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With the actual environmental issues of energy savings in buildings, there are more efforts to prevent any increase in energy use associated with installing air-conditioning systems. The actual standard of thermal comfort in buildings ISO 7730 is based on static model that is acceptable in air-conditioned buildings, but unreliable for the case of naturally ventilated buildings. The different field studies have shown that occupants of naturally ventilated buildings accept and prefer a significantly wider range of temperatures compared to occupants of air-conditioned buildings. The results of these field studies have contributed to develop the adaptive approach. Adaptive comfort algorithms have been integrated in EN15251 and ASHRAE standards to take into account the adaptive approach in naturally ventilated buildings. These adaptive algorithms seem to be more efficient for naturally ventilated buildings, but need to be assessed in field studies. This paper evaluates different algorithms from both static and adaptive approach in naturally ventilated buildings across a field survey that has been conducted in France in five naturally ventilated office buildings. The paper presents the methodology guidelines, and the thermal comfort algorithms considered. The results of application of different algorithms are provided with a comparative analysis to assess the applied algorithms. 相似文献
The distinctions between natural ventilation and mechanical ventilation system are explained. With the testing result of natural ventilation system of an office building in Shanghai, the irrationality of using energy-utilization coefficient to evaluate one natural ventilation system is discussed. Based on thermal comfort of natural ventilation environment, an evaluation method is then established and used to evaluate the testing result. 相似文献
Sustainable low-energy office buildings attempt to harness the buildings architecture and physics to provide a high quality working environment with the least possible primary energy consumption. A promising approach to condition those buildings in summer employs the utilization of the building's thermal storage activated by natural heat sinks (e.g., ambient air, ground water or soil) through night ventilation or thermally activated building systems (TABS). However, a certain room temperature cannot be guaranteed as occupants may influence the room energy balance by window opening, internal heat gains or sun shading control. Between 2001 and 2005, monitoring campaigns were carried out over 2 or 3 years in 12 low-energy office buildings which are located in three different summer climate zones in Germany. These climate zones are defined as summer-cool, moderate and summer-hot. The weather at the building site and the room temperatures in several office rooms were monitored by different scientific teams. The raw data are processed for data evaluation using a sophisticated method to remove errors and outliers from the database and to identify the time of occupancy. The comfort in all office rooms in each building is evaluated separately. For data presentation, these separate comfort votes per office room are averaged using the median instead of the arithmetic mean in order not to overestimate extremely cold or hot room temperatures. A comfort evaluation in these 12 low-energy office buildings indicates clearly, that buildings which use only natural heat sinks for cooling provide good thermal comfort during typical and warm summer periods in Germany. However, long heat waves such as during the extreme European summer of 2003 overstrain passively cooled buildings with air-driven cooling concepts in terms of thermal comfort. 相似文献
The coupling of thermal mass and natural ventilation is important to passive building design. Thermal mass can be classified as external thermal mass and internal thermal mass. Due to great diurnal variation of ambient air temperature and solar radiation intensity, heat transfer through building envelopes, which is called external thermal mass, is a complex and unsteady process. Indoor furniture are internal thermal mass, affecting the indoor air temperature through the process of absorbing and releasing heat. In this paper, a heat balance model coupling the external and internal thermal mass, natural ventilation rate and indoor air temperature for naturally ventilated building is developed. In this model, the inner surface temperature of building envelopes is obtained based on the harmonic response method. The effect of external and internal thermal mass on indoor air temperature for six external walls is discussed of different configurations including lightweight and heavy structures with and without external/internal insulation. Based on this model, a simple tool is developed to estimate the indoor air temperature for certain external and internal thermal mass and to determine the internal thermal mass needed to maintain required indoor air temperature for certain external wall for naturally ventilated building. 相似文献
This paper addresses the dual challenge of designing sustainable low-energy buildings while still providing thermal comfort under warmer summer conditions produced by anthropogenic climate change—a key challenge for building designers in the 21st century. The main focus is towards buildings that are ‘free running’ for some part of the summer, either being entirely naturally ventilated or mixed-mode (where mechanical cooling is only used when thought to be essential). Because the conditions in these buildings will vary from day to day it is important to understand how people react and adapt to their environment. A summary is made of recent developments in this area and of the climate data required to assess building performance. Temperatures in free running buildings are necessarily closely linked to those outside. Because the climate is changing and outside summer temperatures are expected to increase, the future will offer greater challenges to the designers of sustainable buildings aiming to provide either entirely passive or low-energy comfort cooling. These issues are demonstrated by predictions of the performance of some case study buildings under a climate change scenario. The examples also demonstrate some of the important principles associated with climate-sensitive low-energy design. 相似文献
This article investigates building thermal mass control of commercial buildings to reduce utility costs with a particular emphasis on the individual impacts of both adaptive comfort criteria and of heat waves. Recent changes in international standards on thermal comfort for indoor environments allow for adaptation to the weather development as manifested in comfort criteria prEN 15251.2005 and NPR-CR 1752.2005 relative to the non-adaptive comfort criterion ISO 7730.2003. Furthermore, since extreme weather patterns tend to occur more frequently, even in moderate climate zones, it is of interest how a building's passive thermal storage inventory responds to prolonged heat waves. The individual and compounded effects of adaptive comfort criteria and heat waves on the conventional and optimal operation of a prototypical office building are investigated for the particularly hot month of August 2003 in Freiburg, Germany. It is found that operating commercial buildings using adaptive comfort criteria strongly reduces total cooling loads and associated building systems energy consumption under conventional and building thermal mass control. In the case of conventional control, total operating cost reductions follow the cooling loads reductions closely. Conversely, the use of adaptive comfort criteria under optimal building thermal mass control leads to both lower and slightly higher absolute operating costs compared to the optimal costs for the non-adaptive ISO 7730. While heat waves strongly affect the peak cooling loads under both conventional and optimal building thermal mass control, total cooling loads, building energy consumption and costs are only weakly affected for both control modes. Passive cooling under cost-optimal control, while achieving significant total cost reductions of up to 13%, is associated with total energy penalties on the order of 1–3% relative to conventional nighttime setup control. Thus, building thermal mass control defends its cost saving potential under optimal control in the presence of adaptive comfort criteria and heat waves. 相似文献
The equation for thermal comfort for buildings in the free-running mode (Annexe A2) in European Standard EN15251 rests on the data collected in the EU project Smart Controls and Thermal Comfort (SCATs). Many of these data were from naturally ventilated office buildings which were in free-running mode outside the heating season. Using the data from these buildings a relationship between indoor comfort and outdoor climate was developed for free-running buildings. This paper describes the data and the methods of analysis used to estimate the comfort conditions in the variable environment of free-running buildings. The paper also describes how the indoor comfort conditions were related to the running mean of the outdoor temperature, and addresses the effects of air movement and humidity. The paper considers the proportions of people likely to be comfortable if the temperature differs from the neutral temperature. The differences between the adaptive comfort charts in EN15251 and ASHRAE 55-2004 are discussed. 相似文献
Natural cross-ventilation in buildings: Building-scale experiments,numerical simulation and thermal comfort evaluation 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
G.M. Stavrakakis M.K. Koukou M.Gr. Vrachopoulos N.C. Markatos 《Energy and Buildings》2008,40(9):1666-1681
The constantly increasing energy consumption due to the use of mechanical ventilation contributes to atmospheric pollution and global warming. An alternative method to overcome this problem is natural ventilation. The proper design of natural ventilation must be based on detailed understanding of airflow within enclosed spaces, governed by pressure differences due to wind and buoyancy forces. In the present study, natural cross-ventilation with openings at non-symmetrical locations is examined experimentally in a test chamber and numerically using advanced computational fluid dynamics techniques. The experimental part consisted of temperature and velocity measurements at strategically selected locations in the chamber, during noon and afternoon hours of typical summer days. External weather conditions were recorded by a weather station at the chamber's site. The computational part of the study consisted of the steady-state application of three Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) models modified to account for both wind and buoyancy effects: the standard k–?, the RNG k–? and the so-called “realizable” k–? models. Two computational domains were used, corresponding to each recorded wind incidence angle. It is concluded that all turbulence models applied agree relatively well with the experimental measurements. The indoor thermal environment was also studied using two thermal comfort models found in literature for the estimation of thermal comfort under high-temperature experimental conditions. 相似文献
This field study was conducted during summer 2009 in Harbin, northeast of China in order to investigate human responses to the thermal conditions in naturally ventilated residential buildings in cold climate. We visited 257 families in six residential communities and collected 423 sets of physical data and subjective questionnaires. The neutral temperature is 23.7 °C, with the clothing insulation of 0.54 clo. The neutral temperature in Harbin is lower than neutral temperatures in warm climates by others, which is in accordance with the thermal adaptive model. 80% of the occupants can accept the air temperature range of 21.5-31.0 °C, which is wider than the summer comfort temperature limits by the adaptive model. The preferred temperature range fell between 24.0 °C and 28.0 °C. About 57.9% of the subjects voted “no change” with the humid range of 40% and 70%. 61.5% of the occupants voted “no change” with the air velocity within the range of 0.05-0.30 m/s. In summer, occupants preferred air velocity of lower than 0.25 m/s even at higher indoor temperature, which is different from the other field studies. The Harbin occupants in naturally ventilated dwellings can achieve thermal comfort by operable windows instead of running air-conditioners. 相似文献
Air conditioning in offices has become a current practice in North Western Europe. The main reasons for that are high internal loads, solar gains and increased comfort expectations. Hence, the move away from the naturally ventilated cellular office increased thermal comfort complaints. 相似文献
This study investigates the effectiveness of night ventilation technique for residential buildings in hot-humid climate of Malaysia. This paper firstly presents the results of a survey on usage patterns of windows and air-conditioners in typical Malaysian residential areas. Secondly, the effects of different natural ventilation strategies on indoor thermal environment for Malaysian terraced houses are evaluated based on the results of a full-scale field experiment. The results show that the majority of occupants tend to apply not night ventilation but daytime ventilation in Malaysian residential areas. It can be seen from the field experiment that night ventilation would provide better thermal comfort for occupants in Malaysian terraced houses compared with the other ventilation strategies in terms of operative temperature. However, when the evaporative heat loss of occupants is taken into account by using SET*, the night ventilation would not be the superior technique to the others in providing daytime thermal comfort mainly due to the high humidity conditions. Therefore, the indoor humidity control during the daytime such as by dehumidification would be needed when the night ventilation technique is applied to Malaysian terraced houses. Otherwise, full-day ventilation would be a better option compared with night ventilation. 相似文献
自然通风与节能舒适性分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
介绍了自然通风技术的基本原理与应用形式,从建筑物节能与舒适性两方面探讨了自然通风在建筑物中的应用,指出在自然通风的设计和应用过程中应综合考虑地理气候、建筑物结构和环境调节要求等因素,同时应加强相关技术的研究和开发。 相似文献
A two-storey rammed earth building was built on the Thurgoona Campus of Charles Sturt University in Albury-Wodonga, Australia, in 1999. The building is novel both in the use of materials and equipment for heating and cooling. The climate at Wodonga can be characterised as hot and dry, so the challenge of providing comfortable working conditions with minimal energy consumption is considerable. This paper describes an evaluation of the building in terms of measured thermal comfort and energy use. Measurements, confirmed by a staff questionnaire, found the building was too hot in summer and too cold in winter. Comparison with another office building in the same location found that the rammed earth building used more energy for heating. The thermal performance of three offices in the rammed earth building was investigated further using simulation to predict office temperatures. Comparisons were made with measurements made over typical weeks in summer and winter. The validated model has been used to investigate key building parameters and strategies to improve the thermal comfort and reduce energy consumption in the building. Simulations showed that improvements could be made by design and control strategy changes. 相似文献
Gregor P. Henze Clemens Felsmann Doreen E. Kalz Sebastian Herkel 《Energy and Buildings》2008,40(2):99-111
This article presents a simulation study comparing the primary energy and comfort performance of ventilation assisted thermo-active building systems (TABS) relative to a conventional all-air (VAV) system in a compact office building featuring good thermal envelope performance, heat recovery, and solar gain control for the continental climate of Omaha, Nebraska with pronounced heating and cooling periods. TABS heating is accomplished using a geothermal heat pump and TABS cooling using a geothermal heat exchanger without an additional vapor compression cycle required. It was found that the coordination of the TABS and VAV systems is crucial, i.e., supply air temperature and active layer temperature setpoints and reset schedules greatly affect the performance of the overall system. The small contribution of TABS in the heating case shows the need for the adaptation of the ventilation system configuration to the TABS system. Annual cooling energy demand for the ventilation assisted TABS is higher than for the pure VAV system, which is due to lower occupied period room operative temperatures and thus a higher comfort provided. While a 4% useful energy penalty for the combined TABS/VAV was recorded, the VAV case requires 20% more delivered energy than the TABS case because of the displacement of compressor driven coil loads with low-exergy cooling through the ground heat exchanger in the TABS case. A primary energy intensity of 189 kWh/m2 a was recorded for the TABS case; in contrast, the conventional all-air (VAV) equipped building incurs a primary energy intensity of 229 kWh/m2a, which represents a penalty of 20%. Clear advantages of the TABS approach can be observed with respect to thermal comfort: during summer cooling periods, the mean radiant temperature of the TABS case is on average 2 K below that of the VAV case. Moreover, the VAV system is associated with a fairly constant predicted mean vote (PMV) value of 0.75, which is quite warm, while the TABS equipped system reveals an average of 0.56, which results in only 12% instead of 17% of people dissatisfied. Based on these results, ventilation assisted thermo-active cooling systems appear to be a very promising alternative to conventional all-air systems offering both significant primary energy as well as thermal comfort advantages provided the TABS is mated with low-exergy heating and cooling sources. 相似文献
A long-term field survey was conducted with six buildings in order to investigate how the occupants adapt to the indoor climate in office buildings in Japan. More than 5000 questionnaires and corresponding indoor temperatures were collected. Clothing adjustment was observed to be related to outdoor temperature and indoor temperature, as well as dress codes. No considerable differences were found on the thermal perceptions between two groups of buildings, which provided different levels of opportunity for controlling indoor climate. With both groups, the preferred SET* was always close to 26 °C. The comfort temperature was estimated from the results of clothing adjustment and the preferred SET*. The gradient of the comfort temperature to outdoor temperature was found to be between the adaptive model for centralized HVAC and for natural ventilation. It could be caused by that the major part of the occupants in the present study had more opportunity to control their thermal conditions than in the centralized HVAC buildings (i.e. operable windows, controllable HVAC or personal fans). 相似文献
以广州地区自然通风体育馆为研究对象,用问卷和实测的方式分别采集了建筑内运动人群及观众人群的热感觉投票值和室内外热环境参数,初步建立了这两类人群的适应性热舒适模型和对应的热舒适范围。并通过对比,分析了两类人群的适应性热舒适模型和热舒适范围的区别。研究结果表明:自然通风体育馆室内运动人群的热敏感度0.326 6要小于观众人群的热敏感度0.379 9;运动人群和观众人群的中性操作温度都随着室外温度的升高而升高,前者中性操作温度高于后者,差值在0.80~1.48℃之间;运动人群和观众人群热舒适范围的上下限都随着室外温度的升高而升高,前者热舒适范围的下限与后者相似,但是前者热舒适范围的上限比后者高,差值在1.86~2.48℃之间。 相似文献
The summer-time cooling efficiency of hybrid buildings depends critically upon exploiting multiple environmental resources to dispose of waste heat. To this end, many previous studies have explored the role of wind, which exerts different static pressures on a building's windward and leeward facades. Here, we consider how this methodology may be extended to the converse problem of winter-time heating wherein hot, buoyant air is purposefully supplied to the interior space using a coupled ventilation scheme. A “blocked” flow regime is desired such that cold air inflow is impeded; to avoid interstitial condensation, the pressure distribution within the building must favor outflow through designated extraction vents. For the idealized geometry considered here, blocked conditions represent a unique solution to the flow equations in well-defined regions of parameter space. The likelihood of blocking may be increased through prudent choice of extraction vent size/orientation depending on the external forcing conditions. A discussion of the inherent tradeoffs associated with multi-season design of hybrid buildings is also presented. 相似文献
重庆自然通风热舒适模型的建立及热环境评价 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在分析国内外自然通风热舒适研究的基础上,结合重庆地区潮湿的气候特点,对现有自然通风热舒适评价模型进行了湿度修正.采用电子温湿度记录仪对重庆地区村镇典型住宅的室内外热湿参数进行了全年监测,并利用该模型对村镇住宅的室内热环境进行了评价.分析表明,村镇住宅室内和室外相对湿度高于70%的时间分别占全年总时间的95.4%和87.2%,室内温度高于28℃且相对湿度高于70%的时间达1 196 h;全年舒适时间为3 838 h,占全年总时间的43.8%;现有评价模型与修正模型的舒适时间相差405 h,其中空调季相差342h,且温度越高,相对湿度对热舒适的影响越大,说明在温度较高时应考虑相对湿度对热舒适的影响,但修正模型的可靠性还需进一步验证. 相似文献
Thermal comfort research in India is in its nascent stage. Indian codes specify uniform comfort temperatures between 23 and 26 °C for all types of buildings. About 73% of energy in Indian residences is consumed for ventilation and lighting controls. Therefore, a thermal comfort field survey was conducted in apartment buildings in Hyderabad, which included information on the use of building controls. The present analysis is based on this database. Due to the poor availability of adaptive opportunities, 60% of the occupants were uncomfortable in summer. The comfort range obtained (26.0–32.5 °C) was way above the standard. 相似文献