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The emerging generation of personal communications satellites, built to communicate with handheld telephone units, will generate power flux on earth that is orders of magnitude higher than that of the present satellite service, and its potential interference with terrestrial-based systems is of concern. It is proposed here that the flux scattered from the ground surface into the antenna main beam and near sidelobes may cause higher interference than direct coupling into the antenna. This mechanism, previously observed in terrestrial systems, may not be mitigated by adaptive nulling techniques, and is less angle-dependent. A simple model is developed, to be used as a computational tool for assessing the interference and its functional dependence on governing parameters. In the absence of proper terrain scattering models, examples are evaluated by borrowing results from interference observed in terrestrial microwave links, which indicate the possible severity of the effect.  相似文献   

We present a review of industrial heterostructure devices based on SiGe/Si and III–V compound semiconductors analyzed by means of numerical simulation. A comparison of device simulators and current transport models is given and critical modeling issues are addressed. Results from two-dimensional hydrodynamic analyses of heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs) are presented in good agreement with measured data. The examples are chosen to demonstrate technologically relevant issues which can be addressed by device simulation.  相似文献   

Scattering from obstacles in the vicinity of a VHF omnirange can cause bearing errors in aircraft receivers. A general formula is developed for the bearing error due to an arbitrary scatterer in terms of its scattering radiation pattern. The theory is then applied to get specific results for a long horizontal wire. The current distribution on the wire, the scattered field, and the bearing error are computed by a transform method, and all integrals are evaluated asymptotically by the saddle point method. The final result clearly shows the dependence of the bearing error on all system parameters. The theoretical conclusions are all found to be consistent with the results of numerous experiments carried out by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Some results and speculations are presented for multiwire lines.  相似文献   

武汉VHF雷达坐落于武汉大学(30.5°N,114.4°E),工作频率为48.2 MHz,是我国首部用于观测中纬度电离层场向不均匀体实时演变特征的相干散射雷达。首先详细介绍该雷达系统设计,主要包括天线阵系统、功放系统、接收系统、波束控制系统以及数据处理系统;然后利用噪声基底拟合方式去除射频干扰,增强RTI图的可读性和雷达有效回波结构的清晰度。武汉VHF雷达E层不均匀体的观测结果表明,中纬E层准周期回波的发生是风剪切激发K-H不稳定性所致。  相似文献   

The problem of electromagnetic scattering from a plate with a rim loading for transverse electric (TE) and transverse magnetic (TM) polarizations is investigated. The analysis is based on the work of R. Tiberio et al. (ibid., vol.AP-33, no.8, p.867-73, 1985) on the uniform geometrical theory of diffraction analysis of a wedge with two face impedances. The two-dimensional field is converted into three-dimensional field using Siegel's 2-D to 3-D conversion formula. The corner effects are neglected. The width of the coating around the edges which gives the same result as a uniformly coated plate of the same size is estimated. Hence, the percentage of saving of radar-absorbing material (RAM) can also be estimated for practical application in radar cross-section (RCS) reduction problems  相似文献   

The paper presents a subject-specific radio propagation study and system modeling in wireless body area networks using a simulation tool based on the parallel finite-difference time-domain technique. This technique is well suited to model the radio propagation around complex, inhomogeneous objects such as the human body. The impact of different digital phantoms in on-body radio channel and system performance was studied. Simulations were performed at the frequency of 3-10 GHz considering a typical hospital environment, and were validated by on-site measurements with reasonably good agreement. The analysis demonstrated that the characteristics of the on-body radio channel and system performance are subject-specific and are associated with human genders, height, and body mass index. Maximum variations of almost 18.51% are observed in path loss exponent due to change of subject, which gives variations of above 50% in system bit error rate performance. Therefore, careful consideration of subject-specific parameters are necessary for achieving energy efficient and reliable radio links and system performance for body-centric wireless network.  相似文献   

A high-frequency solution is presented for the scattering of a plane wave at the edges of surface impedance discontinuities on a fiat ground plane. Arbitrary uniform isotropic boundary conditions and a direction of incidence perpendicular to the edges of the discontinuities are considered for both the transverse electric (TE) and transverse magnetic (TM) cases. An asymptotic approximation of the exact solution given by Maliuzhinets and a spectral extension of the geometrical theory of diffraction (GTD) are used. Uniform expressions for the scattered field received at a point on the surface are given, including surface wave contributions. Numerical results are shown and in some examples they are compared with those obtained from a moment method (MM) solution.  相似文献   

A prediction model is presented that permits calculation of the probability of occurrence of distinct multipath propagation of pulse signals at VHF and UHF over irregular terrain. The model applies to terrain characterized by an irregular distribution of obstacles such as hills, buildings, trees, etc., so as to make it impractical to calculate the effect of multipath propagation by diffraction or bistatic-reflection theory. Statistical data on wave propagation over irregular terrain form the basis for the empirical model developed. Generally, the model predicts that 1) for constant transmitter-receiver separation, the amplitudes of the received echoes decrease with increasing echo delay, and 2) for constant echo delay, the occurrence of echo pulses increases as the transmitter-receiver distance increases. The results obtained from the model for rural, hilly terrain, and for a built-up metropolitan area are compared with available measured data.  相似文献   

In this paper we define the service area of VHF/UHF land mobile and broadcast stations and demonstrate graphical and computer methods to determine and present such areas as a function of known equipment parameters and of a propagation model derived largely from an extensive measurement program over irregular terrain.  相似文献   

为了准确反映复杂城区环境下移动自组织网络(mobile ad hoc network,MANET)通信节点间的无线信道传播特性,以150 MHz频点为例对山东省青岛市典型城区场景的超短波无线信道进行了外场测量.基于测量数据开展统计分析,提取了路径损耗指数、阴影衰落标准差、多径时延拓展以及频率相关性等信道参数,并针对准视距(quasi-light-of-sight,QLOS)区和非视距(non-light-of-sight,NLOS)区建立了大尺度衰落模型和小尺度抽头延迟线模型.分析和建模结果表明:在MANET城市通信场景下,路径损耗指数随距离增加呈现出双斜率特性;当累积分布函数(cumulative distribution function,CDF)为0.9时,均方根时延在QLOS区为726 ns,在阻挡严重的NLOS区为967 ns;相关带宽在QLOS区和NLOS区分别为700 kHz和300 kHz.论文所建信道模型有利于准确衡量MANET通信设备在复杂城区的通信性能,并为相关通信系统设计提供参考.  相似文献   

In the paper we present the results of experimental modeling the millimeter wave scattering from elements and fragments of a vegetation canopy. The dependence of amplitude and phase distributions of scattered field in near zone, of back-scattering cross section, and of scattered field distribution in Frenel zone for a fragment of wheat shoots upon the moisture and shape of an individual element is determined.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a generalization of the three-dimensional finite-difference-time-domain (FDTD) method, the three-dimensional contour FDTD (CFDTD) method, is introduced. The FDTD method represents curved media boundaries as stepped edges. Through the use of subcell modeling, the CFDTD method conformably models bodies with curved surfaces, yet retains the ability to model corners and edges. Electromagnetic scattering from single and multiple bodies is presented  相似文献   

We present a coherent scattering model to determine the forest response to an illuminating plane wave in the frequency band 20-300 MHz. In this frequency band, at low frequencies, it is well-known that the waves penetrate the canopy and allow the detection of a hidden target. We have developed a model based on a domain integral representation of the electric field. A decoupling hypothesis is stated and validated, allowing to significantly reduce the numerical complexity of the problem inherent to integral representations. The simulated scattered field is used in a standard synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging algorithm to build horizontal and vertical SAR images of a set of trunks and a concealed target.  相似文献   

A method based on solving the surface integral equations of second kind is proposed for calculating the scattering characteristics of aerial resonant-size objects. The calculation results are presented for a model of the reentry vehicle of the LGM-30G Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile and the AGM86C cruise missile.  相似文献   

Hidden Markov modeling of flat fading channels   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Hidden Markov models (HMMs) are a powerful tool for modeling stochastic random processes. They are general enough to model with high accuracy a large variety of processes and are relatively simple allowing us to compute analytically many important parameters of the process which are very difficult to calculate for other models (such as complex Gaussian processes). Another advantage of using HMMs is the existence of powerful algorithms for fitting them to experimental data and approximating other processes. In this paper, we demonstrate that communication channel fading can be accurately modeled by HMMs, and we find closed-form solutions for the probability distribution of fade duration and the number of level crossings  相似文献   

Efficient numerical solutions are presented for electromagnetic scattering for classes of electrically large, coated, perfectly conducting strips which are flat or curved. The formulation is based on the solution of a coupled system of electric- and magnetic-field integral equations using the method of moments (MM). Entire domain Galerkin representations for the currents are used on the surface of the coating and at the coating-conductor interface. The resulting symmetric matrix equation is well conditioned and admits rapid, accurate solutions. Numerical results are presented for various coating thicknesses, strip widths, and curvatures for the transverse electric (TE) and transverse magnetic (TM) cases. The convergence of the Galerkin solution is examined as a function of these parameters. The effect of the edge approximation on the choice of expansion functions is discussed. The numerical results are compared with experimental measurements.  相似文献   

Deorientation theory of polarimetric scattering targets is presented. Using a transformation of the target scattering vector, the target orientation is turned to a certain fixed state and polarimetric scattering of the transformed scattering vector shows the prominence of the generic characteristics of the target. A new set of parameters u, v, w, /spl psi/ is defined based on a deorientation of the target scattering vector. Numerical simulation of polarimetric scattering of nonspherical particles illustrates the meanings of the parameters u, v, w, /spl psi/ and the entropy H. An unsupervised classification scheme of the terrain surfaces is developed, which classifies the terrain surfaces using the set of u., v, H, and analyzes the orientation distribution of each class based on deorientation angle /spl psi/. As examples, a SIR-C polarimetric image over China's Guangdong Hui-Yang district is classified into eight classes and a AirSAR polarimetric image over Canada's Boreal district is orientation-analyzed using our approach of deorientation and four parameters u, v, /spl psi/, and H.  相似文献   

The low-grazing-angle (LGA) backscattering from one-dimensionally rough surface profiles approximating breaking water waves with roughened front faces has been numerically examined. The added front-face roughness approximates that expected from wind generation. The reference "exact" backscattering was found using a numerical technique based on the moment method. A model-based approach to predict the backscattering was also implemented. In this, the crest scattering was found directly using the moment method, the multipath scattering was modeled using physical optics, and the distributed-surface scattering from the small-scale roughness was found from the two-scale model. The calculations show that the roughness adds incoherent components to both the vertically (VV) and horizontally (HH) polarized scattering cross sections. At VV, this is due to the random scattering from the small-scale roughness, while at HH it results from random changes in the multipath interference due to the large-scale roughness. As the mechanisms for the incoherent scattering are independent, it is difficult to predict the magnitude of the HH-to-VV backscattering ratio that will occur with specific realizations of the roughness from the underlying breaking-wave shape alone, particularly with large rms roughness added. Overall, the model-based calculations give a good prediction of both the coherent and incoherent scattering coefficients  相似文献   

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