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简述了我国住宅建设的能耗现状及其节能潜力,提出四条可行的有效的节能措施。  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to identify cost-optimal efficiency packages at several levels of building energy savings. A two-story residential building located in Jordan is selected as a case study. DesignBuilder software is used to predict the annual energy usage of a two-story residence in Irbid, Jordan. Real-time experimental data from a single isolated controlled room was used to verify the proposed model. In addition to energy analysis, the economic, environmental, and social benefits of the proposed design have been investigated. The sequential search optimization approach is used to estimate the minimum cost of the building while considering various design scenarios. In addition, the impact of various energy conservation techniques on residential buildings is assessed, and the payback period for each program is calculated. Ultimately, the optimal combination of design to achieve energy efficiency measures has been identified in several climate regions. The simulations results predict that the annual electricity consumption can be reduced up to 50% if the proper combinations of energy conservation measures are selected at the lowest cost. The payback period is 9.3 years. Finally, energy efficiency measures can lead to a total of 9470 jobs/year job opportunities.The study provide practical framework to link between energy performance criteria and economic goals of building. Linking the energy performance requirements to economic targets provides guidelines for homeowners, contractors, and policymakers for making a suitable decision regarding the retrofitting of existing residential buildings. The study focuses on developing new methodologies that support minimizing costs during a building's lifecycle while maximizing environmental benefits which can not be identified by a series of parametric analyses using individual energy-efficient measures.  相似文献   

In this study we explore the effects of end-use energy efficiency measures on different district heat production systems with combined heat and power (CHP) plants for base load production and heat-only boilers for peak and medium load productions. We model four minimum cost district heat production systems based on four environmental taxation scenarios, plus a reference district heat system used in Östersund, Sweden. We analyze the primary energy use and the cost of district heat production for each system. We then analyze the primary energy implications of end-use energy efficiency measures applied to a case-study apartment building, taking into account the reduced district heat demand, reduced cogenerated electricity and increased electricity use due to ventilation heat recovery. We find that district heat production cost in optimally-designed production systems is not sensitive to environmental taxation. The primary energy savings of end-use energy efficiency measures depend on the characteristics of the district heat production system and the type of end-use energy efficiency measures. Energy efficiency measures that reduce more of peak load than base load production give higher primary energy savings, because the primary energy efficiency is higher for CHP plants than for boilers. This study shows the importance of analyzing both the demand and supply sides as well as their interaction in order to minimize the primary energy use of district heated buildings.  相似文献   

The space heating demand of residential buildings can be decreased by improved insulation, reduced air leakage and by heat recovery from ventilation air. However, these measures result in an increased use of materials. As the energy for building operation decreases, the relative importance of the energy used in the production phase increases and influences optimization aimed at minimizing the life cycle energy use. The life cycle primary energy use of buildings also depends on the energy supply systems. In this work we analyse primary energy use and CO2 emission for the production and operation of conventional and low-energy residential buildings. Different types of energy supply systems are included in the analysis. We show that for a conventional and a low-energy building the primary energy use for production can be up to 45% and 60%, respectively, of the total, depending on the energy supply system, and with larger variations for conventional buildings. The primary energy used and the CO2 emission resulting from production are lower for wood-framed constructions than for concrete-framed constructions. The primary energy use and the CO2 emission depend strongly on the energy supply, for both conventional and low-energy buildings. For example, a single-family house from the 1970s heated with biomass-based district heating with cogeneration has 70% lower operational primary energy use than if heated with fuel-based electricity. The specific primary energy use with district heating was 40% lower than that of an electrically heated passive row house.  相似文献   

Energy use is a widely used measure of the environmental impact of buildings. Recent studies have highlighted the importance of both the operational and embodied energy attributable to buildings over their lifetime. The method of assessing lifetime building energy is known as life-cycle energy analysis. With Kyoto target obligations necessitating the quantification of greenhouse gas emissions at the national level, it seems increasingly probable that analyses of this kind will increase in use. If conducted in primary energy terms, such analyses directly reflect greenhouse gas emissions, except for a few processes which involve significant non-energy related emissions such as cement manufacture. A Life-Cycle Assessment would include these issues, as well as other environmental parameters, though probably with a corresponding decrease in system boundary completeness. This paper briefly explains some of the theoretical issues associated with life-cycle energy analysis and then uses an Australian based case study to demonstrate its use in evaluating alternative design strategies for an energy efficient residential building. For example, it was found that the addition of higher levels of insulation in Australia paid back its initial embodied energy in life-cycle energy terms in around 12 years. However, the saving represented less than 6% of the total embodied energy and operational energy of the building over a 100-year life cycle. This indicates that there may be other strategies worth pursuing before additional insulation. Energy efficiency and other environmental strategies should be prioritized on a life-cycle basis.

La consommation d'énergie est un paramètre très utilisé lorsque l'on veut mesurer l'impact des bâtiments sur l'environnement. Des études conduites récemment ont mis en lumière l'importance de l'énergie opérationnelle et celle de l'énergie intrinsèque dégagées par les bâtiments pendant leur durée de vie. L'analyse énergétique des bâtiments pendant leur cycle de vie est une méthode d'évaluation de l'énergie d'un bâtiment pendant sa durée de vie. Pour respecter les objectifs de la Conférence de Kyoto, il faut quantifier les émissions de gaz de serre au niveau national; il semble donc de plus en plus probable que la pratique de ces analyses va aller en augmentant. Si elles portent sur l'énergie primaire, ces analyses rendront parfaitement compte des émissions de gaz à effets de serre, sauf pour quelques procédés industriels, comme la fabrication du ciment, où les émissions de ces gaz ne sont pas liées à l'énergie. Toute évaluation du cycle de vie doit tenir compte de ces questions mais aussi d'autres paramètres environnementaux, mais avec, sans doute, une moindre netteté des limites des systèmes. Le présente communication expose brièvement quelques uns des problèmes théoriques liés aux analyses ènergétiques sur le cycle de vie et s'appuie sur une étude de cas australienne pour démontrer son utilitè à évaluer d'autres stratégies de conception de bâtiments à usage d'habitation à faible consommation d'énergie. On a constaté, par exemple, qu'en Australie le fait d'ajouter des niveaux d'isolation remboursait en 12 ans environ l'énergie intrinsèque initiale en terme d'énergie sur le cycle de vie. Toutefois, les economies répresentaient moins de 6% de l'énergie intrinsèque totale et de l'energie opérationnelle du bâtiment sur un cycle de vie de 100 ans. Cela veut dire qu'il serait peut etre intéressant d'envisager d'autres stratégies avant d'augmenter l'isolation. On devrait donner priorité à l'efficacité énergétique et à d'autres stratégies environnementales sur la base du cycle de vie.  相似文献   

Energy use is a widely used measure of the environmental impact of buildings. Recent studies have highlighted the importance of both the operational and embodied energy attributable to buildings over their lifetime. The method of assessing lifetime building energy is known as life-cycle energy analysis. With Kyoto target obligations necessitating the quantification of greenhouse gas emissions at the national level, it seems increasingly probable that analyses of this kind will increase in use. If conducted in primary energy terms, such analyses directly reflect greenhouse gas emissions, except for a few processes which involve significant non-energy related emissions such as cement manufacture. A Life-Cycle Assessment would include these issues, as well as other environmental parameters, though probably with a corresponding decrease in system boundary completeness. This paper briefly explains some of the theoretical issues associated with life-cycle energy analysis and then uses an Australian based case study to demonstrate its use in evaluating alternative design strategies for an energy efficient residential building. For example, it was found that the addition of higher levels of insulation in Australia paid back its initial embodied energy in life-cycle energy terms in around 12 years. However, the saving represented less than 6% of the total embodied energy and operational energy of the building over a 100-year life cycle. This indicates that there may be other strategies worth pursuing before additional insulation. Energy efficiency and other environmental strategies should be prioritized on a life-cycle basis. La consommation d'energie est un parametre tres utilise lorsque l'on veut mesurer l'impact des batiments sur l'environnement. Des etudes conduites recemment ont mis en lumiere l'importance de l'energie operationnelle et celle de l'energie intrinseque degagees par les batiments pendant leur duree de vie. L'analyse energetique des batiments pendant leur cycle de vie est une methode d'evaluation de l'energie d'un batiment pendant sa duree de vie. Pour respecter les objectifs de la Conference de Kyoto, il faut quantifier les emissions de gaz de serre au niveau national; il semble donc de plus en plus probable que la pratique de ces analyses va aller en augmentant. Si elles portent sur l'energie primaire, ces analyses rendront parfaitement compte des emissions de gaz a effets de serre, sauf pour quelques procedes industriels, comme la fabrication du ciment, ou les emissions de ces gaz ne sont pas liees a l'energie. Toute evaluation du cycle de vie doit tenir compte de ces questions mais aussi d'autres parametres environnementaux, mais avec, sans doute, une moindre nettete des limites des systemes. Le presente communication expose brievement quelques uns des problemes theoriques lies aux analyses energetiques sur le cycle de vie et s'appuie sur une etude de cas australienne pour demontrer son utilite a evaluer d'autres strategies de conception de batiments a usage d'habitation a faible consommation d'energie. On a constate, par exemple, qu'en Australie le fait d'ajouter des niveaux d'isolation remboursait en 12 ans environ l'energie intrinseque initiale en terme d'energie sur le cycle de vie. Toutefois, les economies representaient moins de 6% de l'energie intrinseque totale et de l'energie operationnelle du batiment sur un cycle de vie de 100 ans. Cela veut dire qu'il serait peut etre interessant d'envisager d'autres strategies avant d'augmenter l'isolation. On devrait donner priorite a l'efficacite energetique et a d'autres strategies environnementales sur la base du cycle de vie.  相似文献   

Energy efficiency in new building construction has become a key target to lower nation-wide energy use. The goals of this paper are to estimate life-cycle energy savings, carbon emission reduction, and cost-effectiveness of energy efficiency measures in new commercial buildings using an integrated design approach, and estimate the implications from a cost on energy-based carbon emissions. A total of 576 energy simulations are run for 12 prototypical buildings in 16 cities, with 3 building designs for each building-location combination. Simulated energy consumption and building cost databases are used to determine the life-cycle cost-effectiveness and carbon emissions of each design. The results show conventional energy efficiency technologies can be used to decrease energy use in new commercial buildings by 20-30% on average and up to over 40% for some building types and locations. These reductions can often be done at negative life-cycle costs because the improved efficiencies allow the installation of smaller, cheaper HVAC equipment. These improvements not only save money and energy, but reduce a building’s carbon footprint by 16% on average. A cost on carbon emissions from energy use increases the return on energy efficiency investments because energy is more expensive, making some cost-ineffective projects economically feasible.  相似文献   

With increasing energy supply costs, considerable interest is now being shown in introducing energy conservation measures in the construction of residential houses. Kuwait, like any other country, is becoming increasingly aware of the value of conserving its natural fuel resources. For seven months of the year the temperatures in Kuwait are above comfort level; consequently 60% of its consumed energy is used for space cooling.The effects of energy conservation measures are evaluated for a typical two-storey residential building for two design alternatives. The analysis shows that adding insulation material to the walls and roof will reduce owning and operating costs by 173 Kuwaiti Dinars (K.D.)1 annually for the houseowner, while the saving to the Government will be 1982 K.D. annually for each such housing unit.If additional measures are introduced, such as double glazing of windows, shading devices, use of air-to-air heat exchangers and tight construction to reduce infiltration, the owning and operating costs will be reduced by 870 K.D. annually for the houseowner and an annual saving of 4287 K.D. will be realized for the Government. These figures are based on a 10% discount rate.  相似文献   

Embodied energy (EE) analysis has become an important area of energy research, in attempting to trace the direct and indirect energy requirements of products and services throughout their supply chain. Typically, input-output (I-O) models have been used to calculate EE because they are considered to be comprehensive in their analysis. However, a major deficiency of using I-O models is that they have inherent errors and therefore cannot be reliably applied to individual cases. Thus, there is a need for the ability to disaggregate an I-O model into its most important ‘energy paths’, for the purpose of integrating case-specific data. This paper presents a new hybrid method for conducting EE analyses for individual buildings, which retains the completeness of the I-O model. This new method is demonstrated by application to an Australian residential building. Only 52% of the energy paths derived from the I-O model were substituted using case-specific data. This indicates that previous system boundaries for EE studies of individual residential buildings are less than optimal. It is envisaged that the proposed method will provide construction professionals with more accurate and reliable data for conducting life cycle energy analysis of buildings. Furthermore, by analysing the unmodified energy paths, further data collection can be prioritized effectively.  相似文献   

The EU-27 residential building stock offers high potential for energy efficiency gains. The policies already in place or proposed to improve the energy efficiency and thus the environmental performance focus on new buildings and major renovations of existing buildings. However, there might be additional measures that could lead to further energy efficiency improvements. In particular, the installation of roofs or windows that show a high thermal efficiency outside major renovations offer a large improvement potential. In this study, the potential environmental and economic impacts of two types of such policy options were analysed: first, measures that require high energy efficiency standards when roofs or windows have to be replaced; and, second, measures that accelerate the replacement of building elements. The results suggest that the two policies offer the potential for substantial additional energy savings. In addition, the installation of energy efficient building elements comes at negative net cost. When the replacement of building elements is accelerated, however, the additional costs do not outweigh the energy cost savings.  相似文献   

文章先对住宅建筑节能改造中EPC模式应用的必要性进行阐述,之后对EPC的运行流程进行设计,又对EPC模式构建策略进行分析,最后对住宅建筑节能改造中EPC模式应用进行探讨。  相似文献   

Traditionally, life cycle assessment (LCA) is mostly concerned with product design and hardly considers large systems, such as buildings, as a whole. Though, by limiting LCA to building materials or building components, boundary conditions, such as thermal comfort and indoor air quality, cannot be taken into account. The life cycle inventory (LCI) model presented in this paper forms part of a global methodology that combines advanced optimisation techniques, LCI and cost-benefit assessment to optimise low energy buildings simultaneously for energy, environmental impact and costs without neglecting the boundary conditions for thermal comfort, indoor air quality and legal requirements for energy performance. This paper first outlines the goal and scope of the LCI. Then, the partial inventory models as well as the overall building inventory model are presented. Finally, the LCI results are shown and discussed for one reference dwelling for the context of Belgium.  相似文献   

我国是一个人口多且能源资源缺乏的国家,为了能够将中国能源资源消耗的速度下降,在社会迅速发展以及建筑行业迅速发展的背景之下,我们必须考虑节能技术,因此建筑节能技术值得我们去探讨研究,其将会是世界经济发展的不可忽视的要素,亦有利于保护世界环境。笔者对各种气候环境的建筑节能问题进行分析,且以建筑设计的立场来对建筑节能以及满足人民居住需求提出建议和对策。  相似文献   

住宅的集中供热供暖系统和节能   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
张锡虎 《暖通空调》1998,28(3):28-30
指出住宅供暖方式的主体仍将是集中热源供暖系统,实行分户计量和收费的难度在于热量定价影响因素的复杂性、适合国情的热表的开发和应用、尤其是与此相应的新的供暖制式的探索,在传统供暖制式下应以大力提高供暖均匀性为重要的节能手段。分析了室温可调性问题和散热器恒温阀的应用条件和范围。  相似文献   

徐选才 《暖通空调》2007,37(11):60-61
从修订背景、作用与定位、基本思路、主要内容和基本特点五个方面对《居住建筑节能检验标准》(报批稿)进行了简要介绍。  相似文献   

The energy sector worldwide faces evidently significant challenges that everyday become even more acute. Innovative technologies and energy efficiency measures are nowadays well known and widely spread, and the main issue is to identify those that will be proven to be the more effective and reliable in the long term. With such a variety of proposed measures, the decision maker has to compensate environmental, energy, financial and social factors in order to reach the best possible solution that will ensure the maximization of the energy efficiency of a building satisfying at the same time the building's final user/occupant/owner needs. This paper investigates the feasibility of the application of multi-objective optimization techniques to the problem of the improvement of the energy efficiency in buildings, so that the maximum possible number of alternative solutions and energy efficiency measures may be considered. It further shows that no optimal solution exists for this problem due to the competitiveness of the involved decision criteria. A simple example is used to identify the potential strengths and weaknesses of the proposed approach, and highlight potential problems that may arise.  相似文献   

The growing worldwide demand for energy is basically satisfied through natural resources such as oil or natural gas generally acknowledged as being responsible for climate change through greenhouse gas emissions. The building sector accumulates approximately a third of the final energy consumption. Consequently, the improvement of the energy efficiency in buildings has become an essential instrument in the energy policies to ensure the energy supply in the mid to long term, and to meet the targets stated in the Kyoto Protocol. During the last decade and being sensitive to this fact, many national governments and international organizations have developed new regulations to achieve those targets. One of these regulations is the European Energy Performance of Buildings Directive but, to date this certification does not follow a standard procedure which is universally accepted.This paper aims to contribute to this standardization, proposing an energy efficiency index for buildings that relates the energy consumption within a building to reference consumption. The proposed energy index can be obtained in a simple manner by combination standard measurements of energy consumption, simulation and public databases. Furthermore, the index is upgradable whenever new data are available.  相似文献   

The purposes of this paper are to analyse energy consumption characteristics and to find out influence factors of residential energy consumption in summer in typical cities of China. The investigated residences were located in seven cities of five architecture thermotechnical design zones. Questionnaire surveys revealed housing unit characteristics, household characteristics, the possession and utilization of domestic energy consuming appliances and indoor thermal environment in summer. Energy consumption analyses show that summer energy consumption amounts in different cities bear distinct regional characteristics: the household amounts of electricity use are largest in Hongkong, and the values are smaller but still at a high level in Beijing, Shanghai and Changsha, and at the smallest level in Kunming, Harbin and Urumqi, while the difference in gas use is small among these cities. Influence factor analyses show that city locations, housing unit characteristics, the utilization of space coolers and water heaters, household characteristics, and subjective evaluation of indoor thermal environment all contribute to the residential energy consumption in summer when taking all the families in the seven cities as the sample collectivity, while detail analyses for separate cities shows each city has its own characteristics. In Shanghai, the satisfaction rate of thermal environment, the possession and operation of air conditioners and housing unit characteristics greatly affect the summer energy consumption, but the electrical fan is judged as the non-influence factor, while in Urumqi, the possession and operation of electrical fans and the categories of water heaters have remarkable effect, and the influence of housing unit characteristics is also distinct, but the number of air conditioners and their usage contribute little to energy use due to the cool climate.  相似文献   

王云新 《福建建筑》2007,(9):16-17,20
本文就福建省近两年来在建筑节能推行过程中遇到的各种问题进行探讨,提出设计人员在设计过程中应把握的主要原则,以及现阶段节能工作存在主要问题。本文着重根据福建省地域特点,针对设计、管理过程中经常遇到的难点、疑点进行一些系统的研究和分析并提出了技术措施。  相似文献   

A companion paper presented the life cycle inventory (LCI) calculation model for buildings as a whole, developed within a global methodology to optimise low energy buildings simultaneously for energy, environmental impact and costs without neglecting the boundary conditions for thermal comfort and indoor air quality. This paper presents the results of a contribution analysis of the life cycle inventory of four typical Belgian residential buildings. The analysis shows the relative small importance of the embodied energy of a building compared to the energy consumption during the usage phase. This conclusion is even more valid when comparing the embodied energy of energy saving measures with the energy savings they realise. In most studied cases, the extra embodied energy for energy saving measures is gained back by the savings in less than 2 years. Only extremely low energy buildings might have a total embodied energy higher than the energy use of the utilisation phase. However, the sum of both remains small and the energy savings realised with these dwellings are large, compared to the energy consumption of average dwellings.  相似文献   

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