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针对项目群管理的首要任务——项目选择,提出基于层次灰色评价法的工程项目群构建选择评价模型。本文从工程项目群构建的基本理论出发,重点论述了构建工程项目群构建选择评价指标体系,针对评价指标信息不完全对称的特点,提出了基于多层次灰色理论的评价方法,并通过算例给出了相应的算法,为项目群的项目选择和项目优劣排序提供科学依据。  相似文献   

通过BRIME和COST345两个欧盟级别研究项目的介绍,对欧盟部分国家的桥梁评估与管理进行综述。  相似文献   

数值模拟气象资料在建筑能耗计算中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
肖凤  余庄 《华中建筑》2003,21(2):69-71
在应用DOE-2计算不同地区的建筑能耗过程中,如何获得该地区的典型气象年的资料一直是最关键的问题。介绍了一种使用计算机数值模拟仿真的方法,即使用Meteonorm软件来求得任意地区的气象资料,再将其输入到D0E-2中来计算建筑能耗;以及将这种方法应用于湖北省地区的住宅节能标准的研究的情况。  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the energy performance, energy classification and rating and the global environmental quality of school buildings. A new energy classification technique based on intelligent clustering methodologies is proposed. Energy rating of school buildings provides specific information on their energy consumption and efficiency relative to the other buildings of similar nature and permits a better planning of interventions to improve its energy performance. The overall work reported in the present paper, is carried out in three phases. During the first phase energy consumption data have been collected through energy surveys performed in 320 schools in Greece. In the second phase an innovative energy rating scheme based on fuzzy clustering techniques has been developed, while in the third phase, 10 schools have been selected and detailed measurements of their energy efficiency and performance as well as of the global environmental quality have been performed using a specific experimental protocol. The proposed energy rating method has been applied while the main environmental and energy problems have been identified. The potential for energy and environmental improvements has been assessed.  相似文献   

关于采暖居住建筑节能评价问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据JGJ26-95的规定,对目前采用的建筑物能耗评价方法(JGJ132-2001)的测定条件,以及建筑物的评价问题进行了深入地探讨.建议有关部门尽早修订目前执行的建筑节能检验标准,强化建筑物设计过程管理和施工质量监督,不必对建筑体系成熟、施工工艺确定的节能建筑进行节能评价,只需进行节能验收.对采暖居住建筑运行能耗的评价可与热计量收费的改革相配套,利用经济杠杆,促进运行节能.  相似文献   

阐述了建筑能效测评的内容和意义,分析了建筑能效测评、可再生能源测评,通过实际案例论述了能效测评的方法与技术,并对测评中存在的问题进行了总结。  相似文献   

刘岩 《建筑电气》2011,30(10):68-71
以江西省建筑设计研究总院能效信息监测系统设计方案为例.介绍能效管理系统在既有公共建筑改造项目中的应用.说明能效信息监测系统在系统设计过程中的注意事项.为今后建筑能耗信息监测系统的设计实施提供参考。  相似文献   

在剖析既有建筑节能改造市场主体相互关系及市场机制的基础上,基于系统动力学原理分析市场成熟度的影响因素以及因素间动态反馈关系;结合生命周期理论、系统分析原理、项目管理成熟度模型,构建了既有建筑节能改造市场发育成熟度多指标评价体系框架。依托AHP分层递进的系统分析方法,逐级确定各指标权重。运用模糊综合评审法,确定既有建筑节能改造市场发育成熟度阶段划分标准与判断方法。最后以天津市为例进行实证分析,得出天津市既有建筑节能改造市场处于发展期的结论,以及依据市场成熟度构建不同阶段下各有侧重的政策导向的启示。  相似文献   

Numerous studies have focused on improving energy efficiency in commercial buildings. Engineers and researchers have developed complex methods to improve energy efficiency, but buildings are often managed by non-specialised technicians who need understandable and cost-effective actions to implement in their buildings. This paper presents basic actions on which to base improvements in energy efficiency in commercial buildings in operation. Furthermore, obtained results and details of the implementation of these techniques in various buildings in the Universitat Politècnica de València are presented.  相似文献   

为了能有效节能降耗、节约运输成本,降低大标段建设项目群的进度风险,分两步构建高速公路大标段项目群的物资供应计划。结合主客观权重,确定各个配送点的优先级;根据供应商的实际情况,确定本次计划的配送点,构建以路线最短、成本最低为目标的物资供应优化数学模型,并采用自适应蚁群算法进行求解。实例仿真表明,用该算法编制物资供应计划是可行的,通过该算法不仅能求得物资供应的最优配送路线,还能得到在成本最低的情况下配送车辆的最大值。  相似文献   

The performance of different HVAC systems varies when coupled with different buildings. This paper examines the relationship between building heating and cooling load and subsequent energy consumption with different HVAC systems. Two common HVAC systems in use throughout the UK office building stock, variable air volume (VAV) system and fan coil (FC) with dedicated outside air system, have been coupled with a typical narrow plan office building with and without daylight control and for both cellular and open plan.The results presented in this paper clearly indicate that it is not possible to form a reliable judgment about building energy performance based only on building heating and cooling loads. For the two investigated systems, variable air volume system and fan coil with dedicated outside air system, the difference between system demand and building demand varied from over −40% to almost +30% for cooling and between −20% and +15% for heating. If a heat recovery unit is used, the difference in heating performance is even greater, rising to −70%.  相似文献   

为了推动项目群管理在建设工程项目中的应用,从传统项目管理目前呈现的缺陷入手,通过分析项目群管理概念、理论来源及其与传统项目管理的区别,对项目群在工程建设项目中的分类做了研究,从项目特点、项目群管理对传统项目管理的改善、工程项目发展趋势和建筑业企业发展需要等四个方面阐释了项目群管理在建设工程项目中的适用性。  相似文献   

Schools are the most suitable type of building for the application of energy efficiency and good indoor air quality measures. This is justified by the fact that such measures can promote sustainability to the future citizens, and even more, ensure a comfortable and healthy environment for educational purposes. Unfortunately, in practice school buildings face the same, or even more intense, energy performance and indoor air quality problems as any other building. The purpose of this study is to investigate the energy efficiency, thermal environment and indoor air quality in public nursery and elementary school buildings in the city of Kozani, located at the cold climatic zone of Greece. The survey, conducted both by in-field measurements and by questionnaires, reveals the main parameters affecting the overall performance of the investigated buildings. The problematic building envelope, the improper control of heating and lighting systems, the absence of proper legislative measures and, above all, the lack of interest concerning the efficiency of such buildings are the main factors in the reported efficiency.  相似文献   

简述了可再生能源建筑应用能效测评的意义,介绍了能效测评的内容及方法,开展了太阳能热水系统建筑应用项目能效测评数据的分析研究。通过案例分析及数据对比,提出太阳能热水系统建筑应用的关键环节以及注意事项,为太阳能热水系统建筑应用的设计、施工和运营管理提供参考。  相似文献   

The article presents the implementation of management measures that have reduced the gas consumption for space heating of a university building in Spain by 40%. The measures affect the use of the building, e.g., the use of its spaces, and the scheduling of its occupancy. They also affect the management of the heating system: a protocol for turning the system on and shutting it off has been developed.The work is part of a framework for action by the Technical University of Catalonia covering more areas and for a longer period of time, in which policies have been designed for managing buildings and a number of studies have been developed on the energy consumption of the university's buildings. The article highlights the work methodology proposed to achieve the energy savings calculated theoretically in a previous study. The implementation of these measures in the case, from November 2006 until May 2007, has reduced consumption from 113.2 kWh/m2 to 68.7 kWh/m2 a year; thus, the hypothesis has been validated. In addition, it was possible to examine methodological details more closely. Finally, the relationship between the people involved in the process (the building owners, managers and energy users) is a determining factor.  相似文献   

王云新 《福建建筑》2007,(9):16-17,20
本文就福建省近两年来在建筑节能推行过程中遇到的各种问题进行探讨,提出设计人员在设计过程中应把握的主要原则,以及现阶段节能工作存在主要问题。本文着重根据福建省地域特点,针对设计、管理过程中经常遇到的难点、疑点进行一些系统的研究和分析并提出了技术措施。  相似文献   

低碳建筑是指在建筑生命周期内,从规划、设计、施工、运营、拆除、回收利用等各个阶段,通过减少碳源和增加碳汇实现建筑生命周期碳排放性能优化的建筑。笔者以重庆市《低碳建筑评价标准》为例,对低碳建筑评价指标体系进行简要介绍;并与重庆市《绿色建筑评价标准》对比,找出低碳建筑与绿色建筑评价指标体系的异同点。通过对比分析发现,绿色建筑评价指标体系侧重于建筑资源、能源消耗的基本情况以及营造的环境水平,而低碳建筑评价标准侧重于建筑资源能源消耗的详细情况及碳排放性能。  相似文献   

历史建筑的节能问题正在成为国内外研究的难题。由于历史建筑的特殊性,不能简单遵循一般建筑的标准,既要解决节能减排同时兼顾建筑遗产的保护,对各国专家学者来说都是巨大的挑战。目前我国还没有完全独立的研究成果,而国外对历史建筑的节能改造研究起步较早,已发展较为成熟的节能模式,对我国历史建筑节能保护有一定的借鉴意义。该文试图从国外历史建筑节能研究的现状出发,归纳总结目前国外历史建筑节能研究成果,并从法律法规、管理、技术措施等方面出发,对目前我国历史建筑节能问题进行研究与分析,为今后的实践工作提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Energy efficiency or buildings should be regard as a kind of idea but not merely a technological means through out the whole process of architectural design. Architects should fully understand and mater the concrete means of energy efficiency of buildings so as to create the architectural forms accord with the ecological law. namely "green form" This articie will present the abovementioned idea by introducing the design of Administrative Building in New School Area of Ningbo Univesity of Technology  相似文献   

利用自然通风技术降低建筑能耗研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谭涛  王勇  罗庆 《建筑节能》2007,35(5):12-14
自然通风是一项无能耗的通风技术,利用得当可以解决建筑中的通风和排热等问题,在解决建筑能耗的研究中,利用自然通风是一个很好的选择。通过CFD模拟和实验研究得到了利用自然通风技术降低建筑能耗的方法。经过结果对比,得到了较好的结论,为建筑节能提供了一种思路。  相似文献   

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