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This paper examines the potential of high hydrostatic pressure to produce whey protein hydrolysates that combine low immunoglobulin (Ig)G- and IgE-binding with acceptable functional properties, with the aim to produce milk-based ingredients with reduced potential allergenicity that could be used in hypoallergenic foods. Treatment with pepsin and chymotrypsin under high pressure produced, in minutes, hydrolysates in which α-lactalbumin and β-lactoglobulin were totally proteolysed, giving rise to large and hydrophobic peptides. Such hydrolysates presented reduced antigenicity and human IgE-binding properties. The hydrolysates obtained with pepsin at 400 MPa showed improved heat stability, particularly at a pH, close to the isoelectric point of the whey proteins, and their emulsion activity indexes at pH 7.0 were superior to those of the untreated whey proteins. These results suggest that the peptides present retained low antigenicity together with sufficient capacity to form emulsions.  相似文献   

目的 探究两步复合酶解工艺处理对牛乳清蛋白(whey protein isolate, WPI)结构和致敏性的影响。方法 实验采用邻苯二甲醛法、体积排阻色谱法分析WPI水解物在不同酶解时间下的水解程度,同时采用酶联免疫吸附法(enzyme-linked immunoassay, ELISA)、细胞模型和小鼠模型对水解物进行体外和体内的致敏性评估,并利用超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法(ultraperformanceliquidchromatography-tandemmassspectrometry,UPLC-MS/MS)分析水解物中的残留过敏原表位。结果 WPI经碱性蛋白酶和木瓜蛋白酶顺序酶解3.0h后水解度达到14.19%,在水解2.0~3.0 h期间, WPI水解物主要由小肽(<5.0 kDa)组成。水解3.0 h后,水解产物与特异性抗体的结合能力降低了97.83%,细胞模型和小鼠模型结果证实,酶解产物的体外、体内致敏性显著降低,与空白对照组无显著性差异。UPLC-MS/MS结果表明WPI水解3.0 h产物中70.59%的肽段不含过敏原表位。结论 复合酶解工艺有效降低了WPI致...  相似文献   

In the study presented in this article, the influence of added alpha-lactalbumin and beta-lactoglobulin on the changes that occur in casein micelles at 250 and 300 MPa were investigated by in-situ measurement of light transmission. Light transmission of a serum protein-free casein micelle suspension initially increased with increasing treatment time, indicating disruption of micelles, but prolonged holding of micelles at high pressure partially reversed HP-induced increases in light transmission, suggesting reformation of micellar particles of colloidal dimensions. The presence of alpha-la and/or beta-lg did not influence the rate and extent of micellar disruption and the rate and extent of reformation of casein particles. These data indicate that reformation of casein particles during prolonged HP treatment occurs as a result of a solvent-mediated association of the micellar fragments. During the final stages of reformation, kappa-casein, with or without denatured whey proteins attached, associates on the surface of the reformed particle to provide steric stabilisation.  相似文献   

High pressure is emerging as a new processing technology that produces particular changes in the molecular structure of proteins and thus gives rise to new properties inaccessible via conventional methods of protein modification. This review deals with the main effects of high hydrostatic pressure on the physicochemical characteristics of milk whey proteins and how modifications in their structural properties contribute to functionality. In this paper the mechanism underlying pressure-induced changes in ss-lactoglobulin, a-lactabumin, and bovine serum albumin is explained, and related to functional properties such as gel-forming ability, emulsifying activity, or foaming capacity. The possibility of using high pressures to favor chemical reactions of proteins with other food components, such as carbohydrates, to produce novel molecules with new food uses is also considered.  相似文献   

Whey protein concentrate (WPC) hydrolysates were generated with three commercially available Bacillus proteinase preparations (pH 7.0, 50 °C, 20% (w/v) WPC). Alcalase 2.4L hydrolysates were more bitter than Prolyve 1000 and Corolase 7089 hydrolysates when the proteinase activities were included at equivalent high and low addition levels. A glutamyl endopeptidase (GE) activity present in Alcalase was not detected in the Prolyve and Corolase preparations. Hydrolysate bitterness significantly increased when GE activity was included during Prolyve hydrolysis of WPC, indicating that inclusion of the GE activity was linked with the higher bitterness in Alcalase hydrolysates. A peptide present at higher levels in Prolyve compared to Alcalase hydrolysates was identified by mass spectrometry as β-lactoglobulin f(43–57). Hydrolysis of this peptide by GE was shown to release fragments with increased average hydrophobicity (Q-value). This may, in part, explain the higher level of bitterness associated with Alcalase compared to Prolyve hydrolysates of WPC.  相似文献   

Soybean (Glycine max) whey was hydrolyzed with Alcalase, Neutrase, Corolase 7089 and Corolase PNL during high pressure (HP) treatment at 100, 200 and 300 MPa and at atmospheric pressure for 15 min. The protein content and the degree of hydrolysis were determined. Furthermore, the allergen Gly m 1 in the treated soybean whey and the hydrolysates was detected. The results showed that HP treatments increased the hydrolysis by the four proteases used. Pressure at 200 and 300 MPa proved to be better pressures to enhance the proteolysis. The immunochemical response of soybean whey to anti-Gly m 1 monoclonal antibodies decreased after the HP treatments and this decrease was greater after the combined treatment of high pressure and enzymatic hydrolysis. Soybean whey proteins hydrolysed at high pressure could be used as sources of peptides with low antigenicity when incorporated as food ingredients.  相似文献   

Soybean (Glycine max) whey was hydrolyzed for 15 min using three food-grade proteases (Alcalase, Neutrase, Corolase PN-L) at atmospheric pressure (0.1 MPa) and under high pressure (HP) at 100, 200, and 300 MPa. All hydrolysates were analyzed by SDS-PAGE and their residual immunoreactivity was assessed by immunoblotting using the sera from children allergic to soybean. As shown in SDS-PAGE, Alcalase, Neutrase, and Corolase PN-L produced different patterns of hydrolysis. Each enzyme showed a similar proteolytic activity at atmospheric pressure and at 100 MPa, while an increased degree of hydrolysis was observed at 200 and 300 MPa. No residual antigenicity was observed in the hydrolysates obtained by Alcalase and Corolase PN-L in all considered conditions of hydrolysis. A positive reaction associated with a band having molecular weight of about 70 kDa was observed in the immunoblotting of the hydrolysates obtained with Neutrase at 0.1, 100, and 200 MPa, while no antigenicity was detected for those samples obtained under high pressure, at 300 MPa. These results suggest that high pressure combined with suitable enzymatic activity could be a useful tool for obtaining hydrolysates with low immunoreactivity to be used in special foods (hypoallergenic foods).  相似文献   

The combined effect of high pressure (HP) and enzymatic treatments on the proteolysis and antigenicity of hydrolysates from bovine whey proteins (WP) was studied. Four food grade protease preparations (Alcalase, Neutrase, Corolase 7089 and Corolase PN-L) were used. Hydrolysis was performed at 40 °C for Corolase PN-L and 50 °C for the other enzymes, for 15 min, after or during HP treatment. The degree of hydrolysis and RP-HPLC peptide profile were evaluated. An indirect ELISA test using polyclonal rat anti β-lactoglobulin antibodies was used to determine the residual antigenicity. The results showed that HP treatment enhanced the hydrolysis of bovine WP. For most enzymes, the best results were obtained at a pressure of 300 MPa. For two enzymes, Corolase PN-L and Neutrase, differences in peptide profiles were obtained due to the pressure applied during the enzymatic hydrolysis. Based on these differences, the residual antigenicity of these preparations were determined. An important reduction was found in the antigenicity of the hydrolysates obtained with Corolase PN-L and Neutrase in combination with HP treatment (300 MPa), prior to or during enzymatic hydrolysis, respectively. These results suggest that HP can enhance the WP hydrolysis, and, depending on the choice of enzymes, reduce the residual antigenicity of the hydrolysates. The reduced antigenicity of hydrolysates obtained by the combined treatments could have a relevant application in the development of hypoallergenic infant formulae.  相似文献   

Adult guinea pigs received intragastrically solutions of milk whey protein concentrate (CWPM), its enzymatic hydrolysate (HWPM) and peptide fraction (PF) obtained by means of HWPM ultrafiltration. Milk protein antigen content of CWPM, HWPM and PF was preliminary characterized with two-dimensional and rocket immunoelectrophoresis. Undigested beta-lactoglobulin (beta LG) absorbed from the gut, was measured three hours after the administration by means of competitive radioimmunoassay. Administration of proteins was repeated twice with daily intervals. Twenty one days later the levels of circulating anti-beta LG antibodies were measured by Farr's method and then the reaction of active anaphylactic shock was triggered by intravenous infusion of whole skimmed milk. It was established that while antigens including beta LG content decreased in the rank of CWPM-HWPM-PF the absorption of beta LG into the blood serum and the violence of acute anaphylaxis decreased also. The largest level of specific antibodies to beta LG was detected in animals that received the hydrolized protein the fact being connected with the presence of aggregated beta LG in this preparation. The employment of ultrafiltration of enzymatic hydrolyzate leads to elimination of the majority of noninactivated antigens from the filtrate, consequence of this being the low level of animal sensitization by this preparation. It has been concluded that ultrafiltration technology has good advances in manufacturing hypoallergenic milk formulae.  相似文献   

Solutions (5% protein) of a whey protein concentrate (WPC) in fresh acid whey or in water, as well as the fresh whey alone, were adjusted to pH 5.8, 4.8 or 3.8, heat treated at 90 °C for 10 min and further exposed to high pressure (150 MPa) microfluidization treatment. The volumes of sediment after centrifugation were recorded as a measure of the degree of insolubility of the proteins. Microfluidization disrupted the heat-induced aggregates into non-sedimenting whey protein polymers so that in some cases, especially at pH 3.8, the products studied were almost completely resistant to sedimentation after the microfluidization treatments. Heat denatured/microfluidized whey proteins reaggregated upon subsequent heating, with the pH having a major impact on the amount of sediment produced. Microfluidization of aqueous WPC solutions heat-treated before spray- or freeze-drying substantially increased the solubility of the powders upon reconstitution. Heat-induced viscoelastic gels were produced from freeze-dried microfluidized samples processed at pH 3.8 and reconstituted to solutions containing 12% (w/w) protein.  相似文献   

Pressure processing of foodstuff has been applied to produce or modify proteinaceous gel structures. In real pressure processing the treatment is non-isothermal, due to the adiabatic nature of the process and the heat loss from the product to the vessel. In order to estimate the effect of pressurization on milk constituents pressure and temperature dependent kinetics were determined separately from each other. In a detailed kinetic study whey protein isolate was treated under isobaric (200 to 800 MPa) and isothermal conditions (-2 to 70 degrees C), and the resulting degree of denaturation of beta-lactoglobulin A and B and alpha-lactalbumin was analysed. Kinetic parameters of denaturation were estimated using a one step non-linear regression method which allowed a global fit of the whole data set. The isobaric isothermal denaturation of beta-lactoglobulin and alpha-lactalbumin was found to follow third and second order kinetics, respectively. Isothermal pressure denaturation of both beta-lactoglobulin fractions do not differ significantly and were characterized by an activation volume decreasing with increasing temperature from -10 to about -30 ml mol(-1), which demonstrates that the denaturation rate is accelerated with increasing temperature. The activation energy of about 70 to 100 kJ mol(-1) obtained for beta-lactoglobulin A and B is not dependent to a great extent on the pressure which indicates that above 200 MPa denaturation rate is limited by the aggregation rate while pressure forces unfolding of the molecule.  相似文献   

主要综述了国内外关于超高压处理对牛乳清蛋白水解及其产物功能特性影响的研究进展,并展望了超高压处理在酶法制备乳清蛋白生物活性肽方面的应用前景。   相似文献   

High hydrostatic pressure disruption of casein micelle isolates was studied by analytical ultracentrifugation and transmission electron microscopy. Casein micelles were isolated from skim milk and subjected to combinations of thermal treatment (85 degrees C, 20 min) and high hydrostatic pressure (up to 676 MPa) with and without whey protein added. High hydrostatic pressure promoted extensive disruption of the casein micelles in the 250 to 310 MPa pressure range. At pressures greater than 310 MPa no further disruption was observed. The addition of whey protein to casein micelle isolates protected the micelles from high hydrostatic pressure induced disruption only when the mix was thermally processed before pressure treatment. The more whey protein was added (up to 5 g/l) the more the protection against high hydrostatic pressure induced micelle disruption was observed in thermally treated samples subjected to 310 MPa.  相似文献   

This work aimed to produce and encapsulate protein hydrolysates of buffalo origin using spray drying with gum arabic and maltodextrin as encapsulating agents. The following core ratios were applied: encapsulating agent in the ratios of 1:10 and 1:15, with 50% gum arabic and 50% maltodextrin (50:50), and 70% gum arabic and 30% maltodextrin (70:30). The encapsulated particles were between 2.0 and 20.0 μm. The encapsulation efficiency of the samples was above 95% at the initial time. After 45 days of storage, encapsulation efficiency decreased to values below 60%. The 70:30 samples showed a significant decrease (P < 0.05) in hygroscopicity, moisture and water activity compared with free hydrolysates. The encapsulation process increased the values of oil retention, emulsifying activity and solubility of whey protein hydrolysates for all proportions evaluated, both at the initial time and after 45 days of storage. The branched-chain amino acid concentration was higher in samples encapsulated at the 1:10 ratio. The spray drying encapsulation of buffalo protein hydrolysates with suitable encapsulating agents improves the techno-functional characteristics of these hydrolysates, hence expanding their use in different food matrices and enabling the use of buffalo cheese whey.  相似文献   

Mixed and pure gels of gelatin and whey protein concentrate (WPC) were formed by using temperature and high pressure simultaneously. Combining these gel formation methods enables the two polymer networks to set at the same time. The microstructure of the gels was studied by means of light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy, and the rheological properties by means of dynamic oscillatory measurements and tensile tests. The pH values investigated were 5.4, 6.8 and 7.5. The isoelectric point of the WPC is around pH 5.2 and that of gelatin between pH 7.5 and 9. At pH 5.4, the mixed gel formed a phase-separated system, with a gelatin continuous network and spherical inclusions of the WPC. The storage modulus (G) of the mixed gel was similar to that of a pure gelatin gel. At pH6.8, the mixed gel formed a phase-separated system, composed of an aggregated network and a phase with fine strands. The aggregated network proved to be made up of both gelatin and WPC, and the fine strands were formed of gelatin. The mixed gel at pH 6.8 showed a high G compared with the pure gels, which decreased significantly when the gelatin phase melted. At pH 7.5 the mixed gel was composed of one single aggregated network, in which gelatin and WPC were homogeneously distributed. It was impossible to distinguish the gelatin from the WPC in the mixed network. The mixed gel at pH 7.5 showed a significantly higher G than the pure gels. As the gelatin phase was melted out for the mixed gel, a large decrease in G was observed. The pure gelatin gels, formed by a temperature decrease under high pressure, proved to be pH-dependent, showing an increase in aggregation as the pH increased from 5.4 to 7.5. A fine-stranded, transparent gelatin gel was formed at pH 5.4, while an aggregated, opaque gel was formed at pH 7.5. The stress at fracture for the gelatin gels decreased as the aggregation, and consequently the pore size, increased.  相似文献   

Effects of high pressure (HP) on average casein micelle size and denaturation of alpha-lactalbumin (alpha-la) and beta-lactoglobulin (beta-lg) in raw skim bovine milk were studied over a range of conditions. Micelle size was not influenced by treatment at pressures <200 MPa, but treatment at 250 MPa increased micelle size by approximately 25%, while treatment at > or = 300 MPa irreversibly reduced it to approximately 50% of that in untreated milk. The increase in micelle size after treatment at 250 MPa was greater with increasing treatment time and temperature and milk pH. Treatment times > or = 2 min at 400 MPa resulted in similar levels of micelle disruption, but increasing milk pH to 7.0 partially stabilised micelles against HP-induced disruption. Denaturation of alpha-la did not occur < or = 400 MPa, whereas beta-lg was denatured at pressures >100 MPa. Denaturation of alpha-la and beta-lg increased with increasing pressure, treatment time and temperature and milk pH. The majority of denatured beta-lg was apparently associated with casein micelles. These effects of HP on casein micelles and whey proteins in milk may have significant implications for properties of products made from HP-treated milk.  相似文献   

Whey proteins, due to their high nutritional value, are generally hydrolyzed to reduce the allergenicity and used as ingredients in many special products, such as infant formulae, geriatric products, highly energetic supplements or dietetic foods or in foods produced to prevent nutrition related diseases, like food intolerances and allergies.The aim of this work was to assess the applicability of innovative technologies, such as high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) processes, to assist the enzymatic hydrolysis of target proteins, namely whey protein concentrate (WPC-80), in order to modify their antigenicity. Experiments were carried out to verify the effectiveness of HHP technology to accelerate whey protein hydrolysis reaction with selected enzymes (α-chymotrypsin, bromelain), and to affect the protein allergenic power. To this purpose, different HHP treatments were carried out at several pressure levels (100, 200, 300 and 400 MPa) and the untreated whey protein samples were used as control. A defined enzyme/substrate ratio of 1/10 w/w was used in the experiments, while the treatment time was changed from 0 to 30 min (0, 5, 15, or 30 min).The experimental data demonstrated that High Hydrostatic Pressure (HHP) induced WPC-80 unfolding at the highest value of the pressure applied (400 MPa) as indicated by the higher exposure of free sulfhydryl groups. When HHP was used in combination with enzymatic hydrolysis, the degree of hydrolysis increased not only with the pressure level applied but also with the processing time. These results suggested that, even if the exposure of hidden epitopes upon protein unfolding increased the antigenicity of whey proteins, further peptide bonds cleavage also took place after hydrolysis. This effect could modify whey proteins antigenic sequences, and thus their antigenic power.  相似文献   

Approximately 2.5% of young children are allergic to cow milk. In this study, milk protein hydrolysates made from full-cream milk via enzymatic hydrolysis played a positive role in regulating the immune system of ICR mice. Milk protein hydrolysates enhanced immunity in mice by stimulating host immunity, probably by increasing the weight of certain immune system organs, improving the level of hemolysin in serum, and enhancing the phagocytosis of macrophages. Milk protein hydrolysates have the capability to reduce type I hypersensitivity by decreasing IgE levels, IL-4 in serum, and the release of histamine and bicarbonate in peritoneal mast cells, as well as enhancing transforming growth factor-β levels in the serum of ovalbumin-sensitized mice.  相似文献   

采用试管法研究了SP Sephadex C-25对乳源抗氧化肽的分离条件,确定SP Scphadex C-25色谱分离条件为:上样量3mg/mL IE;起始缓冲液:20mmol/L的醋酸缓冲液(pH4.0);NaCI浓度为Imol/L.  相似文献   

The effect of high-pressure (HP) treatment on the hydrolysis of dairy whey proteins by trypsin, chymotrypsin and pepsin was analysed. Isostatic pressure (100–300 MPa for 15 min at 37 °C) was applied to the protein substrate prior to its enzymatic hydrolysis. Digestion was also conducted at atmospheric pressure (0.1 MPa) and under high pressure. The extent of hydrolysis was measured by the o-phthaldialdehyde method, the peptide profile was analysed by reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) and sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and the residual immunochemical reactivity was assessed by an ELISA test using a pool of seven sera from children allergic to bovine milk, an individual serum also positive (positive control) and two sera from non-allergic children (negative controls). The high pressure increased the degree of hydrolysis by the three enzymes used. Chymotrypsin and trypsin showed the highest proteolysis at 100 and 200 MPa followed by pepsin at 300 MPa. The β-lactoglobulin was hydrolysed by trypsin and chymotrypsin at atmospheric and at high pressures, whereas the pepsin only hydrolysed this protein under high pressure. Pepsin and trypsin hydrolysed α-lactalbumin in all cases. In contrast, this protein was not digested by chymotrypsin, irrespective of the pressure applied. An important decrease of immunochemical reactivity was found for pepsin and trypsin hydrolysates obtained under high pressure. The pool of seven sera detected immunoreactivity in the products of chymotrypsin hydrolysis under high pressure, which was not detected when the serum of one patient was used. The results suggest that dairy whey hydrolysates obtained by pepsin and trypsin in combination with HP treatment could be used as a source of peptides in hypo-allergenic infant formulae.  相似文献   

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