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基于梯度的混合Mumford-Shah模型医学图像分割   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对C-V法的水平集图像分割法缺少局部控制能力等问题,将基于边缘的几何主动轮廓线模型和基于区域的C-V法两者结合起来,提出了基于梯度的混合Mumford-Shah图像分割模型HMSG。给出了HMSG模型的参数设置准则,在分割的初期加大模型中全局特征项的权值,在分割的后期则加大局部特征项的权值,以提高模型的图像分割能力。对合成图像与医学图像的分割实验结果表明,该方法优于C-V方法对于含有噪声和边缘模糊的非二值图像的分割,能够较为准确地提取图像边界,可以有效提高图像分割整体性能。  相似文献   

提出一种用于填补提花图像中斑点和折痕区域的修补算法,首先对经典Mumford-Shah模型进行了改进,增加了对其不连续点集形成中的光滑度约束;然后通过对改进Mumford-shah模型的梯度流方程的求解,得到了算法的数值解,梯度流方程包含两个相互耦合的二阶偏微分方程,分别用于灰度函数和不连续点集示性函数的演化,对含噪提花织物图像进行修补的结果证明了该算法的可行性。  相似文献   

针对传统的Mumford-Shah(M-S)模型在图像分割的每一次迭代中都需要另外求解两个椭圆型方程,从而使得算法的执行效率大大降低的缺点,利用分片常函数代替M-S模型中的待优化输出图像,简化了曲线演化的过程,避免了额外计算,有效地提高了算法的执行速度。实验表明,该方法在图像分割效果方面与传统方法没有明显差别,但是程序的运行速度方面却远远优于传统方法。  相似文献   

宋锦萍  李率杰 《自动化学报》2007,33(12):1259-1262
为了快速的分割和去噪, 经典的 Mumford-Shah 模型需要增强惩罚项的作用, 即增大惩罚项系数, 但是将使目标逐渐的消失. 本文工作提出一个改进的 Mumford-Shah 模型避免了如此现象, 并结合逐段常数水平集方法和梯度下降法求解极小化问题. 并用仿真实验证明了新模型和运算的有效性.  相似文献   

基于先验形状和Mumford-Shah模型的活动轮廓分割是一种抗噪声干扰、稳定的图像分割方法。该模型采用水平集方法,并结合活动轮廓模型、先验形状和Mumford-Shah模型来控制曲线演化。特定目标的先验知识可以有效地指导目标准确分割,经过主成分分析(PCA)法可以得到感兴趣对象形状的主要信息。通过对不同图片分割实验表明,针对特定的形状,该方法对杂乱背景、部分遮挡、缺失和强噪声的图片依然能得到满意的结果。  相似文献   

由于红外图像大多具有目标模糊,对比度低的特点,传统的分割方法容易受到噪声和边界轮廓的影响而导致分割效果不佳,提出了一种基于简化Mumford-Shah模型的水平集红外图像分割算法.该算法能够通过将初始闭合曲线嵌入水平集函数,利用函数的求解从而达到图像分割的目的.仿真实验结果表明,该分割算法与初始轮廓线位置无关,受边界轮廓线和图像噪声的影响较小,具有较强的鲁棒性,在目标与背景灰度级差别较小的红外图像的分割中取得了较好的效果.  相似文献   

基于加权总广义变差的Mumford-Shah模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张文娟  冯象初  王旭东 《自动化学报》2012,38(12):1913-1922
给出了加权总广义变差(Total generalized variation, TGV)的定义. 利用图像的2阶加权TGV半范作为正则项, 利用水平集函数的2阶加权TGV半范近似边界长度, 提出了基于加权TGV的Mumford-Shah模型. 对未知函数分别利用交替Split-Bregman方法、Fenchel对偶方法及FISTA (Fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm)给出数值计算模型. 仿真实验结果表明, 利用图像的2阶加权TGV半范的去噪效果优于常用的梯度模2范数和加权TV (Total variation)半范正则化; 利用水平集函数的2阶加权TGV半范近似边界长度的边缘检测效果优于传统的TV半范和加权TV半范约束.  相似文献   

李波  苏卓  冷成财  王胜法  罗笑南 《自动化学报》2014,40(12):2926-2935
为解决高维滤波中存在的边缘特征模糊和细节保持问题, 创新性提出了一种基于混合梯度最小化Mumford-Shah模型的平滑算法. 通过最小化包含梯度的L0、L1范数的正则化函数, 实现边缘保持和局部光滑的滤波分解效果. 从二维图像来看, 梯度的L0范数刻画了图像中非光滑像素的个数, 最小化梯度的L0范数可以实现图像分片同质的效果, 即可对应Mumford-Shah模型中要求的边缘内部尽量均匀; 梯度的L1范数, 即全变差项, 刻画了图像中所有水平集的长度, 最小化梯度的L1范数可以实现控制图像边缘锐利度的目的, 即Mumford-Shah模型中关于图像边缘保持的约束. 由于Mumford-Shah模型具有鲁棒的信号平滑和边缘特征描述能力, 因此在进行高维信号分解等处理时,可以取得良好分离效果. 实验结果表明, 混合梯度Mumford-Shah模型在滤波过程中可以实现边缘保持和纹理平滑相统一的特性, 获得优异的图像结构纹理分解效果, 对多个图像应用的处理效果有显著的提升, 在三维网格数据上也获得良好的去噪性能.  相似文献   

目标轮廓的快速检测进而提取其几何形状,在图形图像处理中有着重要的作用.提出了一种多目标轮廓的水平集提取方法,对基于Mumford-Shah模型的C-V方法从两方面进行了改进:增加梯度矢量场和曲线法方向的融合作为边界吸引场,生成可以驱动主动轮廓向边缘进化的双向几何变形流,保留原图像分布信息作为区域进化能,解决未考虑局部几何信息造成的区域能量捕捉信息不全,或边缘梯度场和演化曲线法线方向正交时无法实现拓扑结构变化的缺陷;对水平集函数进行修正,使得它在收敛过程中能自动进行调整,确保其满足符号距离函数的要求,扩大初始化前迭代搜索区域,减少初始化次数,提高收敛效率;最后给出所提方法的数字化求解方案.实验表明该方法可行且具有较好的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

基于知识的多层Mumford-Shah向量值图像分割模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对多层Mumford-Shah模型不能正确分割对比度小且部分被遮挡的复杂医学图像问题, 将目标形状先验知识窄带水平集统计形状模型集成到多层Mumford-Shah模型, 提出了基于目标形状先验知识的多层Mumford-Shah向量值图像分割模型和求解该图像分割模型泛函最小值的水平集逐层迭代算法. 实验结果表明, 该方法能够有效分割对比度小且部分被血管遮挡的早期青光眼病人视乳头图像.  相似文献   

PCNN models and applications   总被引:82,自引:0,他引:82  
Pulse coupled neural network (PCNN) models are described. The linking field modulation term is shown to be a universal feature of any biologically grounded dendritic model. Applications and implementations of PCNNs are reviewed. Application based variations and simplifications are summarized. The PCNN image decomposition (factoring) model is described in detail.  相似文献   

We present a simple and robust feature preserving image regularization by letting local region measures modulate the diffusivity. The purpose of this modulation is to disambiguate low level cues in early vision. We interpret the Ambrosio-Tortorelli approximation of the Mumford-Shah model as a system with modulatory feedback and utilize this interpretation to integrate high level information into the regularization process. The method does not require any prior model or learning; the high level information is extracted from local regions and fed back to the regularization step. An important characteristic of the method is that both negative and positive feedback can be simultaneously used without creating oscillations. Experiments performed with both gray and color natural images demonstrate the potential of the method under difficult noise types, non-uniform contrast, existence of multi-scale patterns and textures.
Sibel Tari (Corresponding author)Email:

Baaed on TOC (Task Operating Characteristic) and ROC (Resource Operating Characteristic) curves (Braswell 1971), P(t) and R(t), a family of feasible curves are experimentally selected with parameter specifications for a and S. Additional models are developed for activity progress and resource utilization monitoring and control. A resource allocation method is developed and a Best 1'ath (JJP) strategy is presented to reprogramme progress of assignments and rates of resource expending. Task Progress (TP) and Rosource Depletion (RD) models are developed. Examples, and figures illustrate applications.  相似文献   

构造了一个变分问题来实现图像的纹理结构分解.其中结构成分用分段光滑的函数(即Mumford-Shah模型)刻画,纹理部分用振荡函数(G空间)来描述.由于Mumford-Shah模型将结构成分显式地描述为分段光滑函数,在非结构边缘点处的梯度采用L2范数约束,故相对于全变差(Total variation,TV,梯度的L1范数)的分解方式,很好地克服TV带来的阶梯效应;G空间本身定义的纹理函数的振荡特性保证了分解的结构成分中含有更少的纹理信息.实验表明,无论相对于经典的TV-L2分解还是TV-G分解,本文方法均体现出了很好的分解性能.  相似文献   

Variational image-processing models offer high-quality processing capabilities for imaging. They have been widely developed and used in the last two decades, enriching the fields of mathematics as well as information science. Mathematically, several tools are needed: energy optimization, regularization, partial differential equations, level set functions, and numerical algorithms. This special issue presents readers with nine excellent research papers covering topics from research work into variational image-processing models, algorithms and applications, including image denoising, image deblurring, image segmentation, image reconstruction, restoration of mixed noise types and three-dimensional surface restoration.  相似文献   

Human perceptual and cognitive abilities are limited resources. Attention is the mechanism used to allocate such resources in the most effective way. Current technologies, in addition to allowing fast access to information and people, should be designed to support human attentional processes on which they impose further strain. This paper analyses the issues related to the design of systems capable of such support: attention aware systems. We introduce the research aimed at understanding and modelling human attentional processes, including perceptual and cognitive processes as studied in cognitive psychology, as well as rhetorical, aesthetic, and social aspects related to attentional mechanisms. We analyse current approaches to the design of attention aware systems along three major features: detection of user’s current attentional state, detection and evaluation of possible alternative attentional states, strategies for focus switch or maintenance. Finally, we discuss the most promising research direction for the development of systems capable of supporting human attentional mechanisms.  相似文献   

We consider integral models based on the mathematical model proposed by V.M. Glushkov. We describe a two-sector version of the Glushkov model and consider the identification problem for model parameters. We propose a numerical identification method and present results of test computations. We consider the problem of power grid field described with a one-sector version of the Glushkov model. We give computational results based on real data.  相似文献   

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