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电子封装常用名称及术语汇集下面,按英文字母顺序,汇集并解释了与目前LSI(包括IC)正在采用的主要封装形式相关联的名称术语等。这些名称术语参考并引用了日本国内12个半导体制造公司,其他国家7个半导体制造公司*与LSI封装相关的资料、日本电子机械工业会...  相似文献   

一种改进的矢量量化码字搜索算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文利用图像矢量的平均值和方差,结合了最近邻域搜索算法,构造了一种新的快速矢量量化编码算法。将一个输入矢量分为两个子矢量,分别计算原始矢量、两个子矢量的和以及方差值,利用在这些数值基础上建立的一组三角不等式来排除不可能的码字。仿真结果表明新算法在所需时间和计算复杂度方面优于改进的EENNS算法,为矢量量化算法的研究提供了一种新的思路。  相似文献   

采用空间矢量组合的小波图像分类矢量量化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
该文提出了采用空间矢量组合对小波图像进行分类矢量量化的新方法。该方法充分利用了各高频子带系数的频率相关性和空间约束性将子带系数重组,依据组合矢量能量和零树矢量综合判定进行分类,整幅图像只需单一量化码书,分类信息占用比特数少,并采用了基于人眼视觉特性的加权均方误差准则进行矢量量化,提高了量化增益。仿真结果表明,该方法实现简单,在较低的编码率下,可达到很好的压缩效果。  相似文献   

推荐系统是信息过滤的一种重要工具。随着互联网和大数据的介入,推荐系统的技术革新面临着新的挑战。近年来,深度学习的革命性进步在语音识别、图像分析和自然语言处理方面都受到了广泛关注。与此同时,一种应用于许多复杂任务的最先进的机器学习技术被用于推荐系统,以提高推荐的质量。由于其一流的性能表现和高质量的推荐结果,深度学习可以更好地理解用户需求、项目特征及其之间的历史性互动。文章提出将一种改进的深度神经网络应用于推荐系统。实验结果表明,该方法的效果令人瞩目。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an image coding scheme by using the variable blocksize vector quantization (VBVQ) to compress wavelet coefficients of an image. The scheme is capable of finding an optimal quadtree segmentation of wavelet coefficients of an image for VBVQ subject to a given bit budget, such that the total distortion of quantized wavelet coefficients is minimal. From our simulation results, we can see that our proposed coding scheme has higher performance in PSNR than other wavelet/VQ or subband/VQ coding schemes.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a new competitive learning algorithm with classified learning rates, and apply it to vector quantization of images. The basic idea is to assign a distinct learning rate to each reference vector. Each reference vector is updated independently of all the other reference vectors using its own learning rate. Each learning rate is changed only when its corresponding reference vector wins the competition, and the learning rates of the losing reference vectors are not changed. The experimental results obtained with image vector quantization show that the proposed method learns more rapidly and yields better quality of the coded images than conventional competitive learning method with a scalar learning rate.  相似文献   

A new neural network architecture is proposed for spatial domain image vector quantization (VQ). The proposed model has a multiple shell structure consisting of binary hypercube feature maps of various dimensions, which are extended forms of Kohonen's self-organizing feature maps (SOFMs). It is trained so that each shell can contain similar-feature vectors. A partial search scheme using the neighborhood relationship of hypercube feature maps can reduce the computational complexity drastically with marginal coding efficiency degradation. This feature is especially proper for vector quantization of a large block or high dimension. The proposed scheme can also provide edge preserving VQ by increasing the number of shells, because shells far from the origin are trained to contain edge block features.  相似文献   

基于矢量量化的层次分形编码方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
印鉴  魏思兵 《通信学报》2001,22(1):92-96
文中提出了一种新的分形图像压缩方法,该方法将矢量量化的概念应用于分形块编码中,对图像的平缓区进行矢量量化的线性组合编码,对图像的丰富细节区用分形编码,并且在分形编码时,采取了层次处理。实验表明,与基本的分形块编码方法相比,本文提出的矢量量化层次分形编码方法在保证一定的重建图像质量下,使图像的压缩比有了明显的提高,并且大大提高了编码和解码速度。  相似文献   

Multistage Vector Quantization(MSVQ) can achieve very low encoding and storage complexity in comparison to unstructured vector quantization. However, the conventional MSVQ is suboptimal with respect to the overall performance measure. This paper proposes a new technology to design the decoder codebook, which is different from the encoder codebook to optimise the overall performance. The performance improvement is achieved with no effect on encoding complexity, both storage and time consuming, but a modest increase in storage complexity of decoder.  相似文献   

针对传统的ART2神经网络中对于主观设置的警戒参数以及识别分类过程中产生模式漂移的问题,提出基于改进算法的ART2神经网络模型,用于解决分析模式识别问题。通过自组织,加权,迭代等过程推导合理的警戒参数用于聚类运算,通过对ART2神经网络的权值训练方面进行修正,减缓学习速率,降低模式漂移速度,近一步对聚类对象进行合理分类。实验结果证明,该方法是可行的和有效的。  相似文献   

谢小军  苏涛 《信息技术》2020,(4):97-101,106
针对卷积神经网络(CNN)在图像压缩耗费较大存储空间问题,文中通过研究压缩CNN参数的矢量量化方法解决了CNN模型的存储问题。通过压缩密集连接层的存储方式使得矢量量化方法比现有的矩阵分解方法更具优势。将k-均值聚类(KM)应用于权重和乘积量化可以在模型大小和识别精度之间取得较好的权衡。实验结果表明,结构化量化方法的效果明显优于其他方法,通过对图像压缩检索验证了压缩模型的泛化能力。  相似文献   

一种基于自组织神经网络的图像压缩编码算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文提出了一种基于自组织特征映射神经网络的图像压缩编码算法,即VQ+DPCM+DCT算法,实验表明,在压缩比为31.8∶1时,其峰峰信噪比为35.82dB(Lenna亮度图像),且主观效果良好,这是至今为止使用矢量量化(VQ)方法压缩图像所获得的最好结果。  相似文献   

This paper describes the use of a neural network architecture for classifying textured images in an unsupervised manner using image-specific constraints. The texture features are extracted by using two-dimensional (2-D) Gabor filters arranged as a set of wavelet bases. The classification model comprises feature quantization, partition, and competition processes. The feature quantization process uses a vector quantizer to quantize the features into codevectors, where the probability of grouping the vectors is modeled as Gibbs distribution. A set of label constraints for each pixel in the image are provided by the partition and competition processes. An energy function corresponding to the a posteriori probability is derived from these processes, and a neural network is used to represent this energy function. The state of the network and the codevectors of the vector quantizer are iteratively adjusted using a deterministic relaxation procedure until a stable state is reached. The final equilibrium state of the vector quantizer gives a classification of the textured image. A cluster validity measure based on modified Hubert index is used to determine the optimal number of texture classes in the image.  相似文献   

A new scheme is presented to design a rotated Barnes-Wall lattice based vector quantizer(LVQ). The construction method of the LVQ and its fast quantizing algorithm are described at first. Then gain-shape lattice vector quantizer(GSLVQ) with LVQ as shape quantizer is discussed. Finally the GSLVQ is used in image-sequence coding and good experimental results are obtained.  相似文献   

基于小波变换的最小失真预测/多级矢量量化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
矢量量化器的压缩性能随维数的增大而提高,但复杂度亦随维数的增大呈指数增大,限制了大维数矢量的使用。本文利用小波变换产生的子带间的相关性,提出一种新的最小失真预测/多级矢量量化算法。一方面通过最小失真预测来降低时间复杂度,使得编码63D的矢量只需付出相当于15D矢量的时间复杂度代价;另一方面通过增强多级矢量量化算法来进一步降低复杂度。在复杂度得到极大降低的同时,仍具有很好的编码性能。  相似文献   

A hierarchical classified vector quantization (HCVQ) method is described. In this method, the image is coded in several steps, starting with a relatively large block size, and successively dividing the block into smaller sub-blocks in a quad-tree fashion. The initial block is first vector quantized in the normal way. Classified vector quantization is then performed for its sub-blocks using the vector index of the initial block, i.e. rough information of the image, and the location of the sub-block within the initial block as classifiers. The coding proceeds in a similar way, adding more information of the fine details at each level. The method is found to be effective and to give a good subjective quality. It is also simple to implement, leading to coding speeds typical to a tree search VQ.  相似文献   

In the present work, a novel image watermarking algorithm using vector quantization (VQ) approach is presented for digital image authentication. Watermarks are embedded in two successive stages for image integrity verification and authentication. In the first stage, a key based approach is used to embed robust zero level watermark using properties of indices of vector quantized image. In the second stage, semifragile watermark is embedded by using modified index key based (MIKB) method. Random keys are used to improve the integrity and security of the designed system. Further, to classify an attack quantitatively as acceptable or as a malicious attack, pixel neighbourhood clustering approach is introduced. Proposed approach is evaluated on 250 standard test images using performance measures such as peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) and normalized hamming similarity (NHS). The experimental results shows that propose approach achieve average false positive rate 0.00024 and the average false negative rate 0.0012. Further, the average PSNR and tamper detection/localization accuracy of watermarked image is 42 dB and 99.8% respectively; while tamper localization sensitivity is very high. The proposed model is found to be robust to common content preserving attacks while fragile to content altering attacks.  相似文献   

利用改进的人工神经网络优选激光切割工艺参数   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在激光切割中,工艺参数的优化搭配直接影响切割质量.为了更好的选择出最优化的工艺参数搭配,本文利用人工神经网络分析方法,建立一个用遗传算法改进的人工神经网络模型,并在实际的应用中选出大量实际实验数据对其加以训练和验证.实验证明,该模型将遗传算法和神经网络的优点相结合,既克服了以往正交实验中存在的选出工艺参数准确度的问题,同时也克服了传统神经网络中易出现的局部最优和收敛速度较慢的问题,从而有效地解决了激光切割中各参数优化搭配的问题.  相似文献   

研制了基于图像块动态划分矢量量化的图像压缩芯片.编码前芯片预测系统可根据图像平滑程度及相邻图像块的空间相关度自动调节待压缩的子图像块尺寸,在保证恢复图像画质的前提下,与恒定图像块尺寸矢量量化相比,图像压缩率平均提高27%,最大提高64%.芯片中码书为256阶16维矢量,并采用方向性分类及码字和值升序排列结构,有效减小了码字搜索范围.芯片的设计与实现基于Charter0.35μm标准CMOS工艺,最终芯片尺寸为2.08mm×2.08mm.测试结果表明,工作电压为3V时,PDVQ图像压缩芯片工作频率可达到100MHz,在该工作条件下芯片功耗为295mW,并可以满足512×512灰度图像在30frame/s下的实时编码要求.  相似文献   

The algorithm for VLSI channel routing using Hopfield neural model is discussed inthis paper.The basic methods of mapping VLSI channel routing problem to Hopfield neural net-work,constructing energy function,setting initial neural status,and selecting various parametersare proposed.Finally,some experimental results are given.  相似文献   

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