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The plant alkaloid physostigmine, an established anti-cholinesterase agent of the carbamate type, has recently been shown to bind to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor from Torpedo marmorata electrocytes [Okonjo, K. O., Kuhlmann, J. & Maelicke, A. (1991) Eur. J. Biochem. 200, 671-677]. Pharmacological studies of physostigmine-induced ion flux into nicotinic-acetylcholine-receptor-rich membrane vesicles, indicated distinct binding sites for physostigmine and acetylcholine. As shown in this study by photoaffinity labeling with [phenyl-(n)-3H](-)physostigmine, the physostigmine-binding site is located within the same subunit (alpha polypeptide) of the receptor as the acetylcholine-binding site. Using a variety of proteolytic cleavage conditions for the purified alpha polypeptide, several [3H]physostigmine-labeled peptides were isolated and sequenced. From the radioactivity released in the course of the Edman degradations of the labeled peptides, it was found that the label was associated in all cases with Lys125. These results identify a novel ligand-binding site for the Torpedo nicotinic acetylcholine receptor that is different in location from binding sites identified previously for acetylcholine, its established agonists and antagonists, and direct channel blockers.  相似文献   

Five sulfur-containing analogues of 2,3-oxidosqualene (OS) were evaluated as inhibitors of squalene:hopene cyclase (SHC) from Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius. In these analogues, sulfur replaces carbons at C-6, C-10, C-14, C-18, or C-19 of OS. Each analogue was a submicromolar inhibitor of SHC with IC50 values ranging from 60 to 570 nM. Enzyme inhibition kinetic analysis was performed using homogeneous recombinant A. acidocaldarius SHC. While analogues 9 (S-14, Ki = 109 nM, kinact = 0.058 min-1) and 11 (S-19, Ki = 83 nM, kinact = 0.054 min-1) were time-dependent inhibitors of SHC, analogues 7 (S-6, Ki = 127 nM) and 8 (S-10, Ki = 971 nM) showed no time dependency with SHC. Analogue 10 (S-18) was the most potent inhibitor and showed time-dependent irreversible inhibition (Ki = 31 nM, kinact = 0.071 min-1). Kinetic analysis for the five analogues with purified rat liver OSLC was conducted to compare the vertebrate and prokaryotic enzymes. Affinity labeling experiments, using either [17-3H]10 or [22-3H]10 with crude and with pure recombinant SHC, clearly showed specific labeling. A single major radioactive band at 72 kDa on SDS-PAGE indicated that irreversible covalent modification of SHC had occurred. These results suggest that the presence of sulfur at C-18 of OS can interrupt the cyclization and that an intermediate partially cyclized cation may be captured by a nucleophilic residue of the SHC active site.  相似文献   

A photoaffinity ligand for the head-activator (HA) receptor from hydra was synthesized using solid-phase peptide synthesis and coupling of two HA peptides over their epsilon-amino groups of Lys7 with succinimidyl esters. The new ligand, Bpa-HA-HA bipeptide, contains one normal HA peptide and another where p-benzoylphenylalanine (Bpa) was added at the amino terminus to allow ultraviolet activation and Tyr11 instead of Phe11 for radioiodination. The 125I-Bpa-HA-HA bipeptide bound with nanomolar affinity to the HA receptor from the multiheaded mutant of Chlorohydra viridissima as measured in a filter assay. After photoaffinity labeling of the hydra membrane fraction, a 200-kDa band was detected using reducing or non-reducing SDS/PAGE and autoradiography. Unlabeled HA derivatives, but no other neuropeptides, inhibited the labeling. Competition experiments with HA-HA homobipeptide in the nanomolar range indicate that predominantly the low-affinity and not the high-affinity HA receptor was photolabeled. Further evidence that the labeled molecule is the HA receptor comes from specific photoaffinity labeling with a second ultraviolet-activatable ligand containing p-nitrophenylalanine. The HA receptor could be functionally solubilized with Triton X-100 or Chaps. In the solubilizate the 200-kDa HA receptor was photolabeled specifically by both ligands. Liquid-phase isoelectric focussing of the solubilizate indicated a pI of about 5.4 of the photolabeled molecule. After chemical deglycosylation with trifluoromethanesulfonic acid, the apparent molecular mass of the labeled molecule was decreased to 180 kDa, indicating that the receptor is glycosylated.  相似文献   

Although human D1 and D5 dopamine receptors are encoded by distinct genes and share only 50% sequence homology at the amino acid level, their pharmacological properties are identical. Using a selective D1 receptor photoaffinity radioligand, (+/-)-7-[125I]iodo-8-hydroxy-3-methyl-1-(4-azidophenyl)-2,3,4,5-tetrahyd ro-1H-3-benzazepine ([125I]MAB), we have further probed the molecular properties of these receptors in transfected GH4C1 rat pituitary cells. Under reversible, non-covalent binding conditions, [125I]MAB bound to both the D1 and the D5 receptors with identical affinities, dopaminergic selectivity and stereospecificity. Upon photoactivation of the bound [125I]MAB, the label was incorporated into a approximately 64,000 mol. wt protein corresponding to the D1 dopamine receptor. However, there was no specific photoincorporation of the ligand observed in D5 receptors. The lack of [125I]MAB photolabeling of D5 receptors was independent of the cell line chosen, since similar results were obtained using other transfected cells. The data suggest that although both D1 and D5 receptors share structurally similar binding sites, the protein domains around the sites are different. Thus, although there are currently no specific compounds which bind preferentially to D1 or D5 receptors, these receptors can be distinguished from one another by the inability of [125I]MAB to photolabel D5, but not D1, receptors. Such selective targeting of a specific receptor may be useful in understanding the functional importance and/or interaction between closely related members of the same receptor family when co-expressed in the same cell.  相似文献   

Squalene epoxidation catalyzed by rat liver microsomes requires oxygen NADPH, and the 105,000 x g supernatant (S105). The supernatant can be replaced by a partially purified S105 protein (SPF) and phospholipids (Tai, H., and Bloch, K. (1972) J. Biol. Chem. 247, 3767). When washed microsomes are preincubated anaerobically with [14C]squalene and S105 without NADPH, followed by centrifugation and washing to remove the unbound squalene and S105, epoxidation in the presence of O2 and NADPH occurs subsequently at the same rate as in direct assays containing all required components from the start. Partially purified SPF (65-fold) shows the same effect. Washed microsomes preincubated anaerobically with squalene alone, or with bovine serum albumin instead of S105, also take up large amounts of squalene, but the squalene so incorporated is only poorly converted to epoxide. The epoxidation of endogenous squalene formed in liver homogenates from [14C]mevalonate is also stimulated by S105. The incorporation of squalene into microsomes is temperature dependent. 2,3-Oxidosqualene-lanosterol cyclase (cyclase) also requires S105 for optimal activity. It is suggested that the S105 protein acts internally within the microsomal membrane system facilitating the access of substrate to specific enzyme sites.  相似文献   

Calcitonin (CT) is a 32-amino-acid calciotropic peptide hormone which acts on target cells via a G protein-coupled seven-transmembrane receptor (CTR). In this study, we report the design, synthesis and characterization of four potent bioactive and photoreactive CT analogs, each of which contains a single benzophenone moiety inserted at different and discrete locations within the CT molecule. Replacement of all Lys residues in salmon CT (sCT) with Arg, followed by replacement of hydrophobic residues with a Lys(epsilon-p-benzoylbenzoyl) residue [Lys(epsilon-pBz2)] was found to preserve high biological activity. We substituted Val8, Leu16 and Leu19 by Lys(epsilon-pBz2), and acylated the N-terminus by a pBz2 moiety, thus distributing the photoaffinity moiety in the different analogs across a large portion of the CT sequence. With both transfected and endogenous CTRs from several species, all four benzophenone-containing analogs were shown to be virtually indistinguishable from the parent sCT analog in both receptor binding properties and stimulation of cAMP accumulation. Upon photolysis, in the presence of CTR, the radioiodinated photoreactive CT analog ([Arg11,18,Lys19(epsilon-pBz2)]sCT (K19)) covalently labels a membrane component of approximately 70 kDa. Receptor cross-linking is inhibited specifically in the presence of excess sCT. We also examined the interaction of these CT analogs with a hemagglutinin (HA) epitope-tagged CTR. The HA-CTR displayed CT binding and CT-dependent cAMP stimulation identical with native CTR. Both K19 and another bioactive analog (-Arg11,18, Lys8(epsilon-pBz2)]sCT (K8)) specifically photoaffinity cross-link to the HA-CTR. These benzophenone-containing CT analogs should facilitate studies of hormone-receptor interactions and allow the direct identification of a CT binding domain(s) within the receptor by the analysis of photochemically cross-linked conjugates.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of nicotine on the daily rhythms of heart rate, body temperature and locomotor activity in unrestrained rats by use of implanted radiotelemetry transmitters. The study was divided into three seven-day periods: a control period, a treatment period and a recovery period. The control period was used for baseline measurement of heart rate, body temperature and locomotor activity. During the treatment period three rats received nicotine (1 mg kg(-1), s.c.) at 0900 h. Three rats received saline under the same experimental conditions. Heart rate, body temperature and locomotor activity were continuously monitored and plotted every 10 min. During the three periods a power spectrum analysis was used to determine the dominant period of rhythmicity. If daily rhythms of heart rate, body temperature and locomotor activity were detected, the characteristics of these rhythms, i.e. the mesors, amplitudes and acrophases, were determined by cosinor analysis, expressed as means +/- s.e.m. and compared by analysis of variance. Nicotine did not suppress daily rhythmicity but induced decreases of amplitudes and phase-advances of acrophases for heart rate, body temperature and locomotor activity. These perturbations might result from the effects of nicotine on the suprachiasmatic nucleus, the hypothalamic clock that co-ordinates biological rhythms.  相似文献   

Two pairs of isomers (18Z)- (8), (18E)-29-methylidene-2,3-oxidohexanorsqualene (21), and (18Z)- (31), (18E)-29-methylidene-2,3-oxidosqualene (34), have been obtained in a fully stereospecific manner, as inhibitors of rat and yeast oxidosqualene cyclase. A new method for the synthesis of C22 squalene aldehyde 2,3-epoxide is reported, as well as that of other 19-modified 2,3-oxidosqualene analogues. We found that the activity is the opposite in the two series: the (E)-hexanormethylidene 21 and the (Z)-methylidene 31 are potent and irreversible inhibitors of oxidosqualene cyclase, while (Z)-hexanormethylidene 8 and (E)-methylidene 34 are almost completely inactive. Reduction of the 18,19-double bond, such as in 39, eliminates the activity, while removal of both of the 19-linked groups such as in heptanor derivative 40 greatly reduces inhibition of the enzyme. (E)-Hexanormethylidene 21 results the first irreversible inhibitor of the series toward the yeast enzyme.  相似文献   

A photolabile reagent, p-azidobenzoyl-CoA, has been synthesized and tested as a photoaffinity label for acyl-CoA:glycine N-acyltransferase (EC from beef liver. p-Azidobenzoyl-CoA is an active-site-directed reagent for this N-acyltransferase, since it is an alternate substrate (Km = 26 micronM, when [glycine] = 100 mM). Ultraviolet irradiation of a mixture of p-azidobenzoyl-CoA and the N-acyltransferase produces irreversible inhibition. Benzoyl-CoA protects the enzyme from inhibition by photoactivated p-azidobenzoyl-CoA. Acyl-CoA:glycine N-acyltransferase is composed of a single polypeptide with a molecular weight of about 35 000. Photolabeling experiments show that there is one active site per molecule of enzyme.  相似文献   

Spiro[adamantane-2,2'-diazirine], which produces adamantyl carbene upon photolysis, binds tightly to P450 2B4 (KS = 3.2 microM), giving a normal substrate binding difference spectrum. Irradiation of 2-[3H]adamantane diazirine at 365 nm in the presence of native, ferric P450 2B4 resulted in first-order photolysis (t1/2 = 1.8 min). The main product was 2-[3H]adamantanol, with about 6% of the radioactivity covalently bound to P450 2B4. With the ferrous carbonyl form of P450 2B4, 2-adamantanol production decreased and protein labeling increased to 12%. When ferric cyanide 2B4 was used, 2-adamantanecarbonitrile was formed in addition to 2-adamantanol. The nitrile appears to have resulted from capture of the iron-bound cyanide ligand by the carbene. The use of multiple cycles of photolysis increased the percentage of protein labeling to 76%. Photolabeling was inhibited by known 2B4 substrates and inhibitors. Also, N-demethylation of benzphetamine and generation of a substrate binding difference spectrum by benzphetamine were both inhibited stoichiometrically with the fraction of radiolabeled protein. The labeled protein was permanently converted to the high-spin state, as indicated by the characteristic change in the absorbance spectrum, demonstrating irreversible occupation of the substrate binding site by the adamantyl residue. Mild acid hydrolysis of radiolabeled 2B4 at the five Asp-Pro bonds generated a 2-kDa peptide which carried 78% of the radioactivity. These results are interpreted as the result of the active site carbene reacting by three competing pathways: capture of the heme sixth ligand to yield either 2-adamantanol or 2-adamantanecarbonitrile, capture of an unbound active site water molecule to yield adamantanol, and covalent attachment to a protein residue. Thus, the P450 2B4 active site appears to contain at least one unbound water molecule in addition to the heme aquo sixth ligand, even when substrate is present.  相似文献   

Beta-amyrin, a typical pentacyclic triterpene having an oleanane skeleton, is one of the most commonly occuring triterpenes in nature and is biosynthesized from (3S)-2,3-oxidosqualene. The enzyme, beta-amyrin synthase, catalyzing the cyclization of oxidosqualene into beta-amyrin, generates five rings and eight asymmetric centers in a single transformation. A homology-based PCR method was attempted to obtain the cDNA of this enzyme from the hairy root of Panax ginseng which produces oleanane saponins together with dammarane-type saponins. Two sets of degenerate oligonucleotide primers were designed at the regions which are highly conserved among known oxidosqualene cyclases (OSCs). Nested PCRs using these primers successfully amplified the core fragment which revealed the presence of two OSC clones PNX and PNY. Specific amplification of each clone by 3'-RACE and 5'-RACE was carried out to obtain the whole sequences. The two clones exhibited 60% amino acid identity to each other. A full-length clone of PNY was ligated into the yeast expression vector pYES2 under the GAL1 promoter to give pOSC(PNY). Beta-amyrin production was observed with the mutant yeast lacking lanosterol synthase, transformed by this plasmid. The sequence of pOSC(PNY) contains an open reading frame of 2289 nucleotides which codes for 763 amino acids with a predicted molecular mass of 88 kDa. Sequence comparison with other OSCs showed a high level of similarity with lanosterol, cycloartenol and lupeol synthases. The other clone, pOSC(PNX), was shown to be cycloartenol synthase by similar expression in yeast. The present studies have revealed that distinct OSC exists for triterpene formation in higher plants, and the high level of similarity with cycloartenol synthase indicates close evolutional relationship between sterol and triterpene biosynthesis.  相似文献   

The present study analysed gubernaculum development in mice that had been induced, through transgenesis, to express human anti-Müllerian hormone (h-AMH) throughout prenatal life. Growth and differentiation of the gubernacular primordia were assessed through the analysis of serial, transverse or sagittal, histological sections of the lower abdomen. Transgenic males and females expressed biologically active amounts of h-AMH as measured by sensitive and specific ELISA and evidenced through the regression, in females, of Müllerian ducts after day 13 of prenatal life. Gubernacular primordia became distinguishable at the same age in control and transgenic male and female fetuses on day 12 after coitus. In both groups gubernacular cords (inguinal folds of the genital mesenteries) increased in length more in females than in males while gubernacular cones showed larger growth in males. h-AMH thus appeared not to affect the sexually dimorphic pattern of growth and development of these structures. Growth and differentiation of the gubernacular primordia was further examined in 18-day-old control and h-AMH transgenic fetuses that had been exposed to testosterone propionate injected into their mothers on days 12 and 14 of pregnancy. Testosterone treatment affected, to a minor extent, the growth of the female gubernacular cords: these were reduced in length (but had a larger surface area) compared with controls. The gubernacular cones were slightly increased in length but male-like differentiation of the tissues of the cones into a muscular and mesenchymal component was not noticed to any extent. The observations thus add experimental support to the contention that AMH, even in combination with testosterone, is not effective in establishing the male pattern of gubernacular primordia development.  相似文献   

Neuronal nitric oxide synthase produces nitric oxide, a radical involved in neurotransmission as well as in cytotoxicity during stroke and neurodegenerative diseases. In the adult Wistar rat neuronal nitric oxide synthase-positive neurons are inhomogenously distributed along defined cortical areas, with highest densities (18 cells/mm2) in cingular area 1, piriform cortex, frontal motor area Fr 2 and in the medial visual association area Oc 2MM. A medium packing density of neuronal nitric oxide synthase neurons (10/mm2) characterizes primary sensory areas, whereas retrosplenial cortices contain lowest cell numbers (3-5/mm2). The data suggest that functions of certain cortical areas are more dependent on intracortically produced nitric oxide than others, and that cortical injury may cause more severe nitric oxide related cytotoxicity in areas with higher numbers of neuronal nitric oxide synthase-positive neurons.  相似文献   

Synthesis of 32P-labeled CoA of high specific activity was achieved using partially purified dephospho-CoA kinase (EC from pig liver with [gamma-32P]ATP as donor and dephospho-CoA as acceptor. A photoaffinity dodecanoic acid analog, 12-[(4-azidosalicyl)amino]dodecanoic acid was synthesized, as were its CoA derivative (ASD-CoA) and the CoA derivative of 12-azidooleic acid. The CoA derivatives were synthesized from azido fatty acid analogs by acyl-CoA synthetase. The synthesized photolabile reagents were tested as photoaffinity labels for acyl-CoA oxidase (EC from Arthrobacter species. When a mixture of oxidase and the acyl-CoA analogs were incubated in the absence of ultraviolet light, the analogs were recognized as substrate. Acyl-CoA oxidase was incubated in the presence of acyl-CoA analogs and immediately photolyzed, which resulted in irreversible inhibition. Oleoyl-CoA and dodecanoyl-CoA protect the enzyme from photoactivated inhibition by 12-azidooleoyl-CoA and ASD-CoA, respectively. Analysis of photolyzed enzyme preparations by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and autoradiography revealed that both analogs preferentially labeled a 54,000 molecular weight protein. These results demonstrate that the photoaffinity acyl-CoA analogs have potential application as probes to identify and characterize lipid biosynthetic enzymes and to identify the active site of these proteins.  相似文献   

Binding of urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) to its cellular receptor (uPAR) renders the cell surface a favored site for plasminogen activation. Recently, a 15-mer peptide antagonist of the uPA-uPAR interaction, with an IC50 value of 10 nM, was identified using phage display technology [Goodson, R. J., Doyle, M. V., Kaufman, S. E., and Rosenberg, S. (1994) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 91, 7129-7133]. In the present study, the molecular aspects of the interaction between this peptide and uPAR have been investigated. We have characterized the real-time receptor binding kinetics for the antagonist using surface plasmon resonance and identified critical residues by alanine replacements. The minimal peptide antagonist thus derived (SLNFSQYLWS) was rendered photoactivatable by replacing residues important for uPAR binding with photochemically active derivatives of phenylalanine containing either (trifluoromethyl)diazirine or benzophenone. These peptides incorporated covalently into purified soluble uPAR upon photoactivation, and this was inhibited by preincubation with receptor binding derivatives of uPA. The intact three-domain structure of uPAR was essential for efficient photoaffinity labeling. Proteolytic domain mapping using chymotrypsin revealed a specific labeling of both uPAR domain I and domains II + III dependent on the position of the photoprobe in the antagonist. On the basis of these studies, we propose the existence of a composite ligand binding site in uPAR combined of residues located in distinct structural domains. According to this model, a close spatial proximity between uPAR domain I and either domains II or III in intact uPAR is required for the assembly of this composite binding site. Since the receptor binding properties of the peptide antagonist closely mimic those of uPA itself, these two ligands presumably share coincident binding site in uPAR.  相似文献   

N6-(p-Azidobenzyl)adenosine (ABA) and nitrobenzylthioinosine (NBMPR) were employed as covalent probes of the nucleoside transport mechanism in human erythrocytes. NBMPR, a potent inhibitor of nucleoside transport, binds tightly (KD 0.3-1 nM) to specific sites on nucleoside transporter elements. ABA, a less potent inhibitor of uridine influx, competitively inhibited NBMPR binding (Ki 15 nM). [3H]ABA was bound tightly (KD 13.4 nM) but reversibly to sites on erythrocytes which appeared to be those which bind NBMPR. ABA binding was inhibited by uridine and adenosine. Irradiation with UV light caused site-bound [3H]ABA on erythrocyte membranes to become covalently bound and, similarly, photoactivation resulted in covalent attachment of membrane-bound [3H]NBMPR. In the presence of dithiothreitol, a free radical scavenger, photoactivation of the site-bound 3H-ligand on membranes depleted of extrinsic membrane proteins resulted in selective incorporation of 3H into band 4.5 of the membrane polypeptides which were resolved on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electropherograms. This result, when considered with previous findings, indicates that the NBMPR-binding component of the nucleoside transport mechanism (or the entire mechanism, if the NBMPR site is an integral part) is a band 4.5 polypeptide.  相似文献   

Cells of Arthrobacter sp. that had been isolated from soil were used to study oxidation of some linear terpenes and squalene variants. The cells oxidized geraniol, nerol, and farnesol to the corresponding aldehydes, with partial conversion of the geometrical isomerism of the alpha,beta-double bond. The squalene variant, squalene-2,3-oxide, was cleaved to 9,10-epoxygeranylacetone and geranylacetone. Squalene-2,3-22,23-dioxide was cleaved to 9,10-epoxygeranylacetone. These products were optically active, and their stereochemistry and optical purity were determined.  相似文献   

The luteinizing hormone/choriogonadotropin receptor, a seven-transmembrane receptor, is composed of two equal halves, the N-terminal extracellular exodomain and the C-terminal membrane-associated endodomain. Unlike most seven-transmembrane receptors, the exodomain alone is responsible for high affinity hormone binding, whereas signal is generated in the endodomain. These physical separations of hormone-binding and receptor activation sites are attributed to unique mechanisms for hormone binding and receptor activation of this receptor and its subfamily members. However, the precise hormone contact sites in the exodomain are unclear. In the preceding article (Hong, S., Phang, T., Ji, I., and Ji, T. H. (1998) J. Biol. Chem. 273, 13835-13840), a region immediately downstream of the N terminus of the exodomain was shown to be crucial for hormone binding. To test if the region interacts with the hormone, human choriogonadotropin (hCG) was photoaffinity-labeled with a peptide mimic corresponding to Gly18-Tyr36 of the receptor. This peptide mimic specifically photoaffinity-labeled both the alpha- and beta-subunits of hCG. Interestingly, hCGalpha was preferentially labeled. On the other hand, denatured hCG was not labeled, and a mutant analog of the peptide failed to label hCG. Furthermore, the affinity labeling was UV-dependent and saturable, indicating the specificity of the photoaffinity labeling. Our results indicate that the region of the exodomain interacts with hCG and that the contact points are near both subunits of hCG. Particularly, the alternate residues (Leu20, Cys22, and Gly24) are crucial for hCG binding. In addition, the results underscore the fact that there is a crucial hormone contact site outside of the popularly believed primary hormone-binding site that is composed of Leu-rich repeats and is located in the middle of the exodomain. Our observations are crucial for understanding the molecular mechanism through which the initial high affinity hormone binding leads to receptor activation in the endodomain.  相似文献   

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