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This paper describes a novel method for detecting abnormal energy consumption in buildings based on daily readings of energy consumption and peak energy consumption. The method uses outlier detection to determine if the energy consumption for a particular day is significantly different than previous energy consumption. For buildings with abnormal energy consumption, the amount of variation from normal is determined using robust estimates of the mean and standard deviation. This new data analysis method will reduce operating costs by detecting problems that previously would have gone unnoticed. Also, operators should save time by not having to manually detect faults or diagnose false alarms. The new data analysis method has successfully detected high-energy consumption in many buildings. This paper presents field test results for buildings that had the following problems: (1) chiller failure and a poor control strategy, (2) poor design of ventilating and air-conditioning equipment, and (3) improper operation of equipment following a change in the electrical panel.  相似文献   

The evaluation of building energy consumption under typical meteorological conditions requires building energy profiles on an hourly basis. Computer simulations can be used to obtain this information, but generating simulations requires a significant amount of experience, time, and effort to enter detailed building parameters. This paper considers a simple methodology for using existing EnergyPlus benchmark building energy profiles to estimate the energy profiles of buildings with similar characteristics to a given benchmark model. The method utilizes the building monthly energy bills to scale a given benchmark building energy profile to approximate the real building energy profile. In particular, this study examines the robustness of the methodology considered with respect to the parameter discrepancies between a given building and the corresponding EnergyPlus benchmark model used to estimate its profile. Test buildings are defined by perturbing several combinations of the parameters defined in the benchmark building model. The test buildings examined are similar to the EnergyPlus, medium sized office, benchmark building in Baltimore, MD, and a total of 72 distinct test building configurations are examined. The analysis reveals that the methodology can significantly reduce the errors introduced by discrepancies from the EnergyPlus benchmark model.  相似文献   

黄亮  王智伟  陈靖 《山西建筑》2007,33(18):176-178
对西安市公共建筑集中空调系统的能耗进行了调研,重点以两座典型建筑为例,通过对年空调能耗数据的对比分析,指出空调系统的耗能特点,从而提出提高节能意识,合理选择空调设备,采取有效的节能措施。  相似文献   

对某砖厂制砖工艺过程中的耗电量进行调研,并对调研结果及其产生原因进行了综合分析,进而探讨其节能途径,提高经济效益。分析表明:该工厂的电耗具有很大的节能潜力,具体应该从干燥窑送热和排潮风机运行管理、以及混合料的破碎过程这两个工序进行改造。  相似文献   

As the Korean economy and society continues to develop, the number of subways are expected to increase. This increase will demand greater heating and cooling energy as well as convey a sharp rise in the overall energy consumption. This study aims to develop energy conservation and analysis for subways. This study shows the information, that is, tables, graphs, and charts concerning the trend in energy efficiency in subways between 1999 and 2001. We suggest a practical application for energy conservation methods and efficient energy use based on the investigations and analyses.  相似文献   

上海公共建筑能耗现状及节能潜力分析   总被引:52,自引:10,他引:52  
龙惟定  胡欣 《暖通空调》1998,28(6):13-17
根据上海地区办公楼、商办楼、宾馆和商厦能耗调研的数据,对上海公共建筑空调能耗的现状作了评价。认为上海建筑用能水平较低,用能不尽合理,提出用系统能量效率比用单位面积平均一次能耗量作为建筑节能的评价指标更为合理。  相似文献   

武汉市公共建筑集中空调系统能耗分析   总被引:25,自引:8,他引:25  
对武汉市9座公共建筑集中空调系统的能耗进行了调研,给出建筑能耗和空调能耗数据,并对数据进行了分析,指出武汉市集中空调系统的运行处于抑制需求和能源利用不合理的,提出提高节能意识,选择高性能设备,充分利用武汉市自然资源等降低能耗的措施。  相似文献   

Electrical energy consumption in the residential sector has soared over the years. This is largely due to the growing number of residential housing units. The development of models allows us to estimate and predict the evolution and behavior of electricity consumption in this sector as well as its end-uses. The data thus obtained are extremely useful for the elaboration of energy-saving measures that can enhance energy efficiency. In June 2008 the Spanish government approved a set of guidelines in the document titled, Estrategia Española de Cambio Climático y Energía Limpia [Spanish Strategy for Climate Change and Clean Energy]. Its main objective was to replace conventional incandescent light bulbs with energy-saving light bulbs in the residential sector. This process would be carried out over a three-year period.This article describes the design, development, and application of a model capable of calculating electricity consumption for lighting in the residential housing sector. These results were reinforced by data from questionnaires administered to a representative sample of households. Finally, this energy model was applied to Andalusia. This allowed us to obtain the savings in electricity consumption for lighting when the objectives in the Spanish strategy for energy conservation had been achieved.  相似文献   

污水处理是一个高能耗、低能效的复杂过程。改变传统认知,将污染物当作能量物质加以资源化,回用于水处理过程或者产品化,可改变污水处理的能耗。以城市污水与焦化废水为例,分析了水质中污染物具有的内含能形式,并探讨了两种计算方法,指出内含能利用的两类可能途径和最大限度。基于热力学基本定律与污水水质特征,辅以适当的当量假设,分析了污水处理过程中的不同形式能量消耗及其原因,运用能流图表达了两个具体案例的能量转化与分布规律。比较了污水处理两类节能评价方法的优异性,提出了未来水处理可能的节能新途径。在加深污水内含能认识的基础上,结合相关产业与工艺技术,分离回收有价值成分,如营养物(氮、磷)、重金属等,并获得水资源的再利用,以间接补偿处理过程的能耗,从而实现节能目标。  相似文献   

依据对北方地区农村居住建筑的调研结果,选取3个典型设计方案,建立典型新建农村住宅模型,使用建筑能耗模拟软件DeST-H对其在寒冷地区的能耗进行模拟,对能耗影响因素进行定量分析,讨论了每种建筑模型在不同围护结构条件下的负荷情况,并综合建筑节能效果、舒适性和经济性给出北方农村新建住宅建筑可行的节能措施。  相似文献   

曹辉 《山西建筑》2008,34(11):248-249
采用美国大型能耗模拟软件,对南方地区居住建筑能耗进行了分析计算,得出采取不同建筑节能技术后建筑的节能效果,对建筑节能设计具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

如今,办公建筑已成为社会的主要建筑类型。办公建筑也随之成为了能耗大户,如何对办公建筑降低能耗成为如今的必要思考。本文选取济南地区某一办公建筑,利用DeST软件对其能耗进行模拟,并与参照建筑进行对比,得到济南地区办公建筑降低能耗的实用规律,为今后办公建筑降低能耗,节能减排提供参考。  相似文献   

广州居住建筑空调能耗实测研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
任俊  刘加平 《暖通空调》2004,34(5):18-22,58
对一栋9层住宅楼顶层和8层的两住宅单元作了空调能耗和室内温度的实测,介绍了住户的空调使用情况。将实测数据与采用DOE-2程序所作理论计算结果加以比较,分析了影响空调能耗的屋顶构造、窗墙比、室内设定温度等关键因素。  相似文献   

从调查统计数据和实际测试结果出发,总结了上海医院类建筑的能耗现状及用能特点,并结合围护结构、供暖空调系统、照明系统和楼宇自控系统的实际测试结果,对医院建筑存在的问题进行节能诊断和分析,提出了医院建筑的主要节能策略和改造方法.  相似文献   

While China's 11th Five-Year Plan called for a reduction of energy intensity by 2010, whether and how the energy consumption trend can be changed in a short time has been hotly debated. This research intends to evaluate the impact of a variety of scenarios of gross domestic product (GDP) growth, energy elasticity and energy-efficiency improvement on energy consumption in commercial buildings in China using a detailed China End-Use Energy Model.China's official energy statistics have limited information on energy demand by end-use. This is a particularly pertinent issue for building energy consumption. The authors have applied reasoned judgments, based on experience of working on Chinese efficiency standards and energy-related programs, to present a realistic interpretation of the current energy data. The bottom-up approach allows detailed consideration of end-use intensity, equipment efficiency, etc., thus facilitating assessment of potential impacts of specific policy and technology changes on building energy use.The results suggest that: (1) commercial energy consumption in China's current statistics is underestimated by about 44%, and the fuel mix is misleading; (2) energy-efficiency improvements will not be sufficient to offset the strong increase in end-use penetration and intensity in commercial buildings; (3) energy intensity (particularly electricity) in commercial buildings will increase; (4) different GDP growth and elasticity scenarios could lead to a wide range of floor area growth trajectories, and therefore, significantly impact energy consumption in commercial buildings.  相似文献   

王绍平 《山西建筑》2007,33(35):269-270
介绍了我国的建筑规模,分析了我国的建筑能耗现状,详细地阐述了我国的建筑能耗趋势,探讨了我国的建筑能耗与经济发达国家的差距,反映了我国建筑节能的重要性及紧迫性,以促进我国建筑节能的发展。  相似文献   

热电冷联产与分产能耗比较分析   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
将热电冷联产与分产能耗比较分解为供热、供电、供冷三种煤耗差进行分析,建立了以分产为基准的三种煤耗差计算公式,探讨了煤耗差随热、冷负荷的变化情况,给出了目前一般情况下联产的节能条件、判据及措施。  相似文献   

根据武汉市某政府办公楼的能源审计与能耗模拟,得到了该大楼的各项能耗指标.给出了围护结构、空调系统、照明系统的节能改造方案以及投资回收期,并探讨了室内温度及系统COP值的设定.  相似文献   

成都市民用建筑能耗调查分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过对成都市民用建筑电耗、气耗及水耗现状的调查,得到了各类建筑的消耗指标,并对能耗总量及公共建筑节能减排潜力进行了估算.  相似文献   

韩学廷  郁刚 《暖通空调》2005,35(8):129-131
将热电冷联产与热电联产加电制冷能耗比较分解成供热、供电、供冷三种煤耗差进行分析,建立了以热电联产加电制冷为基准的三种煤耗差数学模型,探讨了煤耗差随冷热负荷的变化情况,给出了目前一般情况下热电冷联产的节能条件、判据及措施。  相似文献   

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