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数值模拟软岩巷道支护技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
软岩巷道多具有高应力、变形大、难支护等工程特征,单一支护方式难以控制围岩变形.通过对围岩变形机理、破坏过程分析研究,利用模拟围岩变形破坏的RFPA计算软件,建立了数值计算力学模型.对软岩巷道围岩变形破坏、应力转移过程进行模拟分析,为软岩巷道支护方案设计提供了依据.  相似文献   

软岩巷道多具有高应力、变形大、难支护等工程特征,单一支护方式难以控制围岩变形.通过对围岩变形机理、破坏过程分析研究,利用模拟围岩变形破坏的RFPA计算软件,建立了数值计算力学模型.对软岩巷道围岩变形破坏、应力转移过程进行模拟分析,为软岩巷道支护方案设计提供了依据.  相似文献   

倾斜软岩平巷位置优化的数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合工程实际,运用功能强大的FLAC3D等数值模拟软件,对不同层位倾斜岩层中巷道不支护允许大变形状态下进行数值模拟计算,研究巷道处于不同层位时巷道围岩位移、应力和塑性区的变化规律,研究表明,对于倾斜软岩平巷,其层位选择相当重要,当存在一定厚度的稳定岩层时,沿稳定岩层顶板掘进对巷道变形、应力集中及巷道塑性区分布等均较为有利,对控制巷道变形量、降低巷道支护成本、提高巷道掘进速度也有着重要影响,同时也减少了巷道使用期间的返修、保证了巷道的安全使用.  相似文献   

为研究第三系红层软岩在低温下的蠕变特性。对冻结红层进行单轴蠕变试验,试验结果表明,在应力水平较低时,软岩只存在衰减蠕变,随着应力水平的增大,当超过流变长期强度时,出现了非稳定蠕变;同时,随着温度的降低,软岩的瞬时应变量和蠕变量都会明显减少,而长期强度则有较大幅度的增长,说明温度对软岩及冻结壁的流变性质影响十分显著。引入与时间和应力相关的非线性黏滞系数和时间开关函数,对西原模型进行改进,得到了可以描述加速蠕变的非线性流变本构模型,通过试验数据对冻结红层软岩的参数进行了辨识。将流变模型嵌入到abaqus有限元程序,并对井筒开挖进行数值模拟,获得冻结壁最大位移与时间曲线,通过与实测值进行比较,两者较为吻合。可见,建立的流变模型能够很好的描述冻结红层软岩的蠕变规律。  相似文献   

极软岩巷道具有持续塑性变形破坏工程特征,单一支护方式难以控制.故而通过对围岩变形机理、破坏过程分析研究,采用有限元和RFPA计算软件,进行模拟分析,互相印证,提出二次锚注支护方案,为软岩巷道支护提供了依据.  相似文献   

软岩巷道交叉点锚杆支护数值模拟分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以云南恩洪煤矿软岩巷道为背景,应用数值模拟对软岩巷道交叉点3种支护方案进行分析研究.结果表明,全断面预应力锚杆支护改善了交叉点的应力集中程度,起到一定卸压作用,并控制了围岩的变形量,保证了软岩巷道交叉点的稳定.  相似文献   

为了解决饱和软岩地下洞库开挖稳定数值模拟分析中的2项关键问题:合适的本构模型和超孔隙水压对岩体受力变形的影响,基于软岩的类超固结土性质,将下负荷面理论应用于修正剑桥模型,推导出适用于研究软岩地层开挖数值模拟的简易本构模型,并通过三轴试验结果与数值模拟结果相比较验证新本构模型的适用性;然后通过某一实际软岩地下洞库开挖工程的数值模拟,对比分析水土耦合和水土非耦合方法得到的数值模拟结果与现场实测结果间的符合程度.结果表明,新提出的所需参数较少的简易软岩本构模型能较好地模拟岩体在开挖过程中的受力变形特征,同时发现采用水土耦合算法模拟饱和软岩地下洞室开挖能够很好地模拟实际开挖过程中围岩的受力与变形情况.  相似文献   

煤炭地下气化三维非线性动态温度场数值模拟   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
介绍了煤炭地下气化模型试验条件,通过对气化炉体内燃烧气化煤层温度场分 分析及对边界条件的概化和处理,建立了三维非线性动态温度场数学模型,阐述了模型参数的选取方法。和有限单元方法进行了求解,并对计算结果进行了分析,计算值和实测值的一致性表明对气化炉的煤层介质动态温度场的数值模拟是正确的。从而为进一步对煤炭地下气化过程进行定量研究,提供了必要的理论依据。  相似文献   

软岩巷道围岩非线性流变数学力学模型   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
基于大量的岩块流变试验,从岩石长期强度的衰减特征和岩石的应变能守恒原则出发,建立了非弹塑黏性元件组合模型的软岩(煤)非线性流变数学力学模型.在此基础上,进一步建立了软岩(煤层)巷道围岩非线性流变数学力学模型,并采用实验室三轴巷道围岩流变试验对该模型的有效性进行了验证.应用该模型计算的煤层巷道围岩受掘进影响期间的深部位移与现场实测结果非常吻合.  相似文献   

在对钢纤维混凝土非线性材料模式研究的基础上,采用增量法,结合试验数据和有关理论,建立钢纤维混凝土的数值本构关系.在钢纤维混凝土单元开裂处理中,引入应力释放因子和剪力传递因子.以钢纤维混凝土二桩承台为算例.借助ANSYS分析了在荷载作用下的裂缝开展,分析结果和试验结果比较.符合较好。  相似文献   

A similar material model and a numerical simulation were constructed and are described herein. The deformation and failure of surrounding rock of broken and soft roadway are studied by using these models. The deformation of the roof and floor, the relative deformation of the two sides and the deformation of the deep surrounding rock are predicted using the model. Measurements in a working mine are compared to the results of the models. The results show that the surrounding rock shows clear rheological features under high stress conditions. Deformation is unequally distributed across the whole section. The surrounding rock exhibited three deformation stages: displacement caused by stress concentration, rheological displacement after the digging effects had stabilized and displacement caused by supporting pressure of the roadway. Floor heave was serious, accounting for 65% of the total deformation of the roof and floor. Floor heave is the main reason for failure of the surrounding rock. The reasons for deformation of the surrounding rock are discussed based on the similar material and numerical simulations.  相似文献   

采用数值模拟试验方法,研究了几何结构参数对深井软岩巷道交岔点围岩变形规律的影响。试验结果统计分析表明:最大水平应力作用角α、分岔角β对三角区稳定性影响显著,主巷道跨度B对交岔点处顶板稳定性的影响高度显著;并对试验结果进行处理,得到了各试验参数与反映交岔点稳定性指标之间的关系。试验结果可为深井软岩巷道交岔点的设计、施工和稳定性预测提供一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

The FLAC3D software was used to simulate and analyze numerically the displacement, stress and plastic zone distribution characteristics of a large span intersection in a deep soft rock roadway after the surrounding rock was excavated. Our simulation results show that there are two kinds of dominating factors affecting roadway stability at points of intersection, one is the angle between horizontal stress and axial direction of the roadway and the other are the angles at the points of intersection. These results are based on a study we carried out as follows: first, we analyzed the failure mechanism of a large span intersection and then we built a mechanical model of a rock pillar at one of the points of intersection. At the end of this analysis, we obtained the failure characteristics of the critical parts on the large span intersection. Given these failure characteristics, we proposed a new supporting method, i.e., a Double-Bolt Control Technology (DBCT). By way of numerical simulation, DBCT can effectively control the deformation of the surrounding rock at the points of intersection in roadways.  相似文献   

Based on the safety coefficient method,which assigns rock failure criteria to calculate the rock mass unit,the safety coefficient contour of surrounding rock is plotted to judge the distribution form of the fractured zone in the roadway.This will provide the basis numerical simulation to calculate the surrounding rock fractured zone in a roadway.Using the single factor and multi-factor orthogonal test method,the evolution law of roadway surrounding rock displacements,plastic zone and stress distribution under different conditions is studied.It reveals the roadway surrounding rock burst evolution process,and obtains five kinds of failure modes in deep soft rock roadway.Using the fuzzy mathematics clustering analysis method,the deep soft surrounding rock failure model in Zhujixi mine can be classified and patterns recognized.Compared to the identification results and the results detected by geological radar of surrounding rock loose circle,the reliability of the results of the pattern recognition is verified and lays the foundations for the support design of deep soft rock roadways.  相似文献   

针对新义煤矿11011工作面回采巷道煤层松软、围岩变形大、现有微拱工字钢支护难以满足生产安全需要的问题,利用FLAC数值模拟软件分别对微拱工字钢和外扎腿U型钢支护下的巷道位移矢量特征、应力特征及塑性区范围进行了分析.结果表明,外扎腿u型钢支护,能有效地改善围岩的应力状态和控制围岩的变形量,适合该矿软煤层特征;通过对12011皮带运输巷进行的工业性试验的实测变形数据分析表明,外扎腿u型钢支护,降低了顶板与两帮收敛速度与位移,提高了软岩巷道围岩强度和自承能力,维护了巷道围岩的稳定性,支护效果良好,能满足新义煤矿安全生产的要求,可为类似条件下的巷道支护提供参考.  相似文献   

深部巷道围岩变形试验与数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究深部软岩巷道的变形破坏特性,以淮南矿区某煤矿13-1煤回采巷道为例,在现场调查回采巷道工程概况的基础上,开展了室内深部回采巷道围岩变形特性相似模拟试验,并基于块体离散元法,建立了深部回采巷道围岩的数值模型,模拟了开挖过程中围岩的变形特性。相似模拟试验和数值模拟试验结果表明,深部巷道围岩的典型特征为:巷道底臌量两帮移近量顶板下沉量,巷道不同围岩受开挖扰动的位移影响范围不同,底板为3.5 m,顶板为2.45 m,两帮为5.5 m。  相似文献   

Analyzing the mineral composition, mechanical properties and ground stress testing in surrounding rock,the study investigated the failure mechanism of deep soft rock roadway with high stress. The boltgrouting combined support system was proposed to prevent such failures. By means of FLAC3D numerical simulation and similar material simulation, the feasibility of the support design and the effectiveness of support parameters were discussed. According to the monitoring the surface and deep displacement in surrounding rock as well as bolt axial load, this paper analyzed the deformation of surrounding rock and the stress condition of the support structure. The monitor results were used to optimize the proposed support scheme. The results of field monitors demonstrate that the bolt-grouting combined support technology could improve the surround rock strength and bearing capacity of support structure, which controlled the great deformation failure and rheological property effectively in deep soft rock roadway with high stress. As a result, the long term stability and safety are guaranteed.  相似文献   

软岩巷道锚喷支护破坏分析与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
软岩巷道锚喷支护破坏原因主要有:巷道底板无支护或支护的强度不够,底板流变极易发展,形成了围岩体的流变通道;大部分锚杆支护为低工作阻力值,支护作用没有得到有效发挥;混凝土喷层和围岩体变形不匹配,导致喷层体离层、剪切破坏;钢笆网抵抗破坏和变形的能力弱,降低了网喷层的强度和抗变形能力.采取的支护对策有:底板反拱加强支护,避免局部围岩体的整体移动,实现巷道周边岩体的均匀收敛变形;选用长锚杆,更好地控制巷道围岩的变形;初喷混凝土为厚度20 mm薄喷层,实现初喷层与巷道围岩体的同步变形;用直径4 mm冷拔钢丝编织金属网替代钢笆网,提高网喷层支护体的强度与抗变形能力;二次锚杆支护在复喷混凝土后进行,防止网喷层与围岩体离层现象的发生.  相似文献   

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