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采用模糊理论对日负荷曲线预报中的天气因素进行了模糊处理 ,根据季节、气候的不同对天气因素做不同的模糊处理和不同数学模型 ,建立了专家处理系统 ,提高了短期负荷预测的精度。通过对河南省某市级电力系统日负荷曲线的模拟预测 ,虽然仅对天气做了模糊处理 ,但预测结果令人满意。  相似文献   

采用模糊理论对日负荷曲线预报中的天气因素进行了模糊处理,根据季节、气候的不同对天气因素做不同的模糊处理和不同数学模型,建立了专家处理系统,提高了短期负荷预测的精度.通过对河南省某市级电力系统日负荷曲线的模拟预测,虽然仅对天气做了模糊处理,但预测结果令人满意.  相似文献   

由于节假日负荷成分与正常日有较大差异,加之样本较少,节假日短期负荷预测难度较大.而准确预测可以提高系统运行的可靠性和经济性.为了提高节假日负荷预测的精度,针对节假日负荷特点,利用相似日方法获得待预测日负荷归一化曲线,利用模糊推理方法对负荷水平年增长率进行调整.通过对实际负荷进行预报计算,结果表明预报精度较高,建议用于节假日短期负荷预测.  相似文献   

An artificial neural network (ANN) model for short-term load forecasting (STLF) is presented. The proposed model is capable of forecasting the next 24-hour load profile at one time, as opposed to the usual ‘next one hour’ ANN models. The inputs to the ANN are load profiles of the two previous days and daily maximum and minimum temperature forecasts. The network is trained to learn the next day's load profile. Testing of the model with one year of data from the Greek interconnected power system resulted in a 2.66% average absolute forecast error.  相似文献   

根据负荷的不确定性和非线性的特点 ,采用了ANN和AFS理论进行STLF ,分两个步骤 :在ANN中引入了平滑因子和遗忘因子 ,来加快收敛速度并解决ANN的遗忘问题 ;在AFS中对基本负荷预测值进行修正 ,引进不平均的隶属函数来体现负荷变化对温度的敏感性。实践表明该模型具有速度快、预测精度高等优点  相似文献   

根据负荷的不确定性和非线性的特点,采用了ANN和AFS理论进行STLF,分两个步骤:在ANN中引入了平滑因子和遗忘因子,来加快收敛速度并解决ANN的遗忘问题;在AFS中对基本负荷预测值进行修正,引进不平均的隶属函数来体现负荷变化对温度的敏感性。实践表明该模型具有速度快、预测精度高等优点。  相似文献   

Average load forecasting errors for the holidays are much higher than those for weekdays. So far, many studies on the short-term load forecasting have been made to improve the prediction accuracy using various methods such as deterministic, stochastic, artificial neural net (ANN) and neural network-fuzzy methods. In order to reduce the load forecasting error of the 24 hourly loads for the holidays, the concept of fuzzy regression analysis is employed in the short-term load forecasting problem. According to the historical load data, the same type of holiday showed a similar trend of load profile as in previous years. The fuzzy linear regression model is made from the load data of the previous three years and the coefficients of the model are found by solving the mixed linear programming problem. The proposed algorithm shows good accuracy, and the average maximum percentage error is 3.57% in the load forecasting of the holidays for the years of 1996-1997.  相似文献   

基于神经网络-模糊推理综合模型的短期负荷预测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对由于神经元网络泛化能力不足等原因造成的预测精度不高甚至出现坏数据从而难以适用于负荷波动厉害的电网情况,提出一种基于神经网络-模糊推理综合模型的短期负荷预测方法。该方法结合了神经网络和模糊推理的优点,通过模糊推理来修正神经网络输出的预测结果,能有效地提高预测精度。特别是对于受天气影响比较明显而天气变化又比较剧烈的电网,能有效防止不合理预测结果的出现。在武汉电网的实际运行情况说明了本算法的有效性。  相似文献   

为了利用不同深度神经网络的优势,提高深度学习算法对短期负荷的预测能力,提出一种基于多神经网络融合的短期负荷预测方法。以电力系统历史有功负荷、季节、日期类型和气象数据为输入特征,并行架构的深度神经网络和注意力机制网络为核心网络;以并行架构中的卷积神经网络通道提取静态特征,门控循环单元网络通道挖掘动态时序特征,采用注意力机制网络融合提取的特征并动态调整网络对不同特征的依赖程度;使用Maxout网络增强网络整体的非线性映射能力,通过全连接网络输出预测结果。与支持向量机、长短期记忆网络的算例结果对比表明,所提方法具有更高的预测平稳性和准确性。  相似文献   

Short-term hourly load forecasting using abductive networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Short-term load modeling and forecasting are essential for operating power utilities profitably and securely. Modern machine learning approaches, such as neural networks, have been used for this purpose. This paper proposes using the alternative technique of abductive networks, which offers the advantages of simplified and more automated model synthesis and analytical input-output models that automatically select influential inputs, provide better insight and explanations, and allow comparison with statistical and empirical models. Using hourly temperature and load data for five years, 24 dedicated models for forecasting next-day hourly loads have been developed. Evaluated on data for the sixth year, the models give an overall mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) of 2.67%. Next-hour models utilizing available load data up to the forecasting hour give a MAPE of 1.14%, outperforming neural network models for the same utility data. Two methods of accounting for the load growth trend achieve comparable performance. Effects of varying model complexity are investigated and proposals made for further improving forecasting performance.  相似文献   

This paper presents a peak load forecasting system using multilayer neural networks and fuzzy theory. Electric load forecasting in power systems is a very important task from the perspective of reliability and economic operation. Daily peak load forecasting is one of the basic operations of generation scheduling for the following day. Therefore, many statistical methods have been developed and used for such forecasting even though it has been difficult to construct a proper functional model. The developed system is applied by neural network and fuzzy theory to forecast for daily, weekly and monthly peak load. The system consists of an engineering workstation (EWS) and a personal computer (PC). The EWS is for learning and data-bases, and the PC is for man-machine interface such as forecasting operation. The system has been used since June 1993. The result evaluated with an absolute mean error is 1.63 percent for 10 months. From the results shown here, the system applied by neural network and fuzzy theory has high validity.  相似文献   

An integrated evolving fuzzy neural network and simulated annealing (AIFNN) for load forecasting method is presented in this paper. First we used fuzzy hyper-rectangular composite neural networks (FHRCNNs) for the initial load forecasting. Then we used evolutionary programming (EP) and simulated annealing (SA) to find the optimal solution of the parameters of FHRCNNs (including parameters such as synaptic weights, biases, membership functions, sensitivity factor in membership functions and adjustable synaptic weights). We knew that the EP has a good capability for searching for globe optimal value, but a poor capability for searching for the local optimal value. And, the SA only had a good capability for searching for a local optimal value. Therefore, we combined both methods to obtain both advantages, and so improve the shortcoming of the traditional ANN training where the weights and biases are always trapped into a local optimum. Finally, we use the AIFNN to see if we could improve the solution quality, and if we actually could reduce the error of load forecasting. The proposed AIFNN load forecasting scheme was tested using data obtained from a sample study including 1 year, 1 month and 24 h time periods. The result demonstrated the accuracy of the proposed load forecasting scheme.  相似文献   

Short-term load forecasting using an artificial neural network   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An artificial neural network (ANN) method is applied to forecast the short-term load for a large power system. The load has two distinct patterns: weekday and weekend-day patterns. The weekend-day pattern includes Saturday, Sunday, and Monday loads. A nonlinear load model is proposed and several structures of an ANN for short-term load forecasting were tested. Inputs to the ANN are past loads and the output of the ANN is the load forecast for a given day. The network with one or two hidden layers was tested with various combinations of neurons, and results are compared in terms of forecasting error. The neural network, when grouped into different load patterns, gives a good load forecast  相似文献   

This paper presents the development and application of advanced neural networks to face successfully the problem of the short-term electric load forecasting. Several approaches including Gaussian encoding backpropagation (BP), window random activation, radial basis function networks, real-time recurrent neural networks and their innovative variations are proposed, compared and discussed in this paper. The performance of each presented structure is evaluated by means of an extensive simulation study, using actual hourly load data from the power system of the island of Crete, in Greece. The forecasting error statistical results, corresponding to the minimum and maximum load time-series, indicate that the load forecasting models proposed here provide significantly more accurate forecasts, compared to conventional autoregressive and BP forecasting models. Finally, a parallel processing approach for 24 h ahead forecasting is proposed and applied. According to this procedure, the requested load for each specific hour is forecasted, not only using the load time-series for this specific hour from the previous days, but also using the forecasted load data of the closer previous time steps for the same day. Thus, acceptable accuracy load predictions are obtained without the need of weather data that increase the system complexity, storage requirement and cost.  相似文献   

电力负荷预测对电网的经济运行至关重要,为提高短期负荷预测精度并降低混合神经网络模型的训练时间,提出了一种基于多层感知器(MLP)的基础子网、简单循环单元(SRU)与主成分分析(PCA)的短期电力负荷预测模型。首先,考虑影响电力负荷变化的各种因素,建立负荷预测输入特征集;其次,利用PCA对输入网络的部分特征进行变换并降维;最后,将经过PCA处理后得到的全新数据信息作为模型的输入,并结合Adam梯度下降算法进行训练,输出负荷预测的结果。通过仿真实验结果表明,包含SRU的混合模型在全部测试集样本上的MAPE为2.126%,远低于仅有子网的单一模型与包含DNN的混合模型,而与包含LSTM的混合模型相比,训练时间却降低了22.74%,同时PCA的应用也使得模型的收敛速度加快,极大地减小了训练轮数。  相似文献   

提出一种基于模糊小波网络的短期负荷预测模型.模糊小波网络结合了小波变换良好的时频局域化性质、模糊推理和神经网络的学习能力,因此函数逼近能力大大提高.模糊小波网络由一组模糊推理规则和若干小波子网络组成,其中模糊规则的结论部分与某一特定尺度的小波子网络相对应.在学习过程中通过同时调整小波基函数的平移因子和隶属度函数的形状,使得模糊小波网络的精度和泛化能力大大提高.实例计算表明,这种模型是切实可行的.  相似文献   

基于模糊小波网络的电力系统短期负荷预测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
提出一种基于模糊小波网络的短期负荷预测模型。模糊小波网络结合了小波变换良好的时频局域化性质、模糊推理和神经网络的学习能力,因此函数逼近能力大大提高。模糊小波网络由一组模糊推理规则和若干小波子网络组成,其中模糊规则的结论部分与某一特定尺度的小波子网络相对应。在学习过程中通过同时调整小波基函数的平移因子和隶属度函数的形状,使得模糊小波网络的精度和泛化能力大大提高。实例计算表明,这种模型是切实可行的。  相似文献   

基于模糊神经网络的空间负荷预测小区用地分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁明  李小燕  吴蓓 《中国电力》2004,37(12):9-12
对配电网的空间负荷预测方法进行改进,重点研究小区用地分析的模糊推理模型,把人工神经网络技术与模糊推理系统相结合的方法应用于小区用地分析。该方法采用人工神经网络技术提取模糊规则,形成一类具有学习功能的模糊智能系统,具有自适应能力强、推理效率高及知识表达能力较强等特点。以实例验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

准确的短期负荷预测是作出正确营销决策的依据。采用小波变换对负荷序列进行分解,对于每一分解序列,分别按照各自的特点选择出比较合适的影响因素,采用信息熵理论和主成份分析相结合的属性约简法对其进行约简,并利用动态聚类对各分解序列的样本归类,通过灰色关联分析找到与预测时刻负荷模式最接近的一些典型样本,训练各分解序列相应的神经网络预测模型,最后通过序列重构,得到完整的负荷预测结果。采用实际负荷数据进行测试,表明这一方法预测效果较好。  相似文献   

Recurrent neural networks for short-term load forecasting   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Forecasting the short-term load entails the construction of a model, and, using the information available, estimating the parameters of the model to optimize the prediction performance. It follows that the more closely the chosen model approximates the actual physical generating process, the higher the expected performance of the forecasting system. In this paper it is postulated that the load can be modeled as the output of some dynamic system, influenced by a number of weather, time and other environmental variables. Recurrent neural networks, being members of a class of connectionist models exhibiting inherent dynamic behavior, can thus be used to construct empirical models for this dynamic system. Because of the nonlinear dynamic nature of these models, the behavior of the load prediction system can be captured in a compact and robust representation. This is illustrated by the performance of recurrent models on the short-term forecasting of the nation-wide load for the South African utility, ESKOM. A comparison with feedforward neural networks is also given  相似文献   

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