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文章通过对青岛地区中老年人服装消费的观念、心理、行为、审美的调查研究,以制定对这一群体的生产和营销方式。  相似文献   

杨维 《西部皮革》2023,(9):21-23
大学生作为当代潮流服饰的主要消费对象,其消费心理和消费行为正随着时代的发展而逐渐发生着变化。文章从当前大学生服装消费心理以及消费行为的主要趋势展开论述,详细分析了影响大学生服装消费心理以及消费行为的主要因素,从面料、潮流趋势等多个方面论证了当前时代背景下大学生服装消费心理和消费行为的主要特征,并根据当前大学生的服装消费趋势提出了引导大学生形成正确服装消费心理的创新路径。  相似文献   

入世后服装消费心理变化及营销对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了入世后人们的服装消费心理特征及消费心理动机的变化,提出服装市场营销策略:应提高产品创新能力,市场细分能力和流行预测能力。  相似文献   

文章通过研究服装可持续消费方式,提出了废旧服装合理处置、服装协作消费、绿色服装设计等服装可持续消费形式,旨在减少资源浪费,提升环境质量,并为企业的发展和服装消费活动提供一定参考。  相似文献   

推进纺织服装的绿色消费   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国与发达国家相比,无论是在绿色消费观念还是在绿色消费行为上有着很大的差距。文章对我国目前纺织服装的绿色消费现状作了深人分析,并在此基础上提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

服装消费文化理论研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
宁俊  马迁利 《纺织学报》2006,27(7):117-120
目前国内服装市场上的有效需求明显不足,很大原因出于服装厂商和消费者对服装价值构成不同方面关注的错位。因此,尝试性地从文化和社会的角度对服装消费这一经济行为进行分析。在服装文化和消费文化的基础上提出了“服装消费文化”的概念,并进一步对服装消费文化的理论架构和内容体系展开了阐述,主要包括服装消费观念、服装消费心理、服装消费审美和服装消费行为4个方面。  相似文献   

范艺 《丝绸技术》1999,7(2):36-38
针对服装营销中消费者的心理因素,利用市场营销与管理的理论,进行分析,重点阐述了动机,知觉,信念等心理因素的作用,从而得出只有充分理解和把握消费者的心理因素,才能更好地抓住服装营销的机遇。  相似文献   

为准确把握不同时期女性的服装消费心理,针对中国重要变革时期的历史文化背景和当时女性着装风格进行了研究,发现:在社会思想禁锢时期,服装虽表现得注重形式,但忽略了人的自由和自然美,消费心理表现为趋同社会群体;但随着经济的发展、社会的开明,人们的思想变得开化,价值观改变,女性着装开始注重美化自我、求新求异、追求时尚,这使得女装式样多变,消费心理也伴随着情感与冲动。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查方法和SPSS统计分析软件,归纳总结和研究分析了青年对服装礼品消费的态度和行为,指出服装作为礼品消费的特点和新的前景,为服装企业开拓崭新的服装市场提供参考意见。  相似文献   

以嘉兴地区大学生为研究对象,通过访谈及问卷调研的方式,对大学生这个消费群体的服装消费态度进行调研。结果表明,用SPPS软件的因子分析和聚类分析的方法,对大学生这个族群进行细分,细分成了实用型、舒适型、时尚型、实惠型4个类型,并分析各个族群的特点,为服装企业产品研发及市场细分提供参考。  相似文献   

介绍了一种新型的采用Flexiforce传感器用于弹性织物服装压力的测量系统。该系统集数据采集、存储、分析、显示等功能为一体,可以实现多点数据采集、实时记录、分析数据等多种功能,该服装压力测试系统为压力舒适性的客观评定提供了依据和基础。  相似文献   

面粉多点供料气力输送系统是通过多储料罐实现企业提出的物料在混料工艺前需要存储数天的特定要求,同时达到连续供料目的,该系统大大提高了企业的自动化程度,但由于气力系统本身具有能耗大的缺点,如果系统输送工艺参数设计不当,会产生非常高的能耗,因此从企业的经济效益角度考虑,对该系统能耗的研究是非常重要的问题,该文为合理设计气力输送系统参数,通过正交实验设计方法,分析料气混合比、气力输送速度、管道直径三者对能耗的影响,从而得出料气混合比与气力输送速度对能耗的影响最为显著,而管道直径的影响相对较小,为进一步对系统能耗的回归分析与工艺参数优化提供理论依据。  相似文献   

车文辉  彭双双 《食品与机械》2016,32(11):202-206
通过对长沙市岳麓区123名老年人对保健食品消费的调查,结果显示:老年人对待保健食品消费的态度趋于理性,对于动机方面更加关注自身的健康,在选择地点方面侧重专卖和药店,关注保健食品的疗效等;保健食品消费呈现出一种年轻化、平民化、理性化以及风险化趋势。文章分析了影响老年人保健食品消费的显著性因素,并提出了安全防范的措施与建议。  相似文献   

国内国际制浆造纸能耗现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘秉钺 《中华纸业》2010,31(13):14-21
能否降低能源消耗已成为造纸工业可持续发展的关键所在。了解我国的能源政策,熟知我国造纸工业能耗的发展变化、能耗计算细则,掌握不同纸机、不同浆种的能耗情况以及了解与欧洲20世纪末的能耗水平差距,对于我们更好地节约能源、节约资源具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   


Corn consumption was evaluated in the population of Veracruz City, Mexico, through two different dietary intake questionnaires. The selection of 300 sampling locations was completely random. The population was segregated into gender and age categories. A daily consumption questionnaire was used to determine the consumption of corn tortillas and a frequency questionnaire to determine the consumption of other corn products. A book of photographs was used to adjust criteria on the size of the portions of corn products and a probability distribution was built of the weight and content of corn for tortillas. Probability density functions (PDFs) were used to describe the consumption of each corn product. Men and those between 14 and 65 years old have the highest consumption of tortillas. Tortillas, antojitos, tacos and chilaquiles are the products that provide the largest amount of corn to the Veracruz people’s diet. Even though these products are nixtamalisated, there is evidence that after a thermo-alkaline process some contaminants such as mycotoxins (like aflatoxin, which is a mutagenic, teratogenic and carcinogenic toxin) could be present in high concentrations. These results highlight the need to characterise the consumption of one of the main foods included in dietary staple in Mexico as a first step for a probabilistic risk assessment.  相似文献   

浅析新时期我国粮食消费与粮食安全   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
粮食是人类生存和发展的基础,粮食安全关乎国家安定与世界和平。中国是世界上人口最多、粮食消费量最大的国家,粮食一旦出了问题,后果将不堪设想。因此对待粮食安全问题决不可掉以轻心,要未雨绸缪,做好统筹。新时期消费结构变化使我国的粮食安全面临新形势,而新形势又给粮食安全、供求平衡及宏观调控带来新情况、新问题。要解决这些问题,结合当前国内外粮食的生产和消费情况,对我国的粮食消费形势进行全面分析,把握粮食消费特点,是确保当前及今后我国粮食安全的迫切要求。一、现阶段我国粮食消费特点口粮、饲料用粮、加工用粮、贸易用粮、种…  相似文献   

We estimated the price and income elasticity of cigarette demand and the impact of cigarette taxes on cigarette demand and cigarette tax revenue in Malaysia. The data on cigarette consumption, cigarette prices, and public policies between 1990 and 2004 were subjected to a time-series regression analysis applying the error-correction model. The preferred cigarette demand model specification resulted in long-run and short-run price elasticities estimates of -0.57 and -0.08, respectively. Income was positively related to cigarette consumption: A 1% increase in real income increased cigarette consumption by 1.46%. The model predicted that an increase in cigarette excise tax from Malaysian ringgit (RM) 1.60 to RM2.00 per pack would reduce cigarette consumption in Malaysia by 3.37%, or by 806,468,873 cigarettes. This reduction would translate to almost 165 fewer tobacco-related lung cancer deaths per year and a 20.8% increase in the government excise tax revenue. We conclude that taxation is an effective method of reducing cigarette consumption and tobacco-related deaths while increasing revenue for the government of Malaysia.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the extent of tobacco expenditures in Bangladesh and to compare those costs with potential investment in food and other essential items. DESIGN: Review of available statistics and calculations based thereon. RESULTS: Expenditure on tobacco, particularly cigarettes, represents a major burden for impoverished Bangladeshis. The poorest (household income of less than $24/month) are twice as likely to smoke as the wealthiest (household income of more than $118/month). Average male cigarette smokers spend more than twice as much on cigarettes as per capita expenditure on clothing, housing, health and education combined. The typical poor smoker could easily add over 500 calories to the diet of one or two children with his or her daily tobacco expenditure. An estimated 10.5 million people currently malnourished could have an adequate diet if money on tobacco were spent on food instead. The lives of 350 children could be saved each day. CONCLUSION: Tobacco expenditures exacerbate the effects of poverty and cause significant deterioration in living standards among the poor. This aspect of tobacco use has been largely neglected by those working in poverty and tobacco control. Strong tobacco control measures could have immediate impact on the health of the poor by decreasing tobacco expenditures and thus significantly increasing the resources of the poor. Addressing the issue of tobacco and poverty together could make tobacco control a higher priority for poor countries.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to synthesise glycerol esters from heptanoic acid and to evaluate the toxicity of their chronic consumption in rats. The synthesised product (64% triheptanoin, 34% diheptanoin and 2% monoheptanoin) was called experimental oil. Newly weaned male Wistar rats ( n  = 3 × 10) were fed with control diet AIN-93, control with 30% substitution of soybean oil with experimental oil (TAGC7 30%) or control with substitution of 50% (TAGC7 50%), for 9 months. The experimental oil did not affect the growth, lipid digestibility or hepatic and renal function, and the lipid profile serum analysis. Additionally, it exhibited a hepato-protector effect in group TAGC7 50%. In conclusion, the chronic consumption of di- and triheptanoin was not toxic in rats, suggesting that they may be used in the treatment of disorders in which more easily digestible lipids are required.  相似文献   

以消费需求为导向的功能纺织品开发的价值分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
复合功能纺织品的市场功能需求定位和企业生产成本核算之间的匹配,是影响企业制定开发功能性纺织品策略的重要因素。文章提出了以消费需求为导向的功能纺织品开发的价值工程分析模型,为企业产品市场开发决策提供方便、有效的技术经济分析的方法。  相似文献   

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