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随着互联网的迅速发展,网络著作权保护问题开始凸现,自办网站和电信业务活动使用未经授权的他人作品,链接他人网站或网页,以及下载和转载网络原创作品等侵权行为已成为社会关注的焦点。本文在分析了网络著作权的保护对象、网络著作权法律责任的承担和侵权责任的认定、网络著作权的保护及防止自办网站侵权行为的发生等问题的基础上,对如何强化全社会网络著作权保护的法律意识,采取有力措施促进互联网健康发展提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

浅谈著作权在图书馆工作中的保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任通顺 《信息技术》2002,(10):90-91
分析了著作权保护与图书馆工作的关系,讨论了著作权保护在图书馆工作中的问题,提出了加强图书馆工作中著作权保护的一些措施。  相似文献   

网络的飞速发展为人们的工作、生活带来便利的同时,也对传统著作权提出了巨大的挑战。博客是继E-mail、IM、BBS之后的一种新型沟通工具,博客内容具有原创性、可复制性等特征,应该享有著作权,然而网络的开放性和交互性给博客著作权的保护带来诸多困难。文章以一名博客使用者的视角出发,剖析博客著作权的侵权行为,提出建立一套行之有效的保护措施的必要性及具体解决措施,促进网络的健康发展。  相似文献   

国家版权局和信息产业部16日举行新闻发布会说,经国家版权局局长石宗源和信息产业部部长王旭东签发,我国第一部网络著作权行政管理规章《互联网著作权行政保护办法》已于4月30日发布,将于今年5月30日起正式实施。  相似文献   

数字水印与多媒体著作权保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
常青 《数字通信》2000,27(1):47-49
数字水印作为下世纪版权保护的核心技术日益受到人们的广泛重视。在全面介绍这一技术的基础上详细讨论了如何利用它进行多媒体著作版权的保护。不仅给出了具体的实例和详细的算法流程,而且深入讨沦了数字水印技术的目前进展,发展方向及应用前景。  相似文献   

上海迪比特实业有限公司诉摩托罗拉(中国)电子有限公司、上海市百联集团股份有限公司作权纠纷一案作出一审判决。昨日,《每日经济新闻》从上海市第二中级人民法院获悉,该院以被告摩托罗拉公司按照印刷线路版设计图生产线路板的行为不属于作权法意义上的复制行为为由,驳回原告要求两被告停止侵权,赔偿人民币9930万元经济损失的诉讼请求。  相似文献   

手机需要更好的防静电保护 计算机的革命使得电子系统(计算机,外设等设备)之间的通信联接越来越多,因此造成必需要处理的数据量大量膨胀。数据传输的速率也必然随之而提高,并将继续不断地提高。 从历史上来看,电子设备防突变电压的保护随电子技术的进步而改变。固态元件以前,电子真空管是电子设备的主要元件。这些电子真空管器件对静电电压,间接的闪电电压,快速突变的电压(EFT),以及由电子设备本身产生的突变电压  相似文献   

今年2月17日,下一代光碟Blu-ray Disc和HD DVD采用的著作权保护格式高等内容进入系统AACS(Advanced Access Content System)0.91版本正式公布并开始接受授权。AV设备厂商只要获得AACS LA的授权,就可为其产品分配ID与加密密钥。这样,东芝原订今年HD DVD影碟机的计划有望实现,视频爱好者期盼已久的高清晰度光碟市场坚冰已经破碎。  相似文献   

把付费下载的手机铃声转发给朋友也算侵权?在7月10日“保护知识产权法制宣传周”北京现场活动中,笔者从相关专家处了解到,许多日常生活中的细节都可能存在侵权行为,公众应加强著作权意识。  相似文献   

Watermarking digital images for copyright protection   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A watermark is an invisible mark placed on an image that is designed to identify both the source of an image as well as its intended recipient. The authors present an overview of watermarking techniques and demonstrate a solution to one of the key problems in image watermarking, namely how to hide robust invisible labels inside grey scale or colour digital images  相似文献   

Wavelet tree quantization for copyright protection watermarking   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
This paper proposes a wavelet-tree-based blind watermarking scheme for copyright protection. The wavelet coefficients of the host image are grouped into so-called super trees. The watermark is embedded by quantizing super trees. The trees are so quantized that they exhibit a large enough statistical difference, which will later be used for watermark extraction. Each watermark bit is embedded in perceptually important frequency bands, which renders the mark more resistant to frequency based attacks. Also, the watermark is spread throughout large spatial regions. This yields more robustness against time domain geometric attacks. Examples of various attacks will be given to demonstrate the robustness of the proposed technique.  相似文献   

A way to discourage illicit reproduction of copyrighted or sensitive documents is to watermark each copy before distribution. A unique mark is embedded in the text whose recipient is registered. The mark can be extracted from a possibly noisy illicit copy, identifying the registered recipient. Most image marking techniques are vulnerable to binarization attack and, hence, not suitable for text marking. We propose a different approach where a text document is marked by shifting certain text lines slightly up or down or words slightly left or right from their original positions. The shifting pattern constitutes the mark and is different on different copies. In this paper we develop and evaluate a method to detect such minute shifts. We describe a marking and identification prototype that implements the proposed method. We present preliminary experimental results which suggest that centroid detection performs remarkably well on line shifts even in the presence of severe distortions introduced by printing, photocopying, scanning, and facsimile transmission  相似文献   

Due to the replicable nature of video many illegal copies of the original video can be made. So it demands to deliver methods for preventing illegal copying. This paper identifies a new digital watermarking approach for copyright protection of video based on wavelet transformation. First, the motion part of color video is detected by scene change analysis, and then by applying 3D wavelet transformation over detected motion part, 10 sub-bands of wavelet coefficients are obtained. In order to insert the watermark, 3D coefficients of HL, LH and HH with their third level are selected. After all, by using a spread spectrum technique, the watermark is embedded into the selected wavelet coefficients. In extraction step, the original video is not needed, namely, blind detection. So, the resultant watermarking scheme can be used for public watermarking applications, where the original video is not available for watermark extraction. The experimental results show a good performance of the proposed method for transparency and robustness. Furthermore, the robustness of the proposed method against various kinds of attacks such as median filtering, Gaussian noise, frame dropping, frame averaging, frame swapping and lots of lossy compression including MPEG-4, MPEG-2, and H.264 shows the fidelity of our claim.  相似文献   

An efficient blind copyright protection for e-government document images is proposed through a combination of the discrete cosine transform (DCT) and the singular value decomposition (SVD) based on genetic algorithm (GA). This combination could lead the watermarked image to be resistant to various attacks as well as to improve its performance, security and robustness. DCT, in this case, is applied to the entire image and mapped by a zigzag manner to four areas from the lowest to the highest frequencies. SVD, meanwhile, is applied in each area and then the singular value of DCT-transformed host image, subsequently, is modified in each area with the quantizing value using GA to increase the visual quality and the robustness. The host image is not needed in the watermark extraction and it is more useful than non-blind one in real-world applications. Experiment results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms other existing methods under several types of attacks.  相似文献   

Watermarking-based copyright protection of sequential functions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Watermarking is one of several techniques available today to deter copyright infringement in electronic systems. The technique consists of implanting indelible stamps in the circuit's inner structure, while not disrupting its functionality nor degrading its performance significantly. In this paper, a novel method is proposed for the creation of watermarks in regular sequential functions. This is an important class of functions, as it is the basis of most digital controllers. Algorithms are proposed for implanting robust watermarks to minimize the overhead and, ultimately, to reduce the impact on performance. Detection methods have been discussed in the presence of infringement attacks. The resilience of the method in several tampering regimes has been estimated. Examples illustrate the suitability of the approach  相似文献   

Several ways to protect software are examined. Patents confer a limited monopoly, which protects the patent holder against all later independent developers of the same or equivalent program. Utility-patent applications typically require several thousand dollars in fees and costs prior to issuance of the patent. Design-patent applications are relatively much cheaper to file and process through the Patent Office. Copyright protects the literal code, and possibly the programs' structure and organization, against copying. Copyright registration applications can usually be prepared for a few hundred dollars, including any attorney time. Trade-secret protection for software is a viable alternative, if the program cannot be easily copied by purchasers. The cost for protecting a trade secret depends on the measures necessary to keep the information from general public disclosure  相似文献   

《IEE Review》1994,40(1):40-41
1993 brought a series of changes in the protection and licensing of software, which mark a shift in the legal and commercial balance between suppliers and users. In particular, they introduced a number of additional rights for software users, some of which will apply irrespective of anything in the relevant contract. Everyone involved in the development, licensing or use of computer programs should therefore be aware of the changes. Here, the author outlines what every software supplier and user should know about these latest developments in software protection  相似文献   

随着信息化技术的发展和互联网的普及,各高校都在建设数字多媒体教育资源库,然而数字多媒体资源非常容易受到复制粘贴技术的侵害。为了保护留学生数字媒体教育资源版权,在分析既有数字媒体教育资源版权保护现状的基础上,采用基于XML数字权限认证的方法,提出了一种数字媒体教育资源保护框架。该框架基于授权文件和身份验证,同时结合水印技术,具有本地播放和回放的功能。模型的应用结果表明,能够有效解决数字媒体教育资源版权保护的问题,具有一定的示范和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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