data-driven bottleneck detection methods only focus on serial production lines, while most production lines are complex. With careful revision and examination, those methods can hardly meet practical industrial needs. Therefore, this paper proposes a systematic approach for bottleneck detection for complex manufacturing systems with non-serial configurations. It extends a well-recognized bottleneck detection algorithm, “the Turning Point Method”, to complex manufacturing systems by evaluating and proposing appropriate heuristic rules. Several common industrial scenarios are evaluated and addressed in this paper, including closed loop structures, parallel line structures, and rework loop structures. The proposed methodology is demonstrated with a one-year pilot study at an automotive powertrain assembly line with complex manufacturing layouts. The result has shown a successful implementation that greatly improved the bottleneck detection capabilities for this manufacturing system and led to an over 30% gain in Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). 相似文献
Improvements to the reliability and safety of medical devices are vital for healthcare systems. It is necessary to consider the user experience (UX) of patients and healthcare professionals at all the development stages of medical devices. Ergonomic design principles can also reduce the cost of medical device production. This study is a multilateral analytical literature review of UX and usability issues in healthcare and medical device design. The total number of literature sources presented is n = 88. The literature sources are classified according to the difference between UX and usability for various target products and services, including healthcare. The literature is reviewed with a focus on human-oriented aspects. This includes medical technology and device design, which are dependent on the user type, medical device scope, and area of use. A review of key medical device standards and regulation documents is presented. The main analysis methodologies for the UX and their advantages and disadvantages are discussed. The future challenges in healthcare and medical ergonomics are briefly highlighted. Above all, this study tried to examine the difference between usability and UX of general products and those of medical devices through the review of existing literature. Even standards do not reflect this well and need to be considered based on further research in academia and industry.Relevance to industryThe obtained results will help medical-device designers and healthcare professionals understand the main medical-research trends and improve the design process. Additionally, they will be helpful for increasing the satisfaction level among medical-device users and reducing user risks. 相似文献
An ISS self-triggered implementation of linear controllers 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Nowadays control systems are mostly implemented on digital platforms and, increasingly, over shared communication networks. Reducing resources (processor utilization, network bandwidth, etc.) in such implementations increases the potential to run more applications on the same hardware. We present a self-triggered implementation of linear controllers that reduces the amount of controller updates necessary to retain stability of the closed-loop system. Furthermore, we show that the proposed self-triggered implementation is robust against additive disturbances and provide explicit guarantees of performance. The proposed technique exhibits an inherent trade-off between computation and potential savings on actuation. 相似文献
There is growing interest in developing video-based methods to evaluate the usefulness and usability of computerised tools in healthcare. In this paper, we propose a human-computer interaction evaluation method that protects the confidentiality of patient information and reduces litigation risks for participants by embedding and analysing performance on probes in complex scenarios with high face validity in a simulated setting. We describe the application of the method to a series of three studies of bar code medication administration (BCMA) software, used to reduce medication errors in the Veterans Administration. 相似文献
The utilization of advanced industrial informatics, such as industrial internet of things and cyber-physical system (CPS), provides enhanced situation awareness and resource controllability, which are essential for flexible real-time production scheduling and control (SC). Regardless of the belief that applying these advanced technologies under electricity demand response can help alleviate electricity demand–supply mismatches and eventually improve manufacturing sustainability, significant barriers have to be overcome first. Particularly, most existing real-time SC strategies remain limited to short-term scheduling and are unsuitable for finding the optimal schedule under demand response scheme, where a long-term production scheduling is often required to determine the energy consumption shift from peak to off-peak hours. Moreover, SC strategies ensuring the desired production throughput under dynamic electricity pricing and uncertainties in manufacturing environment are largely lacking. In this research, a knowledge-aided real-time demand response strategy for CPS-enabled manufacturing systems is proposed to address the above challenges. A knowledge-aided analytical model is first applied to generate a long-term production schedule to aid the real-time control under demand response. In addition, a real-time optimization model is developed to reduce electricity costs for CPS-enabled manufacturing systems under uncertainties. The effectiveness of the proposed strategy is validated through the case study on a steel powder manufacturing system. The results indicate the exceptional performance of the proposed strategy as compared to other real-time SC strategies, leading to a reduction of electricity cost up to 35.6% without sacrificing the production throughput. 相似文献
The combination of Augmented Reality (AR) and Digital Twin (DT) has begun to show its potential nowadays, leading to a growing research interest in both academia and industry. Especially under the current human-centric trend, AR embraces the potential to integrate operators into the new generation of Human Cyber–Physical System (HCPS), in which DT is a pillar component. Some review articles have focused on this topic and discussed the benefits of combining AR and DT, but all of them are limited to a specific domain. To fill the gap, this research conducts a state-of-the-art survey (till 17-July-2022) from the AR-assisted DT perspective across different sectors of the industrial field, covering a total of 118 selected publications. Firstly, application scenarios and functions of AR-assisted DT are summarized by following the engineering lifecycle, among which production process, service design, and Human–Machine Interaction (HMI) are hot topics. Then, improvements specifically brought by AR are analyzed according to three dimensions, namely virtual twin, hybrid twin, and cognitive twin, respectively. Finally, challenges and future perspectives of AR-assisted DT for futuristic human-centric industry transformation are proposed, including promoting product design, robotic-related works, cyber–physical interaction, and human ergonomics. 相似文献