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中国当前进入能源体制深化改革时期,业内对未来能源格局、“互联网+能源”等纷纷解读、莫衷一是。回顾了国内外从智慧能源系统到能源互联网的发展历程,阐述了对能源互联网的认识以及能源体制改革对发展能源互联网的意义。未来能源体系由基础能源互联网及更高层级的能源互联网构成,具有开放、平等、互动、共享的特点;以人为本是能源互联网的基本出发点,互联网使得能源系统诸多环节趋于最优化,最终能为每个人提供“最佳”能源服务;能源互联网有望容纳更多可再生能源,天然气分布式能源在其中的备用、调节作用增强;能源互联网代表着先进生产力,有望解决当前能源问题,并催生新型能源服务行业,助力中国社会经济转型。  相似文献   

对中国能源问题的思考   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
江泽民 《中国能源》2008,30(4):5-19
本文阐明了能源问题的重要性,指出能源是我国经济社会发展的重要制约因素,事关经济安全和国家安全。从资源、生产、消费以及对环境和经济社会发展影响等方面,分析了世界能源基本状况和发展趋势,并探讨了我国能源发展面临的机遇和挑战。关于中国能源发展的战略思路,是本文论述的重点。文中提出走中国特色新型能源发展道路,主要涵义是:坚持节约高效、多元发展、清洁环保、科技先行、国际合作,努力建设一个利用效率高、技术水平先进、污染排放低、生态环境影响小、供给稳定安全的能源生产流通消费体系。文章阐述了节约优先的长期战略、一次能源的有效开发利用和先进电力系统的发展等内容,展望了未来能源技术的发展前景。同时,还提出实施好能源发展战略,需要进一步完善能源政策,健全体制机制,加强宏观管理,更好地发挥市场配置资源的基础性作用,为经济社会发展提供有力的能源保障。  相似文献   

中国农村能源发展现状及“十二五”展望   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
田宜水 《中国能源》2011,33(5):13-16
近年来,我国高度重视农村能源建设,投资力度不断增加,政策法规体系初步建立,农村沼气已实现跨越式发展,太阳能热利用持续快速增长,秸秆能源化利用也取得初步进展。但还存在着优质能源比例低、城乡差距大、投资结构不合理以及市场化程度低等问题。建议在"十二五"期间,按照"因地制宜、多能互补、综合利用、讲求效益"的发展方针,大力推广农村可再生能源和节能技术,采取完善政策法规、开发农村能源市场等措施,促进农村社会经济可持续发展。  相似文献   

针对拉萨地区独特的环境与资源特点,分析该地区能源利用现状、能源利用存在的问题、能源生产和能源消费特点,提出该地区能源消费结构调整目标是积极引导和鼓励调整能源消费结构,充分利用太阳能、地热、水电等可再生能源,减少生物质能比例,同时结合城市空间总体布局,对城市重点能源开发项目提出建设要求。  相似文献   

魏振香  张冠洁 《中外能源》2012,17(12):30-34
能源弹性是分析经济增长与能源生产、消费增加之间关系的重要指标.选取了2001~1010年我国煤炭、石油、天然气和水电、核能的生产、消费弹性作为数据样本,通过建立灰色关联度模型,得出煤炭、石油、天然气及水电、核能的生产弹性与总能源生产弹性的关联度分别为0.708946,0.669974、0.765697、0.676101,煤炭、石油、天然气及水电、核能的消费弹性与总能源消费弹性关联度分别为0.708946、0.669974、0.765697、0.676101.在能源生产弹性和消费弹性中,煤炭和天然气的关联度并不具有完全的一致性,建议加大对天然气这种新型清洁能源的开发、利用,现阶段应大力发展洁净煤技术,提高煤炭的燃烧效率,减少环境污染;目前石油的生产、消费弹性与总能源生产、消费弹性的关联度均为最低,建议应适度提高石油使用水平;水电、核能与总能源弹性关联度不高,建议目前应加大科研力度.  相似文献   

21世纪中国能源发展趋势展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对中国能源结构现状数据和非常规能源潜力的分析,叙述了中国到2050年进入中等发达国家水平的过程中,煤炭、石油等常规能源所占能源总量比重将逐渐下降,非常规能源所占比重将逐渐上升,逐渐成为替代能源乃至主导能源的发展趋势。  相似文献   

我国能源发展的风险影响因素与预警系统分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从3个角度分析了我国能源发展中存在的风险;以能源资源储量、能源生产效率、可再生能源开发、政治能源外交、国际能源交易等为主的能源供给角度;以经济增长方式、能源利用效率、节能政策与节能设备等为主的能源利用角度;以能源环境污染、清洁替代能源等为主的环境保护角度。在此基础上,讨论了以能源供需平衡和价格波动、单位产值能耗、能源需求增长速度等为指标的预警系统构建思路。  相似文献   

广西能源形势和能源产业的若干思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过分析广西能源需求形势,指出广西能源产业中存在的能源需求量增幅趋稳,绝对增量大,能源结构与能源禀赋不相适应,单位GDP能耗下降空间大,能源管理制度有待创新等实际问题,并有针对性地从节能、发展自主能源、加强能源管理等3个角度进行应对措施的思考.  相似文献   

以山东青岛中德生态园区为研究对象,分析不同功能区域对冷、热、电等方面的不同需求,从而产生终端用能种类、时间、数量等方面的需求多样性,为满足这种需求,最终确定以充分利用可再生能源和新能源为主要原则,以分布式为主、集中式为辅的能源互联网为主体的供能模式,并详细介绍整个能源互联网的规划方案。  相似文献   

当前我国能源消费供给、能源结构转型、能源系统形态呈现新的发展趋势,综合能源服务成为一种新型的为满足终端客户多元化能源生产与消费的能源服务方式,以"发展引领、市场导向、创新驱动、统筹高效"为基本原则,构建以电为中心,清洁高效、智能互动、开放共享的现代能源消费体系,并介绍了浙江丽水市在综合能源服务的实施方案和成功案例。  相似文献   

欧洲可持续能源政策及对我国的启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
欧洲能源政策的目标是力求在不增加能源供应总量的前提下保持经济持续发展,保障能源供应安全、加强环境保护和提高经济竞争力。在管理体制上建立了负责能源政策研究、制订、实施和监督的专门机构。最重要的措施是节能和发展可再生能源,重点领域包括建筑节能、企业节能、热电联产和可再生能源。欧洲可持续能源政策对我国的能源发展有一定借鉴意义,我们的能源政策应在保障满足经济和社会发展需要的同时,提高能源效率,发展清洁能源,加强能源与环境的协调,并在体制上为可持续能源战略的实施消除障碍。另外,还应考虑建立清洁能源基金等措施为可持续能源政策的实施提供资金保障。  相似文献   

An overview of ocean renewable energy resources in Korea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Korea relies on imported fossil fuels to meet its energy consumption demands. As such, there is a need to investigate alternative energy resources such as renewable energy. In this paper, assessments of the potential of various ocean renewable energy resources in the sea around Korea; potential sources of energy including wave energy, tidal energy, tidal current energy and ocean thermal energy. Tidal energy and tidal current energy are likely to play an important role in meeting the future energy needs of Korea, whereas the potentials of wave energy and ocean thermal energy for the same are relatively low. The level of technical development and the renewable energy market in Korea is currently in an early stage. The government will have to be more aggressive in the promotion of renewable energy to achieve sustainable development in Korea.  相似文献   

鲍云樵 《中外能源》2007,12(1):24-28
对传统能源的不可持续供应进行了说明,介绍了几种可以永续造福人类的可再生能源和新能源,包括:太阳能、风能、生物质能、水能、地热能、海洋能、氢能、受控核聚变能。  相似文献   

The purposes of this study are to look into the actuality of rural residential energy consumption in Hunan province, China, to improve rural residential energy utilization structures, and to protect the environment. An investigation on rural residential energy consumption was carried out in the villages of Xintian and Jiangwan in the spring and summer of 2005. Biomass energy is used in Xintian while biogas is popularized in Jiangwan. A questionnaire survey covered basic information of residences in the two villages, and energy consumption data of each family in the spring and summer were also recorded continuously. The characteristics of energy utilization structures of the two villages, the one with biomass energy utilization structure and the other with the ecotype energy utilization structure, are contrasted, and seasonal variance characteristics of energy consumption in spring and summer are analyzed. Sequentially, influence factors of rural residential energy consumption are further discussed qualitatively and quantificationally. Environmental benefit is assessed finally when biogas substitutes biomass energy. Conclusions are summarized as follows: In Xintian, a complicated energy structure is still dominant, where biomass energy accounts for a significant proportion and manifold energy resources exist simultaneously; the energy consumption is high; categories of energy resources used by households vary between spring and summer. The energy structure is definitely better in Jiangwan, where the ratios of commercial energy and ecotype energy used are both higher than those in Xintian and the ratio of biomass energy is smaller. Categories of used energy resources are also more constant in spring and summer. The total energy use amount of each season in Xintian is larger than that in Jiangwan respectively, while there is little difference in the efficiency energy use amount of each season between the two villages. Qualitative and quantitative analyses show that the accessibility of local energy resources, the domestic economical level, governmental energy policies, and consumption conceptions of farmers affect energy utilization structures definitely, while the efficiency of cookers, the number of family members, and annual income have effect on energy consumption amounts. Environmental analysis shows that the usage of biogas makes a great contribution in optimizing the energy consumption structure, reducing energy consumption, discharging less harmful gases and keeping the ecosystem in balance. The comparison between biomass energy and ecotype energy provides instructions for future development of rural residential energy consumption in China.  相似文献   

The pricing mechanism for energy is not in line with the international standards, because the energy prices are controlled by the government partly or completely in China. Chinese government made a lot of efforts to improve the pricing mechanism for energy. The relations between Chinese energy prices and energy consumption are the foundations to reform the mechanism. In this paper, the relations between Chinese energy consumption and energy prices are researched by cointegration equations, impulse response functions, granger causality and variance decomposition. The cointegration relations among energy prices, energy consumption and economic outputs show that higher energy price will decrease energy consumption in Chinese industrial sectors but will not reduce the economic output in the long run. The cointegration relation between energy price and household energy consumption shows that higher energy price will decrease household energy consumption in the long run and increase it in the short run. So Chinese government should deepen the reform of pricing mechanism for energy, and increase the energy prices reasonably to save energy.  相似文献   

储能技术主要是指电能的储存,是智能电网的重要环节。当前应用最广泛的储能系统为抽水储能,但其选址困难、对环境影响较大、对水资源依赖严重。重力储能作为一种新型的储能技术,以重物为储能媒介,原理简单且形式多样,能够充分发挥不同的地理优势进行储能。相对于传统储能技术,重力储能技术具有非常明显的优势。根据山地重力储能、悬重式重力储能、塔吊式重力储能、铁轨重力储能和重力储能式飞机等5种形式的重力储能技术,对现阶段重力储能技术的研究进展进行了综述。结合重力储能技术的原理、特点以及我国储能领域的发展方向和需求,对重力储能技术的应用前景进行了分析并提出建议。研究内容和提出的建议可以为我国重力储能技术的理论研究和发展应用提供参考。  相似文献   

The smart cities development requires reducing energy consumption and using as much renewable energy as possible, so the widespread use of new energy vehicles is a very important measure. In this work, for the energy system configuration and energy efficiency balance of new energy vehicles, we propose an energy matching method to study its energy efficiency from the view point for energy life cycle. Nowadays, new energy vehicles mainly include battery electric vehicles (BEV) and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (HFCEV). Firstly, we proposed the Source to Range (STR) model. Then, based on STR model, we used energy efficiency analysis chart to visually represent the conversion, delivery and consumption of the vehicle energy life cycle. Furthermore, we proposed a Source Energy Consumption Rate (SECR), which is used to evaluate the vehicles energy efficiency. Finally, based on STR model, we obtained the dividing line of the same SECR for new energy vehicles and equivalent fuel vehicles, which provides constraints on the vehicle energy system design. The results show that STR model can provide an effective tool for energy matching and energy efficiency analysis of new energy vehicles, and has a reference for product development of new energy vehicles.  相似文献   

我国当前的能源问题及未来能源发展战略   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
能源短缺、能源安全、农村和偏远地区的能源供应、以煤为主的不合理能源结构、能源消费对环境的影响以及能源利用效率是我国能源领域面临的问题。全面解决这些问题,需要制定适合中国国情的中国能源发展战略,其内容应包括:合理的能源供应路线,从国内外两个方面保证能源安全;优化能源结构,提高清洁、高效的优质能源的消费比例,使得能源消费能够协调经济与环境的可持续发展,并且因地制宜发展可再生能源保证农村和偏远地区的能源供应;提高能源效率,推进节能技术进步,发挥市场作用,促进能源效率提高;能源消费的环境友好性,这有赖于能源消费结构的优化和能源效率的提高。  相似文献   

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