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Smart Product-service systems (PSS) are the emerging type of PSS that offer market value and dynamic intelligence combining products and services as solutions to consumers based on digital technology. To design a smart PSS with an effective way, a structural design approach is required. Nevertheless, only a few existing researchers discussed this topic. Aiming to bridge this gap, an integrated way is proposed for smart PSS design. This study refines a generic approach for structural service innovation approach which integrates the advantage of PSS engineering and service engineering for designing smart product service systems. The structural design approach is based on the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) incorporating with service blueprint named PRR method. Three design phases are demonstrated as verification of the PRR method by an elaborated case study of the smart beauty service. Based on PRR, three key design phases are integrated, i.e., (1) problem definition, (2) resolution generation, and (3) resolution design. Empirical results and implications are collected and discussed to obtain valuable insights for value creation.  相似文献   

Many network services which process a large quantity of data and knowledge are available in the distributed network environment, and provide applications to users based on Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Web services technology. Therefore, a useful web service discovery approach for data and knowledge discovery process in the complex network environment is a very significant issue. Using the traditional keyword-based search method, users find it difficult to choose the best web services from those with similar functionalities. In addition, in an untrustworthy real world environment, the QoS-based service discovery approach cannot verify the correctness of the web services’ Quality of Service (QoS) values, since such values guaranteed by a service provider are different from the real ones. This work proposes a trustworthy two-phase web service discovery mechanism based on QoS and collaborative filtering, which discovers and recommends the needed web services effectively for users in the distributed environment, and also solves the problem of services with incorrect QoS information. In the experiment, the theoretical analysis and simulation experiment results show that the proposed method can accurately recommend the needed services to users, and improve the recommendation quality.  相似文献   

邓式阳  杜玉越 《计算机应用》2013,33(8):2167-2170
针对海量的语义Web 服务组合中如何提高搜索速度和获得最优组合的问题,提出了一种基于服务簇和服务质量(QoS)的快速组合方法。利用预先建立的服务簇进行服务搜索,可以有效缩小搜索空间,降低语义比较的复杂度,快速得到候选服务集合。组合过程中基于服务的最优组合QoS值动态确定阈值进行服务过滤,可以获得多个最优组合。同时采用高效的冗余处理方法保证组合中冗余服务最少,并采用服务簇内部过滤的方法限制候选服务数量,解决了因组合过多造成的运行超时问题。基于海量服务库进行实验,结果表明,服务搜索效率比普通搜索方法可提高几十倍,服务过滤和冗余处理效果明显,可快速获得多个QoS最优的无冗余组合,并且在百万级服务库进行大层次深度的组合时仍可保证良好的运行性能。  相似文献   

制造云服务组合是一种提高云制造资源利用率,实现制造资源增值的新技术,对云制造产业的快速发展具有重要的支撑作用。随着云制造技术的日益成熟,网络上出现了大量具有相同制造功能和不同服务质量的制造云服务,如何通过这些制造云服务构建出既能满足用户制造需求,又具有最优服务质量的组合服务是云制造领域面临的难题。针对这一问题,将协作学习、变异和精英保留机制引入最大最小蚁群算法,构造了具有学习和变异能力的最大最小蚁群算法,并使用该算法求解服务质量感知的制造云服务优化组合问题。仿真实验结果验证了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

杨万春  张晨曦  穆斌 《计算机应用》2016,36(8):2207-2212
服务级别协议(SLA)等级感知的服务选择是NP难题。针对服务选择中维度与粒度方面的问题,提出结合语义与事务属性的服务质量(QoS)感知的服务优化选择模型。该模型从语义链接匹配度、QoS与事务三个维度对服务进行优化选择,并设计了支持多粒度的编码策略。针对服务选择中时间复杂度高的问题,提出了克隆选择与遗传算法相结合的混合优化算法。该算法首先采用动态适应度函数,逐代淘汰不满足约束的个体;其次给出了事务属性的优先级,并根据优先级设计了知识启发式的交叉与变异算子,以保证个体满足事务属性要求;最后在遗传算法中对优秀个体进行克隆选择,以增强对最优解的搜索能力。仿真实验中,该算法在服务选择的精确度和成功率方面均优于遗传算法;在时间花费上稍高于遗传算法但远低于穷举法。实验结果表明,所提算法能在较少时间花费的基础上保证服务选择的质量。  相似文献   

为了解决Web服务组合优化过程计算量大、非线性等问题,提出在给定成本约束下利用成本效益系数(CBC)对Web服务组合可靠性进行优化的方法。首先分析了Web服务组合结构模式及其对应的可靠性函数,进一步给出服务组合的可靠性计算方法,并建立非线性可靠性优化模型;然后,通过组件服务的成本及其可靠性关系计算成本效益系数,进一步确定Web服务组合的优化方案,再根据优化模型计算得到优化结果;最后,以组件服务可靠性数据为基础,通过与传统的优化方法比较,验证了基于成本效益系数的方法可以在给定成本约束时获得更高的可靠性。实验结果表明,所提方法对Web服务组合进行可靠性优化是有效、合理的。  相似文献   

A multidisciplinary approach integrating method of identification of customer satisfaction needs (CSNs), the House of Quality (HoQ) chart of quality function deployment (QFD), theory of innovation problem solving (TRIZ) and fuzzy group decision-making theory for ergonomic product innovative design and evaluation in the early design stages was proposed. An integrated model and the approach procedures consists of four steps. In step 1, identification of CSNs is based on a data source triangulation approach, questionnaire survey, 5-point liner numeric rating scale, factor analysis, and Cronbach’s coefficient alpha statistic are utilized to guarantee that the CSNs are complete and reliable. In step 2, a correlation matrix is built to identify the critical ergonomic design areas and the key problems are established by analysis of the negative relationships obtained from interrelationship half-matrix at the roof of the HoQ. In step 3, to solve the problems, TRIZ main tools and contradiction analysis are utilized. Several innovative alternatives are generated by combining appropriate Inventive Principles of TRIZ, the critical ergonomic design areas and the ergonomic design principles. In step 4, a general and easy fuzzy group decision-making method for evaluating of the best design alternatives is presented. A case study of the integrated kitchen stove innovative design and evaluation is conducted to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

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