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Function uncurrying is an important optimization for the efficient execution of functional programming languages. This optimization replaces curried functions by uncurried, multiple-argument functions, while preserving the ability to evaluate partial applications. First-order uncurrying (where curried functions are optimized only in the static scopes of their definitions) is well understood and implemented by many compilers, but its extension to higher-order functions (where uncurrying can also be performed on parameters and results of higher-order functions) is challenging. This article develops a generic framework that expresses higher-order uncurrying optimizations as type-directed insertion of coercions, and prove its correctness. The proof uses step-indexed logical relations and was entirely mechanized using the Coq proof assistant.  相似文献   

We explore an axiomatized nominal approach to variable binding in Coq, using an untyped lambda-calculus as our test case. In our nominal approach, alpha-equality of lambda terms coincides with Coq's built-in equality. Our axiomatization includes a nominal induction principle and functions for calculating free variables and substitution. These axioms are collected in a module signature and proved sound using locally nameless terms as the underlying representation. Our experience so far suggests that it is feasible to work from such axiomatized theories in Coq and that the nominal style of variable binding corresponds closely with paper proofs. We are currently working on proving the soundness of a primitive recursion combinator and developing a method of generating these axioms and their proof of soundness from a grammar describing the syntax of terms and binding.  相似文献   

Type expressions may be used to describe the functional behavior of untyped lambda terms. We present a general semantics of polymorphic type expressions over models of untyped lambda calculus and give complete rules for inferring types for terms. Some simplified typing theories are studied in more detail, and containments between types are investigated.  相似文献   

We develop a formal proof of the ML type inference algorithm, within the Coq proof assistant. We are much concerned with methodology and reusability of such a mechanization. This proof is an essential step toward the certification of a complete ML compiler.In this paper we present the Coq formalization of the typing system and its inference algorithm. We establish formally the correctness and the completeness of the type inference algorithm with respect to the typing rules of the language. We describe and comment on the mechanized proofs.  相似文献   

This paper presents the design, the implementation, and experiments of the integration of syntactic, conditional possibly associative-commutative term rewriting into proof assistants based on constructive type theory. Our approach is called external because it consists in performing term rewriting in a specific and efficient environment and checking the computations later in a proof assistant. Two typical systems are considered in this work: ELAN, based on the rewriting calculus, as the term rewriting-based environment, and Coq, based on the calculus of inductive constructions as the proof assistant. We first formalize the proof terms for deduction by rewriting and strategies in ELAN using the rewriting calculus with explicit substitutions. We then show how these proof terms can soundly be translated into Coq syntax where they can be directly type checked. For the method to be applicable for rewriting modulo associativity and commutativity, we provide an effective method to prove equalities modulo these axioms in Coq using ELAN. These results have been integrated into an ELAN-based rewriting tactic in Coq.  相似文献   

We illustrate Nested Abstract Syntax as a high-level alternative representation of languages with binding constructs, based on nested datatypes. Our running example is a partial solution in the Coq proof assistant to the POPLmark Challenge. The resulting formalization is very compact and does not require any extra library or special logical apparatus. Along the way, we propose an original, high-level perspective on environments.  相似文献   

Hammers provide most powerful general purpose automation for proof assistants based on HOL and set theory today. Despite the gaining popularity of the more advanced versions of type theory, such as those based on the Calculus of Inductive Constructions, the construction of hammers for such foundations has been hindered so far by the lack of translation and reconstruction components. In this paper, we present an architecture of a full hammer for dependent type theory together with its implementation for the Coq proof assistant. A key component of the hammer is a proposed translation from the Calculus of Inductive Constructions, with certain extensions introduced by Coq, to untyped first-order logic. The translation is “sufficiently” sound and complete to be of practical use for automated theorem provers. We also introduce a proof reconstruction mechanism based on an eauto-type algorithm combined with limited rewriting, congruence closure and some forward reasoning. The algorithm is able to re-prove in the Coq logic most of the theorems established by the ATPs. Together with machine-learning based selection of relevant premises this constitutes a full hammer system. The performance of the whole procedure is evaluated in a bootstrapping scenario emulating the development of the Coq standard library. For each theorem in the library only the previous theorems and proofs can be used. We show that 40.8% of the theorems can be proved in a push-button mode in about 40 s of real time on a 8-CPU system.  相似文献   

Adequacy is an important criterion for judging whether a formalization is suitable for reasoning about the actual object of study. The issue is particularly subtle in the expansive case of approaches to languages with name-binding. In prior work, adequacy has been formalized only with respect to specific representation techniques. In this article, we give a general formal definition based on model-theoretic isomorphisms or interpretations. We investigate and formalize an adequate interpretation of untyped lambda-calculus within a higher-order metalanguage in Isabelle/HOL using the Nominal Datatype Package. Formalization elucidates some subtle issues that have been neglected in informal arguments concerning adequacy.  相似文献   

We present a first-order linearly typed assembly language, HBAL, that allows the safe reuse of heap space for elements of different types. Linear typing ensures the single pointer property, disallowing aliasing but allowing safe, in-place-update compilation of programming languages. We prove that HBAL is sound for a low-level untyped model of the machine, using a satisfiability relation that captures when a location correctly models a value of some type. This interpretation is closer to the machine than previous abstract machines used for typed assembly language models, and we separate typing of the store from an untyped operational semantics of programs, as would be required for proof-carrying code. Our ultimate aim is to design a family of assembly languages that have high-level typing features for expressing resource-bound constraints. We want to link the assembly-level with high-level languages expressing similar constraints, to provide end-to-end guarantees and a viable framework for proof-carrying code. HBAL is a first exemplifying step in this direction. It is designed as a target low-level language for Hofmann's LFPL language. Programs written in LFPL run in a bounded amount of heap space, and this property carries over when they are compiled to HBAL: the resulting program does not allocate store or assume an external garbage collector. Following LFPL, we include a special diamond resource type that stands for a unit of heap space of uncommitted type.  相似文献   

Using a call-by-value functional language as an example, this article illustrates the use of coinductive definitions and proofs in big-step operational semantics, enabling it to describe diverging evaluations in addition to terminating evaluations. We formalize the connections between the coinductive big-step semantics and the standard small-step semantics, proving that both semantics are equivalent. We then study the use of coinductive big-step semantics in proofs of type soundness and proofs of semantic preservation for compilers. A methodological originality of this paper is that all results have been proved using the Coq proof assistant. We explain the proof-theoretic presentation of coinductive definitions and proofs offered by Coq, and show that it facilitates the discovery and the presentation of the results.  相似文献   

We propose an effective procedure, the first one to our knowledge, for translating a proof term of the Calculus of Inductive Constructions (CIC), into a tactical expression of the high-level specification language of a CIC-based proof assistant like coq (Coq development team 2008) or matita (Asperti et al., J Autom Reason 39:109–139, 2007). This procedure, which should not be considered definitive at its present stage, is intended for translating the logical representation of a proof coming from any source, i.e. from a digital library or from another proof development system, into an equivalent proof presented in the proof assistant’s editable high-level format. To testify to effectiveness of our procedure, we report on its implementation in matita and on the translation of a significant set of proofs (Guidi, ACM Trans Comput Log 2009) from their logical representation as coq 7.3.1 (Coq development team 2002) CIC proof terms to their high-level representation as tactical expressions of matita’s user interface language.  相似文献   

Existing meta-programming languages operate on encodings of programs as data. This paper presents a new meta-programming language, based on an untyped lambda calculus, in which structurally reflective programming is supported directly, without any encoding. The language features call-by-value and call-by-name lambda abstractions, as well as novel reflective features enabling the intensional manipulation of arbitrary program terms. The language is scope safe, in the sense that variables can neither be captured nor escape their scopes. The expressiveness of the language is demonstrated by showing how to implement quotation and evaluation operations, as proposed by Wand. The language’s utility for meta-programming is further demonstrated through additional representative examples. A prototype implementation is described and evaluated.  相似文献   

This article presents the formal verification, using the Coq proof assistant, of a memory model for low-level imperative languages such as C and compiler intermediate languages. Beyond giving semantics to pointer-based programs, this model supports reasoning over transformations of such programs. We show how the properties of the memory model are used to prove semantic preservation for three passes of the Compcert verified compiler.  相似文献   

Proof-carrying code (PCC) is a general framework for verifying the safety properties of machine-language programs. PCC proofs are usually written in a logic extended with language-specific typing rules; they certify safety but only if there is no bug in the typing rules. In foundational proof-carrying code (FPCC), on the other hand, proofs are constructed and verified by using strictly the foundations of mathematical logic, with no type-specific axioms. FPCC is more flexible and secure because it is not tied to any particular type system and it has a smaller trusted base. Foundational proofs, however, are much harder to construct. Previous efforts on FPCC all required building sophisticated semantic models for types. Furthermore, none of them can be easily extended to support mutable fields and recursive types. In this article, we present a syntactic approach to FPCC that avoids all of these difficulties. Under our new scheme, the foundational proof for a typed machine program simply consists of the typing derivation plus the formalized syntactic soundness proof for the underlying type system. The former can be readily obtained from a type-checker, while the latter is known to be much easier to construct than the semantic soundness proofs. We give a translation from a typed assembly language into FPCC and demonstrate the advantages of our new system through an implementation in the Coq proof assistant.  相似文献   

Gradual type systems offer a smooth continuum between static and dynamic typing by permitting the free mixture of typed and untyped code. The runtime systems for these languages, and other languages with hybrid type checking, typically enforce function types by dynamically generating function proxies. This approach can result in unbounded growth in the number of proxies, however, which drastically impacts space efficiency and destroys tail recursion.  相似文献   

We compare several reduction and conversion strategies for the Calculus of (co)Inductive Constructions by running benchmarks from the library of the Coq proof assistant. All the strategies have been implemented in an independent verifier for the proof objects of Coq that is part of the Matita proof assistant.  相似文献   

We illustrate a methodology for formalizing and reasoning about Abadi and Cardelli’s object-based calculi, in (co)inductive type theory, such as the Calculus of (Co)Inductive Constructions, by taking advantage of natural deduction semantics and coinduction in combination with weak higher-order abstract syntax and the Theory of Contexts. Our methodology allows us to implement smoothly the calculi in the target metalanguage; moreover, it suggests novel presentations of the calculi themselves. In detail, we present a compact formalization of the syntax and semantics for the functional and the imperative variants of the ς-calculus. Our approach simplifies the proof of subject deduction theorems, which are proved formally in the proof assistant Coq with a relatively small overhead. Supported by UE project IST-CA-510996 Types and French grant CNRS ACI Modulogic.  相似文献   

The PoplMark challenge proposes a set of benchmarks intended to assess the usability of proof assistants in the context of research on programming languages. It is based on the metatheory of System F $_{\mathtt{<:}}$ . We present a solution to the challenge using de Bruijn indices, developed with the Coq proof assistant.  相似文献   

We propose to use a simple inductive type as a basis to represent the field of rational numbers. We describe the relation between this representation of numbers and the representation as fractions of non-zero natural numbers. The usual operations of comparison, multiplication, and addition are then defined in a naive way. The whole construction is used to build a model of the set of rational numbers as an ordered archimedian field. All constructions have been modeled and verified in the Coq proof assistant.  相似文献   

A constraint-based data flow analysis is formalised in the specification language of the Coq proof assistant. This involves defining a dependent type of lattices together with a library of lattice functors for modular construction of complex abstract domains. Constraints are represented in a way that allows for both efficient constraint resolution and correctness proof of the analysis with respect to an operational semantics. The proof of existence of a solution to the constraints is constructive which means that the extraction mechanism of Coq provides a provably correct data flow analyser in Ocaml from the proof. The library of lattices and the representation of constraints are defined in an analysis-independent fashion that provides a basis for a generic framework for proving and extracting static analysers in Coq.  相似文献   

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