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针对无线ad hoc网络的数据安全性问题,提出了一种增强安全性的多路径路由算法.该算法通过目标节点发送检测数据包的机制,动态维护多路径路由信息的有效性.源节点则根据收到检测包的信息自适应地更新当前的最优传输路径,充分利用路由寻找及维护过程中的信息建立多条可用路径,提供最优的路由方案,并增强了无线ad hoc网络数据传输的安全性.仿真结果表明此算法的数据传输安全性达到了合理的水平.  相似文献   

无线Mesh网中虽然有固定节点,但是其中大量的移动节点仍然有能源、带宽、内存等限制。在机会路由协议中,数据包从源节点至目的节点,需要中继节点机会性地转发;但由于节点自身条件的原因,节点行为往往趋向于自私,不愿接受转发请求。节点不合作行为中的自私性是导致网络吞吐量随之下降的主要原因之一。针对该问题,提出邻居节点合作度评估函数的概念,并建立基于合作度评估函数的宽容针锋相对策略节点重复博弈模型(CGTFT)。仿真表明,该模型可以有效抑制自私,激励节点合作,提高网络吞吐量。  相似文献   

针对不相关路由路径之闯可能存在特定关键节点问题,提出一种特定节点不相关多路路由算法,通过寻找关键节点,使数据报文经单路径到达关键节点的上一跳节点后,向多条不相关路径的节点进行转发,使数据报文可以同时在多条节点不相关的路径上路由到达目的节点。仿真实验结果表明,如果存在关键节点,该算法能够提高分组投递率、降低端到端延迟;如果不存在关键节点,该算法的性能与节点不相关算法相当。  相似文献   

无线传感器网络(WSN)路由中,节点未充分考虑路径剩余能量及链路状况进行的路由会造成网络中部分节点网络寿命减少,严重影响网络的生存时间。为此,将蚁群优化算法与非均匀分簇路由算法相结合,提出一种基于蚁群优化算法的无线传感器非均匀分簇路由算法。该算法首先利用考虑节点能量的优化非均匀分簇方法对节点进行分簇,然后以需要传输数据的节点为源节点,汇聚节点为目标节点,利用蚁群优化算法进行多路径搜索,搜索过程充分考虑了路径传输能耗、路径最小剩余能量、传输距离和跳数、所选链路的时延和带宽等因素,最后选出满足条件的多条最优路径,完成源目的节点间的信息传输。实验表明,该算法充分考虑路径传输能耗和路径最小剩余能量、传输跳数及传输距离,能有效延长无线传感器网络的生存期。  相似文献   

基于XYLS的TGPSR路由协议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
如果目的节点的位置信息较准确,GPSR路由协议可以高效地发送数据包到目的节点。目的节点的位置信息不准确时,则会导致数据包的严重丢失。针对这个问题,提出了TGPSR(Two-hop Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing)路由协议:每个节点维持两跳的邻居节点列表,显著增加了对目的节点位置信息的容忍度,在位置信息不够准确的情况下也可以把数据包发送到目的节点。基于XYLS(Column-Ron-Location Service)的TGPSR协议利用XYLS位置服务协议负载较小、可扩展性良好的特点将更多的带宽用于数据传输,进一步提高协议的性能。  相似文献   

We introduce the game-theoretic stochastic routing (GTSR) framework, a proactive alternative to today's reactive approaches to route repair. GTSR minimizes the impact of link and router failure by 1) computing multiple paths between source and destination and 2) selecting among these paths randomly to forward packets. Besides improving fault tolerance, the fact that GTSR makes packets take random paths from source to destination also improves security. In particular, it makes connection eavesdropping attacks maximally difficult as the attacker would have to listen on all possible routes. The approaches developed are suitable for network layer routing, as well as for application layer overlay routing and multipath transport protocols such as the stream control transmission protocol (SCTP). Through simulations, we validate our theoretical results and show how the resulting routing algorithms perform in terms of the security/fault-tolerant/delay/throughput trade-off. We also show that a beneficial side effect of these algorithms is an increase in throughput, as they make use of multiple paths.  相似文献   

Existing position-based routing algorithms, where packets are forwarded in the geographic direction of the destination, normally require that the forwarding node should know the positions of all neighbors in its transmission range. This information on direct neighbors is gained by observing beacon messages that each node sends out periodically. Several beaconless greedy routing schemes have been proposed recently. However, none of the existing beaconless schemes guarantee the delivery of packets. Moreover, they incur communication overhead by sending excessive control messages or by broadcasting data packets. In this paper, we describe how existing localized position based routing schemes that guarantee delivery can be made beaconless, while preserving the same routes. In our guaranteed delivery beaconless routing scheme, the next hop is selected through the use of control RTS/CTS messages and biased timeouts. In greedy mode, the neighbor closest to destination responds first. In recovery mode, nodes closer to the source will select shorter timeouts, so that other neighbors, overhearing CTS packets, can eliminate their own CTS packets if they realize that their link to the source is not part of Gabriel graph. Nodes also cancel their packets after receiving data message sent by source to the selected neighbor. We analyze the behavior of our scheme on our simulation environment assuming ideal MAC, following GOAFR+ and GFG routing schemes. Our results demonstrate low communication overhead in addition to guaranteed delivery.  相似文献   

Adaptive routing, which dynamically selects the route of packets, has been widely studied for interconnection networks in massively parallel computers and system area networks. Although adaptive routing has the advantage of providing high bandwidth, it may deliver packets out-of-order, which some message passing libraries do not accept. In this paper, we propose two mechanisms called (1) FIFO transmission and (2) couple limitation to guarantee in-order packet delivery in adaptive routing. Both of them limit packet injection at source hosts. The FIFO transmission completely avoids packet sorting at destination hosts, while the couple limitation uses a few buffers to sort packets at destination hosts. Evaluation results show that the FIFO transmission and the couple limitation achieve a similar throughput to that of a method equipped with huge (infinite) buffers enough to store all out-of-order packets at destination hosts under both synthetic traffic and NAS Parallel Benchmarks.  相似文献   

针对无线传感器网络簇头节点负载不均衡的问题,提出一种基于负载均衡的簇间路由协议.该协议通过记录邻居簇头节点到Sink节点的最小跳数信息建立到Sink节点的多条路径,根据簇节点的剩余能量和负载选择合适的路径进行路由,从而实现了簇头节点间的负载均衡.仿真实验结果表明,该路由协议能有效地均衡网络负载和簇头节点能量消耗,减少数据传输延迟,延长网络生存时间.  相似文献   

一种基于分治策略的多路径Ad Hoc路由协议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在无线自组织网络(MANET)中,比起单路径路由协议,多路径路由协议提供了更好的可靠性、容错性、负载平衡等,并且提供较小的端对端延迟、提供较大的有效总带宽;但是,当网络规模较大、通信节点之间相距较远时,多路径路由协议的开销会很大,多路径的条数也减少.针对这一问题,提出了一种基于分治思想的多路径路由协议(DCMR).当通信节点之间必须经过的节点较多时,将这些节点划分为较小的节点集,对各个节点集分别进行路径查找及维护.模拟实验表明,该协议明显提高了路由寻径效率,减小了网络维护开销,并且实现简单,更具实用性.  相似文献   

提出了一种保障服务质量的多路径路由算法,数据分组可通过多条不同的路径进行传输,以提升网络总吞吐量性能.进一步提出了一种多路径调度策略.通过使用调度策略,基于当前可用带宽信息和路径所引入的时延信息,数据分组在传输前可被分成多段并通过不同的路径发送,根据路径时延调整优化调度策略,从而使得数据可通过在不同的路径上进行更高效地传输.仿真实验进一步验证了本文提出的路由机制和调度策略在不同网络负载下的优越性.  相似文献   

During past years, the so-called resource pooling principle in data networks has been studied more carefully. For example, the recent work on routing on the Internet over multiple paths and Multipath TCP both seek to make the best possible use of multiple connecting paths between two end points. In deployments where multiple users could share multiple paths, one of the very first questions that comes to mind is, should we schedule packets from the users on a per-flow or per-packet basis? In this paper we study networking scenarios in which several networks are connected to each other via multiple paths. We seek to understand how a multi-homed router should schedule packets and packet flows out towards other networks. Our primary interests are to study path utilization and analyze the bandwidth fairness of various approaches using different traffic loads.  相似文献   

《Computer Networks》2007,51(10):2854-2866
Disjoint multipath routing (DMPR) is an effective strategy to achieve robustness in networks where data is forwarded along multiple link- or node-disjoint paths. DMPR poses significant challenges in terms of obtaining loop-free multiple (disjoint) paths and effectively forwarding data over the multiple paths, the latter being particularly significant in datagram networks. One approach to reduce the number of routing table entries for disjoint multipath forwarding is to construct two trees, namely red and blue, rooted at a destination node such that the paths from a source to the destination on the two trees are link/node-disjoint. This paper develops the first distributed algorithm for constructing the colored trees whose running time is linear in the number of links in the network. The paper also demonstrates the effectiveness of employing generalized low-point concept rather than traditional low-point concept in the DFS-tree to reduce the average path lengths on the colored trees.  相似文献   

针对移动AdHoc网络提出了一种新的基于mesh结构的多径路由算法MRABM(MultipathRoutingAlgorithmBasedonMeshStructure),该算法采用目的节点建立和更新mesh结构的机制。该算法不仅为每个源节点、中间节点提供了到目的节点最优路径,而且为每个节点建立了到目的节点的多条路径。当节点移动造成链路断开时,该算法能避开断开的链路,迅速沿其它路径转发数据,不需要路由修复和路由重建过程,从而降低了丢包率和端到端的延时。对大流量数据的传输,该算法能有效利用网络资源,减少网络拥塞。因此该算法能很好地适应网络拓扑结构的动态变化。  相似文献   

Routing is a problem of considerable importance in a packet-switching network, because it allows both optimization of the transmission speeds available and minimization of the time required to deliver information. In classical centralized routing algorithms, each packet reaches its destination along the shortest path, although some network bandwidth is lost through overheads. By contrast, distributed routing algorithms usually limit the overloading of transmission links, but they cannot guarantee optimization of the paths between source and destination nodes on account of the mainly local vision they have of the problem. The aim of the authors is to reconcile the two advantages of classical routing strategies mentioned above through the use of neural networks. The approach proposed here is one in which the routing strategy guarantees the delivery of information along almost optimal paths, but distributes calculation to the various switching nodes. The article assesses the performance of this approach in terms of both routing paths and efficiency in bandwidth use, through comparison with classical approaches.  相似文献   

王小刚  曹健 《计算机应用》2012,32(8):2085-2094
在移动自组网(MANET)中,服务质量(QoS)路由的目标是要确定一种具有足够可用移动节点的有效路由路径来满足源点的需求,而且被选择的多点中继(MPR)节点是处在通过路由协议计算产生的最优路由路径上。为了能在较短时间内稳定地寻找到从源点到终点带有最大带宽和最小时延的最优QoS路由路径,提出一种新的柔性链路状态QoS路由协议FLSQR。该协议使用了一种新的链路状态方法——每个节点缓存中存储一张效用决策表(EDT)用作路由计算。FLSQR根据EDT中的效用距离(ED)使用MPR1和MPR2选项来选择最优和次优路由路径,进而通过提出的度量模型选择最优带宽和时延的路径。实验结果显示,FLSQR协议在MANET中的最优路由路径发现方面比OLSR和QOLSR-MPR协议性能更好。  相似文献   

Given a source node and a set of destination nodes in a network, multicast routing problem is usually treated as Steiner tree problem. Unlike this well-known tree based routing model, multicast routing under multi-path model is to find a set of paths rooted at the source node such that in each path at most a fixed number of destination nodes can be designated to receive the data and every destination node must be designated in a path to receive the data. The cost of routing is the total costs of paths found. In this paper we study how to construct a multicast routing of minimal cost under multi-path model. We propose two approximation algorithms for this NP-complete problem with guaranteed performance ratios.  相似文献   

Mobile opportunistic network (MON) is an efficient way of communication when there is no persistent connection between nodes. Multicast in MONs can be used to efficiently deliver messages to multiple destination nodes. However, because multiple destination nodes are involved, multicast routing is more complex than unicast and brings a higher communication cost. Backbone-based routing can effectively reduce the network overhead and the complexity of routing scheme. However, the load of backbone nodes is larger than that of regular nodes. If the backbone node’s buffer is exhausted, it will have a significant impact on the performance of the routing scheme. Load balancing can improve the ability of backbone to deal with the change of network load, and backbone maintenance algorithm can provide backbone robustness. In this paper, we propose a robust load-balanced backbone-based multicast routing scheme in MONs. In the backbone construction algorithm, we transform the problem of backbone construction into a multi-objective optimization problem, and propose a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm-based backbone construction algorithm, namely LBMBC-MOEA algorithm. In addition, in order to increase the robustness of the backbone-based routing scheme, we propose a localized multicast backbone maintenance algorithm (MBMA) to deal with the buffer exhaustion of backbone nodes. When a backbone node’s residual buffer is insufficient, MBMA algorithm selects other nodes to replace the backbone node. The results on extensive simulations show that when considering the node buffer size constraints, compared with previous backbone-based multicast routing schemes, our proposed algorithm has better performance, and when the node’s residual buffer is insufficient, MBMA algorithm can significantly improve the performance of the backbone-based multicast routing scheme.  相似文献   

数据分组在转发过程中需要在其转发范围内寻找一个中继节点进行转发。为了降低转发过程中寻找中继节点的复杂程度,减少从源节点到达目的节点的平均跳数,提出了一种车载自组织网络中基于定向传播的自适应路由协议(Adaptive Routing Protocol Based on Directional Transmission,ARPBDT)。该路由协议有两个关键参数:转发角度和平均每跳前进距离。首先为了缩小转发范围,设置一个始终朝着目的节点方向的转发角度,以减少转发范围内的节点数以及寻找中继节点的计算量;其次为了减少平均跳数,在转发范围内根据前进距离自适应地选择较优或次优的邻居节点作为中继节点进行转发。仿真结果表明,与OBDR相比,所提路由协议的平均跳数较少,平均每跳前进距离较大,能够使数据分组快速地到达目的节点。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于移动代理的并行路由算法,通过对网络节点间的多条并行链路的充分利用,提高网络带宽的利用率,减少移动代理从源节点到目的节点的迁移响应时间。仿真实验结果表明,与著名的蚁群算法和遗传算法的性能相比,该并行路由算法具有更高的网络利用率,同时具有更短的平均延迟时间,提高了应用系统的运行效率。  相似文献   

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